jrHFl THE TRANSYLVANIA TIMfS |1S' :^-nmtnuHii A Newspaper Devoted to the Best Interest of the People of Transylvania County .... VOL- 48: NO. 42 BREVARD, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1938 $1.00J>ERYEARJN TRANSYLVANIA COUNTY ANNUAL METHODIST CONFERENCE MEETS Brevard Pastor Probably Be Transferred—Change In Rosman Expected The Rev. J. H. Bretulall and several Methodist leaders from this section are attending the annual Western North Carolina conference which Is meeting In Charlotte. Thursday through Sun day. The Rev. Mr. Brendall Is rounding out four years work at Brevard, and will probably be sent to another field, In accordance with the transfer plan of the conference of allowing one min ister to remain on a charge for four years. The Rev. John Bennett, who baa been In charge of the Brevard Rosman circuit. Is asking for his re lease in order to devote his full time to teaching at Brevard College. During the four years that Mr. Bren dall has been In Brevard, many Im provements have been made at the church, and the Indebtedness has been cut from $12,000 to $7,400. to make a fine material showing. NYA Group From This County at State Fair F. H. Holden and his group of NYA workers have returned from Raleigh where they built an exhibition log cab in for the state fair. The house was finished during the week of the fair, and visitors were en abled to seo the actual construction going on as well as the type of work that was being done in the building by the NYA workers. 1 Boys from Transylvania assisting Mr & Holden In construction of the building included Charles Merrill, Harry Manly, Bert Wilson. David Lee Sims, Lee Davis, and Vessle McCall. Exhibits from Transylvania county were placed in the NYA building by Miss Willie Kate Waters and Miss Elizabeth McCoy. Mr. Holden and several of the boys returned home over the week-end. John Gravely, who did masonry work for the state fair exhibit building has gone to Carthage where he will supervise the construction of a stone building for the NYA. Charles Merrill has been given the post of assistant superintendent of the state training camp for NYA boys at State College, and has already started his work there. Mr. Merrill has been working in the NYA program in Transylvania county for several months, and was selected by the state division officers for the post of assistant superintendent after careful Investigation by the state offi cials. It was estimated by fair officials that at least 75.000 people visited the log cabin and Its exhibit during the fair. Little Theatre Meeting A meeting of the Little Theatre will be held Friday evening of this week at 8 o’clock In the city hall building. Election of officers will take place, and plans for the coming year will be discussed. All members are urged to attend. Little River Grange Officers Nominated PENROSE, Oct. 19—New officers were nominated by the Little River grange at a meeting held Tuesday evening, and will be voted upon at the next regular meeting, on Nov. 21. Nominations were—Edward H. Mac key, Jr., master: Hayes Merrill, over seer: P. Ammons, lecturer: Miss Lo rena Merrill, secretary: Riley Merrill, steward: Frank Shuford and Mrs. Her bert Heath, assistant stewards: Martin Shipman, gate keeper: Mrs. Martin Shipman, chaplain: Ossie Merrill, treas urer: Mrs. James Merrill. Mrs. E. H. Mackey, Katherine Mackey, three Graces: E. O. Shipman, Herbert Heath, Lawson Moore, executive committee. Interest In the ferange Is growing, an'’ the meetings are well attended, and a fine spirit of cooperation Is be ing shown. Completes New Home Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Givedon and family of Kentucky and Florida will occupy their new home on the Boylston road this week. LOWEST RAINFALL IN YEARS IS RECORDED Streams Very Low—Danger of Roof and Forest Fires Pointed Out Brevard has had less than one Inch of rainfall since Sept. 3, according to Phillip Price, official weather recorder for this section. On Sept. 3, 1.54 Inches rainfall was recorded; on Oct. 12 .12, and on Oct 14, .06. Since that time no rainfall has recorded. reams In the county are reported to m ,ow, and fire wardens are caution ing all landowners to be careful, and avoid forest fires, which would be very dangerous at this season of the year, with the added hazard of the continu ed drouth. Chief J. S. Brom'te'd requests that all Brevard residents rake leaves and trash off roofs, and otherwise take precautions against fires. High temperature reading for the week was 78, Tuesday. To Condtict Revival REV. ZENO WALL 17 Transylvania Boys Enroll In CCC Work Seventeen young men from Transyl vania county were enrolled by the CCC at Asheville last Friday, and sent to various camps In the district. The following list was given out as accepted by Mrs. C. T Patton, welfare superintendent: Ernest William Owen. Clarence Syl vester Fowler, Robert Watson Grant, Hubert Eugene Grant, Brevard; Moses Davis, William Richard White, Brevard R-l; Herbert Daniel Oanup, Brevard R-2; Grady Frank Garren, Brevard, R-8; Clyde William Owen, Dewey Wil liam Mitchell, James Paul Whitmire, Rosman; James Riley Breedlove, James Harold Jones, Charles Edward Whit mire, John Hall, Lake Toxaway; Otis Woodrow Owen, Balsam Grove; Willie Wilson Oakland. WALNUT HIGH WILL PLAY HERE FRIDAY Foes of Last Year Coming To Play Brevard School Grid Game Walnut high school, Madison coun ty, will furnish opposition for the Bre vard high football squad here Friday afternoon at 3:30 o’clock. Last year the Walnut gridders were here, and held the Brevard team to a 0-0 tie, and a good game may be look ed forward to Friday afternoon by local fans, with Brevard favored to win. Coach Edgar Cox has announced the following probable starting line-up for the game: Allison, left end; Varner or Lance, left tackle: Hilemon, left guard; Wal ker, center; Tinsley, right guard; Hamlin, right tackle; Wright or Mor ris, right end: Teague, quarter; Mis enheimer, left half; Hollar, right half; Ashworth, fullback. The Brevard squad has been working hard all this week, after their defeat last week by Christ School, and with ex ception of one man out for injuries, the entire team will be ready to play. Games have been scheduled with Tryon-Saluda here for Nov. 4; with Hendersonville there, Nov. 11; and with Mars Hill here, Nov. 18. October 28 is open, with a game pending with Can ton. Warren Home Burned The home of 5Jr. and Mrs. Bill War ren near Camp Illahee was completely destroyed by fire Tuesday afternoon, to gether with all furnishings. No in surance was carried on the furniture. Local Teachers Named To District Offices Several of the teachers and principals of the Brevard and Transylvania coun ty schools attending the western dis trict teachers meeting In Asheville Fri day and Saturday last week, were ap pointed on committees or as department officers In the district work. J. E. Rufty, principal of the Bre vard elementary school, was named a member of the elections committee: Miss Elizabeth Jarvis, of the Brevard high school faculty, was elected secre tary of the English departmental group: R. J. Lyday, of the Brevard high school agricultural department, was named secretary of the agriculture teachers group. In conjunction with the teachers meeting, sessions of the adult educa tion department were also held, over which Mrs. Allte C. Wilson, of Bre vard, president of the adult education of Western North Carolina, presided. Mrs. Ruth Simpson, of Brevard, was named on the nominating committee of this group. .. 1 ~ ■ I Cuts Third Set of | Teeth in 77th Year I___ Mrs. J. M. Patton, of the Boylston section of Brevard Route 2, has the distinction of growing a third set of teeth at age 77. Recently when her lower plate be gan to cause her discomfort Mrs. Pat ton traced the trouble to two lower teeth that had made their appearance. These were followed by three others, making five all told. Mrs. Patton says that while her latest teeth were still of no service they made it impossible for her to use her plate. ' LYDAY BOUND OVER AT LENOIR HEARING Brevard Man Will Offer Self Defense Witnesses at Trial In Superior Court Albert J. Lyday was bound over to Superior court In a hearing held at Lenoir Tuesday before the county re corder. Mr. Lyday is charged with the fatal shooting of Fred Tolbert, state game preserve trespasser, whom the former Brevard man had gone to arrest. Bond in the sum of $5,000 for Mr. Ly day was signed by R. W. Everett and Arvil Simpson of Brevard, who with a large group of Brevard and Plsgah Forest people, had gone to Lenoir to attend the hearing. Chief witness for the state was Mrs. Fred Tolbert, widow of the slain man, who took the stand first. Mrs. Tol bert testified that her husband leaped from the window of their home on the outskirts of Mortimer and ran when Lyday, Cal Hall, and Clyde McLean, county game warden, came to arrest Tolbert on a charge of hunting squir rels out of season and resisting an of ficer who had attempted to arrest the young man on the hunting count. She said she saw Lyday running after Tol bert and that he fired at the young man from behind while he was run ning. She stated that Tolbert had no weapon. Lucille Tolbert, sister of the slain man, and other members of the family, took the stand and substantiated her story. The defense offered no testimony at; the hearing, although a large group of local people were there to testify to the character and stability of the young man. Practically all state game wardens, and several national forest wardens and officials were at the hearing, but were not put on the stand. Warden Lyday went to the home of Tolbert to serve a warrant on him for trespassing. He was accompanied by two other officers, who stated after the shooting, that Tolbert fired twice at Lyday before the Brevard man pulled his gun and shot. New Arrival Born to Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Cauble a son, Robert William, on Monday, October 17. At Lyday Hospital Patients reported at Lyday Memorial hospital on Wednesday were: Jim Bur gess. Harold Mlsenhelmer and Glenn Norris. HONOR ROLL Thanks to the following loyal sub scribers who have remembered to send in the renewals during the past week: M. W. Fortune, Brevard, R-S P. J. Sitton, Pisgah Forest, R-l. J. A. Reese, Brevard, U-2 E. R. Galloway. Rosman Sylvester Orr, Penrose L. F. Lyday, Brevard, R-2 W. G. Moore, Missouri Virgil McCrary, Penrose Ruffin Wilkins, High Point S. R. Morgan, Etowah Mrs, J. H. Wolfe. Brevard, R-2 V. C. Orr, Penrose S. P. Verner, Brevard Mrs. Hilliard Booth, Brevard Sam Orr, Brevard R-2 Miss Mattie Lewis, Brevard Mrs. Mary Merrill, Penrose Mrs. T^aura Rains, Brevard, R-l P. A. Morgan, Brevard, R-3 E. H. Davis, Rosman J. R. Wright, Brevard. R-l W. L. Carmicnaei, Virginia J. L. Waldrop, Brevard, R-3 J. Tom Gillespie, Rosman J. E. Waters, Brevard Cleo Wilson, Pisgah Forest. R-l Hayes Merrill, Penrose. R-2 R. W. Everett, Brevard B. M. Mull, Brevard, R-3 J. M. Zachary, Greenville O. Duclos, Brevard M. H. Rigsby, Lake Toxaway Mrs. M. C. Whitmire. Brevard. R-S We’re glad to have the following new subscribers added to our list, which grows every week: Charles B. Allison, Pisgah For., R-l Mrs. Joe McCrary, Penrose Mrs. J. D. Gossett, Pisgah Forest Parmer McCrary, Pisgah Forest L. B. Scott, Penrose Nick Gaddy, Pisgah Forest, R-l Mrs. J. J. Sentell, Brevard, R-2 Avery Owen, Pisgah Forest, R-l J. S. Talley, Hendersonville, R-4 Mrs. Evelyn Bost, Spartanburg Mrs. V. E. Twiggs, Brevard Edward Johnson, Pisgah For., R-l J. L. Parris, Brevard, R-2 J. P. Cheek, Pisgah Forest Frank Wilson, Brevard, R-2 Miss Virginia Mason, W. Asheville D. W. Hollingsworth, Brevard, R-2 Virgil Duncan, Penrose. Mrs. D. R. Holliday, Brevard, R-2 W. S. Taylor, Brevard, R-2 James P, Deaver, Goldsboro J. W. McGuire, Brevard, R-2 E. W. Ledford, Pisgah Forest W. G. CHvedon, Brevard, R-2 J. E. Cantrell, Penrose Johnny Evins, Brevard, R-2 A. L. Hamilton, Penrose Bert Alexander, Brevard, R-2 Band Will Play Here Again Friday Evening Announcement Is made that the Bre vard Municipal band will give a con cert on the court house lawn Friday evening of this week, beginning at 8 o’clock. This will probably be the last open air concert of the season, due to the fact that cold weather is expected soon. While the annual Red Cross Roll Call does not officially get under way until Thursday of this week, Chairman Jerry Jerome reports that more than 25 people have dropped by his office and paid their enrolling fees. Membership cards, buttons, and stick ers, may be obtained either at the Building & Loan office or The Times office, and other agencies will be ap pointed during the week, with sev eral schools of the county expected to volunteer as membership headquarters for their communities. Schools of the county, including the colored units, have shown fine co-opera tion In the Roll Call in previous years, and it is expected that the membership roll this year will exceed that of last year by at least fifty members. Transylvania county has neen on the honor list for several years, always se curing more members than their quota. New Chevrolet* Will Be On Display Here Saturday, Oct. 22nd McCrary Auto company announces arrival of the new 1939 Chevrolet cars on Saturday of this week. The new model has been changed considerably, with new front, and body lines, longer riding base, new hydraulic brakes, and new style clutch. Of special Interest is the fact that the delivered price will be lower than that of the previous year’s models. CHANGES ARE MADE IN HUNTING SEASON Quail Hunt Allowed By Con servation Board On First Day of December Changes were made in the open hunting season by the State Board of Conservation and Development in their meeting at Waynesville last week. New open season calls for: Quail, Dec. 1 to Feb. 15; turkey, Dec. 1 to Feb. 15; ruffed grouse, Dec. 1 to Jan. IB; Rabbits, Nov. 24 to Feb. 15; o'pos sum and raccoon with gun and dog. Oct. 1 to Feb. 15. No change was made In the deer season, which remains Oct. 1 to Jan. 1; bear, Oct. 20 (today) to Jan. 1 Mrs. M. S. McKelvey To Be Buried Thursday Mrs. M. S. (A)int Martha) McKelvey, 88, died Wednesday morning at 6-80 o'clock at her home near Wilson's Bridge. Mrs. McKelvey had been In 111 health for some time, and death was attribut ed to heart trouble. Funeral services will be held Thurs day afternoon at 2 o'clock at the home, with the Rev. Cleveland C. Reece In charge. Interment will be made In St. Paul's In the Valley cemetery. Surviving are two daughters, Miss Minnie and Miss' Maggie McKelvey, and three sons, John and Will Mc Kelvey of Brevard, and S. M. McKel vey, of Longview, Texas. The husband, William McKelvey. died 46 years ago. Registration Books Open Two More Days Light registration was recorded In most polling places last Saturday, ac cording to check-up of the several registrars contacted. The books will be open again this Saturday and the following for regis tration of those who have moved from one precinct to another during the past four months, or who have become citi zens and entitled to vote by coming of age or residence since last registra tion. According to Chairman Glen Burrell, an error was made by The Times last week In stating that any person com ing of age one day following the elec tion day (Nov. 8) would be entitled to vote. Chairman Burrell states that only those who become 21 years old on election day will be permitted to reg ister on election day and vote. Opens Lunch Room Announcement of the opening of a new lunch room Is being made In this Issue of The Times by Karl Kilpatrick. The new place is located in front of the Brevard Bowling Alley, and Mit chell King will be in charge. A cash prize of $2.60 is being offered by Mr. Kilpatrick for a name for the new place. Music Program Friday At Little River School Little River BYPU Is sponsoring a musical program at the school there on Friday evening of this week, Oc tober 21. Carlisle brothers, radio performers win furnish the program of music, dancing, and skits. O’Dell Scott, of the Little River community, will also ap pear on the program, with the Car lisle band and also in solo selections. Proceeds will be used by the church organization In Its community activi ties. _ Brevard Man Kills Prize Moose In Wyoming Above picture shows the fine moose head which was prize kill of Walter A. Wellt of Brevard In Jackson Hole, Wyoming, recently. The huge moose weighed over 1,200 pounds and was said by rangers to be the largest killed In three years. Mr. Wellt also killed a mule-eared deer that weighed over 300 pounds, and an elk. Randall W. Everett, who was on the hunt with Mr. Wellt killed an elk, but passed up his shot at a moose because it was not as large as some fo the fine specimen Mr. Everett has already killed on his hunting trips Into the West and North. Messrs. Everett and Wellt were among the 25 out-of-state allowed to enter the hunting preserve each year. The head will be mounted and displayed at Bradley's In Brevard within a few weeks. Three County Citizens On Federal Grand Jury Three Transylvania men. C. I* San ders of Lake Toxaway, O. E. Shipman of Plsgah Forest, and B. E. Nicholson of Brevard have been drawn for fed eral court 'Jury service for the fali term in Asheville. The term convenes on Monday, Nov ember 14, with Judge E. Yates Webb to preside. Transylvania cases will be called on November 17, with liquor and trespassing on Plsgah National Forest game preserve to make up the cases from this county. One Juror, B. E. Nicholson, of Bre vard, Is residing In Florida, and win. not be able to serve. ' Large Bob Cat Slam By Brevard Huntsman c. C. Gibbs killed a large bob-cat or "mixed-breed" animal on tbe King's Creek hunting preserve that was said by local hunters to be the largest of Its kind seen here in years. The animal measured 52 inches from tip of nose to rear paws (stretched) and was taller than a large collie dog. Mr. Gibbs said he beard the animal for sometime before It came within close range, Just after daylight, and that tbe cat apparently was stalking him The peculiar markings on the animal caused local hunters to believe that it was a cross between a bob-cat and lynx. . BAPTIST REVIVAL TO START SUNDAY EVE Series of Meetings Will Be Held By Noted Minister —All Are Invited The Rev. Dr. Zeno Wall, pastor of the First Baptist church, Shelby, will begin revival services at the Brevard Baptist church Sunday, with morning and evening services to be held throughout the week, and possibly longer. He will assist the pastor, the Rev. Yancey C. Elliott, In the special 1 series of meetings. Dr. Wall Is beginning his 14th year as pastor of the Shelby church, and the years of his service there have been attended by great success spirit ually and otherwise. The total church membership is over 2,000, and during the past yea; there have been 198 ad ditions to the church. The average Sunday school attendance Is around 900, with a training union attendance of around 300, and the total offering through envelopes on one Sunday re cently was $1,059.87. Dr. wall has held successrui pastor ates at other churches In this state and elsewhere, and has conducted success fully revival meetings In various Bap tist churches. Much Interest Is being shown In preparations for the revival here next week, which promises to result In bene fit to the church and the community. An Invitation has been extended by the pastor to those of other denomina tions to attend the opening service Sunday evening at 7:30 o’clock. The services each evening through the week will be held at 7:80, and the morning hour will be announced Sunday. Dry Leaders Meeting Attended by People From Many Sections Representatives from all sections of the county attended the meeting of dry leaders held at the county court house Sunday afternoon. The Rev. J. K. Henderson presided over the meeting, and heard reports from various committees. Another meeting will be called within a few weeks, Chairman Henderson said, at which time new chairman will be named, as he expects to be away for the winter. School Teachers Meet Principals and teachers of the coun ty school system will meet at the Bre vard high school Saturday morning of this week at 10:10 o'clock. "Vocabulary Building” will be gen eral topic of discussion at the meeting, following the business session. “Silent Pictures” at High School on Friday "Pony Express,” and Charlie Chap lin’s "Fireman," two pictures of the silent days, will be shown at Brevard’ high school auditorium Friday evening at 8 o'clock. The reels will be shown by the Rev. C. M. Jones, and proceeds will be given to the football squad to play on new equipment. A dime door charge will be made. LIONS CLUB CHARTER RECEIVED THURSDAY Hundred Visitors Here For ‘ Charter Night Program , at Camp Transylvania Lions, Lionesses, and a few Invited1 guests, roared, ramped and feasted' Thursday evening at Camp Transyl vania. The occasion was formal presenta tion of the Lions charter by district of ficers, and visiting Lions from several Western Carolina tqjvns aided In mak ing the evening a success from a sco lal viewpoint. Gathering In the spacious lodge, the' Lions and ladles were greeted by Bre vard members, and music was enjoyed for a brief period, plus the ballyhoo furnished by Joe Tinsley who was heading the circus parade. Led by members of the band, the 100 or more people retired to the dining hall where dinner was served, and the program of the evening given. During the serving of dinner, "cir cus acts” were put on by members of the Brevard club. Including J. E. Smith and P.VIne Price as mother and "bad baby,” John Smith doing a tight rope performance; dog race by Earl" Brewer, Jack Trantham, Joseph J. I Tinsley, and Ashe Macfle; trapeze by' Coach Chrlstenbury; hobby horse race: “preaching” by Alvin Moore, and other' reatures. Donald Lee Moore presided over the' meeting, and Introduced C. Fred Biwn of Asheville as toastmaster. Mayor A. H. Harris welcomed the visitors to Brevard and the newly organized civic clnb Into activities of the community. Principal address was made by Dr. E. J. Coltrane, president of Brevard College and president of Brevard Kl wanls club. Harold Kilpatrick intro duced the Brevard guests of the club, including Mayor and Mrs. A. H. Harris, Rev. and Mrs. C. M. Jones, Mrs. Ralph Fisher, Dr. C. L. Newland, Fred Mil ler, and C M. Douglas. Visiting Lions were Introduced by Wesley Brown of Asheville; report on Lions activities In Asheville were given by C. Glen Self; “Ideals of Llonlsm" were given by L. Roy Phillips of Ashe fOontlued on Back Pooo)

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