NEED IS FELT HERE FOR APARTMENTS E f iM M' I Housing Facilitit* in Inadequate For ant Call* Small houses and agartmcnts are at a premium In Brevard. So short are housing facilities, that several young couples who had plan ned to get married at Christmas had to postpone the happy events until they could find suitable place to make their homes, A modern apartment house with two, three, and four-room apartments la one of Brevard’s greatest needs at the pres ent time. The erection of such a build ing. or buildings, would no’ only Ml a demand. It Is felt, for both residents and tourists, but would also be a pay ing investment for the owner of the property. Big-Little Eggs "The long and the short of it” was shown in two eggs sent to The Times office last week by Mrs. Marcus Wil liams. One of the eggs measured 7 and 3-4 inches around the long way by six Inches: while the other measured two and one-half by two and one- quar ter. Club Objective* To Be Set Up Thursday Brevard Kiwanlans will outline their club objectives for the new year when they meet Thursday at noon. The entire program will be devoted to the formulation of a program of activity for 1988. The program for the new year will arise from an Informal dis cussion led by President E. J. Coltrone and Rev. C. M. Jones, program chair men. All members of the club will be expected to contribute to the discus sion. Christmas Business Here Shows Up Well Christmas business In Brevard was exceptionally good, a survey among the business men disclosed Monday. The week was far aheud of last year’s Christmas week, several of the business houses reported, and the en tire month's volume of sales to date is ahead of that of last year. TWO MEN TRIED FOR BU RY ATTEMPT James Jones of Asheville and James Garland of Green ville Accused of Crime James Jones of West Asheville and James Garland of near Greenville, S. C„ were tried in a preliminary .hear ing before Justice of the Peace Fred E. Shuford Wednesday afternoon on * charges of breaking and entering the home of Bunyan Robinson of the Cedar Mountain section, and of assault and attempted robbery. A nol pros was declared in the case of Oscar Neloms of Travelers Rest. S. C.. who had been arrested on similar charges. The State's witnesses were Mr. and Mrs. Robinson and Mr. Neloms. On the witness stand Mrs. Robin son stated that Jones came to her home at midnight Sunday and attempted to enter by forcing the door open. Mr. Robinson had already retired, she said, and she and two other women were preparing to go to bed. She asserted that Mr. Jones threatened to crash through the door and kill her if she refused to open it. Mrs. Robinson ex plained that she called her husband, who conducted the members of the household to a neighbor’s home and returned to protect his home. ?Ir. Robinson said that he secured ■ a shotgun and returned to his home where he found Jones cursing and 'singing violently in the front room. He called upon him to leave, he said, and when he refused to do so Robin son said that he fired at him with the shotgun, some of the shot taking ef fect in his legs. Again, he called ui>on Jones to lea ve the house and when he refused to do so a second time, he oald. he rushed into the room, and struggled with the defendont just in time to prevent Jones from shooting hjm. the gun being discharged In the air. In the struggle, Robinson said. Jones wrested the gun from him and struck him a severe blow on the head. With the assistance of Dorse Allison. Robinson explained. Jones was sub dued and tied. Robinson attested that he believed Jones was in a drunken craze. He said that Jones declared that he had been forced to enter the house hy two men who wanted to rob It after he had caused Robinson to leave. James Jones was bound to super ior court under $3500 bond (not made ianvodiatety) on a second de gree burglary count; James Chsrl ums bound over as on accessors, and made a $300 cash bond. All County Schools Start Monday Morn All schools of the county will resume 1 work Monday morning. January *. tt has been announced by County Super intendent J. ~ ~ Class wor Wednesday . torles not t< It has been fldala & Woodmen To Install Officers Monday Eve • _ Monday, January 2, being the oc casion of the annual installation of officers of the local W.O.W. Camp, it is hoped that as many members as possible will be present. The new of ficials receiving these positions were elected at the -regular election last month and will take their office fol lowing the Installation ceremony Mon day night. ■ There will also be two new candi dates to appear before the camp to receive their Protection Degree in W.O.W. HONOR ROLL These folk are starting the New Year off right by renewing their sub scriptions to The Home Paper. Even though It Is only a few days until the start of 1988, we'll be glad to accept as many more renewals as our friends wish to send In: Mrs. J. S. Wilde, Lake Tosaway. Mrs. 7i. K. Justice, Davidson. Mrs. D. O. Ward, Brevard. Mrs. John Clark. Rosman. Mrs. Robert Klrksey, Pickens. Miss Margaret Breese, S. C. Edmund Breese, Milwaukee. C. C. Hall, Lake Toxaway. Jim Alexander, Brevard. R-3. W. L. Morris, Pisgah Forest. Mrs. Q. L. Qlazener. Brevard, R-l. M. L. Nicholson. Brevard, R-8. Mrs. J. S. Nicholson, Brevard L. P. Beck, Brevard. J. A. Miller, Brevard. W. H. Surratt, Brevard. R-2. Corrine Ashley, Hendersonville. Mrs. Alice M. Bishop, Cedar Mt. E