1 :i • i • i ■ i • i « All Transylvania Schools Start Work August 30th COACH E. FTILSON NAMED PRINCIPAL 2 ROSMAN UNITS Robert T. Kimzey Again Head of Brevard System—Two Places To Be Filled All schools of Transylvania are sche duled to start work In Transylvania county on Monday morning. August 30, and teachers for all schools with two exceptions have been selected. , Coach Ernest K. Ttlson. for the past nine years, teacher of science, and di rector of athletics at Brevard high school, has been elected to the position of principal of Rosman high school. Mr. Tllson has made an exceptionally good record In Brevard as teacher and lead er, and the school committee and board announce that they are proud to pro mote the local man to the position at Rosman. Mr. Tllson Is a native of Erwin, Tenn., and a graduate of Tusculum College where he took a prominent part In ac tivities, and made an exceptionally good record In athletics . Robert T. Kimzey will again be head of the Brevard schools, a position which he has filled for the past two years. He was. prior to that time, principal of the Rosman high school. Complete teacher list (with two ex ceptions—one at Rosman and one at Brevard) was announced the first of this week as follows: Brevard high— R. T. Kimzey, Ear leene L. Poindexter. B. D. Franklin. C. E. Wlke, Mrs. Frances B. Do Long, Mrs. Sara K. Tllson, Alnslee Alexander, An toinette Geiger, Lizzie Mae Jarvis, Mrs. Margaret Kimzey, R. J. Lyday. Brevard elementary—J. E. Rufty, Willie Aiken, Lena Allison, Mrs. Eva GlUesple, Agnes Clayton, Josephine Clayton, Julia Deaver, Mrs. Annie W. Reid Mrs. Maxine R. Rufty, Mrs. F. P. Sledge, M/-S. Hattie B. Vomer, Beu lah Mae Zachary, Eloise Lewis, Mrs Bernice Holllfleld. Cedar Mountain—N. L. Ponder. Connestee—S. P. Verner, Fleeto Free- I mail. Balsam Grove—Maxine Moore. Mrs. | Kona McLean Callahan. Lake Toxaway—C. S. McCall, Mrs. Florence Winchester. Montvale—Mrs. Dorene Lee Rogers. Old Toxaway—Mrs. W. E. Galloway. Quebec—T, C. Henderson. Edna Faye Glaxener. Sllversteen—Ola Paxton. Penroee—L. C. Case. Jr., Mr*. Olga Stepp, Julia Wood. Little River—Flora AlllBon, Geneva Nelli, Margaret Gash. Plsgah Forest—Annie May Patton. Mamie Lyday, Flora Lyday, Mrs. Roxle a R. Neely, Mrs. Mildred Williams Town 'W send. Sellca—Ruth Waters, Marion Hen derson. Rosman high—E. F. Tllson, L. H. Thomas, LaVerne Whitmire, Jean Cole man. B. L. Lunsford. Rosman elementary—Durham Brack ett, Geneva Paxton. Helen Sue Hender son. Ruth Morgan Stroup, Myrtle Whit mire. Ruth Whitmire, Mrs. Mamie H. Dale, Ruby Whitmire. Helen Allison. Glade Creek (colored)—Synetha P. Glenn. Rosenwald (colored)—M. G. Dawkins, Mrs. J. H. Johnstone. Mrs. Gertie Miles j^Jemphlll, Ethelwyn K. Mills. To Clean Cemetery Saturday of this wek has been desig nated as "cleaning day” for Cathey's Creek cemetery, and all people who have relatives or friends buried there are requested to be on hand Saturday morning to aid In the work. Several people worked there last Saturday, but were unable to complete the Job in one day. Orr Rminion Date Set Announcement Is made that the an nual Orr reunion will be held on Sun ■ day August 22, at Orr's Camp ground near Hendersonville. All Orr family • connections and friends are Invited to attend. .Rev. M. L. Lewi* Is Elected Moriah Pastor The Rev. M. L. Lewis was re-elected pastor of Mt. Moriah Calvert Baptist church at a business meeting held Sun day evening. This Is the popular pas tor’s second year at Calvert. He Is also pastor of the church at Cherryfl«ld elected for an Indefinite period rather than on a yearly basis. Other chuich officers elected at the buslnese session include; clerk, R. L. Hogsed; treasurer, J. F. Motgan; sec retary, Miss Luctle Oalloway; choris ter, Paul Qlazener; trustees, E. J. Whitmire, P. A. Morgan, T. P. Gallo way, Jr. ■T Sunday school superintendent, Paul ■^Glazener; assistant, J. W. Glazener; secretary, Harry Morgan; chorister, Miss Myrtle Whitmire; pianist for Sun day school and church, Mrs. Tom Stroup; B. T. P. U. director, Mrs. Ar thur Whitmire; deacons of the congre gation, W. D. Glazener, Harry Morgan, X. P. Galloway, Jr., and Lambert Gil lespie, honorary. " Teachers In the Sunday school in clude—J. W. Glazener Mrs. P. A. Mor gan, E. G. Whitmire, Mrs. J. F. Mor gan, Mrs. J. W. Glazener, Mob. William White, Mrs. John Dale, Mrs. Tom Stroup, Mrs. Elizabeth Whitmire. GOP Lender? SENATOR ARTHUR VANDEN BERO, of Michigan, who 1* being prominently mentioned as«|tepubll can nominee for the premHentla.1 race In 1940. The senator Is regard ed as outstanding leader of the mi nority party. REV. Y. C. ELLIOTT IS BAPTIST MODERATOR Large Number Churchea Rep* resented at First Day Meeting In Brevard The Rev. Yancey C. Elliott, pastor of Brevard Baptist church, was elected moderator of the Transylvania Bap tist Association, at the session held here Wednesday. The Rev. M. L. Lewis, pastor of Mt. Moriah at Chcrryfleld and Calvert was elected vice moderator; N. L. Ponder of Enon was named clerk, succeeding Mrs. Alcovla Crr McCall, of Plsgah Forest; and T. C. Henderson of Oak Grove, wus re-elected treasurer and historian. Claxton Henderson of Oak Grove, was elected Associattonal Sun day School superintendent. Twenty churches ware represented by delegates at the first day session of the association, with total attendance being rated as best In several years. There were several visiting officials from the State association also In attendance at the meeting. Program for Thursday Includes the following: Morning—Devotional*, Nathan Chap man; orphanage, C. W. Hllemon and P. D. Covington; religious literature, R. J. Lyday and W. R. Beech; Sunday school. N. L. Ponder and L. L. Mor gan; Incidentals; lunch. Afternoon—Devottonals, Clyde 8. Mc Call; Christian education, M. L. Lewis and R. L. Moore; temperance and pub lic morals, E. J. Coltrane and Mrs. M. H. Holliday; reports of committees; adjournment. Rev. Lyda Is Visitor An Interesting visitor In Brevard Wednesday was the Rev. L. M. Lyda of Porterdale, Qa., who was here, as he said "just looking the old place over.” Mr. Lyda was reared In the Bohaney section of Transylvania coun-, ty, and while he has been "down South" for a number of years, he says that he still has that love for the hills that was born in him. Dahlia Show August 28th The Transylvania Dahlia Show will be held on Saturday, August 28, In j the Harris building on -West Main | street, Brevard. All dahlia growers of the county are Invited by officers of the asoda tlon to enter the show, for which there will be no charges. Classes will be arranged for amateur growers, those who have shown before, and the strictly professional class. Smilin'Chame Says “Thrift i* a virtue" -Ye* but not th' ONLY virtue! NYA BUILDING IS GETTING 0®ER WAY Fine Equipment For Youth of Community Will Add To Program Here Workmen under the supervision of F. H. Holden are starting work on a log building on th® high school ground* In Brevard which will be used as a National Youth Administration training center, and also for recreational pur poses for young people of the com munity. The structure will be of cross-style, SO x 60 feet one way and 80 x 70 feet the other, with the style being used In order to use logs, and also provide ade quate lighting for the building. Of one-story height, the building will have a shop room or manual training department 20 x 20 feet for boys use, and one 20 x 20 for home economics clans training for girls. The auditorium will be 80 x 60 feet, and may be utilized for entertainments and programs which come under the scope of the NYA work. For the boys work room the state officials of the NYA have already do nated about $1,000 worth of tools of modern type. This outfit was given due to the outstanding type of work that has been done In this county by the NYA group. Two other counties In the state also received like shop equip ment. CoBt of the building will approximate $2,000, and will be turned over to the high school for a manual training de partment, later, or at such time as the NYA work here Is discontinued. At Lyday Hospital Patients reported at Lyday Memorial hospital on Wednesday were: Miss Anna Patton, Fred Talley, Thelma Bowen, Martha Gregory and Mrs. Ly day Melton. Thomaa-AHUon Reunion Announcement Is made by T. J. Thomas of Travelers Rest, that the an nual Thomas and Allison family reun ion will be held at his home on the Buncombe road near Travelers Rost on Sunday, August 22. All relatives and friends of the two families in Transyl vania are invited to attend. TYPHOID CLINICS TO COM DEINCOUNTY Free Vaccine Offered Chil dren By Transylvania Health Unit Dr. W. H. Wlndley, Transylvania health officer, reports that very good Interest was shown In the typhoid and diphtheria clinics which were started Monday of this week, but that the number did not, In his opinion, come near up to those children who should have the treatments. No charge Is made for the typhoid vaccination, and a minimum charge of 15 cents Is made for diphtheria vaccine for. each child. The schedule will be continued for three weeks, Dr. Wlndley announces, but it will be necessary that those who wish Immunization against typhoid start taking the treatment next week. Lake Toxawdy had a good represen tation, with 62 being present, 18 of whom took the diphtheria vaccine. Oth er sections responded very well, Dr. Wlndley reported Wednesday, but ho requested The Times to urge parents to send their children to the free clin ics which will not be repeated after completion this month. Rosenwald school was well represented, with 116 responding, 82 of whom took the diph theria vaccine. The following schedule will be ob served for completion of the Immuni zation work: Mondays, August It, IS, SO Lake Toxaway, 0:00 a. m.; Quebec school, 10:00 a. m.; SI 1 versteen school, 11:00 a. m.j Balsam Grove school, 1:00 p. m.; Rosman school, 2:00 p. m. Tuesdays, August 11, H, SI Little River school, 9:00 a. m.; Pen rose school, 10:00 a. m.; Pisgah Forest school, 11:00 a. m.; flcllca school, 1:00 p. m.; Connestee school, 8:00 p. m. Wednesdays, August 18, 85, Sept. 1 • Rosenwald colored school, 9:00 a. m.; Brevard Health Dept., (Tinsley Build ing) 2:00 p. m. Dr. Carl V. Reynolds, state health officer, was In Brevard on Monday, and expressed his approval of the office set up In Brevard, and of the program of work that Is being carried on by the local health unit. _ Safety Parade Will Be Held Here Friday of Next Week Arrangements have been made for a mammoth Safety Parade In Brevard on Friday, August 20, at t o’clock, which Is expected to attract thousands of peo ple here from all parts of the county. Mayor A. H. Harris has Issued a proclamation setting aside this day as Safety Day, and the State Highway patrol, city officials, police and depart ments, civic-and fraternal groups as well as merchants are expected to en ter Into the spirit of Safety Day by put ting truck or floats In the parade. The feature of the Safety Day Parade will be a driverless car, to be piloted by remote control, by Capt. J. J. Lynch, well known safety crusader, who has thrilled thousands In nearby cities, with his magic car. Captain Lynch will drive the magic car from a control car that follows about 60 feet behind, by remote control. The driver less car will pass through our business section In the Safety Parade, observe all traffic laws, making right and left hand and U-turns and blows Its horn when necessary for safety. At the close of the parade Capt, Lynch will lecture on Safety Driving on the Highways, from the City Hall. Walter Y. Hosier, safety engineer was here this week making plane tor tne parade. A large number of ears and trucks with epecial safety banner* are expected to be in the parade. The ban ners will be furnished free to all par ticipants in the parade. Lessons in safe ty driving and rules of traffic wHl be stressed. The parade will form on West Main street beyond the city hall, proceed east on Main street to Broad, thence to the corner of Broad and Jordan, thence east to Gaston, north to Main and west across the square to the city hall, where Capt. Lynch will deliver a short lecture on safety. Motorcycle patrolmen for the state highway department, Brevard Boy Scouts, the Brevard fire department, city and county officials and business concerns will enter the parade. The Safety Parade Is sponsored by the safety division of tha state high way department, and has been put on In practically all the larger cities of the state, and many of the smaller. During the coming week the parade will be staged in Hendersonville, Waynesville, Brevard, and Sylva. Complete announcement as to order of the parade and other data will be carried in next week’s Times. Farm Tour Attracts Hundreds Wednesday Approximately one hundred farmers, business men, and ladles were on Tran sylvania county’s first farm tour Wed nesday, with the group not having re turned to Brevard when The Times went to press Wednesday afternoon. Schedule of the tour called for visit ing 15 or more outstanding farm and allied projects In the county during the day, with various phases of agricul ture to be Inspected during the day. Several summer visitors were In the group which left the county agents’ office at 9:30 for the all-day tour. The group stopped at the T. J. Wit son farm at the noon hour where a picnic dinner was enjoyed, along with music by the Galloway string band add ed to the enjoyment of the ocaaslon. The picnic dinner was also one of the highlights. Rt. Rev. Thomas Will Speak at St. Philip’s Announcement Is made that the Rt Rev. Gilbert S. Thomas, D. D., bishop of South Carolina, will preach at St Philip’s Episcopal church Sunday morn ing at the 11 o’clock hour. An invitation Is extended by the rec tor, the Rev. Harry Perry, to any who wish to attend the service to be con ducted by the noted divine. Mrs. T. E. Rogers ,of Macon, Qa., will sing the offertory solo, accompanied by Mrs. Thorvald Berg. Dunn’s Rock Cemotery All persons who have friends or rel talves buried at the Connestee grave yard at flunn’s Rock church are re quested to help clean the cemetery on Thursday, August 19. Request is made that all bring tools and come prepared to-stay until the work Is completed. Parkway f una maraea By Measure Signed at Washington Tuesday Advices from Washington Wednesday morning were to the effect that Pres ident Roosevelt had signed the interior department measure which provided for $4,500,000 to be spent qn the Blue Ridge Parkway. Representatives .Zeb Weaver and Bob Poughton have been keeping close tab on the measure for the past several months, and members of the WNC Advisory Committee have kept In con tact with the two congressmen, and have sent two delegations to Washing ton within the past throe months to confer with leaders on the measure. The money Is slated to be spent on construction In North Carolina and Vir ginia on the Parkway, and effort is be ing made by the Advisory Committee and the North Carolina Council ofi State to have some work started In the Immediate Brevard section. The Advisory Committee has re quested that work be started on the Parkway near Wagan Road Gap, to which point the Plsgab National Forest road, 2S4, would give short contaot for this community. Public Program Thi# Evening At College _______ / A dancing and musical program will be given in the Brevard College audi torium Thursday evening of this week at 8 o’clock by Miss Edith Stebblns, dancing teacher of Asheville, and her class. Being given primarily for benefit of the NT A boys who are taking special training work at Brevard College, Dr. Sumner, also Invites the general public to attend. Thera will be no admission charge. Modem _ 11 Caught ’em Napping, Vies President JOHN N. GARNER, caught the senate half .vdeep Satur day and had his court bill passed and “on Its way1' to the House oi Repre sentative® before the senators knew what was happening. Swimming Meet Will Be Held In Brevard _________ A swimming meet will be staged at the Brevard Municipal pool on the aft ernoon of August 2*. with entries In the contest to be admitted without charge. Prizes of four tickets for first placss. and two tickets for second places will be given. Classes will be divided Into ages— Beginners « to 10, 16 yards free style; boys 10 to 14, 86 yards free style; girls 10 to 14, 86 yards free style; boys over 14, 86 yards free style, 86 yards breast stroke, diving; girls over 14, 86 yards free style, 36,yards breast stroke, dlv ing. Temperature and Rainfall In Brevard Week Ending August it, litT. Date Max...Min. Rain August 4 .87.M......60 August 6 .86.68.28 August 6 . 86.60 .77 August 7 .86.61.66 August 8 .86.66. August 9.84.II. August 10 .88.66. Average . 86.62.81 Holiday for Dentist* Announcement 1* being made through The Times by Dr. J. F. Zachary and Dr; C. J. Goodwin that their dental of fices will be closed Wednesday after noon of each week, after 1 o'clock. The doctors are taking Wednesday after noons. as half holiday, and If Dr. Good win Is as much enthusiast a* Dr. Zachary Is, the pair of them will pro bably be extracting rainbow Instead of teeth each Wednesday afternoon. Multitudinous * Camp Sites There mutt be camp sites, and more camp sites In Transylvania county, says A. 8. MacFarlane, toho has description of 15 or SO on file. Captain MacFarlane ran a classi fied advertisement in The Timis last Thursday stating that he teas interested In securing some prop erty for erection of cabins, and through Monday afternoon he had received replies from practically every corner of the county. Naturally, with such a big as sortment to select from Captain Mac has found "fust what he want ed" amd he is firmly convinced that it pays to UBS THE WANT ADB. Proclamation By the Mayor ■A __ In the Interest ot the safety of the citizens of Brevard and Transylvania County, Arhtle traveling or walking on our city streets, or on the highways; as a memorial to those who have met a violent death, caused by the wheels of traffic, with a feeling of remoras to thoee who have been crippled for life by the same chuses, and as a tribute of thanks to those who are respecting the rights and lives of others, by driving and walking safely, and as a pica to every human being In our city, county and state to do his part In making the streets and highways of' North Caro lina safe for everybody; I, A. H. Harris. Mayor of the Town of Brevard, do hereby proclaim Fri day, August 20th, as Safety Day for the Town of Brevard, and call upon every citizen, business firm, Institution, and organization to lend every possible co operation In making Safety Day and our Safety Parade a success, that will be long remembered, and I further re quest that our neighbors Join with us In making Safety Day a Wg event In this community. , This August litis, im. iu H. HARMS, Mayer. BRICK STRUCTURE WILL HAVE EIGHT ROOMS, BASEMENT WFA and County Cooperating On Needed Plant For Elementary Grade* Work was started ’.a*t Thursday on the new Brevard elementary school building which will b<* a modern edifice In every respect, and will adequately care for the elementary work here for a number of years to corns. The Works Progress Administration is doing he work and furnishing large pert of the materials. Tl.e structure will be of brick and tile, with a metal roof, and the 8 rooms will all be on one ground floor, which la the new approved type for elementary school buildings. Total cost of the building Is estimated at $23,000, with the WPA furnishing around 70 per cent of the cost. Realiz ing that a new building would have to be constructed the school officials have been laying aside funds for the work for the past two years, and County Superintendent J. B. Jones announces that sufficient cash Is on hand to take care of the sponsor's part of the cost of the building. In addition to the six class rooms for grades one through three, a largo basement will be built, In which the steam heating plant will be housed, and provision made for a modern lunch room to be used by both, elementary and grammar school children. Twenty men are employed on the project, with A. M. Case as supervisor and superintendent of construction. It Is expected that the building will be completed and ready for use by Febru ary or Marcb. ! Provision was made last year to care I for the elementary grades In the pri mary building. While the accommoda tions were far from satisfactory they were the best that could be made under the circumstances, and the county was uneble to build without aid of the WPA. Superintendent Jones said that Director W. E. Breese had given him every co operation In suiting the work, and had promised to lend his aid In rushing the building to completion as rapidly as labor conditions under the WPA setup would permit. Twin Sens Announcement ha* been made of twin son* bom to Dr. and Mrs. Robert Ferrell, Jr., of Dublin. Ga., on Saturday, August 7, In a hospital at Augusta, Ga, Only one of the twins, Robert Gra ham III, survived. Mrs. Ferrell, the former Mlse Nlda McGehee, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. McGehee, of Macon, Oa., and Brevard, Is well known hero among a wide circle of friends. In Mayor's Court Four cases were up for trial before Mayor A. H. Harris, Monday night, and true to form, all four were for public drunkenness. Two of the de fendants failed to show up for trial, and Chief Freeman was given the war rants and told to “get bis men." REVIVAL SERVICES IN LOCALCHURCHES Announcement Made of Four Series of Meetings fat Transylvania County Turkey Creek Meet Revival services started at Turkey Creek Baptist church Monday night with the Rev. Carl Blythe and the Rev. C. B. McFee In charge. Services are held each evening at eight o’clock, and the pastors Issue a cordial invitation to the public to attend. Aft Enon, August IS I The Rev. W. H. Nicholson, pastor of | Salem Baptist church, Salem, S. C., will [begin a revival meeting at Enon Bap tist church, Sunday, August 15. He Is expected to preach at the 11:00 o’clock morning service and the eve nlng service Sunday. Rev. Mr. Nicholson was a former pas tor of Oak Grove. Zion, Lake Toxaway, and other churches of this county. Chervyfteld Mooting The Rev. Jesse C. Owen and the Rev. M. L. Lewis will begin a series of revival service# at ML Moriah Cherry field Baptist church on Sunday, August Mnd. It has net been announced as to hour of the services, but will probably be In the evening only, at 8 o'clock. Further announcement will be made In The Tlmaa. Wolf Mountain Sorriooo Revival services are being conducted at Wolf Mountain Methodist church with the Rev. H. O. Huss, pastor, and the Rev. Jesse C. Owen of Spruce Pine doing the preaching. Services are held each evening at 8 o’clock, and the pubHc of the upper end at the county and the surrounding communities are Jnvlted to attend. The Rev. Mr. Hues clewed a very suc cessful revival meeting at hie church at SeUca, Sunday.