fUl THE TRANSYLVANIA TIMES \W] i County { A Newspaper Devoted to the Best Interest of the People of Transylvania County »★★»*★★★*♦♦*♦♦**** _—-B- I I. ■■ . II ——~~~* ' RRFVARD. NORTH CAROLINA. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1937. $1.00 PER YEAR IN TRANSYLVANIA COUNTY VOL. 42: NO. 43._ _'-i——— ■ — — -TT 1 '^-'y"'ggag— TO CONTINUE WORK FOR NEW FEDERAL POSTOFFICE BLDG. All Brevard and County Agen cies Are Asked To Write Letters To Officials Efforts to secure a federal postof flcc building for Brevard will not be stopped, even though there is no pos slbtltty of securing an allotment from the postal department during this year. Chairman Ralph H. Ramsey for the Chamber of Commerce told his com mittee In meeting last Friday. Plans were made by the committee for contacting each organized club and group in the county and securing their aid 111 pressing the fight, and in ad dition each individual in the county who will, is asked to write to Con gressman Weaver. Senator Reynolds, and Postmaster General Farley, set ting forth the needs and claims of Rre van! for a bulldlnff. The Orange, Woodmen, and other county agencies, as well as groverninff bodies of the town of Brevard and Transylvania county are to be request ed to adopt resolutions. Women’s clubs in Brevard are being asked this week to adopt resolutions as a group, and urge members to write Individual let ters. The Idea as expressed at the com mittee meeting, is to make the federal authorities conscious-plus of Brevard s request for a federal building. Members of the committee are Mrs. A. H. Harris, Mrs. Jos. S. Silversteen. F. Brown Carr, Lewis P. Hamlin, John W. Smith. A. B. Galloway, and C. M. Dougins. Ralph Ramsey Is chairman. Variety Party Will Be Given Thursday Plans have been pmct'cal'y com pleted for the party to be given by the local chapter of the Eastern Star, which will be held In the Masonic hall Thursday evening of this week. The event Is for the benefit of the chapter work. Prizes will be awarded and refresh ments will be served to the large num ber of persons expected to attend. Grows Twin Pumpkin ■ Jess Lamance of the Camp Deer woodc section brought a twin pumpkin to The Times office Saturday that Is as near 'two pumpkins as could be Imagined, except that It (the pair) grow on one stem. Of the Kershaw variety, it will be made Into pumpkin pie after it has been kept In the of fice for a few days, w here it Is creating much Interest. AT LYDAY IJOSPITAIj Patients reported at Lyday Memorial hospital on Wednesday were: Mrs. Ida D. Payne. Beulah Aiken, Lonnie Pabb and Thadeus Kilgore. TAX PAYMENT WITH BONDS END MONDAY Saving To Taxpayer* Closes —Many Taking Advant age of Reduction Announcement Is made by county officials that bonds may be accepted on past due taxes through Monday of next week, Inasmuch as the law says "No more bonds shall bo accepted after November first. 1937." After Monday the saving to be made ou 1938 and prior vears taxes will be ended, ard the full amount of such Items will have to be paid in cash. The savings to taxpayers run from 30 to SO percent on the total amount, and ut the same time the county Is not losing any money, as bonds now outstanding will be replaced with simi tar ones at a lower rae of interest wltliing a few months. Agreement was made with the coun ty's bondholders to the effect that if the I* finance program were put into effect that no more bonds would be accepted on debt service, and a bill wns passed by the last session of the legislature making this agreement into law. Tax Collector T.em Brooks, said Wed nesday that the delinquent list of tax payers was being cut down fast, and that his office was working every min ute to take care of the rush. * Mrs. Elkin Funeral Services Thursday Funeral services for Mrs. Elisabeth Jane Couch Elkin will be held Thurs day morning at 11 o’clock at Little River Baptist church. Mrs. Elkin, who was 82 years of age, died Tuesday evening at 7:20 o'clock, at the home of her daughter. Mrs. W. M. George. In the Penrose section. Surviving are two daughters and two sons, as follows: Mrs. W. M. George and Mrs. T. M. Merrill, of Penrose: W. L. Couch of Penrose, and W. C. Couch of Asheville. Two sis ters. Mrs. O. P. Kitchen of Green ville. S. C.. and Mrs. T. A. Coxe of Moores. S. C., also survive; also 14 grandchildren and two great-grand children Pallbearers will be grandsons of the deceased—IT. O. George, Leland George, Hughes Merrill, , Tom Couch. Carl Couch, Jr., and Ray Couch. Funeral arrangements by Osborne-Slmpson. Mrs. Elkin was bpm In Little River, .a daughter of the late William and (pally Owen McGaha, and was a mem l^ber of the Little River Baptist church. BAPTIST REVIVAL TO START MONDAY EVE I — Invitation Is Extended To All Pastors To Participate In Special Meetings Revival services will bepin at Bre vard Baptist church on Monday even ing of next week at 7:30 o'clock, with the Itev. James A. Ivey, pastor of the Belle Avenue Baptist church of Knox ville. Tenn., as preacher. Services will be held mornings and evenings, and the following requested announcement concerning the meeting is made by the pastor: "Monday evening at 7:30 o'clock the Rev. James A. Ivey will begin a series of services In our church. Broth er Ivey Is well known and loved throughout the state. For a number of years he was N. C. State Baptist Young People's leader; for four years he was pastor of the West Asheville Baptist church, and now he is In Knoxville. "He Is a consecrated Christian man and an attractive speaker. He lives what he preaches. Whoever you are and wherever you live, you are invit ed to any and all these services. "There will he two services daily— 10 o’clock to 10:15 each morning, and 7:30 each evening. We are extending a most cordial Invitation to members of other denominations. We will be delighted to have you at any of these services at any time. There are never any strangers at our church. We want all who come to feel perfectly at home, nnd welcome. To the Brevard College faculty and student body we extend k warm welcome, and will be expect ing you. "If the reader Is an unsaved man you are prayerfully Invited to each and all of these special services. If the reader Is one who has deserted his Lord and church, you are tenderly sought to come nnd renew your alleg iance to Christ. “Friday night of this week, every Baptist household In Brevard and the community Is earnestly requested to pause at 7:So o’clock, in the home, In viting neighbors in if desired, and read the Word and pray for a spirit ual awakening In our own hearts and in the hearts of the unsaved In our town. "The pastors of Brevard and the county are Invited to join us. Will the pastors please make announcement of the ifvlval Sunday to their congre gations and invite their people to at tend. "Come promptly, we plan to start promptly. Come praying.” —Yancey C. Elliott. Pastor. Boylston Road Contract Letting of the Boylston road con tract has been set for Friday of this week by the State Highway and Pub lic Works commision, it was learned here Wednesday. Tho contract to be let calls for widening, relocating, and surfacing of the road from the top of Little Moun tain to the Henderson county line. Ross Kidnaping Bills Listed In Local Bank A list of bills paid as ransom ir. the Charles Ross kidnaping In Chica go was received by the Transylvania Trust company last week, and with ’t request from the federal department of Justice that the local bank aid In watching for the money paid to the kidnapers. Although $50,000 In ransom was paid, Ross has not been returned as was agreed to by the kidnapers of the wealthy Chicagoan, and It Is gen eral belief of the O-men that he Is dead. The ransom' consisted of $25,000 In $20 bills, $15,000 In $10 bills, and $10, 000 In $5 bills. Thousands of circulars giving the numbers of the bills have been mailed by the Federal Bureau of Identifica tion to banks, police stations, and another of the ten denomination was discovered by a suburban resident last Thursday. Rainy Weather Other Place# Dan Merrill writes from St. Louis, Mo., that there Is another place in the land where rain Is plentiful. Dan Is taking a special course In a carbure tor repair school In the “Show Me" state, and said that last Saturday he saw the sun first time In a. solid week. Captain Black Takes Over P-66 Command Capt. James R. Black of New Or leans. has been appointed commanding officer of CCC P-66, North Brevard, and assumed his duties Monday. I,leut, A. A. Lewis, who has been acting commander for the past several weeks, will remain at the camp as second officer, a position he held under Lteat J. L. Underwood, who Is recuperating from a serious illness at his home In Alabama. REV. J. H. BRENDALL RETURNS TO CHARGE l - The Rev. H. O. Hum Moved To Todd Paitorate— Rollins Is Elder The Rov. J. H. Brendall, Jr, for the past three years pastor of Brevard Methodist church, was returned for his fourth year by the annual confer ence held In Asheville last week. The Rev. H. O. Hubs of the Rosman Brevard charge, was transferred tc Todd, In Ashe county, with the charge here to be supplied by the conference. Mr. and Mrs. Hus3 have been at Ros man for the past year, and have made many friends throughout the oounty. The Rev. J. H. West, former Bre vard pastor, was returned to the Mills River charge where he has been fot the past year. Mr. and Mrs. West were in Brevard Monday and express ed themselves highly pleased with the fact that they are to be stationed at Mills River for another year. The Rev. W. A. Rollins, presiding elder of the Waynesvtlle district, was returned to his post for this section. It was thought two weeks ago that the conference would move the Rev Mr. Brendall from the Brevard church, but friends and members interceded with conference officials last week to have the popular man returned for his fourth year. He Is a leader In civic and community affairs fit addition to acceptably filling his duties as pastor of the local church. Brevard Men Kill Elk Randall W. Everett and Walter A. Weilt returned last week from a hunt ing trip In Wyoming, where each of the Brevard sportsmen bagged a large elk. HEALTH UNIT WORK REPORT MADE HERE \ Tran»ylvania Activities During Past Three Months Very Valuable Report of the work of the Transyl vania Health unit for Its first three months of operation here showed an exceptionally fine service to the coun ty, and the detailed report will be filed with the Board of County commission ers next Monday, and made a part of the records of the county. Highlights of the report, as submit ted to Chairman A. B. Galloway of the county board, shows that during the three months’ operation here, the unit has been responsible for Immuni zation of 128 children against diph theria, 694 lnnoculatlons against ty phoid, and treatment of 14 cases of patients affected with social diseases. A total of 994 school children were given dental examinations by stats dentists sent here after the health unit was organized. Gf this number 669 were glveh treatment—476 fill ings. 766 extractions, 664 children's teeth cleaned; 2696 teeth treated with silver nitrate. Physical examination of school child ren have been going on undef the health nurse, with 350 examinations reported. Recommendations as to diet and medical treatment have been made In each case where it was deemed necessary. Visits by the health nurse to tuber cular patients, and prenatal care of expectant mothers, and contacts have been made with midwives, in an effort to give them information on care and practices. Considerable work has been done at the two Brevard dairies, under super vision of the sanitary officer, and It Is expected that both will be listed on the United Stales Public Health hon or roll the first of the year. Inspection of and assistance In the Brevard water system operation, check np of all eating places and hotels in the county and physical examinations of employees of such houaes. together with starting of general sanitary pro gram In the county was shown on the report made for this phase of the work. The district officer, Dr. C. N, Sisk of Waynesvllle, said that & full-time physician would be delegated to this county within the next few months, whose duties would be primarily In Transylvania, with possibility of some additional responsibility In an adjoin nig county. E. L. Hinton is sanitary officer In charge, with Miss Edith Bunton as health nurse, and Miss Lilian Jenkins as office assistant Dr. Sisk la doing the medical work temporarily, coming here each Thursday. Smilm* OiajjieSays often wonder what th’ chronic , reformer ha? ^ t' be thankfu] for • A Good Offense Is the Best Defense | Hallowe’en Parties Will Be Given On Friday and,Saturday Evenings Workers Council To Hold Meeting Sunday The quarterly meeting of the Work ers’ Council cf the Transylvania Bap tist Association will meet with the Plsgah Forest church Sunday, October Slst, beginning at eleven o'clock. The general subject for discussion will be "Team Work." There will be three addresses before noon on the sub jects "Team Work among the B. T. U’s." "Team Work among the Sun day Schools," "Team Work among the W. M. S's. I.uneh from twelve to 1:30. There will bo four addresses In the afternoon. "The Base of Team Work— the Local Church," "Team Work In the Association—The Churches.” "The Teams—The Workers," and "Getting In ths Harness for Team Work.” ' The committee has selected a speaker for each of these subjects. And they wjll be discussed In the order given. We hope that our people will stay with their own Sunday schools. Then take their lunch and rush to this meeting for the rest of the day. We feel that we have vital subjects for discussion and that we can and ought to make this a very great meeting. You will be giv en an opportunity to speak out of your heart If you will only come. Try and be with us. M. L. Lewis, Chairman. New Automobile* On Market Attract Folk New Chryslers and Plymouth cars at the K&M Auto company, and new Chevrolets at the McCrary Auto com pany are being viewed by tbe public this week, with all the new models showing Improvements In build and nppearanc?. Now Fords have not been received by the Duckworth Motor company, hut are expected within the next few weeks. Finds Homed Toed A horned toad was captured near the home of Paul Bowen of North Brevard last Friday, and was brought to The Times office by Mr. Bowen where num bers of people have stopped by to ad mire (at least look) It. The toad Is not native of this section, and was prob ably sent here from Texas, or New Mexico and after getting away from its owner wandered out to North Bre vard. BROOD SOW MOVES TO MAIN ST. H( E i . Team Out of Unsheltered Pen and Builds “Hospital" All Her Own "No more sense than a hog,” might be termed a compliment In some In stances. Proof that a hog does have sense was clearly shown Sunday night, when a Poland-Chlna brood sow left a bare, open, cold and wet pen down in the “Greasy Comer” section of Brevard, and went up to the Main street resi dential section to farrow. The brood sow had been kept In an open pen, out in an open field, with no shelter, no bedding, and very prob ably the minimum amount of atten tion. With the natural Instinct that to bring forth pigs In such surroundings on a night as cold as Sunday would be to court death, the mother hog man aged to rear off rotting plank of l*er pen, and hiked up to Main street where a more Hutlable place was found. A thick growth of vines around the back porch of the home of Mr. and Mrs. George W. Wheeler attracted the brood sow, and she pulled half o wagon load of these vines down, drag ged them under the high bock porch of the Wheeler residence, ur against the bane of a chimney, and there brought forth her young, soraetlnie Sunday night. V The sow and pigs were moved Tues day afternoon by the "gentleman of' color* who owned her. iMiLlife Brevard Carnival Saturday— Little River and Rosman Events Friday All-Souls Night, known aa Hallo we’en, will be observed In the commun ity Friday and Saturday evenings with organized programs announced fot Brevard, Little River, and Rosman. Roman 8chool Friday ROSMAN, Oct. 27 — The Parent Teacher association Is sponsor for the annual Hallowe'en carnival which will be given at the school building Friday evening of this week, beginning at 7 o’clock. Orab bags, Cake walk, fartune tell lng, bobbing for apples, food of various kinds, and music, along with the witches and hobgoblins will make up an enjoyable evening. Penrose School Friday PENROSE—Plans are being com pleted for a Hallowe’en party to be given at the I.lttle River school Fri day evening of this week, beginning at 7:30 o’clock. The event Is sponsored by the Little River P. T. A. and is for the benefit of the school. The entertainment will be In ths nature of a carnival, which will in clude parades, cake walk, fish ponds and the umial features connected with Hallowe’en. Appropriate costumes will be worn, and an enjoyable occasion Is promised those who attend. Cakes candles and other eatables will be or sale. Brevard Saturday Eve A community Hallowe’en carnival will be held in the forfner Harris build ing on West Main street. Saturday evening, beginning at 7:30 o’clock. The event, sponsored by the finance committee of the P. T. A. and the rec reation group, Is for the benefit of th* local P. T. A. work. Prizes will be awarded the children in three classes—the funniest costume, the prettiest co3tumo and the tnost original costume. The Judges In thti content will ho Mayot A. H. Harris, Rev. Harry Perry and Mrs. C. E. Orr, Jr. The small admission price for child • ren and adults will entitle one to enter the following three side shows: Black Magic, Ghostly Chronicles and Witches Beauty Parlor. The other side attractions, to which admission from one cent to five cents will be charged, include the following booths: Chamber of Horrors, Foriuno Telling. Witches Cauldron, (himpkin Bounce, Apple Boh. Witch Hunting. Refreshments of various kinds, ap propriate to Hallowe'en and otherwise, will be on sale. The finance committee comprise the following members: Rov. C, M. Jones, chairman, Mrs C. L. Newiarid, Mrs. J. R. Hamlin, Miss Eloi.wi Lewis and J. E. Rufty. Mrs, Hnfcllo serves i.iiso In the capacity of head of the recrea tion group. Grange Meeting* Grange meetings announced for the coming week are—at Little River school for that community Monday; at Enon school for Boyd on Tuesday: and at Rosman on Thursday. All meetings will be at 7:30, and far mers and farm women of each section are Invited to attend. Lamar Norton Serving In Chinese War Zone After a prolonged period of anxiety and suspense, Mr. and Mrs. Felix Nor ton received word on Saturday from their son. Felix Lamar Norton, of his safety In the war zone off the coast of Shanghai, China. Lamar, who enlisted In the U. S. Navy nine years ago, has been In ser vice In China the past three years. He is now with the U. S. S. Heron, a ten der chip to the U. S. S. Augusta, sta tioned In the Chinese war zone. He wrote his parents that the hor rors and tragedies of the present China Japan eae conflict as told In the dally press over the world were not In the least exaggerated. While his gns Joaded ship Is at all times In imminent danger, etlll no harm has befallen the ship or any of Its occupants. COLLEGE GETS ALL EQUIPMENT USED AT OLD LENOIR SCHOOL Conference Abandons Daven port—Trust Fund Also Benefits Brevard All movable equipment of Daven port College at Lenoir has been given to Brevard by order of the Western North Carolina conference of the Methodist church which held Its ses sions In Asheville last week. In addition, Income from trust funds of Davenport, except the $60,000 Duke endolvment, will be used to pay, by loan or gift, the expenses of worthy young women In Methodist schools, preferably Brevard College. The Duke endowment goes to Greensboro Col lege. Davenport’s movable equipment con sists of desks, chairs, office fixtures, furnishings, books, laboratory outfit, and other assets, which are to be brought to Brevard. Property of the closed college will be sold by the board of trust, and money derived thereby placed in trust fuu<L Decision was -made to definitely close the Lenoir Institution after report* were heard from Brevara College’s op eration, which was highly praised by Bishop Kern, and notation waa also made al the conference that Brevard was serving more pupils than were be ing cared for by three Junior Institu tions prior to opening of the college here. Davenport has not been In opera tion for several years, and It was recommendation of the conference that all real estate of the college be sold and money placed In the special trust fund. F. C. Sherrtl, of Cornelius was named chairman of the board of trust which body succeeds the board of trustees: A. Foard, F. B. Bunch, Dr. J. B. Craven, and the Rev. Loy D. Thompson, members. After report of the work of Brevard College was made by President E. J. Coltrane to the conference last Satur day, Bishop Paul B. Kern said that he was proud of the Institution, and that the work being done should be a matter of pride for the entire confer ence. ' Prominent Minister To Speak Here 2nd Announcement has been made that the Rev. E. L. Henderson, of High Point, president of the North Carolina conference of the Wesleyan Methodist church, will preach at the Brevard Wesleyan church Tuesday evening at 8 o’clock. An Invitation is extended to the public to attend. DEER HUNT STARTS I PISGAH MONDAY First Gmu|> Will Use David son River Section—Next Week Mill# River Between *50 and 260 hunter# are expected to enter the Davidson River section of Pisgah National Forest next Monday morning for the annual deer and bear hunt. In addition to the hunters who will enter for three days, forty will also go to the •'Wildernesses" for five days. Those going on the main hunt will bo allowed three days to make a kill. Am soon as either a deer or bear is killed by a hunter he is required to check out, and will not be allowed to enter. Only one kill may be made by a hunter during the season. Thus. If a hunter kills either a doe or buck doer he Is not allowed to shoot a bear, and vice versa. First week's hunt will be staged on the “southern shooting circle” and will use the Johns Rock abandoned CV.C camp for checking stations. Parties wiP enter on Monday and Thursday. Hunters nre required to check out each night, and in again the next morning. Kach hunter is required to carry lunch, and transportation will be furnished from the checking stations tc. the hunting area assigned. The second week’s hunt will be stag ed on the "northere skcotlnr circle," with checking station established at Mills River. Checking station for the wilderness hunt will be set up at the Turkey Pen station near the Boylston Baptist church. Ranger John Squires will have charge of the hunt. In addition to the wardens and rangers regularly sta tioned in the forest, eighteen addi tional rangers are being sent here to assist in taking care of the 1200 to 1500 people expected to take part. Little Theatre Play To Be Given Nov 5th On Friday evening November 5. at 8 o’clock the Brevard Little Theatre will present a three-act play, “The Patsy” by Barry Conners. This play had a very successful run In Hew York and proved very popular. Cast of characters Include: BUI Harrington, Leon English; Mrs. William Harrington. Miss Jane Yongue; Grace Barrington, Mrs. John B. Vern er; Patricia Harrington, Miss Done Thorne; Billy Caldwell, BlUy Middle ton; Tony Anderson. Bunyan An drew; Sadie Buchanan, Miss Antion etto Geiger: Francis Patrick O’Flah erty, Alvin Moore. . - This play will be open to the puh Be. 1

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