\°t£rrIIMisYjj' JTRj>#iPWWAN|A jlBSjBMfiST; TO GIVE FREE SHOW Children of County Will Be Guests of Clements On Christmas Morning All children of the community are Invited by the Clements to be guests Christmas morning of the Clemson Theatre at a tree show. The show, which begins at 10 o'clock, Is an annual affair, and is attended ea< h Christmas day by hundreds (lit erally hundreds) of children from all sections of the community—many of whom probably never have a chance to see a picture show except on Christ mas day when Verne P. Clement and his father are their hosts. Seats are provided for all the youngsters who come, and sometimes when older youngsters (those 16 or more) attend, they are courteously re quested to give their seats to the tiny tots, for whom the show is given. This year the show will be "Hell Divers" with Wallace Beery as star player. The story is woven around the United States submarine fleet, and de picts the life of the boys who go down in and under the deep to ward off at tack on American coasts. Doors to the theatre will open at 9:15. It Is announced, with the show to start promptly at 10 o'clock. Mrs. Fred Emmerson Died Monday After An Extended Illness Funeral services for Mrs. Fred B. Emmerson, 29, who died on December 20. at the home of her mother, Mrs. J. E. Clayton, In Brevard, were held Wednesday afternoon at the Brevard Methodist church. Officiating ministers were the Rev. J. H. West, pastor of the Mills River Methodist church, the Rev. Yancey C. Elliott, pastor of the Brevard Baptist church, the Rev. Harry Perry, rector of St. Philip's Episcopal church, and the Rev. C. M. Jones, pastor of the Brevard Presby terian church. The Rev. J. H. Bren dall. pastor of the local Methodist church was out of town on a holiday visit. Interment was in Gillespie ceme tery. Mrs. Ktnmerson, wno nau ueen in 111 health for the past several months and had been at the home of her mother here since last April, was said to have borne her suffering and ap parent failing health with great pa tience and sweetness of disposition. She was a member of the Brevard Methodist church. She was married to Fred B. Emmerson, of the Warsaw high school faculty, In Brevard in June, 1931. Surviving are her husband, Fred B. Emmerson. mother, Mrs. J. E. Clayton, three sisters, Nina, Agnes, Josephine, of Brevard, and four brothers, Joe E. Clayton, Jr., of Wheeling, W. Va., and Harry. Walter and Edward, of Bre vard. Active pallbearers were: Frank Duckworth, Henry Erwin, Ernest Mc Faul. Walter Hart. Jimmy Sledge and Ed Orr. Honorary pallbearers included: Leon English. Herbert Schain. Billy Bridges, Lawrence Holt, Dr. H. J. Bradley, Dr. C. L. Newland, John McMinn, Ed win English and Verne Clement. In charge of flowers were: Eloise Lewis. Ruth Waters. Margaret Sel lers. Becky Macfle, Bill Aiken. Mrs. C. L. Newland, Willie Kate Waters, Elizabeth McCoy, Mrs. Verne Clement, Mrs. Ed Cantrell. Mrs. Boyce Wal ker. Mrs. Mack Johnson. Nell Miller, Mrs. Charles McCrary, Mrs. 1-amar Lewis. Mrs. Margaret Cowan. Moore and Trantham funeral direc tors were in charge of arrangements. Upper District Union Hold Meeting Sunday The upper district B.T.l'. will have their quarterly rally next Sunday af ternoon. at two-thirt.v o’clock at the Middle Fork • church. The theme of the program will be, "Do All to the Glory of God.’’ The program will be rendered by repre sentatives of the unions in the district. All are urged to be present. Smilin' Cha^liepSaya *lt seems t' me that wedding rings ought f be bought, these/ days, with a look ahead as t' their re-sale value-—' |*Zl SPEND sl»t'Cw||lsTMAS TOGETHER Saturday will mark the l’ifty-flvst Christmas Day that W. H. (Bill, and Mrs. (Hannah Tinsley) Hogsed have spent together. Likewise, It will be the fifty-first Christmas celebration that F. P. (Pierce) and Mrs. (Emma Hogsed) Tinsley have celebrated to gether. Brother and sister married brother and sister a little more than fifty years ago, when Young Bill Hogsed came down to what is now the Country Club section to claim his bride from the fire side of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tinsley. The Hogseds were married on Novem ber 23, 1887, and a few days later on December 8, 1887. Young Pierce Tinsley went up on See-Off Mountain to the home of Sam Hogsed to marry their daughter. The double brother-in-law and their double sister-in-law have been feel ing "sort of close” to each other for years—dating back to the time when Young Bill went a-calling on Young Pierce's fair sister, and Pierce was probably meeting Bill on the road as he climbed up the mountain to see Bill’s charming sister. Rill and Hannah were married at the Hogsed home, with Fidelia Neill, justice of the peace, performing the ceremony. Judge Neill must have done very well, and pleasing' in the eyes of the other young couple, for when they decided on the date of their marriage. 15 (lays later, Pierce and Emma also had Mr. Neill tie the knot that has held them together for fifty years. The two young couples uvea on ^ee Off for some time, until Mr. Tinsley bought u place near Dunn’s Rock church, and moved with his bride to their very own home. It was good land that the Tinsleys had bought, and really more than they needed for them selves. so part of (tie farm was sold to the Hogseds, and the two young couples were then (and still are) ad joining landowners. Both couples joined the Dunn’s Rock Baptist church, and both have been ac tive in its support since. They live as kinsfolk, as neighbors, brother, and sisters in the church, ami two weeks ago celehrated their Golden Wedding anniversaries together. Mr. Hogseil is now 71 years of age. while Mrs. Hogsed Is 69. Mr. Tinsley is also 71 years of age, and Mrs. Tins ley is 69. Incidentally, both couples read The Transylvania Times, and their subscriptions are each paid to the exact date. May 1. 1938. The pictures carried in the paper above were snapped by Mrs. Porter Tinsley, dauphter-in-law of Mr. and Mrs. Pierce Tinsley. The Tinsleys have seven children: Mrs. Lila Baker, Mrs. Rosena Cison, (Continued on Back Page) yv \V \v_ 'Ll* »>*• Transylvania Trust Paying 4% Dividend To All Stockholders Dividend checks have been mailed to all stockholders of Transylvania Trust company, It was announced hero Wednesday by Hugh Sowers, president of the local bank. The four per cent dividend was ordered by the directors, after check up of the year’s work of the bank which was organized in November 1431. The bank officials also said that $2,500 had been set aside as permanent surplus fund, bringing the undivided profits of the bank up to $5,000, Assets of the bank now, are com mon stock, $26,000; preferred stock. $25,000; undivided profits, or surplus $5,000. Special W.O.W. Meeting The local Camp of the Woodmen of The World will hold a special meeting Thursday, Dec. 28r<l, 7:30 o'clock. The meeting Is of much Importance and every member of the camp is urged to be present. Two Young Brevard Men Charged With • Robbing P. Allison Jack Loft)r and Hilliard Hampton, two young Brevard men, are being held In Transylvania county Jail, charged with highway robbery. The two men are alleged to have at tacked Perry Allison of North Brevard, took money and a watch off his person as he lay unconscious, and left him lying in the highway. Allison is in an Asnevine nospuai, where his condition Wednesday was re ported to be serious. Hearing for the two men charged with the crime will not be held until Monday, Sheriff George Shuford said, pending outcome of Mr. Allison’s condition. The men arc said to have struck Allison a severe blow on the head. Loftls and Hampton were arrested Sunday morning by the sheriff on a warrant sworn out by Allison. The watch was recovered, hut no part of the money was found. CENTRAL GRANGE LS SET UP FOR COUNTY J. A. Glazener Elected to Head Pomonia Organization— Officer* Are Listed A county Orange organization was set up In a meeting of the three com munity units held In Brevard on Wed nesday night of last week, At which 27 members were present. Julian A. Glazener was elected mas ter of the Pomonfa or central organiza tion; W. C. Maness. overseer: R. J. by day, W. L. Frady, steward: Riley Merrill, nresistant steward; A. M. Pax ton. chaplain: E. F. Tiison .treasurer; Lorena Merrill, secretary; William Gash, gate keeper; Mrs. E. H. Mack ey, Pomonla; Mrs. J. A. Whitmire, Ceres; Miss Julia Wilson, Flora; Mrs. M. C. Shipmar., lady assistant steward; Walter Shipman, L.eo Hogsed, and P. A. Italin, members of the executive committee. In addition to the work of organi zation of the Fornonla, a talk was given by Harry B. Caldwell, state master, and other business pertinent to the or ganization was done. Next meeting of the group will be held on January 8, at 6:80 o'clock. New Arrival Mr. and Mrs. Harry rsryson of Sap phire announce the birth of a daugh ter, Anita Louise, at Plsgah Sanitar ium in Hendersonville on December 19. Business Houses To Be Open Evenings Practically all business houses In Brevard will remain open evenings until Christmas—two days hence. Thursday and Friday evenings are expected to be rather brisk in trade in most lines that are at all "Christ massy." All business houses will be closed for the day Saturday—Christ mas Day. Send Your Renewal In Merry Christmas & Happy New Year The following business firms and individuals join in wishing for everyone a very Merry Christmas and a Prosperous and Happy New Year. It has been a pleasure to serve you during the year 1937, and we look forward with pleasure to the best of relations during the coming year. A & P, Main Street, A. E. York, Mgr. ItllMIIIHIIIMHmMIIHIIIMMHIIIIIimillMIIIHIIIIIIIIIItllllMMMHMIHIHMIlMIIIIIIIIMIMIIIIIIIIIMmillllllllimMIIIMMMIMHMIlMMO Otto Alexander, Clerk of Superior Court llllllllllllll III 111111111111II Mill I....... W. S. Ashworth, Building Supplies llllllllllllllllll•lllll•l•llllll•••tl••l•l•ll•llf•llllll••l•l•ll••••l•l•t•ll•llllllllll•l••lllll•■lll•llllll••ll•••*l•*•l*IIIIIM■lllllllllllll*IIIIIIIIIIIM Austins’ Studio—Equipped Photographers •ll««»IIIMMIIIIIIIIIIMMimill»M»MIMMIMMMIIHMMMMIIIH»Mm»MI»IIMIIMIIIMMIMIIIII»IIMIMIMIMIIIIIIIIIIIMMMM»MltlMIIMIII«MIIIII Blue Bonnett Beauty Shoppe l•ll••ll•••••ll••ll••ll••l••lll••l•l••IM•l•lllll•llllllll•••l•MII■l••IIMI•••l•••l•l■•lllllllllllll•l•l•llllllllllll•IIM•ll•l•lll•l•ll•l•l•■IM•ll•l•l•lnl Brevard Shoe Shop—Save the Difference lllll•lll••••••l•■lll•lll•l••ll••IIIH I l•••l•ll••l•l•l•l« |•I•|••IIII•II•I•II•IIIII•IIIIII•IIIIIIIIII•IIII■•II••••••MI••II•IIII•III•II•I• Brevard Lumber Co., Building Materials • ll•ll••l•IM•lll»llll••••l•l•ll•l•lllll•l•••ll••••••••MMIIIIII••l••IM••MMIMMI••l•,,••ll,,l•,,l,,M•MMI•llll,ll,•|l,,,l,,,,,••••M»M•,*,,MMmM,•^ Barnett’s Machine Shop, Pisgah Forest lllllll^l•ll••llllll•lllll•ll•lll•ll•••^MIII•lllllllllll•l••l•l•••■*•l••••ll•llllll•lllll•llll•••M•••l•MIII•••llllll•ll••l•l•ll•MIII•••lll,ll•lll,l,MII•l Lem Brooks, Tax Collector lllllllllllllllllllllll•IIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII•IIM•llllllllllllllll•ll••IIIMIIIIIIIMMIM•IH•lll•MIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII•llll•lllnMlllllllllmlllll B & B Feed Co.—Feed, Groceries ..... ......... Bradley’s—Clothing and Sporting Goods J. S. Bromfield—Laundry, Fuel, Transfer „.....IIIIIMIIIIIIIII.IMIIIHIII...I.IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMMIIMMIMIIIIIIM Belk’s Department Store—“Sells For Less” 11„ I ,„ II III,,,,,, Ml IIIIIII Mill I mil MIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIMIMM MMMMMMMMMM MM IIIIIMIIIIIIIII Carr Lumber Company, Pisgah Forest ....■■■.mi.».■■■•.IIIMIII........... Canteen Cafe—Hamilton and Patterson, Props. IHIIIIMMIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIMII.. Mill ..Illlllllllllllllllllllllll. Clemson Theatre ....in....ii................. Carr Lumber Co. Store—General Merchandise ......I.Ill.I.I.II"..I'".........""""""""I D. Guy Dean—Your Electrician and Plumber ......in...II"."Illllllllllllll."""ill".I..IIIIIIIMIIIIMMM. Duckworth Motor Co—Ford Sales and Service .........mu.....in...... Duclos Plumbing Shop ......................... Duke Power Company .............*.... Dixie Stores, Curtis Kelly, Mgr. .... ... East View Dairy—The Osbornes ,„„„.........min.........".""V.. Farmers Supply Co., Hardware and Furniture ...........mi.mil.... Galloway’s Cafe—Home of Good Food ......I...linn ......Ill Hayes Motor Company-Exide Batteries .......I..I.••••.I.IIIIHIIII.I....... Hogsed Auto Service, Rosman ....II,...II.I".I.I""....... Home Protection—W.O.W. Insurance 44*H4++tttttt++ttt+ttttt1"rTTTTTTTTTXXX« i » » . ... Houston Furniture Company, Theodore Reid .....-... K & M Auto Company-Plymouth-Chrysler , ................... Long’s Drug Store ' .......r.. Ralph W. Lyday, County Accountant ....I........II.I.M......IH..IHI ...••••<«•...*... Macfie Drug Store .............v".’TT". Mull’s Store and Markel^Service, Pnce .........•!".*.V...*.. Charlie McCrary—Transfer Service ..............i. McCrary Auto—Chevrolet Sales, Service ............... Judson McCrary—Real Estate and Insurance ........I.I.IIHHM..... | Orr & Hamlin, Real Estate, Rentals 1 .............iimmiiiiiimmimm Patton’s Grocery Store—Brevard, Pisgah Forest ............mi.............. R. H. Plummer and Company .....,.............. Roger Jewelry Store—Harry Payne, Mgr. .°........."TT" Ruth’s Beauty Shop-Y°ur Patronage Appreaated ...........-....... George D. Shuford, Sheriff ..................""."."j".. Smith Barber Shop—Work You’ll Like .....^........ Standard Service—Jos. J. Tinsley .......... Simpson’s—Barber Work You’ll Like Sunny Side Dairy—Grade A Milk and Products ................... Tharp’s—Plumbing & Electric, Furniture ...-....... Tinsley’s Barber Shop—and News Stand. .......... ....... Trantham’s Dept Store—Quality and Price ................ Transylvania Trust Co.-Sound Banning „„.......rrj...-.... The Transylvania Times ..„„„„...........V'"'. Ward’s News Stand—Everything to Read ........"........... White Way Dry Cleaners—We Are Equipped ....■■■■«........... Whitmire Service Station—Esso Products MMinMiniHHiw^MMwwMWw—— rim Williams Grocery—Quality and Pnce ■^.X4^4.^^*****t**iA A ****** >tu***t*******fcfcht*

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