I 1 st\ < > «> mm I \ < * < i JUDGES, REGISTRARS NAMED IN COUNTY Filing Time Closes Saturday at 6 o’Clock—Books To Open May Seventh Registrars anil Judges who will serve In the Democratic primary and the general election this fall, were appoint ed by the board of elections In their meeting here Saturday. B. H. Freeman was named as third member of the board, replacing Harry H. Patton who resigned. List of Judges and registrars announced by Chairman Glenn Burrell for each of the precincts follow, with the registrar first, two Democratic Judges, and the Republican member In order of their appearance. Boyd: Dave Holiday. Horace Lyday, Wales Lankford, T. S. Williams. Brevard, 1: M. M. Feaster. Hugh Hollfleld, Al Kyle, A. E. Hampton. Brevard, 2: Roy Burrell, Lewis Os borne, John Ashworth, Y. J. McCrary. Brevard. 3: John Mofrls, R. E. Mac key, Royce Walker. Depew Orr. Cathey Creek: Oaston Whitmire, Clarence Whitmire. W. J. Glazener. J, Frank McCall. Cedar Mountain: Paul Robert, Mrs. T. Robert. Jim Gravely. Judge Bishop. Dunns Rock: Glad Whitmire. Sam Whitmire. O. W. Maxwell. Fate Raxter. Enstatoe: Pick Wldtmlre. Marlon Olazenor, Lee Nicholson, D. L. Glaz ener. East Fork. W. C. Gravely. Charles Lee Gillespie. Clyde Hubbard, P. H. Parsons. Gloucester. 1: Allen McCall, Harlow McCall, Homer Price, Archie McCall, Gloucester, 2: Waller Fisher. Orville Lonfr, Otis Moore, Richard McCall. A HoRhack, 1: Homer McCall. Wathle ^ Fisher, T, C. Henderson. Carl Ranther. HoRback. 2: Henry McCall. Hosle Lee, Will Ray, Riley Johnson. HoRback. S: Clarence Norton. Con rad Miller, Russell Fisher, Harry nry •on. Little River: Hal Hart, Fd Mackey, Lawson Moore. Wade Merrill. Old Toxaway: Pearce Aiken, Ellis Galloway, Jesse Meece, Lewis MorRan. Rosman: Will Moore. Nath Galloway. Charlie Gantt, Roy Fisher. FlIlnR time closes Saturday after noon, May 23, at 6:00 o'clock, and all candidates for either ticket are re quired to file before the time expires. ReRlstratlon books will open In tho various precincts on Saturday. May 7, and remain open each Saturday for threo consecutive Saturdays. Office of the board of elections has been opened in the court house. In the first office to the left at the head of the back stairway. Miss Elizabeth Case Is clerk In tho office. District W. O. W. Meet To Be Held April 27 A numher of Transylvania county Woodmen and Woodmen Circle mem bers nre planning to attend the semi annual District Log Rolling which twill be held In Asheville on Wednes day. April 27. The meeting will be held In the Odd Fellows Hall on Rnvenford drive, and will begin at 10 o'clock In the morn ing, and continuing throueh the day. Luncheon for the visiting Woodmen and their ladles will be served by the Asheville camp. A B. Oalloway. district manager, states that every local woodman and circle membera has an Invitation to attend, and that State Mnnuger T. E. Newton. Past Consul B. T. Hill, and Mrs. Effle Rogers will be at the meet ing as guest speakers. Boy Scout# To Plant Trees On Bald Mtn. One thousand red spruee seedling trees will be planted on top of nig Bald mountain on the Pisgah ridge by the local Boy Scouts on Saturday morning, according to an announce ment made by forest ranger, John W. Squires. The planting will bo done by the boys under the supervision of Mr. Squires and assistant ranger, W. W. Huber, and Scoutmaster, Harold Nor wood. The scouts will gain merit badges through this work project. The forest service provides the trees and the planting equipment. It Is said that the higher altitude of this location where the trees are to be planted Is the natural environment for this type of spruce seedlings. ^ Smilin' Clwlie Says— —— Th’wheelbMTowakft ag classy lookin’as gome o’ these fine automobiles but it’ll do a powerful lottf haulin' if ltfc got enough push behind it Republican Convention To Be Held In Court House Friday Afternoon For Nomination of County Ticket Republicans of Transylvania county will select the party nominees at a con vention to be held In the Brevard court house Frldav afternoon of this week. The convention will be called to order at 2:80 o'clock by Ralph R. Fisher, chairman of the executive committee. Nomination of candidates and the selec tion of an executive committee, chair man, and other party officials will be special business at the meeting. Precinct meetings are to be held on Thursday night of this week at the various meeting places In the county at 8 o'clock, for the purpose of naming precinct officers, setting up local unttB of the county organization, and nam ing delegates to the county convention the following day. Invitation has been expended to Jake F. Newell of Charlotte, chairman of the North Carolina Republican state executive committee to make keynote address at the meetng Friday afternoon. The convention takes the place of the primary election In Republican party circles here, and there has been no primary held In years. Delegates who are named from the soveral precincts vote on the nominations that are made from the floor of the assembly, with majority vote of the delegates nominat ing. Nominees to be selected Include a full list—representatve In the general as sembly, clerk of court, register of deeds, sheriff, three county commissioners, tax collector, surveyor, coroner, and precinct officials. Filing of names with the county board of elections will not be made until after the convention meets. Sat urday afternoon at 6 o'clock Is closing date for filing._ _ Spring Flower Show Planned By Ladies The Brevard Garden club lias plan ned to hold a spring flower show on Friday, May 20. at the civic club building from 2 to 8:30 o’clock. By holding the flower show the garden club hopes to promote Interest In growing and arranging spring flow ers In particular, and In gardens und decorative planting, and to bring to gether those who are Interested In ftowers and gardens to admire one another’s flower productions and skill and to compete against one another’s productions. There will be no charge for admis sion, and tea will bo served during the time the show Is open. The classifications will be given In next week’s paper. Breese Building W. E. Britt, owner of the Breese building on East Main street has finish ed renovation of the upstairs and states that he will rent the apartments. Modern conveniences, plus paint and paper have worked wonders with the former office spaces. R. L. Gash has moved his office from the building to the Long's Drug Store building. CLEAN UP WEEK SLATED HERE Annual Clean-Up and Paint-Up week will be ob served in Brevard the first week in May, with the ladies of the Civic Club and the town co-operating with citi zens in the campaign. A regular schedule for the town truck will be ob served, and will be publish ed in next week’s Times. Complete announcement will be made of plans following a meeting of the clean up committee which will be held Friday afternoon at 4 o’clock in the Civic Club room. Services at Blue Ridge AnnouncemAt has been made that the Hcv. H. L. Souther will preach at the Blue Bldgo Baptist church next Sunday. A cordial Invitation Is ex tended the public to uttend, Brevard Tanners Will Play Here Saturday The Tanner* will play the flr*t league game of the aeaaon here Sat urday afternoon when they meet the Weetern Carolina Industrial team from Tryon. The seven-team loop start* Its sche dule on Saturday, and possibilities are that the eighth team will be In this week, making It complete. The game here Baturday will be played on the College field, beginning at 2:30 o’clock. Starting lineup ha* not been announced by Manager Kyle, but will probably be Barley or MorriB, Pittllo as battery. The Tanners defeated Ralph James' Western Carolina team here Tuesday afternoon by the score of 8-fi In a gamo that showed up the Brevard nine In pretty good style. Waverly Morris and Barley did the twirling for Brevard, with Plttlllo on the receiving end. Frye, playing at short, was leader In hitting with two walks and two singles out of four tries. Plttlllo had a single and double out for four tries. Ardrey, former Brevard College star, led the Janies crew with three for five. The college field Is In extra good shape, and will bo used by both the college and the tanners this summer, Federal Court Juror* Yancey J. McCrary of Brevard, R-2, and George Merrill of Penrose have been named to serve on tlie federal court Jury In Asheville at the sessions beginning May 28. Judge 6. Yates Webb of Shelby will preside. Spalding McIntosh Is Anouncing for Clerk Announcement Is being made in this Issue of the Times by Spalding Mc Intosh that he Is a candidate for clerk of Superior court subject to the action of the Democratic primary In June. Known to people In all sections of the county as ’’Mac," the candidate came to Transylvania about thirty years ago when a lad, and has since worked In this county. He was In the drug business at Rosman for several years, and for the past eight years has been with the state highway depart ment In Trnnsylvanla. Mr. McIntosh states that he Is not connected with the department and will give hts entire tlmo to the campaign. ______ Two School Leaders MISS MARTHA KATE MOORE and MISS MARY ALICE FEASTER arc valedictorian and salutatorlan at Bre vard high school which closes Its term on Friday evening of this week with graduation exercises. Miss Moore (top) Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Moore of Brevard and In addition to her high scholastic attainment during her four years in high school, was selected this year as the "best citizen" and as such repre sented Brevard In the state D. A. R. pilgrimage. Miss Moore Is secretory of the senior class, associate editor of the high school newspaper, member of the high school glee club, and was vice president of the Junior class, and served as chief marshal at graduation exercises last year. She was valedictorian of the seventh ornde graduation class four years ago, and won the D. A. R. his tory medal at that time, and served as editor-ln-chlef of the elementary (Continued on back vane) Programs of Inter est Announced at Several Places For Week All schools of the county will close their 1937-38 terms on Friday of this week, It Is announced by the county superintendent, J. B. Jones. Programs are being planned at most of the scnools for tho day, Mr. Jones said, with some of the students and teachors Joining to have more elabor ate affairs, which will continue through the afternoon and evening of Friday. p. A. R history medals will he pre sented to outstanding history students In the several schools by members of the Walghsttli Avery Chnptcr. Sev enth grade certificates, and other awards will also be made to the stu dents on Thursday and Friday. Professor Jones said that teachers for 1938-39 would be elected by the committees within a short while after the present term expires. i Brevard High Pupils To Hear Dr. Blackwell Commencement week at the Brevard high school will come to a close Fri day evening at 8 o'clock, when the graduation exercises will be held In the school auditorium. Dr. Hoyt Blackwell, vice president of Mars Hill college, will be the speaker. Martha Kate Moore will deliver the valedictory address, and Mary Alice Feaster the salutatory. Slxty-one members comprise the senior class. County Superintendent J. B. Jones will Introduce the main speaker, and Prin cipal R. T. Klmzey will award the di plomas. Other exercises of commencement week Included the baccalaureate ser mon delivered by the Rev. Yancey C. Elliott, pastor of the Brevard Baptist church, Sunday evening at the school auditorium: two piano recitals given by pupils of Professor Alvin Moore on Frldny and Monday evenings of the past week; the senior class play, "Polly With A Past,” given by members of the class on Wednesday evening. Officers of the senior class Include: James Bridges, president: Emma Lou Loftls, vice president: Martha Kate Moore, secretary; Oliver Orr, Jr., treas urer. Little Joanne Newland and Buddy Hollar are class mascots. Commencement marshals are: Ed ward Olazener and Paul Jones, chiefs, Jeannette Austin, Helen FullWright, Lillian Zachary, Pendleton Banks. Tom Oalloway, John Walker find Garland Williams. Trowbridge To Make Address at Rosman ROPMAN, APRIL 20—Commence ment cxerclscB ut the Rosman high school will dose Friday evening at R o'clock at which tlmo the graduation program will ho given In the school auditorium. Professor C. H. Trow bridge. of Brevard College, will address tho graduates on this occasion. Luclllo Galloway will give tho vale dictory address, and Dovle White the salutatory. Awarding of diplomas will be made by Principal E. F, Tllson. Other features will Include songs by the class, tho processional and Invoca tion. The baccalaureate sermon on Rundoy afternoon at the high school auditor ium was delivered by Professor John Bennelt. of Brevard College. The senior class exercises were held Wednesday evening, with a varied program by members of the class, con cluding with ar. amusing play, "Who's Who In The Home." The graduation class Is comprised of the following n members: Lucille Galloway. Carolyn Garrcn, Ruby Glax ener, Hnrold Hogsed, Charles McNeely, Harold McNeely, Robert Lee Oates, Jr„ Lawrence Owen. John Reid, Hovey Waldrop, Dovlo White, Margaret White and Ray Winchester. Marshals for commencement week are: D. H. Winchester, chief. Ruby Banther, John Rogers, Ruth Bennett, Eva Israel, Gerald Allison and Mary Whitmire. Class mascots arc Jo Anne White, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Wil liam White, and Billie Rogers, son of Mr, and Mrs. J. B. Rogers. Class col ors are orchid and white, and lilac Is the class flower. Brevard Elementary Exercises Thursday Seventh grade graduation exercises of the Brevard grammar school will be held Thursday evening of this week at 8 o'clock at the high school audi torium. at which time the address will be delivered by Professor John B. Ben nett, of Brevard college. Plfty-two members comprise the graduating class. The valedictory address will be given by Anne Banks, and the salutatory by Frankie Moore. Presentation of certificates will be made by Principal J. E. Rufty, and presentation of the annual D. A, R. history medal will be made by Miss Annie Jean Gash, reg ent of the local chapter of the D. A. R. Other features of the evening's pro gram will Include: Invocation, the Rev. C. M. Jones, pastor of the local Pres byterian church; historian, Bill Petzer; prophecy, Margaret Galloway; poet, Richard Pranklin; grumbler, Harry Ashworth; last will and testament, Roscoe Mull; songs by members of the class. Seventh grade class officers are: Richard Pranklin, president; Harry Ashworth, vice president; Mary Mas ters. secretary; Elizabeth Burlingame, treasurer. The class colors are pink and white, and the dust. riowcr is emu apple. The following nre memhers of the seventh grade graduating class: Anne Banks, Hazel Brown. Elizabeth Buckner, Elizabeth Burlingame, Elinor Chamberlin, Mary Compton. Margaret Onlloway, Necla Galloway, Dorothy Johnson, Estelle McOaha, Shirley Mar tin. Frankie Moore, Eleanor Pettit, Mary Mae Sizemore, Audrey Luther, jack Crary, Jack Fenwick, nirhard Franklin, Bill Fetzer. Vernon Holhert, Arthur Jenkins, Harold MeCrory, Tom my McConnell, Lyle Merrill, Ted Mull, Bill Morris, Carl Scruggs, Richard Tinsley, Lloyd Wood, Albert Reid, Lucille Arrowoodt Harry Ashworth. Woodard Batson, Leotn Bell. Betty Bracken. Hazel Burgess. Frieda Clay ton, Everette Green, Flora Hogsed, Jack D. Layne, Jack McCrary, Ruth McOaha, Charles Mc.Tunkln, Mary Mas ters, Roscoe Mull. Roland Nicholson, JamesT?lerson, Opal Raxter, Elizabeth Sprouse, Louise Teague, Bobhy Mlteh em, Junior Mltchem. Kosman /tn uraaers Hold Program Today ROSMAN, April 20—Graduation exer cises of the Rosman elementary school will be held Thursday afternoon at 2:SO o'clock In the school auditorium. The address will be made by Julian A. Glazener, county agent, Avarle Glazener Is vnledlctorlan of the seventh grade class, and Josephine Powell Is salutatorlan. Presentation of certificates will be made by Principal W. D. Brackett. The D. A. R. history medal will be presented by Mrs. Cole man Galloway. The Invocation and benediction will be by the Rev. M. L. Lewis; class poem. Ruby Galloway: class prophecy, Leslie Nicholson: who’s who In the seventh grade, V, B. Waldrop; Intro duction of speaker by Prof E, F. Tll son;-_class songs. Marshals are Lillie Mae Greene, Lorena Galloway, Ruth Gillespie, Stan ley Winchester, Bolce Winchester and Charles Moore, The class colors are blue and white, and the class flower narcissus. The class motto Is, "Today We launch—Where Shall We Anchor?" The seventh grade class Includes the following: Ola Butler, Lucy McCall, Mae Whitmire Esther Galloway, Ednn Nelson, Billie Bailey, Lela Aiken, Eva Galloway, Josephine Powell. Ruby Jar rett, I. V. King, Geraldine Hendrix, Avarle Glazener, Ruby Galloway, Dan Edens, Ray Israel, Eugene Woodring, Billie Nicholson, Albert Tsrnel, Leslie Ncholson, Briscoe McCall, Tom McCall, Clifford Powell, Ruel Whitmire, V. B. Waldrop and J. A. Meose. Selica Student Holds Attendance Record Outstanding among the pupils com pleting the seventh grade at the Selica school on Friday Is Q. D, McCall, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dewey McCall, who has a record to his credit of not being auseni ur ituuy IIUIU o> nuui nivcxu anco during the past seven years. Huperlntlves named in the Sellen seventh grade are: J: L: Bryson, and Alice Stance!], most attractive hoy and girl; Robert MrGnlin and Relia Wil son, mopt popular hoy and girl; Carl White and Alice St.aneell. most stu dlous hoy and girl; O, D. McCall and Reha Wilson, neatest hoy and girl; Nell Wilson, class flirt and class baby; Alice Rtancoll, vnledlctorlnn; Nell Wil son, snlufntorlnn, MIrs Ruth Waters Is prlnclpnl of the Sellca school, with Miss Mirtcn Hen derson assistant teacher. Connestee Exerci»es To Be Held Thursday Eve Commencement exercises at the Con nestec school will come to a close Thursday afternoon ftt 2 o’clock, when the graduation program of the seventh grade will be held at the school. Pro feasor C. H. Trowbridge, of Brevard College, will make the address. Certificates will be presented to those completing the seventn grade by prin cipal 9. P. Vemer. On Tuesday evening a program wns given by the primary children, under the direction of their teacher, Miss Fieoto Freeman. Tho progrnm Included; Dialogue. ’■When Company Comes to Our Door,” by Mary Hogaed, Jay Wilson, Fred Hogsed and Harold Hubbard; pageant, "Red Riding Hood and the Bear,’’ by Frances Compton, Little Red Riding Hood; Junior Wilson, the bear; Mary Hogsed, fairy Sllverwlngs; Edgar Hol den, fairy Fleetwood; Thelma Lan dreth, Ted Newton and Hovey Grav ley, violets; Wallace Raines, J. P. Tins ley, Warren Raines, Gentry Morgan, Shipman Whitmire and Perry Raxter, feme; Helen Gravely, Margaret Raxter and Lola Mao Glazener, wild roses; Earl Gravely, Kenneth Landreth, Wal ter McGaha and Lindy Perry, hunters; Grace Tinsley, grandmother. Pisg&h Forest School Class Leaders Given Commencement exercises of the PIs gah Forest school will be held Thurs day afternoon at 2 o'clock at the school, according to an announcement of the principal, Miss Annie May Patton. Charles McCall will give the valedic tory address; Ellen Sentell, salutatory; Nora Lee Rhodes, historian: Russell Alexander, prophecy; L. V, Com, last will; Mary Jane Nicholson, poet. Children of the lower grades will also tike part on the program. The seventh grade certificates will be presented by Miss Patton, who will also present the D. A. R. history medal to the seventh grade winner. The following are members of the seventh grade graduation class: Rus sell Alexander, Bruce Baynard, Ruth Baynard, Della Parker, Charles McCall, Ellen Sentell, Hassle McCrary, Mary Jane Nicholson, Christine Sentell, Ralph Holden, L. V, Coro, Nora Lee Rhodes and Frasier Sentell. CANNERY WILL BUY BEANS, TOMATOES IN TRANSYLVANIA' Skvland Company Plana To Uao Tomatoes and Baans For Shipping, Canning Farmer* of Transylvania will be In terested In the announcement by the Bkyland Packing and Canning com pany that a plant la to be aet up la Hendersonville, and that producers of beans and tomatoes In this county will be contacted, H. G. Carlisle of Valdosta, Qa„ wide ly known man In plant and vegetable business circles of the South, will be In charge of the new plant which hss already purchased Its building and part of the necessary equipment, Mr, Carlisle was In Brevard last week and contacted several farmers and leaders here with a view to grow Ing tomntoes and beans for the new plant. Mr. Carlisle paid that he had appointed the BAT! Feed and Seed company as Transylvania agents for the plant, and that dealings here would be either through thnt firm or with the plant direct. Plans are to use all such green to matoes as can be properly qualified for green w^aps, which will be parked and nhlpped to outside markets. Tomatoes that are unfit for wrapping or ship ping, will be used In the cannery for tomato Juice or regular cans, Tho same rule will apply to beans, Mr. Carlisle said, and no farmer will be asked to contract his crop to sell to the cannery or shipping department. A plan Is being worked out whereby farmers who wish to, may have the seeds, plants, fertilizers, and spray ma terials furnished through the Board representative, for a share of the pro* duct grown. On this basts, there wtH be no contract to deliver the goods td the canning or packing plant. The concern Is now operating plants In Georgia and Florida, and have a large fleet of trucks In operation now In the southern area*. Arrangement# for seed* and gupplles may be mads now at the BAB Feed and Seed com pany for planters In this community who wish aid In financing. Camera Club Meeting The Brevard Camera club will inert Thursday evening of this week at I o'clock In the Little Theatre building on Jordan street. Each member Is ex pected to bring o structure photograph for display. Surface Treatment Is Planned on US 276 District Engineer Ernest Webb ex pects to surface (rent the flrconvlll# highway from the Brevard city limits to the South Cnrollnu line at an early date. Sard for th> project Is being got ten out now by the Slnlard Transfer company, and work will probably start within the next few weeks. Mr. Webb sold that ho hopes td have the Bosnian road completed and surfaced early In May, with the final coat work to he .started around the flret of the month. Ruth’s Beauty Parlor Moves To Jordan St. _ Ruth’s Beauty Shop has moved from Main street lo the Phillips building on Jordan street where It Is now In operation. The Phillips building was rectmtly purchased by Pat Ktmzey, and has been completely renova.od, making It Into one of the nicer business place# of the town. Former Main ntreet location of Ruth’s shop has been purchased by 0, B. Scott, who plans to open a grocery store within the next couple of weeks. The building Is being rorilred and an extra storage room added to the back. Mr. and Mrs. Scott plan to use ths upstairs suite which Is now occupied by Dr. R. L. Stokes a* their home. Dr. Stokes plans to move to a suite of of fices over Plummer's new store. SAVINGS AND LOAN MEETS WEDNESDAY Organisation of Local Unit; To Be Perfected by Local Share Holders Organization meeting of the Bre vard Federal Savings and Loan as sociation will be held In the office of Jerry Jerome on West Main street next Wednesday afternoon at 1 o'clock. Charter for the mutual association has already been received, and all preliminary work has been done by the organization committee composed of Jos. S. Sllversteen, A. F. Mitchell* Mid Mr. Jerome. At the meeting to be held Wednes day, directors and officers will bs ilected by the shareholders, and tho adoption of by laws. The association will be capitalised it $15,000, and will have access to am iddlttonal $75,000 from the national federal savings and loan department* Money will be available through thtf organization for buildings, repairs, sod other Improvements to property. All ihareholdere will be under the Federal Deposit Insorsr.ee corporation, with insurance on amounts invested up td >6,000. The shares are non-taxable by either tbs state or federal government*

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