R1GHT-0F WAY MEN STARTED 284 WORK TUESDAY MORNING Contractor Plans To Have His Machinery Started On Project March 1 Workmen started Tuesday clearing right of way on the lower link of the Ptsgnh National Forest highway, with expectations of having shovels and other grading equipment placer! about the first of March. A. R. Rurton is In charge of tho work for Chandler Brothers of VI r gillna. Va.. contractors on the five-mile stretch. A small crew of workmen, number ing about twenty, was started Tues day. with possibility that a few more men will be given work on the pro ject within a few days. l4»hor Is secur ed through the local re-employment office. Mr. Rurton said that he expected to have the Job completed by October 1st of this year, and that traffic would be maintained on the road throughout the period of operation. The upper end of the road, from Ixioklng Glass bridge to the top of the mountain, has been under construction for the past two years with contract calling for completion of the surfacing by May of this year. All survey work has been completed by engineers and plans call for a double-wing connection with the Royls ton road, near the Memorial Arch. The new route will be between the arch and Davidson River, with the road following the north side of the river. Walnut Seedlings May Be Secured Reasonable I'M/ IV. C. Mane**) With the assistance of It. IT. Pago, assistant extension forester, at our last 4-11 chib meeting, it was asked that as >n\ club members as pos sible set it Ulnck Walnut seedlings. The sc llings are available to club members at one cent apiece, and to farmers jta.no per thousand. A Sp‘ il privilege is being given about 20 interested club members this year, in Hint by setting out 25 of the seedlings a club member can be certi fied as urrying a pro.jeet. and will not be required to keep a record book. Applications for seedlings may be made now at the county agent’s office. Christmas Seal Sale Was Successful Here A total amount of $84.15 was real ized from the sale of Christmas Seals, according to Mrs. Ernest Tilson, chair man of the sale committee. Expenses in connection with the sale amounted to $1.21 and $21.03 was sent to the Tubercular Preventive As ( soclatlon—leaving $62.91 In the local treasury for use in the health work in , schools Mrs. Tilson requested The Times to express her appreciation and that of the Parent-Teacher association for the splendid co-operation given by individ uals and groups In the sale, and to those who so generously bought seals. LOCALBANKREPORT SHOWS GOOD YEAR H. Sowers Re-Elected Presi dent—Directors Named For 12 Months Stockholders of Transylvania Trust company the county’s only bank. In meeting here Tuesday afternoon, were told that the financial Institution had a very successful year, and that de posits showed an Increase of $10,000 of the same time one year ago—at the close of the year’s business. A four j ' r cent dividend to com mon st< • kholders was paid during the year. r< >rt of President Hugh Sow ers Showed, and $2,500 was set aside as surplus, making a total of $5,000 sur plus, and still leaving a substantial amount in the undivided profit column. Total resources of the bank as of De cember 31. were $365,187.52. Directors elected by the stockhold ers Include: Frank D. Clement. T,ewls p. Hamlin. Judson McCrary, C. R. McNeelv. W. L. Mull. C. W. Plokel slmer. J. It. Pickelslmer. Jos. S. Sll versteer Hugh Sowers. Following the stockholders meet ing, the board of directors met and elected the following officers for the coming par: Hugh Rowers, president: A. W. Whitehurst, vice president; Ralph J. Duckworth, cashier. Fred Miller Enters Clerk of Court Race Fred Miller of Rrevard Is latest en try In the clerk of court race, with | hts announcement for the office being made this week. Mr. Miller has made his home here all his life, and has served several terms as member of the board of aider men, is present chairman of the local school committee, and was In business here as the Miller Supply company for 20 years or more. During the World War he served as captain of the 61st Reserve Militia, and served as Scoutmaster of the local Boy Scout troop for 16 years. He has been con nected with summer camps for a num ber of years, and has had other busi ness connections here. Will Not Be In Race for U. S. Senator JAKE K. XI. WELL, prominent Charlotte attorney ami Republican lender, made announcement Satur day that he would not he a candi date for the United States senate this year. Mr. Newell is well known in Transylvania County where he has spoken on numerous occasions, and has many admirers here, espec ially among Republican lenders. Former Brevard Man Died Monday Morning A. L. York, of Asheville, n former resident of Brevard, died at his homo In Asheville Monday morning, follow ing an illness of some time. Funeral services and burial were at Hartsvillo. Ala., on Wednesday. Surviving are one daughter. Mrs. Frank Osborne, of Brevard, and three sons, Johnny York, of Brevard. Ar thur York, of Asheville. Howard Anrk. a student at West Feint, and one step daughter. Airs. Ban Crouch, of Char lotte. ATr. York's wife died about two years ago. Little Theatre The regular^ meeting of the Little Theatre will he held Friday evening of this week.at S o'clock, for the trans action of business. It is urged that all members be present. Workers Council To Meet January 30th The regular fifth Sunday meeting of the workers' council, composed of all church officers in the Transylvania Baptist association, will be held at the Mt. Moriah Calvert church on Sunday. January 3J, according to an announce ment of the Rev. M. L. Lewis, chair man. The program will begin at 11 o’clock, with a sermon at that time by Rev. W. S. Price. At 11:45. a question box will be open ed. In which may be dropped any ques tion on the Bible or church that any one would like to hear discussed. At 12:15 lunch will be served by^ ladles of the church. Continuing the program after lunch, at 1:15 devotlonals will be conducted by Rev. A, I,. Erwin, of Balfour. Other talks will be as follows: at 1:30. “What is it to accept the Lord ns Saviour?” Rev. J. K. Henderson: 2 o'clock. "AVhat is it to serve the Lord?” Rev. AV. H. Nicholson. Brevard: 2:30 oelock, “AA’hnt relationship has our church ac tivities to the service of the Ijord?" Rev. Yancey Elliott, Brevard. These talks will he followed by a round table discussion on each ques tion. The committee requests that this meeting he announced In each church, and that each church send a dele gate and as many as will take part in the general discussions. Rites Held Saturday For Mrs. L. M. Puette luneral services were held Satur day afternoon for Mrs. I,. M. Puette. aged 83. who died at her home here Friday morning, following an extended illness. The services, hold at the Pnefte residence on Maple street, were conducted by the Rev. J. H. Brendall, the Rev. C. M. Jones, the Rev. Harry Perry, the Rev. T. F. Marr, all of Brevard. Interment was In Oak drove cemetery". North Brevard. Surviving are three daughters. Mrs. Mrs. J. W. Smith and Mrs. W. C. Hunt, of Brevard, and Mrs. C. B. McFee, of Forest City, six grandchildren and six great-grandchildren. Mrs. Puette was the widow of the late W. J. Puette, prominent farmer and merchant of Transylvania county, who died 12 years ago. She was a member of the Brevard Methodist church for many years, and was active and faithful In church work until fail ing health prevented her regular at tendance. She was known and loved by a wide circle of friends throughout the community, where she had always made her home. Mrs. Puette suffer ed a stroke of paralysis on Thursday, which was the ultimate cause of her death. Active pallbearers were: Dr. J. F. Zachary, Oliver H. Orr, C. R. Sharp, C. H. Trowbridge, Anthony Trantham and D. L. English. Honorary pallbearers Included: F. E. Shuford. W. H. Olney. W. M. Henry. Dr. E. S. English, J. E. Rufty, J. B. Plckleslmer, John Maxwell and Fred Johnson. Moore and Trantham funeral dl I rectors were In charge of arrange ments. V Ki warns Club Members Aid In Glasses Clinic Members of Brevard Kiwar.is club “chopped In" at their meeting last Thursday, and bought twenty pairs of gasses for children of the county schools whose parents were unable to provide the needed optical treatment and the necessary glasses. Dr. H. J. Bradley, chairman of the underprivileged child committee, ex plained the situation to the members, and following the meeting, several members of tlio club paid for one or more pairs of glasses each. Miss Orotehen Osborne, assistant In the local welfare office, told of the work that Is being done in the county through her agency, and of the aid that Is given through the stnte and federal governments. Fleetwood Peeples, of Winter Turk, Fla., and Brevard, was a guest of Har ry Patton. It was announced that Hleutenant Governor Pritchett was un able to attend the meeting, hut would lie present on Janunry 27th. David Wilson Buried On Sunday Afternoon David Wilson, 63. died .Saturday night at his home on See Off Moun tain, following a brief Illness due to a stroke of paralysis. Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock at Dunn's Creek Baptist church, con ducted by the Rev. H. R. Coren. Bur ial was in the church cemetery. Mr. Wilson was a highly respected citizen of the community. He was a deacon of the Dunn's Creek church and had been a member for 42 years. Surviving are his widow and seven children, ns follows: George. Brevard R-3; William, Brevard R-l; Clyde and Tom. risgah Forest; Jny. Brevard; and Nancy and Marie, Pisgah Forest. Five grandchildren also survive. Pallbearers wore V. A. Hogsed, Car men TIogsed Alfred Tinsley. Voss Mc Gnha. Nathan McGaha and Arthur Mc C.nha. Honorary pallbearers were Andy Itamet. Enoch Gray and Willie Allison. Presbyterian Services Announcement has been made by the Rev. C. M. Jones, pastor of the Pres byterian church, of the regular ser vice at the church Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. The sermon subject of the pastor will be "From Magic to Mastery.” BUILDINGFORNEW.. MILL UNDER REPAIR Rosman Hosiery Concern Will Start Machinery Within Coming Month ROSMAN, Jan. 19—Work of getting the building ready for the Rosman Knitting Mills. Inc., is progressing very nicely, according to J. A. Ruth, man ager, and plans are to have the ma chinery in the new plant within a couple of weeks. Charter for the new incorporation has been received from the state, which shows $10,000 paid in by D. H. Win chester, R. A. Poe, A. M. White, A. M. Paxton, and others. Authorized capital stock is $30,000. Young White To Give Recital at Greenville A. M. White, Jr„ son of Mr. and Mrs. A M. White, of Rosman, who is a student at Furman University. Greenville, S. C., Is giving n recital Sunday afternoon in Ramsey hall, of the Fine Arts building. Woman's Col lege. Greenville. Tho recital is given especially In preparation for his graduation recital, which will be a public occasion to be held later. Mr. White, a talented musician, is an outstanding student at Furman, where he is assistant In the music de partment. He is a former pupil of Prof. Alvin Moore, of Rrevard. and is a graduate of Brevard College. The following program will be pre sented by Mr. White Sunday afternoon: Prelude and Fugue In D major, Bach Busoni; Sonata In D minor, Beethoven; Largo, Allegro, Adagio, Allegretto; Nocturne in C sharp minor, Etude in C minor, Etude in C sharp minor, Bal lade in F major, A minor, all by Chop in; Rhapsodle, Brahms; LaCathedrale engloutie, Debussy. SmiliK Charlie Says v There’s one draw back t' these lifted faces - an eighteen year old face don’t harmonize with*' a^„ forty year old ankle. I i _Getting a Bit Unruly____ »M) Or£ MY Leon English Named Local Masonic Head Leon English, Jr., was elected wor shipful master of Dunn’s Rock Masonic lodge at the annual election of officers held Friday evening at the regular January communication. Other officers elected include: Lewis Oshorne, senior warden; A. E. York, junior warden; A. N. Jenkins, re-elect ed treasurer; Henry Henderson, re elected secretary. Other officers of the lodge will lie appointed by the master at a public installation ceremony to be held Friday evening, January 28, at 8:15 o’clock In the lodge hall. Mrs. W. M. Meece Dies After Extended Illness RORMAN, Jan. 19—Mrs. W. M. Meece died at the home of her daughter. Mrs. R. O. Powell. In Rosmnn. Pun day night, following an extended Ill ness. Funeral services were held at the Old Toxaway Baptist church at 11 o'clock Tuesday morning, conduct ed by Rev. Nathan Chapman and Rev. Judson Corn, of Brevard. Burial was In the Old Toxaway cemetery. Mrs. Meece was before her marriage Miss Kannie Galloway, daughter of Rev. and Mrs. Jim Earl Galloway, of the Old Toxaway section. Her hud band died 13 years ago. Surviving are four daughters and five sons, as follows: Mrs. R. C. Pow ell. Mrs. Gaston Chapman. Mrs. Roy Galloway, Mrs. Pierce Alkc.i, Roy. Jesse, Loonle, Claud and Wiley Meece. Also surviving are three brothers. El lis and Davis Galloway, of Old Toxa way, nnd Morris Galloway, of Tryon. and a sister Mrs. Mattie Lee, of Lake Toxaway. Osborne-SImpson had charge of fun eral arrangements. Federation Will Open Warehouse Next Month A large group of farmers met with officials of the Farmers Federation here Raturday morning, and heart plans discussed for opening of a ware house in Brevard J. G. K. McClure, president of the Federation, Vance A. Browning, anf Guy Rales, made talks on the work ol the federation, and music for the oc casion was furnished by the company’s string band. Plans announced at the meeting were to the effect that the new federa tion unit would be opened in Brevard sometime during February. Mr. Pales general manager, said that 119 people here had subscribed stock in the plan Another meeting Is scheduled for Rat urday morning. January 29. At Lyday Hospital Patients reported at Lyday Memor ial hospital on Wednesday were: Mrs Fleetwood Peeples. Mrs. Tda Payne, Mrs W. M. Cloud, Howard Owens. Harold Metcalf. Alvin Huggins. T.eop King and Mrs. R. E. Wilson. ATLANTA LADY BUYS CAMP ILLAHEE SITE Buildings and Grounds Im provements Planned—i Also Residence Mrs. M. G. Kurfees, president of the Prudential Investment Company, Inc., of Atlanta, Georgia, has purchased the Camp Illahee property. Just off the Rosman highway and adjoining the Country club golf course. Miss Evelyn Taylor, secretary to Mrs. Kurfees, Is In Brevard attending to the final details of the transaction. No definite plans have as yet been formulated for conducting a camp, al though all phases of this business are being studied. At present it is the intention of Mrs. Kurfees to put the buildings and grounds in first class condition, and to build a residence, as she hopes to make this her home for the greater part of the year. Mrs. Kurfees and Miss Taylor have been coming to Transylvania county for a number of years as the guests of Mrs. Allto B. Harllee at her home on Sec Off Mountain. They have visited all sections of western North Carolina, but prefer Brevard and vicinity to all others. Camp Connestee Will Erect New Buildings With registrations at Connestee camp for girls already filled to one half capacity, Indications this early In the year point to a full camp season next summer, according to a state ment of Miss Mary Wright, of Braden ton, Fla., camp secretary and business manager. Miss Wright arrived In Brevard the first of the week to superintend an enlargement and building program at the camp for the next two months. Several new log cabins will be erected on the camp property, and an attractive 80x40 log recreational building will be an added feature for the coming sea son. Hock gardens will be built and the camp grounds otherwise beauti fied. Baptist Young Folk Will Meet Sunday A meeting of the center district B. T. U. will be held at the Glady Branch Baptist church Sunday afternoon at 2:30 o’clock. Representatives are ex pected from Rocky Hill, Dunn’s Rock, Carr’s Hill, Brevard, Glady Branch and Cathey's Creek. The following program will be ren dered: Song and prayer; devotion by Joe Pace. Rocky Hill; song, Rocky Hill; business session; song. Carr’s Hill; talk, Brevard; song, Rocky Hill: poem, Cathey’s Creek; closing song and prayer. A special Invitation Is extended to officers and leaders of the upper and lower districts to attend the meeting, as business of Interest to all three dis tricts wTfl be discussed. Special Services at Local Baptist Church The Baptist Training union will have charge of the evening service at the Brevard Baptist church Sundal evening'at 7:30 o’clock, according t( an announcement of the pastor. th< Rev. Yancey C. Elliott Ralph H. Ramsey, director of thi B.T.U., will be In charge of the specla service, assisted by the following mem bers: Elizabeth Price, Rachel Hamlin Christine Miller, ‘Fred Glazener, Pau Jones, Charles Allen. Emma Sue Gray Edward Glazener, Martha Kate Moore Vance Jackson, George Simpson, Jun lor Miller, Clarence Garren. Cath erine Simpson, and J. B. Jones am E. P. Hamlin. Six new members have Joined thi Baptist church the past three Sun davs. the number Including Etleer Richardson. Mrs. S. TV. Prlmm, Mr and Mrs. Edwin Morgan, Mary Ash ley Norwood and Everett Green. Glazener Elected To Head Local Jr. Order W. D. Glazener was elected coun cillor at the Transylvania Junior Or der meeting Saturday. Lynch Moore was named vice council lor; B. M. Mull, chaplain; J. E. Glaz ener. warden; XT. S. Drake, conductor; James Garren. Inside sentinel; C. R Sharpe, financial secretary: and Karl Bosse, recording secretary. Brevard Hi Divides With Hendersonville Brevard and Hendersonville split a double-header game on the Henderson ville court Tuesday nipht. In a nip and tuck game the Brevard high "Blue * Devils” won by a score of 20-16 while the plrls lost by the de cisive score of 20-6. Wth l>oth teams exhibiting a tight defense neither of the boys teams were able to pain much of a lead until the last period when the Brevard boys pulled up into a 20 14 lead' and then went Into a zone defense which the Bearcats were un able to penetrate during the last few minutes of the game. Teague led the Brevard scoring with 11 points while Sitton led the losers with C points. The Brevard girls were at the mercy of 'their opponents as they had not had enough nractlce to nut up a*> kind of a defense or offense. . y' Brevard meets East Plat Bock tjieik Saturday night and plays Etowah at home Monday night; Tha conpteti schedule will be announced next week; Pay Your Subscription Today / J. SHADRACK GOES WILD, SLAPS TWO OFFICERS, WOMEN Locks County Doctor In Jail and Tries To Run Over Sheriff Shuford Jim Shadrack, went on a spree, a tear, or a plain "something” here Sat urday night, frightened women, hit Deputy Sheriff Buck McCall, then Sheriff George Shuford, and • in the meantime locked Dr. C. L. Newland, county physician, in Jail. He was given preliminary hearing before Justice of the Peace Fred Shu ford Wednesday morning and bound over to Superior court on two counts of assault—complainants being Mrs. F. L. Mallory and Mrs. Rud Phillips. Mrs. Mallory testified that the man frightened her at her home Saturday night, and that she fled to a neighbors. Mrs. Phillips said that Shadrack came into her home, accompanied by his mother, cursed and abused her, and then struck her with his fist. Sheriff George Shuford was called to the PhillipsTiome on French Broad avenue, and the “little bully” who Is not more than five feet In height, put up such a scrap that the sheriff had to use pretty severe tactics to sub due him. Hater, while In his cell at tne coun ty jail. Shadraek was being attended to hy Dr. Newland and Deputy Buck McCall. After a head wound had been treated by Doctor Newland, the fight ing, scrapping, miniature "bad man" took a quick punch at Deputy McCall, made a dive for the cell door and down the stairs. Slamming the door behind him, he locked it and tried for the front door of the Jail, taking a bunch of large cell keys off their hook as he went. However, the front door key is not kept on the cell-block ring, and while Shadraek was trying to make his escape, Mrs. McCall telephoned Sheriff Shuford, who went to the Jail. As the sheriff opened the front door, Shadraek struck him In the face with the huge bunch of keys, and tried to make his escape good. But the sheriff managed to ward off the blow, and took the "little bad man” back to his cell. In court Wednesday, Shadraek plead guilty to the two assault charges, made by the two women, and war rants had not been sworn out by Deputy McCalt or Sheriff Shuford. He did not go on the stand, and inferred from his statements In court that he did not know what was going on dur ing the Saturday evening melee. Bond was set at $300 in each case, and he was remanded to Jail. Fire Destroy* Crib of Corn Near Rosman _ ROSMAN, Jan. 19—A crib of about two hundred bushels of corn and a number of store fixtures, were destroy ed by fire about 10 o'clock Saturday night. The fire had gained conolderable headway before It was noticed, and the entire contents of the building burned. It Is not known how the fire started. No Insurance was carried. 39 PEOPLE AIDED IN EYE CLINIC HERE Community and Civic Groups Procure Treatment and Proper Glasses The eye clinic for indigent child ren was held In the Transylvania Coun ty Health department Wednesday, January 12. Thirty-nine children and one adult were examined and fitted with glasses. Dr. W. E. Bracket, eye. ear, nose and throat specialist, of Henderson ville. Mr. Wakeftled Optometrist, of Charlotte. Miss Faulkner, Secre tary of Dr. Brackett, Miss Theodosia Flud. district nurses' supervisor, and Miss Lilian Jenkins health department secretary, assisted Miss Bunton, pub lic health nurse, with the clinic. A number of clubs and Individuals helped materially to provide Transyl vania county’s Indigent children who were suffering from poor vision, with glasses. The Farmer’s Supply Co. pro vided chairs; Judson McCrary gave the use of an extra office for waiting room; interested Individuals furnished transportation from all county schools to the public health office. The fol lowing organizations donated glasses; Klwanls club. 20 pairs; Women’s Civic club, 2 pairs; Wednesday club 2 pairs; Brevard P. T. A., 2 pairs; Little River P. T. A. 2 pairs; Mathataalan club, 1 pair. Eck Sims Announces For Register Deeds Eck L. Sims, register of deeds for the past term, announces that he will be a candidate to succeed himself, for the second term with the statement that he will not seek a third term for Register of Deeds. Mr. Sims has been active In political circles here for years, .prior to his being elected to office, fu with Jhe state highway department. ' 'X %< «rao of the World War, Mr. Sim* ssrv SmI qaj&hway patrolman for the oonn fty ehfTik policeman in Brevard and Rosmw?hSe also served fonr years as dspttt* sheriff. .... .

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