fpl THE TRANSYLVANIA iST j 1 tount> t A Newspaper Devoted to the Best Interest of the People of Transylvania County ! ****************** ____,- , ,111, —— VOI 42, N0~ 46 BREVARD, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 18,1937. $1.00 PER YEAR IN TRANSYLVANIA COUNTY POSTOFFICE SURVEY ORDERED MADE HERE Clubs and Individuals Con tinue To Write Letters To Washington, D. C. Organized groups continue to pass resolutions an.l write letters to the congressman, senator, and postmaster general in regard to a federal building for Brevard. As result of th* activity here, a sur vey of the town and surrounding com munity has been ordered, it is noted from replies received here from the postoffiee department at Washington, which Is at least an encouraging step. Resolution as passed by the Brevard Wednesday club in meeting last week, follows: Whereas, the Town or urevaru neeus a new post office because of the poor location of the present one atul its in adequate facilities, and Whereas, the Town Is growing and will t filling their reports: T. C. Galloway, Alex H. Kiser, Ralph H. Ramsey, Pat Klmsey, Mrs. Eck Sims. Mrs. Ralph Fisher, C. M. Doug las, Ralph I.yday, Leon English, A. G. Kyle. H. H. Patton, B. H. Freeman, J. B. Jones, Otto Alexander, A. M. Case. Edwin Wike. Mrs. C. Y. Patton Is Named Head Western Welfare Conference Mrs C. Y ’atton, head of the Tran sylvania welfare association, was elect ed superintendent of the western dis trict welfare workers at a meeting held In Waynesville Tuesday. The district is comprised of If coun ties, and the honorary title la a dis tinct compliment to the work Mrs. Fat ton has been doing In Iter field during the pest several yeers. a.:* . ss&r-r