PUf] THE TRANSYLVANIA TIMES pSTj LIIJ A Newspaper Devoted to the Best Interest of the People of Transylvania County «ssoaaaoooaoeooa« =vnT^ ~ NO~T7 BREVARD, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, APRIL 27, 1939 $1.00 PER YEAR IN TRANSYLVANIA COUNTY SPRING FESTIVAL TO BE HELD AT COLLEGE Alumni and Friends Invited To Brevard For Gala Event May 6th Invitations are going out to a great number of friends and alumni of Bre vard College in Transylvania County and Western North Carolina to at tend the Spring Festival at Brevard College Saturday. May 6. Plans for this occasion are being rapidly com pleted, according to Mrs. John B. Ben nett, chairman of the Spring Festival committee. Beginning at noon Saturday, exhibits and projects will be on display all the afternoon in the administration build ing. Athletic events fcr the afternoon will Include tennis matches between Blltmore College and Brevard and the annual baseball game between Mars Hill and Brevard. Following will be the central event of the Spring Festival In a pageant working out the theme of Worship. Work, Love and Play. The queen and court, the concert choir, the folk dance club, a girls' gymnastic class and the band will participate in this annual pageant. Picnic supper will lie served on the lawn. Immediately after supper six original plays produced by the crea tive writing class will be presented by members of the dramatic club In the auditorium. Miss Virginia Miller of I^xlngton will be crowned queen, at the festival, and special music at the crowning will be furnished by the band, which will be under the leadership of Revis Frye. The band, a project of the Federal music administration, will also play at the athletic events. Noted Methodist To Speak Here May 3rd The Rev. E. L. Henderson, president of the North Carolina Conference of the Wesleyan Methodist church, will preach at the Wesleyan church just off Whitmire street at 7:30 p. m., May 3rd. Rev. Henderson is an excellent stu dent of the Bible and an interesting preacher. After the preaching service, Rev. Henderson will preside at the regular session of Quarterly Conference. The pastor, Rev. A. Spencer Noblltt will use as a text for 11 o'clock wor shop service Sunday, April 30. "Such an high priest became us," (Heb.7:20). The subject for Sunday night will be, "Hell As a Reality.” And those who would like to be present are cordially Invited to hear Rev. Henderson, and all who have no regular place of wor ship are asked to make the Wesleyan church and Sunday school their church home. ROSMAN EXERCISES ENDED WEDNESDAY Dr. H. T. Hunter Heard In Ad dress to Graduates—7th Grade Program An address to the graduating class by Dr. H. T. Hunter, president of Western Carolina Teachers College. Cul lowhee, Wednesday evening, concluded the commencement exercises of the Rosman High school. The valedictory address was given by D. H. Winchester, Jr., and the salu tatory by Eva Israel. Principal E. F. Tllson awarded the diplomas. Commencement exercises began Sun day afternoon, when the baccalaureate sermon was delivered by the Rev. C. M. Jones, pastor of the local Presbyter. Ian church, at the high school auditor ium. Music by a girls’ quartet and a song by the graduating class were other features of the program. Senior class exercises were held Mon. day evening, with the following mem bers of the class taking part: J. A. Wilde, Louise Rlgdon, John McCall, Bessie Whitmire. John Rogers, Frank Whitmire, and a one-act play and songs by the class. Commencement marshals were: Lucy Hall, chief, Reba Gillespie, Ruth Rice, Gladys Clark, Louise Chastain, Lur leen Lusk and Ruby Green. The seventh grade commencement exercises were held at the high school auditorium Tuesday afternoon, when the address to the graduating class was delivered by Mrs. J. S. Silversteen, of Brevard. Lillie Mae Garren was the class valedictorian, and Stanley Win chester, the salutatorlan. Principal E. F. Tllson Introduced the speaker. Cer tificates were presented by Principal W. E. Brackett. Marble Tournament Play-Off Date Js Set Final play-off In the county-wide marble tournament has been set for May 1*. at the Brevard Recreation cen ter on Caldwell street. Group play-off games are being play ed each afternoon at the center between the hours of 1 and 5 o’clock, and lead ers Invite any boy or girl who will not be 15 years of age until July 1st of this year to enter the tournament. The entry date has been set for closing as May 12, and no contestants will be allowed to enter after that date. Winner in the county play-off will be given a free trip to Greensboro where competition for state winner will be held. Ecusta Office Building Get* Underway . SSSCS • : SaiaffiSfe, Above picture shows first of the steel framework for the office of the Ecusta Paper Corporation being put In place. The photo was taken last Thursday afternoon and shows only a part of the network of steel which will be used In the two-story building. Brick, steel, and limestone will be used to make the structure modern In ap pearance and the convenience and com fort of workers was kept In mind when designs were drawn for the building. Air conditioning Is being built In, and particular attention Is being paid to lighting. President Harry H. Straus, said that the building would house the main office of the Ecusta Corporation, and all operations will be carried on from Plsgah Forest. The building will be 102 by 46 feet and will have a large basement _ Clean-Up Campaign Will Be Waged Here Next Week Clean-Up Week will be observed in Brevard next week, and from the start that has been made this week, the town will be neat as a pin by the end of the coming week. Town officials and the sanitary department are cooperat ing in the annual drive for a cleaner, prettier town, with ladies of the Women’s Civic club taking the lead as sponsors. The town truck will pick up trasn and refuse In the four "zones” of the town on scheduled dates, and residents In the four zones are requested to have their trash ready for the truck on the day It Is scheduled In the particular section of Brevard. The zones are laid out with Broad street being the north-south dividing line, and Main street being the east west line. Truck schedule calls for Zone l—east of Broad and north of east Main on Tuesday; Zone 2—east of Broad and south of Main on Wednesday; Zone 3 —west of Broad and south of Main. Thursday; Zone 4—west of Broad and north of Main, Friday. Observing the above dates which the trueks will be in the four zones, resi dents are -requested to place their trash in containers, on the front of their property the afternoon before the truck is to make its rounds. It is necessary to observe this schedule closely, as the truck will be unable to get back over any of the zones. Request Is made by the truck crew that trash be placed in containers where possible, but In any event to have it piled compact, so that loading may be facilitated. There will be no charge for hauling the trash. Merchants and business men of the town are also lending their cooperation by giving special prices on "clean-up" supplies for the week, and on needed things to help make the homes more liveable after the yards and lots have been cleaned. Mrs. John W. Smith is general chair man of the Clean-Up drive, with a number of laides assisting as co-chair men, and other ladies of the town also lending their aid. The following chair men have been announced: Zone No. 1, East Broad to Main streets, Miss Rosa Shipman, Mrs. J. E. Waters; Zone No. 2 South Main to Broad, Mrs. D. L. English, Mrs. Ashe Macfle, Mrs. H. J. Bradley; Zone No. 8, West Broad to Probart, Mrs. A. H. Harris, Mrs. O. L. Erwin, Mrs. E. R. Pendleton; Zone No. 4, North Probart. Mrs Lula Miller, Mrs. T. P. Ward; PIsgah Mills section, Mrs. Mack Corn; colored section, Susan Sharp. Patients reported at Lyday Memorial hospital on Wednesday were: Mrs. Eugene Batson, Mrs. D. G. Allison and Infant daughter, Margaret Lane, Miss Pearl Gash, Grover Myers. Health Winner* For Transylvania Named For 4-H Club Entry Prances Walker of Pisgah Forest, and George Simpson, Jr„ of Brevard, were selected as "Transylvania Health Champions” last week, In the 4-H club contest. Young Miss Walker, 12, Is the daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Boyce Walker, and Is a student at Brevard grammar school. Young Mr. Simpson, 11, son of Mr and Mrs. George Simpson, Sr., of Brevard, Is also a student at Bre vard. George rated a high score of 98 out of a possible 100, In his physical exam ination, and Frances made 97. Both are members of the Junior 4-H club at Brevard, and will represent Transyl vania county In the district health meet to be held In May. Last year, Brevard had high winner In the district when Dick Norton scored 97.6. Pisgah Spinner* To Meet Hendersonville Pisgah Spinners will meet the “Hen dersonville Greys” here Saturday af ternoon at 3:80 for the second Blue Ridge Industrial game of the season. Four more home games will be play ed by the Pisgah team before they go on the read—one game each Saturday afternoon through May 20th. This will work out fine with the Brevard Tanners who have no home games here until May 27th. With the schedule arranged by the Spinners of the Blue Ridge, and the Tanners of the Western Carolina, at least one bell game Is slated for Bre vard each Saturday through the sum mer. In the opening game here last Sat urday, the Spinners were defeated by the Saluda nine by the score of 14-9. Pace pitched the full game for Sa luda, while Brown and Pressly worked on the mound for Pisgah. Score by Innings: Saluda . Ill 600 230—14 16 5 Pisgah ~. 028 012 100— 9 18 6 Pace and Heathcrly; Pressly, Brown and Brock. _ __A Proclamation KNOW ALL MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN BY THESE PRESENTS: THAT, Whereas the NATIONAL CLEAN UP, j PAINT UP AND FIX UP CAMPAIGN has resulted in j many advantages to community life throughout the j United States. In safeguarding HEALTH and SAFETY; In promoting EMPLOYMENT and THRIFT; In furthering FIRE PREVENTION In promoting BETTER HOUSING; In stimulating CIVIC PRIDE; and In making the “HOME AND CITY BEAUTIFUL; NOW, THEREFORE, Be it known that plans have been perfected for a thorough CLEAN UP, PAINT UP AND FIX UP CAMPAIGN in The Town of Brevard beginning May 1. This date will mark the opening of a real campaign of persistent and constructive effort in cleaning up, fixing up and KEEPING IT UP. In this worthy movement of Cleaning, Painting, Planting, Re pairing and general Rehabilitation and Beautification we urge each citizen to do his or her best part to make our community Clean, Healthy, Thrifty, Safe and Beautiful. A. H. HARRIS, Mayor of Brevard. Visitors' Day Will Be Observed Monday By Ladies of Club Visitors' day and get-acqualnted per iod will be observed at the May meet ing of the Women's Civic club, to be held Monday afternoon at 3:30 o’clock at the city hall building. Charles A. Schoenknecht, head of the natural science department of Brevard college, will talk on "Brevard the Beautiful." The meeting Is open to the public. A special Invitation Is extended to all visitors and new-comers to Brevard to attend the meeting. Ohio Manufacturer To Build Home In County Herman L. Kutter, president of the Black Clawson company of Hamilton, Ohio, Is sold on Transylvania as a place "to really live,” and plans to buy a small place here where he may spend a part of the summer season. Mr. Kutter’s company sold most of the Eeusta Paper Corporation's ma chinery, and all of the heavy paper machines. He was here on an Inspec tion trip Friday, and volunteered the Information that he had his heart set on becoming a part-time resident. Mrs. Kutter, who accompanied the prominent manufacturer here, Is also enthused over this section of the coun try, and said she would be pleased In deed, to have a home here. Also with Mr. Kutter was his nephev, R. L. Kut ter. A fishing enthusiast, Mr. Kutter was vitally Interested in trout streams, and was surprised that Transylvania coun ty Is the home of the gamey muskel lunge, which Is native of the Great Lakes section. Mrs, Kutter, a charming conversa tionalist, was Interested In the moun tains and the streams, and said that ever since her first visit to the Moun tains of Western Carolina, she had been dreaming of the time she could spend a part of each year here. Mi** Craig Winner of State Poetry Contest Miss Marjorie Craig, member of the Brevard Fortnightly club and of the Brevard College faculty, won first place In the poetry contest sponsored by the North Carolina Federation of Women’s clubs, announcement was made at the state meeting held at Raleigh last week. Notification of Miss Craig's first prize winning In the state contest was re ceived here too late for publication In the contest story In last week’s paper. Her entry was In the narrative poem class, and the award was a silver loving cup. The Fortnightly club won two state first prizes in separate contests this year. In previous years the Mathatas an club was winner of first place In the state In two different contests, and the Wednesday club won first place In the state contest last year. Tax Listing Penalty Be Added Says Lyday Ralph W. Lyday, tax supervisor for Transylvania county, said Wednesday that a number of taxpayers In the county had failed to list their taxes with the list takers, and that penalty would have to be added to such tax payers unless prompt listing of their properties were made at once. Tax listers In the various precincts are expected to turn their books Into the office of the county accountant the last of this week, and Mr. Lyday said that within a few days the books would be made up, and of necessity the pen alty added for extra trouble Incurred. The books will be In the tax supervis or’s office for several days during the coming week, and any person who has failed to list may do so by calling there. Former B. I. Student Will Preach Sunday An exchange In pulpits will be made at the Methodist church Sunday morn ing at 11 o’clock. The pastor, the Rev. E. P. Billups, will preach at the Cullo whee Methodist church, and the Cul lowhee pastor, the Rev. Cecil Hefner, will deliver the semon at the local Methodist church. The Rev. Mr. Hefner formerly resided In Brevard and attended the Brevard Institute, from which Institution he was graduated. Due to his outstanding work with students, It Is expected that a large number of college and other students will hear Mr. Hefner here Sunday morning. I License Inspector Coming «G. L. Allison, drivers' license Inspec tor, will be at t|je sheriffs office in the court house each Wednesday from 8:30 to 12 o’clock, announcement has been made by Sheriff George Shuford. Revival Service* At Rosman Begin May 1 ROSMAN, April 26—A revival meet ing will begin at the Rosman Metho dist church on May 1st, with the Rev. j C. Gentry, pastor of the Hayesville Methodist church as evangelist, and the Rev. E. P. Billups of Brevard In charge of the singing. Song service will begin each even ing at 7:45. The series of meetings will continue for two weeks, and the Rev. J. R. Bowman, pastor, Invites, the general public to attend all services. Renew Your Subscription. Gets State Post ■ i m ■ i — — Industrial Commissioner Pat Kimzey Ranks High In W.O.W. Bead State Adviser A. B. Galloway Tanners Will Play College On Thursday A1 Kyle’s Brevard Tanners will play two ball games this week—one at Brevard, College Thursday afternoon, and at Blltmore Saturday afternoon. The game with the college nllne will start at 4:30 Thursday afternoon, and Fred House will likely be on the mound for the Tanners. The game Is schedul ed for seven Innings. Saturday afternoon at Blltmore the game will start at 3:30, and Hammett will probably be picked for mound duty. Softball Meeting To Be Held Friday Eve All persons Interested In any way lh softball for this summer are requested to meet Friday night at 8 o’clock In The Times office. Plans tentatively are to have a four team league which will Include the Brevard WOW, CCC F-28, the college, and an all-star team which will be managed by Tommy Hampton who captained last season’s champions. So far It has been generally conced ed that the season should open about the second week In May. Such a sched ule would allow each team to play ap proximately twenty games each half. Special Legion Meet Called For Monday A special business meeting of the American Legion Is being called by Commander Carl Hardin for Monday evening, May 1, at 8 o'clock. The meeting win be held In the Bre vard court house, and an invitation is extended to aU World War Veterans to attend, whether they are members of the legion post or not. PAT KffllZEY NAMED TO STATE POSmON -- Brevard Man Picked For Indus trial Commissioner Place Over Many Aspirants f Pat Klmzey,1 popular Brevard attor ney and business man, was appointed to the poet of State Industrial Commis sioner by Governor Clyde Hoey this week, Mr. Klmzey Is In Raleigh today where he will qualify for the post, and expects to return to Brevard Friday for a few days, In order to wind up his business affairs here. Mrs. Klmzey and small daughter, Patricia Ann, expect to remain In Brevard, at least during this summer, and will continue to reside at their home on Park Avenue. Mr. Klmzey will maintain his headquarters In Raleigh. The appointment was made by the governor to fill the unexplred term of J. Dewey Dorsett, who resigned two months ago to accept a position with an Insurance company In New York City. With 41 possible appointees before the governor for consideration for the post which pays $5,500 per year, the Western North Carolina man was se fContinued on Back Page) 25 Certificates Given Red Cross Students — Certificates were delivered Friday morning to 26 girls who had complet ed the four months’ course In Home Hygiene and Care of the Sick, taught at the high school by Mrs. Alfred Chance, and sponsored by the county health unit and the local Red Cross. J. S. SUversteen, chairman of the Transylvania County Red Cross, de livered the message to the girls com pleting the course, and presented the certificates. Another hygiene class will be started on Friday for the adult education teach ers, Mrs. Chance has announced. The session will meet one day each week at the high school building, and con tinue for four months. In the fall, girls of the Rosman high school win be given opportunity to Join a similar class to be taught there by Mrs. Chance. It Is expected by the sponsors that a class will be held each year at Brevard and Rosman, and that the equipment provided by the Red Cross will be for permanent use. 1 1 1 » / W.O.M. Meeting Change Meeting hour of the Brevard Wood men camp has been set at 7:30 o'clock, and special business to come up Mon day night will be the naming of dele gates to attend the district meeting at Swannanoa on May 4. HIGH SCHOOL GRADS HEAR JUDGE PLESS Final Exerci*** Held Wedne*“ 'day Evening—61 Members of Graduating Class Commencement exercise* at the Bre vard high school came to a close Wed nesday evening, when the graduation address was delivered by Judge J. Will Pless, Jr., of Marlon Slxty-one mem bers comprised the senior class Edward (Sazener and Paul Jones, who tied for high honors, delivered the valedictory addresses, and Mis# Lillian Zachary, the salutatorlan. Di plomas and other awards were present ed by Principal R. T. Klmzey. County Superintendent J B. Jones Introduced the speaker. The baccalaureate sermon Sunday evening at the high school auditorium was delivered by the Rev. E. P. Bil lups, pastor of the Brevard Methodist church, on the subject, “Creative Edu cation." Music was furnished by the high school glee club, and by Alvin Moore, with a vocal solo accompanied by Mrs. Melvin Gillespie. Officers of the senior class Include: Jeanette Austin, president; Paul Jones, vice president; Lillian Zachary, secre tary; Edward Glazener, treasurer. Class mascots were Susan Myers and Johnny Weaver. Commencement marshals were: Katin Ieen Wilson chief, June Fenwick*. Lol# Moore, O’Dell McCall, Herman Rahn. Mary Jane Brown, Frances McRae, Calvin Raxter and Ralph Orr. ■ ■ — Rosman and Brevard Town Elections Be Held May 2nd Two Tickets Will Be Voted On At Rosman Tuesday—No Primary Was Held ROSMAN, April 26—The town elec tion will be held here Monday of next week, May 2, at the town hall. Vot ing will be for mayor and three mem bers for the board of aldermen. Two tickets have been filed—A. M. White for mayor; Austin Hogsed, Claud Stroup, and Grover Woodard, for aldermen. Also Tom Mahoney for mayor; Elmer McLean, Nath S. Gal loway, and Dock Lusk for aldermen. By agreement, there was no primary held, and the election Monday will de cide the election. No Opposition at Brevard TV Harris Ticket—Voting Here Will Be Mere Formality Biennial town of Brevard election will be held In the court house next Tuesday, May 2, with the polls to re main open from 7/o’clock In the momlnf until 7 In the afternoon. The election will be held as a matter of formality, inasmuch as there was no opposition In the primary. Last elec tion only It votes were cast. To be elected are Mayor A, H. Harris, Aldermen W. W. Brittain, Ralph J. Duckworth, R. P. Kilpatrick, Fred EL Bhuford, and J. E. Waters J