UPl' THE TRANSYLVANIA TIMES fW] A Newspaper Devoted to the Best Interest of the People of Transylvania County WSJStStStStSOSStStStStSOtStStSB VOL. 49;*NO. 15 BREVARD, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, APRIL 13, 1939 $1.00 PER YEAR IN TRANSYLVANIA COUNTY SENIOR CLASS PLAY BE GIVEN ON FRIDAY AT BREVARD HIGH Three-Act Comedy To Present Excellent Cast In “Hob goblin House” “Hobgoblin House,” a mystery com edy In three acts, will be presented by the senior class of the Brevard high school Friday evening at 8 o’clock at the high school auditorium. The cast of characters includes: Krupp, the caretaker, Pendleton Banks; Miss Priscilla, the owner. Dorothy Gray; Marian, her niece, Mildred Max well; Jill. Marian's sister, Elizabeth Al lison: Frank. Marian's fiance, Paul Jones; Jake, Jill's fiance, John Walk er; Susan, the "Henglish Ousekeeper." Priscilla Bobst; Henry, the gardner. Edward Glazener; Delilah, the darkey cook, Jeanette Austin; Bluebeard Bron son, an escaped convict. Craig Sharpe; Bill Wilkins, the guard, Marshall Teague; Patricia, a wealthy girl, Helen Daniels; the Headless Phantom, ???? Mrs. Ernest F. Tilson Is directing the play. Music will be furnished by Alvin Moore, high school glee club, high school quartet and the Sylvan Boys String band. Others assisting in the production are: L. C. Wilson, stage manager: Juanita Ward and Clarice McCrary, property managers; James Crisp and Charles Sinlard, electricians: Rachel Hamlin, Llnna Heath and Lews Earl Jackson, business managers; Bruce Petit. Clinton Morris and James Wood, sound effect managers. The following will act as ushers: Helen Fullbright, Beatsie Moore, Euna Leigh Moore. Edith Wright. Homer Batson, Charles Case, Joe Jones and James Wharton Jane Louise McCann Buried Tuesday Eve Little Jane Louise McCann, 19 montha-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. L. McCann of Ptsgah Forest, died at Patton Memorial hospital, Hender sonville. Monday morning at 7 o’clock. Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon from the residence of the child's grandfather, G. T. Frady, at Plsgah Forest, with the Rev. W. S. Price, the Rev. H. L. Southers, and the Rev. G. H. Underwood In charge. Interment was made In Davidson River cemetery. Surviving are the rarents, and two sisters, Marguerite and Sara Ethel, to gether with the grandfather and sev eral uncles and aunts. Pallbearers were Misses Edith Alli son. Dovle Scruggs. Ophelia Thrift, and Mildred Corn. Misses Shirley Allison. Kate Thrift. Mary Barnett, Lois Sen tenn. and Nellie Allison had charge of the flowers. Osbome-Simpson were in charge of arrangements. Bennett To Preach Sunday Announcement has been made that Rev. John Bennett, of the Brevard Col lege faculty, will preach at the Brevard Baptist church Sunday at both the morning and evening services. The pastor, the Rev. Yancey C. El liott, and family are away on a 10-day vacation visit In Georgia. Mrs. D. T. Sherman Buried Sunday Near Old Henderson Home Mrs. D. T. Sherman, 24, died Friday afternoon at her home here following an Illness of three years. Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon at 3 o’clock at the Blue House Methodist church near Dana In Henderson county, home of the de ceased. Interment was made In the church cemetery. Surviving are the husband and one son, Ray, of Brevard. The mother, Mrs. Ida Lee of Hendersonville, and one sister, Mrs. Wilburn Sherman, of Hendersonville, also survive. Mr. and Mrs. Sherman have been making their home In Brevard for the past two years, and have a large num ber of friends here. At Lyday Hospital Patients reported at Lyday Memorial hospital on Wednesday were: Mrs. Carroll Williams, Mrs. Paul Kellar, Robert Trammell, Miss Pearl Gash, C. H. McCall. Francis Jones, Jim Hayes. 22 Boys Enrolled In CC Work From County Twenty-two young white men and three colored were enrolled In CCC work at NC P-66. Brevard last week. The white boys will be stationed at P-86 for a short time at least, with probability of some of them being transferred later. The colored boys were sent to another camp after pass ing the physical examinations. White boys enrolled from this coun ty Included—Major Benjamin Thomas, Oscar J. Riddle, Bert Sanford Cassell. Paul Deaver Cantrell, Ralph William Mcece, Samuel Devon, James Paul Bowen, Flemming McCall, John Bruce Whitmire, Richard Marshall Loftis, Earl Lynch Gillespie, Robert Carl Banther, Carroll Bruce Cunningham. Carmel V. Hall, Lawrence Herschel Justus, Thomas Franklin Cooper. George Banther Pruitt. John Edgar Hampton. Ray Ernest Owen, Monroe McDonald McCall, Alvie Glann Green. The colored enrollees were—John Rosemond, Robert Edward Jeter, Nath an Hemphill. Prominent Man Dies JUDSON McCRARY, Brevard business leader, died at 12:30 Sat urday morning, following an Ill ness of several weeks. Death was due to heart trouble. Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon from the residence on Maple street, with the Rev. Yancey C. Elliott, pastor of Brevard Baptist church, In charge. Interment was made in Gil lespie cemetery. All sections of the county, and other communities were represented at the last rites. Pallbearers were J. H. Pickelsimer, Walter Rains, Alex Kizer. W. A. Wilson, Dr. H. J. Bradley, and A. H. Houston. Honorary pallbearers Included Ed gar Loftls, Dr. Fred Zachary, Joe Poole, D. L. English, Fred Shuford, Ralph Duckworth, H. C. Case, Dan Merrill. W. L. Mull, A. M. White, and A. O Kitchen. Mrs. H. J. Bradley and Mrs. Ashe Macfie were In charge of the many flor al displays, assisted by Mrs. H. C. Case. Mrs. L. K. Ratchford, Mrs. Fred Grog an, Mrs. Edgar Loftls, Mrs. Charles McCrary, Mrs. A. E. York, Mrs. Hugh Hollifield, Miss Mamie Galloway. Miss Helen Henderson, Mrs. Randall Lyday, and Mrs. D. L. Moore. Moore's Fun eral home had charge of arrangements. Mr. McCrary was a veteran of the World War, and belonged to the Pro vost Guard company stationed at Camp Sevier, Greenville. After his military service he spent several years in the well drilling business In South Caro lnla. 'He came to Brevard in 1921 and established the McCrary Motor com pany which he operated until 1926, when he established the Brevard Realty company, later adding insurance and rentals to his business, and at the time of his death was the largest operator of this type business in the county. Mr. McCrary was one of the men responsible for organization of the Transylvania Trust company, of which bank he was a director and vice presi dent. He was 42 years old. Through his efforts the Wheeler Silk Hosiery Mill was located in Brevard, and he was also ons of the men assist ing in locating the new paper industry In the county. He was known as an active "pusher” for civic progress both in the town and the county, and busi ness leaders as well as individuals in variably “talked it over with Jud" when launching an enterprise. Surviving are the widow and one son, Judson Jr.; the mother Mrs. W. J. McCrary of Little River, and three sisters—Mrs. Sam M. Turner of La Orange. Ga., Mrs. Belva McCrary of Columbia, S. C., and Mrs. Herman Rhode sof Chattanooga. Three broth ers, Virgil and Joe McCrary of Little River, and Avery McCrary of Knox ville, also survive. The father died ten years ago, and his eldest, son Billy, died nine years ago. Enon Play Thursday A play, “Hansel and Gretel,” will be presented Thursday evening of this week at 8 o’clock at the Enon school by children of the primary grade. The public is Invited. The cast of craracters includes about 30 children in the play and choruses. Music will be in charge of Mrs. Madge O. Wilkins, of the federal music pro ject. Center District Sing Meet at Calvert Sun. Center District singing convention will meet Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock with Mt. Moriah Cherryfleld Baptist church. Glrtha Shipman, president of the convention, has Invited several outside groups of singers to be present Sun day afternoon, and also issue public Invitation for any and all singers in the county to be present. RED ' ISS WILL H )2S ONS Pre and Po*t-Camp Meeting of National Group* To Meet at Carolina i Two sessions of the National Aquatic School will be held at Camp Carolina this year, according to advice received here. First session of the American Red Cross sponsored training school will be held June 11-21, and second session after close of the boys camp, August 24-Sept S. Ramone S. Eaton, of Washington, director American Red Cross, will again have charge of the session at Camp Carolina, and will have with him, the unofficial report says, practically the same staff that has been here for sev eral years. Nearly three hundred students and faculty members were registered at the National Aquatic school here last June, the largest group of Its kind ever to attend any camp in the nation. Piano Recital Will Be Featured Here By Brevard Pupils, 17 Music pupils of the Brevard schools will give a piano recital Monday even ing at 8 o’clock at the high school auditorium, announcement has been made by the "teacher. Prof. Alvin Moore. In addition to selections by the high school glee club, pupils taking part in the recital will Include: Paul Jones. Ruth Gaines, David Crary. Anita Eger, ton, Dorothy Poole, Pendleton Banks, Mary Ann Ramsey, Gene Franklin, Wil ma Plckelslmer, Betty Burton, Mary Alice Tinsley, Edward Glazener, Betty Jean Duclos, Mary Norwood, Betty Crary, Rose Wolfe. Marshals will Ee: Kathleen Wilson, chief. June Fenwlcke, Mary Jane Brown, O’Dell McCall, Frances Mc Rae, Lois Moore, Calvin Raxter, Her man Rahn and Ralph Orr. A second recital will be given on Friday evening. April 21, at the high school auditorium. MRS. C. E. BUCKNER NAMED PTA HEAD Pre - School Clinic Arrange ments Made—Progress Reported For Year Mrs. C. E. Buckner was elected presi dent of the Brevard Parent-Teacher as sociation for the school year, 1939-40. at the annual election of officers of the April meeting held Tuesday after noon at the grammar school building. Other officers elected for the ensuing year Include: Mrs. C. L. Newland, vice president: Mrs. Walter Duckworth, sec retary; Mrs. Hugh Holllfield, treas urer. Following a song by children of the third grade and devotionals led by the Rev. E. P. Billups, of the Methodist church, an Interesting and informa tive talk on the history of motion pic tures was given by the Rev C. M. Jones, of the Presbyterian church. He told of the Block booking system which allows no choice in pictures by thea tre management, making mention of the exceptionally good pictures that are Bhown In Brevard. Particular stress was made by the speaker of the value of motion pictures in visual educational training for school children. Mrs. Frank Jenkins, retiring presi dent, was In charge of business trans actions, Included In which was vote of the association to buy a membership in the cancer campaign. Principal J. E. Rufty reported that $68.47 was the proceeds from the operetta put on by elementary children, sponsored by the P. T. A. Mrs. C. L. Newland, room representative chairman, reported the accomplishments of this committee the past year. Announcement was made that pre-school clinics will be available on Saturdays for those children who did not take advantage of the clinic held recently at the school. AMERICAN LEGION IS REORGANIZED HERE 'Dr. Carl Hardin Elected Com mander-Twenty Member* Sign For Charter The American Legion Poet serving Transylvania County was re-organlzed on April 7th, under the guidance of State Commander Burgln Pennel and State Adjutant Jim Caldwell, both of Asheville. Twenty veterans eligible for member ship were in attendance and much spirit for the re-establlshment of the post was demonstrated. Dr. Carl Hardin was elected com mander; Ralph Fisher and Ernest Mc Faul, were elected Vice-Commanders, while John Bishop was elected Adjutant and Finance Officer. Other officers elected are as follows: Chaplain, Brown Carr; service officer, Howard, Wyatt; sergeant-at-arms, Will Fortune and T. H. Allen; historian, Ralph Fisher; child welfare commit tee, chairman, E. L. Sims; American ism chairman, R. R. Fisher. A drive Is on for membership and response to the solicitations have been pleasing to the committee. The time of meeting is Friday night, April 21, at the Court House and every two weeks thereafter until further notice. Commander Pennel has Indicated he would bring a drum and bugle corps from Asheville to make music at a cele bration to be held when the post mem bership reaches fifty. A drive will also be made to secure a lot or plot for the erection of a post headquarters. Boylston Road Work Started Monday Morn Work of relocating and building of the Boylston Road from the Transyl vania line to connect with the Mills River road was started Monday. Chandler Brothers, of Vlrglllna, Va., who built the lower stretch of the Pls gah National Forest road, have the con tract for the Boylston work. A. B. Bur ton, manager, was out of Brevard Wed nesday, but his crew of workmen were engaged on the Job near the county line. Chandler Brothers have contract for building and surfacing the five mile stretch. Hobbs and Peabody of Char lotte expect to have the structures complete by the middle of next week. new New front on the Long Drug store building was being finished Wednesday afternoon, and will make a pleasing ap pearance, with the new brick and stuc co effect. R. P. Kilpatrick, contractor, Is now engaged In putting stucco on the Broad street side of the building. Along with repair of the front, Dr. Carl Hardin Is repainting and repaper ing his dental offices In the upstairs section of the building, and Dr. Fred Holt plans to re-paper the drug store within a few weeks. Smith's and Wards will also do renovating In their places. Scott’s Grocery Is erecting a 20-foot addition to the back of their building on west Main. Erwin Galloway Is con tractor, and plans to have the one story brick structure complete within a few days. Home Talent Show To Be Given Tuesday Eve Date for the Home Talent Show to be given at the Brevard court house has been set for Tuesday evening, April 18, beginning at 7:80 o’clock. Charles Ross Taggart, impersonator, and musician who was with the Chau tauqua circuit for a number of years, will appear on the program; also O’Dell Scott, the Sylvan Valley string band, and other features. The program Is being sponsored by the Brevard Lions club and is for bene fit of the Boy Scout budding program. Rosman 7th Leaders t.tt.t.tf. MAE GREENE, lower, and STANLEY WINCHESTER, up per, are to serve as valedictorian and salutatortan of the seventh grade graduation class at Rosman school. Miss Greene Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Greene, and has made A's on her work. In the sixth grade she served as president of her class. At present she Is vice president of the seventh grade, chairman of the at tendance committee, and assists In leading music In the class. She was selected by vote as best all-round girl, and the wittiest Young Mr. Winchester Is a son of Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Winchester. He ranked highest in the Metropolitan Achievement test in the sixth grade, and was highest In the recent seventh grade exams. He served as secre tary of the sixth grade, and was select ed by his class as the most serious, and most Intelligent boy. Young Win chester has a perfect attendance record for his seven years of school work. Rosman Benefit Ball Planned For Friday ROSMAN, April 12—Plans have been completed for staging the benefit ball at Rosman civic center on Friday even ing, April 14. Kay Murray and his orchestra wtll provide music for the round dance occasion, and a special feature of tap dancing will be given by a group of young girls from Shelby who will be guests of Dr. and Mrs. Joe E. Osborne for the occasion. The event will be given for benefit of the Lyday Memorial hospital at Bre vard and tickets will go on sale this week, in Rosman, Brevard, and Hen dersonville. Admission price will be 60 cents per person. Music will start at 9 o'clock sharp, according to Ernest McFaul who Is heading the group putting the formal dance on. Dahlia Club Meeting The Transylvania Dahlia club will hold the regular meeting Tuesday evening at 7; SO o’clock In F. E. 8hu ford’s office, announcement has been made. An members are requested to be present J. B. Jones Re-Elected Superintendent Schools; T. £. Reid Chairman of Board Professor J. B. Jones was re-elected county superintendent of schools Im mediately following the organization of the new board of education here Tuesday. Theodore E. Reid, manager of Hous ton Furniture company was elected chairman of the board, by Mrs. J. K. Mills, and D. H. Winchester, members. Miss Edna Mae Hines was re-named office secretary for two years. Local committees were named as follows: Brevard district, Fred Miller, Mrs. G. H. Lyday and Pat Allison, all re-elected. Rosman district Warren Fisher, re elected, and Will Glazener of Calvert, Fred Nicholson of Rosman. The board of education was appoint ed In Raleigh by the legislature three weeks ago, and took office Tuesday, succeeding Dr. C. L. Newland, Mrs. Flora Holliday, and Edgar A. Reid, who did not ask re-appointment. Superintendent Jones is well known throughout this section, having served in capacity of county and city superin tendent for the past 12 years. He serv Superintendent J. B. Jones ed four years as principal of Brevard schools, as county-city superintendent for two years, and as principal of Bre vard for two years. He was elected as county superintendent In 1936 and is now entering upon bis third consecutive term. He is a graduate of Wake Forest college where he received his B. A. de gree, and of the University of North Carolina where he received the M. A. degree, later doing post graduate work at Columbia University. All teachers certificates will be automatically extended for a period of two years by legislative enactment, Mr. Jones said Wednesday. Although no teachers will be required to attend summer school it is hoped that many will in order to raise their certificates. -; April Court Over April term Superior court adjourned last Thursday immediately _after noon for the session. Few criminal cases were heard, and the civil docket was comparatively light ! • ROSMAN SCHOOL TO BEGIN EXERCISES SUNDAY, APRIL 23 Baccalaureate Sermon la First On List of Programs—To End April 26th ROSMAN, April 12—Schedule of commencement exercises for Roeman school has been announced as follows: Baccalaureate sermon, Sunday after noon, April 22, at 8 o'clock; class day exercises, Monday evening, April 24, at 8; seventh grade graduation exer cises, Tuesday afternoon, April 24, at 2:80: graduation, Wednesday evening, April 28. at 8. Complete schedule with programs will be announced through next week’s is sue of The Transylvania Times. Many Inquiries Being Received By Chamber Commerce Here Now Inquiries are coming In dally to the Chamber of Commerce, according to Mrs. Ralph R. Fisher, secretary, and already several people have arrived to spend the summer, the secretary re ported at the meeting Friday night. Mrs. Fisher reported to the directors that considerable time Is being spent now answering the letters of Inquiries for summer rates and types of stop ping places, and she Is anxious to se cure listings of accommodations for her Information files. It was voted at the meeting to have 10,000 envelope enclosures lithographed and given to business houses and In dividuals for use In outgoing mail. These Inserts will set out In brief some of the attractions of the community, and of Plsgah Forest nearby. Plans were also tentatively made for holding a booster dinner meeting at an early date, with Jerry Jerome and Alex Klzer appointed as committee on arrangements. By ballot, Mrs. Ralph H. Zachary and Donald Jenkins were named as nominees to be submitted to the board of aldermen for membership on the planning board which the town of Brevard set up by ordinance at their meeting recently. Marriage Law Causes Much Confusion Here _ Register of Deeds Eck 81ms said Wednesday that the new North Caro lina marriage law had caused him to lose fees on six marriage licenses since the measure went Into effect. However, several of the parties stated to Mr. Sims that they would have the physical examination made and return within a few days for the necessary papers to "live happily ever after." One couple applied Wednesday, said they were of no mind to wait, and that they would journey to South Carolina and gel married, and then take the physical examination after the return. Complete law Is published elsewhere In this Issue of The Times, and sets forth the requirements necessary for getting married "legally" In North Car olina. Trout Season Opens In County Saturday Trout season will open In Transyl vania county on Saturday of this week according to Game Warden E. R. Gal loway. Both brook and rainbow will be taken under the regulations of the st^te de partment of Conservation and Develop ment. Licenses are required for county resi dents, at *1.10 and state licenses, good In any county in North Carolina, *2.10. Blantyre Boy Pledged To National Ag Frat RALEIGH, April 12—Wearing blue denim overalls and carrying farming tools wherever they go, 17 students in the School of Agriculture at State Col lege today were being initiated Into Alpha Zeta, national honorary agricul tural fraternity. To be eligible for membership In the fraternity, a student must rate schol astically in the upper two-fifths of bis class and must have demonstrated qualities of campus leadership. The current crop of pledges Includes John D. Jones, of Brevard R-*. Stamp Club Meeting The Brevard Stamp Club will meet with Mrs. John Verner at her home on East Main street Thursday evening at S o’clock. New stamp Issues will be discussed. — Townsend Plan Meet In Brevard Thursday A meeting of Townsend plan leaders will be held at the court house Thurs day evening of this week at 7:80 o'clock and a general Invitation Is extended to the public to attend. A speaker of prominence In the Townsend movement will be present, leaders here were advised by long dis tance telephone Wednesday, who will present the plan which has been ap proved in several states by the re-or ganized groups. Randolph String band will furnish music for the occasion, and other en tertaining features will be given. It Is announced.