. .. II ii GLANCING :!j • j BACK AT iij i! BREVARD ill :: *! Taken from 4he files of ;; :; The Sylvan Valley News, .. beginning 1895. 4 I .at I (From the file of June 1C, 1902) Wint'norp Johnstone celebrated his birthday last Friday by Inviting a num ber of his friends ever to spend tne day. a; 9 o’clock In the morning the invited guests met at T. B Woods resi dence, crossed the river In a canoe, then proceeded to Glen Cannon falls where they spent the day. At 1 p. m. they had luncheon at the Johnstone residence and returned at i. 1 he guests were: Misses Alice Wood, Eva Puett, Dollie Wcltt, Rose Puett, Jen nie Went, DeWltt Gillespie and Carei Horres. The dance at the McMtnn House Tuesday night was even more of a suc cess than any of the former events of the season, notwithstanding the fact that the weather kept some of the guests away. Those present were: Mrs. C. P. Clarke, Mrs. F. L. PeVane, Mrs. Delavan Tucker Mrs. Wm. Hewitt. Mrs. R J. Clarke. Miss Dc Vane. Miss Brumfield, Mias Mitchell and Miss Pflaster, Messrs Chirke. De Vane. Orr, Brumfield. Riser. Mitchell. Davies. Hass and G. C. Brumfjeld. T he Brevard string band furnished the music and refreshments were served. At a late hour the ball broke up, each guest already looking forward to the time when the pleasure shall be re peated. Mr. and Mrs. Clarke have the faculty of making each of their social functions even more enjoyable than the preceding one, and their hospitality was highly appreciated by the young people. Dr. G. \V. Young has traded a portion of his farm near Ecusta to \V. S. Price for his town property. This includes store, goods, building and lot. The store will be continued by Dr. Young. Mr. Price and family will however, occupy the upper story of the building this summer. Miss Josie Osborne returned home this week after an extended visit to the exposition at Charleston and rela tives at Spartanburg, S. C. Among prominent visitors In Bre vard this week are: Governor Calhoun and wife, of St. Louis, J. Frank Wilkes, of Charlotte, Prof. Wm. Main, of New York City, Julian d'Osle, of Boston, Geo. W. Tilson, of Asheville. T. L. Clark and family will occupy QUICK LUNCH —AND A GOOD ONE— If you want tasty food ar.d prompt service you will come to our cafe every day. Here you can obtain a cood lunch at a rea sonable price. Galloway's Cafe Next to Dixie Store Mrs. J. C. Galloway, Mgr. FAMILY CIRCLE READING MATERIAL Newspapers — Magazines Lending Library— New Books YOUR Home Town Newspaper Ward’s News Stand Next To Long’s Drug Store the V. E McGah* residence near tna Baptist church. Mr. C;ark will prob ably move lu this week A number cf our people have been attracted by the pebble-dash work be ing done on the 3. W. McMInn house. Col. E. T. Everett was !n Brevard this week. He erpccts to bring his family here soon. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. P.olfe and two daughters, of Pittsburgh, Pa., are stop ping at Dr. Hunt’s this week. E. a. Black was ordained deacon of the Presbyterian church at last Sun day morning’a service. A. T. Cooper and family have moved 10 Asheville. Oui people regret to have them leave this community. J. L. Bell has returned home after an extended visit in South Carolina. Eugene Lewis pame Into Brevard last week P.nd loft on Monday for Toxaway, where he expects to take a position for the summer. t - A number of prospectors are among our psople this week. Some are look ing for waterfalls, some for farms and others are seeking health and pleasure. Several workmen arrived here this week from Asheville and Spartanburg and other places. Some will do ihe pebble-dash, work on the Brcese build ing and others will v/ork or the new res'dence of Dr. Wallis. 7.. W. Nichols has received this week a shipment of souvenir chlnaware which consists of plates, pitchers, saucers, cups and fancy dishes of quite a variety. On each one Is stamped a perfect picture of either the Franklin hotel or Connestee falls. The goods were made In Austria and are excellent souvenirs. It is reported that Jasper Orr, of North Brevard, has sold his home to a Pennsylvanian, and that the purchas er will erect a $30,000 residence on the site where Mr. Orr's house now stands. The Rev. Mr. Chapman, of St. Phil ips. will be absent on a visit to his old home during the month of June. He will officiate at St. Philips on Trinity Sunday, his last service previous to his departure. The settlement between the county commissioners and Sheriff J. C. King for 1901 taxes was made last week. The total tax on real estate and personal property of the county Is about $19, 000. Of this amount only about $169. 28 was uncollected at the time of set tlement. Transylvania county can well congratulate herself on the record its tax collector has made this year. Very few. If any counties, can show as good a record as ours this year in tax col lections. This Is a record breaker—and not only the county but Sheriff King is to be congratulated for his excellent work. McCall Is Sentenced To Chair MIAMI, Fla..—Franklin Pierce Mc Call, 2l-year-old convicted kldnap-klll er of Jimmy Cash, started a belated fight for his life Friday after listening without a flicker of emotion while cir cuit Judge H. F. Atkinson sentenced him to die In the electric chair. NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of the power and authority contained In that certain mortgage deed, executed from H. M. Klrtg to the Globe Medicine Company, dated the 21 day of November, 1930, and recorded in Book No. 25, page 278, of the records of Deed In Trust for Tran sylvania County. The undersigned Mort gagee will offer for sale and sell for cash to the highest bidder at the Court House Door in Brevard, North Caro lina, at 12 o'clock noon, on Saturday, June the 25, 1938, all of the following described property. Lying and being In the State of North Carolina, TranHylvanta County, and described as follows: Beginning at a stake on the North margin of French Broad Ave. at the Southeast comer of lot No. 62, runs North 32 degrees, East 160 feet to a comer of lots 84 and 85, thence with the line of lots number 85 and 86 South 58 degrees, East 50 feet to a comer of lot 65 thence South 32 de grees North 160 feet to a stake In the North margin of French Broad Ave. with the margin of said Ave. North 68 degrees. West 50 feet to the beginning. Being all of lots number 63 and 64 as shown on the Map of the sub-dlvlslon of the Slnlard Property, surveyed and Mapped by A. L. Hardin, C. E. on August the 22, 1925, sail Map being re corded In Book S3 page 114 of the deeds of records of Transylvania County. This the 26th day of May, lilt. GLOBE MEDICINE COMPANY By A. A. Rice, Attorney. June 2-4tp. w w PTB w Kw «W™ ^ I FORMER BREVARD REBIDENT IS HARRIED IN GREENVILLE Hiss Martha Ena Vaughan became the bride of Jefferson Davie White aides, Jr., Saturday afternoon at 5 o'clock, lc a ceremony of marked beauty, which took place at the bride's tome, 3H Perry avenue, Greenville, S. C The Rov. A. L. Vaughan, father of the bride, was the officiating minister, and was assisted by Dr. Charles Had den Nabeis. In the ceremony room an altar ofj paims and ferns had been arranged, before which stood baskets of Queen Ann's lace and gladioli with cande labra on both sides of the altar. A program of prenuptial music was rendered. The bridal chorus from Loh engrin was used as the processional. Ml3s Ruth Vaughan, sister of the brido, was maid of honor. She wore pink net trimmed with bands of blue velvet ribbon and beautifully fashioned with a very full skirt. A matching tur ban completed her costume, and her flowers were an arm bouquet of mixed flowers. The junior bridesmaid was little Mary Alice Hoillfleld of Brevard. She wore an attractive dress of blue net made on Empire lines, and carried a nosegay of mixed flowers. Entering the room with her brother. Theo Vaughan, of Anderson, the bride made a lovely picture In her wedding gown of white lace. The dress was made on princess lines with train and leg-o-mutton sleeves trimmed with but tons and pointed at the hands. She wore a flnger-tlp length veil and a lace cap caught with a coronet of orange blossoms. Her flowers were bride’s roses and lilies of the valley. Mr. Whitesides had as his .best man. Marion Moore, of Mount Holly. After an informal reception the bride and gridegroom left for a wedding trip. Mrs. Whiteside changed to a two piece suit of black and white taffeta for traveling. Mrs. Whitesides Is the daughter of the Rov. and Mrs. Arthur Lafayette Vaughan. She was graduated from Brevard High school and received her college degree from Limestone college In 1934. Since then she has beet teach ing in Gastonia. Mr. Whltsides Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Jefferson Davis Whitesides of Sharon. He was graduated from Ersk ine college. He is a salesman for R. E. Proctor & Sons, wholesale concern of Charlotte. The young couple will reside in Char lotte. BAPTIST CIRCLES MET IN JOINT SESSION The three circles of the Baptist church met Thursday afternoon at the church In joint session for the regular monthly meeting, instead of meeting separately in the homes as customary. Following a short business meeting of each circle held separately in the church, the members assembled in the church parlor, where a program of in terest on the Fannie Heck memorial was presented, in charge of Mrs. Har old Norwood. Other members of the different circles speaking on phases of the subject were Mrs. O. F. Moore. Mrs. Roy Dong. Mrs. A. E. Martin and Mrs. N. A. Poole. During the social period refreshments were served by hostesses from each circle, including Mrs. B. H. Freeman. Mrs. Walter Duckworth. Mrs. R. A. Payne and Mrs. J. K. Mills. INFORMAL TEA HONORS LADY FACULTY MEMBERS An informal tea given by Mrs. R. F. Mock and Miss Myra Binford Monday afternoon at Maple Inn. just off the college campus, honored the lady fac ulty members who are here for the summer session at Brevard College and the wives of faculty members. Those present for the enjoyable oc casion were: Mrs. E. J. Coltrane, Mrs. C. E. Buckner, Mrs. C. S. McCallum, Mrs. Helen McConnell Mrs. J. D. Mc Rae, Mrs. Grady Campbell, Mrs. M. G. Pangle. Mrs. C. H. Trowbridge, Miss Lucllc Smith, Miss Dulcie Hayes, Miss Harriet Killough, Miss Della Shore. --- Notice of Execution Sale STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF TRANSYLVANIA Commissioner of Banks of North Carolina vs. W. M. Henry IN THE SUPERIOR COURT By virtue of an execution directed to the undersigned from the Superior Court of Transylvania County, In the above entitled action, I will, on Monday, the 4th day of July 1938, at 12 o’clock, Noon, at the Courthouse door of said County, sell to the highest bidder for cash to satisfy said execu tion, all the right, title and Interest which the said W. M. Henry, the de fendant, has in the following described real estate, to-wit: All of those certain tracts of land allotted to W. M. Henry as a home stead on July 31, 1986, and more par ticularly described as follows: A tract of land containing 68 1-2 acres, more or less, described in deed from W. B. Williamson, Receiver, to W. M. Henry, dated May 11, 1906, re corded In Book 22, at page 449, at a valuation of $600.00 A tract of land described In a deed from Ralph Fisher et al., to WllUam Henry, dated July 8, 1926, and record ed in Book 64, at page 160, at a valu ation of $225.00. A charge of $875.00 against tract of land, described in a deed from L. G. Sinlard, et al., to W. M. Henry, dated November 10, 1903, and recorded In Book 22, at page 71. This the 1st day of June, 1988. GEO. D. SHUFORD Sheriff Transylvania County. June 9-4t Send in your Renewal—<We will appreciate it now. GARDEN OIjVH HAS INTERESTING MEETING An Interesting meeting of the Bre vard Garden club was held Friday af ternoon at the home of Mrs. H. J. Bradley, who was assisted In enter taining by Mrs. Fred Holt. Decorations of a profusion of home grown sweet peas of unusual beauty and size added to the enjoyment of the oc casion. Following the business transactions, presided over by the president, Mrs. Pat Kimzey, a program of Jntsrest and Information was In charge of Mrs. A. H. Klzer, who spoke on "Consider the Lilies,” telling of the various kinds, beauty and culture of lilies. Mm. T. H. Shipman told facta concerning the culture of sweet peas. In the regular flower contest, Mrs. Pat Kimzey won first prize on arrange ment, with Mrs. Bradley second win ner; Mrs Judson McCrary won the prize on larkspur, and Mrs. T. H. Ship man for unusual. Twen-y or more persons were pres ent, Including two new members, Mrs Judson McCrary and Mrs. A. E. Mar tin, and- two new members, Mrs. Jud son McCrary and Mrs. A. E. Martin, and two guests, Mrs. Yancey C. EUlott and Mrs. Harry Sellers. Iced tea, cakes and sandwiches were served by the Joint hostesses following the meeting. PRESBYTERIAN AUXILIARY HELD MEETING AT CHURCH The June meeting of the Auxiliary of the Presbyterian church was held at the Hut Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Willis Brittain, president, con ducted the routine business. An in teresting program on foreign missions was in charge of Mrs. W. M. Cloud, assisted by Miss Annie Jean Gash. A letter of much Interest was read by Mrs. C. L. Newland from Mrs. Vernon Crawford, whose husband, a former pastor of the local church, is a mis sionary in Japan. Members of Circle No. 1 served re freshments during the social period fol lowing the meeting. V. n. C, MEETING WILL BE HELD SATURDAY The June meeting ot the U.D.C. will be held at the library at 4 o’clock Sat urday afternoon, It has been announc ed by the president, Miss Annie Jean Gash. A full attendance of members is desired, and a special invitation is extended to all former members to at tend. _ k Cold-Making Power... Im Economy Actual fifurca to prove Kdvinatar’a amazing economy in ice-makinf I « And Look! For A Few Cents A Day You can actually own one of these tfe beautiful 1938 Kehrinator*. Come in and let’s discuss low, easy payment terms— A few cents a day is all it takes! J|j|k DON'T DELAY! SB Jfflk THIS CHAMPION ICE-MAKER TODAY! Only Kehrinator Offers These Features: i»Spesdy-Cabe Ice Rsiuasu frilly pops the cubes oat of t hair trays, room for larva, btrfky objects. • Mk4a Tfasnosmstar • VagetaUs Crisper and Bia. * •10 n . VEST POWER COMPANY Day Phone 116 Night Phone 16 REGULAR MEETING OF METHODIST HOOf.ETI June meeting of the Women'* Mis sionaa society of the Methodist church was held Thursday utternoop in the ladies’ parlor of the church In the absence of the president, Mrs. Burt Loomis, the meeting was In charge of the vice president, Mrs. B. D. Franklin, who also gave the medi tation talk. ■ Decision was made to Invite Mlw Wang, a young Chinese gtrl In one of the summer camps here, tc speak at a Joint meeting of all the churches at (in early date. Mrs. 3. J. Ccltrane, program leader, gave the coll tp worship and led lu (he responsive reading, followed by scrip ture reading by Mias Dulcle Ihk Mrs. C. H. Trowbridge discussed the missionary topic, "Building tht King dom of God In Japan." KIWANIH DIRECTORS! ARE ENTERTAINED Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Klmzey en tertained the officers of the Brevard Kiwanls club at their home Friday evening with an enjoyable dinner. Mrs. Klmzey was assisted In serving by her sister, Miss Frances Morris. Following the lovely course dinner, matters of business were taken up Among those present were: E. J. Collrane, Julian Glazener, C. M. Doug, las, Rev. C. M. Jones. J. B. Jones, Mr. Klmzey, Rev. Yancey C. ElUott, Harry Patton, Dr. Fred Zachary and Harry Sellers. Adding machine paper#] AA 12 roll* for.yl«UU AT THE TIMES OFFICE Smooth- Cootand1% VACATIONS ' To all America in the luxurious MEYIOUNO SUPER-COACH Hendersonville t .40 Greenville .$1.50 Augusta . 3.65 Asheville.60 Knoxville . 2.50 Atlanta . 3.80 New York ....10.35 Richmond .... 6.00 Swainsboro .... 5.00 Los Angeles... 85.60 Mf EXTRA Savfnft #* IU«M Trip Tky§ | MACFIE Drug Company The Rexall Store Phone I

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