HIGH SCHi TO BE G!| Athletic 'VJjj Benefit j|| "Am'.n; !' comedy. Wf 1 W presented at *' auditorium Kr'*» week at 1 °'cl<*K$ sored by the hi'#® sociatlon an0x5 meet In the BrevaJM next Mor lay morijfia It Is the desire th^M the assoc ".tlon ' BRI cordial ai I fri-tv .jEjl you. Coni" for JmBnx spiratlon aai' Jft County g! Called ffi Tho Porr Izatlon will net H of this W«rd from all tlir--. oomnB pected to attend.. 1 The mec • ll be I culture rot • t o' rirovJ and Colin' \tpnt 1 there will a v.nrml freshmonts well aJ • protrram. 1 Chandler Si r Start 2S ^ Right of Way Crews! Put On—Complete] Be Ready Thu T For Travel Work la e>; ed to sta._ the coming week on the lower the Plsgah Forest road—No. date for completion of the at October 1st. Crews are expected to start the right of way through the preparatory to setting the huge els down to moving the dirt and the flve-mllo Highway. A. B. Burton, who will be In ch ' of the Job for Chandler Brothers, tractors, was In Bruveru on Wodr.e i day, conferring with highway enft_> e«rs. He Is expected t