m THE TRANSYLVANIA TIMES |“SF| ffr.f.firr“e"*,.„rr.» A Newspaper Devoted to the Best Interest of the People ef Transylvaiua County_ BREVARD, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 193® $1.00 PER YEAR IN TRANSYLVANIA COUNTY VUL. 49s JNU. _ ^ CHAMBER COMMERCE MEMBERSHIP DRIVE Payments Asked Immediately So That List May Be Made Public Members of the Brevard Chamber of Commerce will be listed In The Times next week, it Is announced by the fi nance committee of the group, and other parties will be contacted during the week in effort to increase the mem. bershtp. Annual election of officers will be held the second week In October, and the finance committee is desirous of securing payment of pledges and also for new memberships before time for the election. It was reported following a meeting of the finance committee in the of fice of J. H. Tinsley Tuesday night, that a number of business concerns in the town have not paid In this sea son. although the work has been car ried on as usual. The body is not in debt, it was ■tressed, but the work will be continu ed through the winter with part-time secretary, and funds will of necessity have to be available for this purpose. In addition, the advertising commit tee is planning to purchase 10.000 booklets for distribution Immediately after Christmas holidays, and this will eeituil a cost of around *300. During the year, it was reported. 10.000 pieces of literature have been mailed to bureaus making requests and individuals, and the office has been kept open with Mrs. R. R. Fisher in charge. Display space has been purchased through co-operation of the local governmental units and manufac turing plants in several large daily newspapers, four different magazines of national circulation, and in trade publications In effort to Interest both tourists and Industries. Ladies Again Invited To Use Golf Course Response to the "Ladles Pays” ’ast Friday and Saturday at the Rrevard Golf course prompts Manager Ed Wat son to announce another guest occas ion for the fairer sex Friday and Sat urday of this week. With reconditioning of the course, increased Interest is also being shown tn play by men of the community, and there are also a number of visitors playing. Mr. Watson reports. Extended tourist season, reported by the Chamber of Commerce is adding to play at the golf course, and sev eral people have stated that they are remaining in Brevard In order to take advantage of the cooler days for golf ing. WAR PICTURETOLD IN ENGLISH LETTER Brevard Lady Receives Letter From Cousin Telling of Hardships, Fear Mrs. Mildred Chadwick Is in receipt of a letter, dated September 4. from her cousin Grace (Nightingale), who lives In Sussex. England. The letter is of particular general Interest at this time, since it relates first hand news of war conditions in England, as experienced personally by the writer of the letter. The letter, In part, follows: ... I have been too upset to write with this awful horror of war upon us. all nerves as a result of that awful Illness and operation and this Is the last straw. To improve the shining hour have two school teachers and their old mother billited on me—refu gees from London. They are very nice and I suppose I will get used to It in time, any way 1 will do my best. It Is awful to see everyone In the streets with tense faces and it has been awful coping with the darkening of the end less windows in this house and crawling about tn a dim light within, and pitch black streets outside. Isn't It cruel that one vile man should have the power of dealing out untold misery and suffering? Please God, England and her allies will crush him. It Is impos sible to think that evil will triumph. How terrible the news of the passenger ■hips being torpedoed ... I feel ready to break now and if I let myself cry I would continue till the crack of doom. I wish it were not such a difficult work!. Poor Mr. Chamberlain, what must he feel that all his efforts have been In vain. Please God. this fiendish war won’t last long . . . Your weary, ■ad and loving Grace (Nightingale). Chief Bromfield To Resign Fire Post He Has Held 25 Years j. S. Bromfield, for the past 25 years chief of Brevard fire department, tendered his resignation to the board of aldermen Monday night. Chief Bromfield told the board that his health demanded that he resign, and that it was not from any wish to refuse co-operation with the officials, or to cripple the organization, "Twenty five years Is a long time for one man to hold a Job," the chief said, "and this coupled with the fact that I am not as young as I once was, forces me to offer my resignation, effective immediately if you can fill the place, or certainly as soon as possible." The board told the retiring chief that they as well as the general pub lic. appreciated the work he has done here with the fire department, and that they would only consider his resignation because of his reason stated. Chief Bromfield is expected to re main on the job for another week or two, whlie a new man Is being select ed. Motion Pictures Be Shown At Schools In County During Week "The River.” a motion picture show ing forest, their care, and protection, will be exhibited at five Transylvania school, as an educational program, in cooperation with the North Carolina Forestry department. The picture show is sponsored by the TVA, county farm agents, and school, as an educational program. Iacluded in the filming is a story of interest, which makes for entertain ment as well as education. The following schedule will be ob served in showing the picture: Monday. Oct. 2—Little River school, 7:30 in the evening. Tuesday, Oct. 3—Brevard high school, 2:40 in the afternoon; Enon school, 7:30 in the evening. Wednesday, Oct. 4—Rosman high school. 1:16 in the afternoon; 1-rfike Toxaway school. 7:30 in the evening. The general public Is Invited to at tend any of the showings. No admis sion will be charged. Dr. Owen To Preach The Rev. Jesse C. Owen will preach at the 11 o’clock service at Enon Bap tist church Sunday morning. A cor dial Invitation Is extended to the pub lic to attend. Family Reunion To Be At Macedonia Saturday The annual Owen-Gallowav-Parker Reld reunion will be held Saturday of this week at the Macedonia Baptist church in this county, announcement has been made by the president, Rev. J. C. Owen, of Asheville. An interesting program has been prepared for the day’s event, and It is expected that a large number of the four family connections will be pres ent, together with their friends. All are requested to bring baskets of eat ables for the picnic dinner to be spread at noon. Veteran* CCC Blank* Blanks for use by veterans of the World War in applying for entry in the CCC may be secured at the regis ter of deeds office. Enrollment will take place the first of October. Baptist Teachers To Attend Study Course A study course for Sunday school teachers of the Transylvania Baptist association, will be held at the Bre vard Baptist church beginning Mon day night. October 2, and continuing through Friday, announcement has been made by the Rev. J. L. Under wood, director. Teachers, officers and prospective teachers from the churches in the as sociation are expected and urged to at tend these courses. The study course Is divided into five departments. The books offered will Include. "Outlines in Bibles History.” by Burroughs; "When Do Teachers Teach,” by Campbell; "The Way Made Plain,” by Brooks; "Guiding the Junior Boys and Girls in the Sunday School”: "Guiding the Primary Child in Sunday School." The best available teachers will be secured to have charge of each class, and It is expected that many in the as sociatlonal work will take advantage of this opportunity to enrich their field of teaching. Pay Your Subscription Today Brevard Hi Meets Waynesville High Eleven Here Friday, 3:30 With the taste of victery still in their mouths from test Friday’s win over Weavervtlle, Brevard high wfll meet the Waynesville eleven here Friday afternoon. The game will be played on the high school field, and will start at ' 3:30. Tickets are on sale by mem bers of the school athletic associa tion. L This will probably be the hardest ™ game the locals will face this sea son, as the Waynesville crew has always given Brevard trouble, and Is counted a notch upon the Bre vard crew. However, Coach Cox says that he has no qualms about the oat come of the game, and that his en tire crew Is In goed shape for the affray. Mleenhelmer will add strength to the backfleld, and al low some shifting to the line for Brevard. Hamlin will be at center, putting Dixon at guard, and R. Jackson and Blake will be at ends for the start Probable sartlng lineup will be: Ends, Blake and R. Jackson; tackles, Varner and Lance; guards, R. Hllemon and Dixon; center, wnmUn; backs, Mlsenhelmer, Wright, Allison, and J. Hllemon. Where 400 Brevard College Students Enrolled Above picture shows front entrance of the Ad ministration Building at Brevard College, with students entering and leaving the building. The photo was snap ped by Austin for use in the College annual. Over 400 Students Enroll At Brevard Brevard College campus again teems with action as young people from different parts of North Car olina and other states come to be residents of the college community for a year. The arrival of fresh men on Sunday and Monday filled many of the college dormitories and it Is expected that the sophomores coming In on Tuesday will fill all available space. Dean C. E. Buckner and his as sociates hoped to complete regis trations of sophomores by Wednes day evening and freshmen by Thursday evening. Enrollment is expected to pass the 400-mark Thursday. On Tuesday evening a House Party was given In all dormitories while Wednesday night was set aside for the presentation of the various clubs and societies of the college. Thursday evening will give way to a supper for the entire student body os Savannah Hill, after which a free movie, "Moonstone,” will be shown at the school. The first chapel program has been arranged for Friday morning and Friday evening will be given over to the first meeting of the four literary societies. The busy week will close on Saturday even ing with a formal reception given by the faculty. Under the supervision of Dean C. E. Buckner a student retreat was held at Camp Transylvania to discuss the college program which includes the reception of new students. SQUIl L HUNT TO BRING SPORTSMEN Davidson River Section Will Be Entered Monday—Mills River Thursday Preparations are being made by PIs gah Forest rangers for staging the an nual squirrel hunt in the game pre serve next week. Hunters will enter the Davidson Riv er area Monday through Wednesday, with checking station to be located at the Intersection of highway 284 and the Boylston road. Thursday through Saturday, the hunt will be held on the Mills River and Bent Creek watershed areas, and check ing station will be maintained for the last three days at the North Mills River recreation camp. Each hunter will be permitted to hunt four days, and 10 per day limit will be observed. Fees will be $1 per day, payable with a postoffice money order at the checking station, or per mits may be secured at the ranger of fice prior to opening of the hunt. Standard .22 calibre rifles using stan dard velocity type cartridges will be the only arms and ammunition allow ed to be used. No dogs will be allowed on the pre serve, and no wildlife other than squir rels shall be molested, the regulations covering the hunt state. Squirrels are said to be plentiful this year in the preserve, and the ranger station reports numerous applications for one end two days from out of state hunters. 24 To Enroll Here In C C C Monday Twenty-one Transylvania white boys and three colored boys will be enrolled In the CCC on Monday of next weeft at Camp Sledge, NC P-66, Brevard. Mrs. C. T. Patton, welfare superin tendent said that over 60 applications had been made by boys of the county, for entry, but that the quota was only 21. Several boys have been selected as alternates, amd will be at the camp In case any of the first 21 are turned down for physical unfitness. Boys will be enrolled at P-66 and then detailed to such camps as are low In enrollees. McCrary Auto Move* Into Broad St. Home McCrary Auto Service, local Chev rolet agency, has moved from Caldwell street to North Broad, where a fine new building has been erected just be yond the Macfie Drug store. Under management of Carl McCrary the business has been conducted on Caldwell street for the past 15 years, The new structure was erected by J H. Reaben, Texaco district salesman, especially for the McCrary company and Includes departments for show room, office, painting and upholstering, mechanical repairs, and cleaning, as well os storage. — At Lyday Hospital Patients reported at Lyday Memorial hospital on Wednesday were: Mrs. Paul Whitmire and Infant son, Jerry Morris, born Monday, September 26; Mrs. E. Salari and Infant son, Dario, born Thursday, September 21; Mrs. Hugh Duffy, Miss Agnes Cassady, Tom Wood and John Goff. Barton Reunion, Oct. 8 Annual Barton family reunion will be held at Cathey’s Creek Baptist church on Sunday, Oct. 8. All friends and members of the family are Invited to attend, and are requested to bring dinner baskets for the picnic spread at noontime. . Want Adv Section Provides Interest If you are looking for an apartment, a house, or a room, turn to the Classified Section of The Times. Likewise, If you have some thing to sell, the Classified sec tion Is a good bet. The same applies to those who have some thing to sell, to rent, lost, or found—users have found the column very good, and the fact that more and more people are using the "penny a word” adver tising is proof of the popularity and worth. Look around, you may have something you don’t need which will bring In some ready cash— Use A Want Adv. _ _ College Greetings In Second Section Special greetings from Brevard business bouses and Individuals to the Incoming students and faculty at Brevard College are being carried In the second sec tion of The Times, Brevard business people, as well as all citizens, are proud of Brevard College, and they are making expression of this pride in their special message printed In the second section of this Is sue. Students and teachers are re quested to file the special sec tion of the home paper, as a business guide for future refer ences. A paper is being placed in each room of the college dormi tories. Local NYA Group To Have Exhibit at Fair Attractive wooden buttons made by the NYA group, under the direction of P. H. Holden, supervisor, will be ex hibited at the state fair in Raleigh in October. They will also be on exhibit at the Sir Walter hotel in Raleigh pre ceding the fair. The buttons are of varying size and color and are made from a variety of native woods, Including walnut, maple, sourwood, holly and other kinds from this section. A combination of two or three different kinds of wood are used to good effect on some of the but tons, all of which are unique and at tractive in design. Honor Roll Every week finds friends who come in and pay their subscriptions, adding cheer in the office and making run ning of a newspaper in Brevard a hap pier vocation The following have re newed since Wednesday of last week: Clark Grissom, Brevard Mrs. R. H. Ramsey, Brevard J. H. Conner, Brevard R-S Mias Amy Morgan, Detroit County Accountant, Brevard Malva Tharp, New York Gordon Leslie, Plsgah Forest T. A. Folger, So. Carolina C. R Grooms, Brevard -R-l W. A. Wilson, Brevard Mrs. J. S. Nicholson, Brevard R-2 J. B. Petit. Brevard Robert Scruggs, Brevard R-l James Hawkins, Brevard B. F. Arrowood, Brevard R-l E. H. Davis. Rosman J. R. Wright, Brevard R-l V. E. Redmon, Oakland Ralph Ramsey, Brevard Mrs. Herman Jordan, Brevard The following names have been add ed to our list since Wednesday of last week: Dr. Carl Hardin, Brevard Fred Talley. Penrose Mrs. J. G. Lumsden, Ahoskie J. M. Allison, Jr., Columbia Walter Glazener. Auburn Keith Pooaer, Brevard Channon Ashworth. Knoxville Ernest Patton. So. Carolina Miss Jane Yongue, Greenville Miss Nina Lou Rustln, Chapel Hill Mrs. Jas. Cunningham .Fletcher Mary Alice Feaster, Cullowhee Helen Galloway, Cullowhee Glady Branch Revival The Rev. W. H. Whitlock, pastor of Glady Branch church, announces that revival services will begin at his church Sunday, and continue for a week to ten days. A cordial invitation is ex tended to the public to attend. TWO COMMUNITIES ADDING ELECTRICITY _ Turkey Creek and B lantyre Section Placed On Sys tem By Duke Co. Two more Transylvania county com munities now have added home facili ties that can only be provided by elec tricity—Turkey Creek and East Blan tyre. The Turkey Creek line serves four teen homes, in that area from the W. D. Deaver home near Davidson River to the Jud McCall home near foot of Little Mountain. The lights have al ready been turned on by the Duke system, and the people there are very happy Indeed over the added home comforts. Another line is being built from Blantyre station to Pleasant Grove church, two and one-half miles, and will serve 18 or more families. Al ready, the people along the new line are thinking of improvements In the nature of electric refrigerators, radios, other home appliances, and farm equip, ment driven by electric power. In the past few years, lines have been constructed to the Cedar Moun tain and Caesar’s Head section; Bre vard to Calvert; to Sunny Side Dairy; through Glade Creek; Pisgah National Forest: Connestee school section; Eto wah to French Broad along US «4. Dr. Cotton To Speak Dr. Colson, pastor of the First Bap tist church, Madison, Indiana, will speak at the Rocky Hill church at Cedar Mountain at the 11 o’clock service 8unday morning, It is announced by the Rev. George Baker, pastor. Enon Grange Meet Set For October 6th Special meeting of the Enon Grange will be held at the school house on Fri day evening, October 6, beginning at 7:30 o’clock. Features will be a spelling bee, music by the Brevard F"FA band, and other entertainment. The public in general is Invited to attend. Sunday School Meet At Carrs Hill Oct. 1 Associatlonal Sunday school meeting will be held at Carrs Hill Baptist church Sunday afternoon, beginning at 2:80 o’clock. “Problems and Assets of Young People and Adults” will be general theme of the program. Dr. B. E. Wall, pastor First Baptist church of Hendersonville will speak. New Arrival* Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Wilson, of Golds boro, have announced the birth of a daughter on Saturday, September 28. Mrs. Wilson is the former Miss Eliza beth Shipman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Shipman, of Brevard. Born to Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Rogers Jr., of Lake Toxaway. a daughter, om Friday, September 22. Officers Cut 2 Stills In Upper Transylvania ROSMAN, Sept. 27—John D. Norton of the federal department of alcoholic control, and A. D. Rogers of Rosman, captured two stills last week In the county. One of the outfits was a 80-gallon capacity, destroyed in the Boheney section; the other of «5-gallon capacity, was cut down In the East Fork sec tion. The latter setup also had 200 gallons of beer ready for running, and the entire outfit was covered with a tent. ^ District Meeting D. A. R. Will Bring Notable Ladies Tuesday Plans have been completed by the , Brevard Walghtstill Avery chapter of the Daughters of the American Rev i olution for entertainment of the eigh teenth annual meeting of the first district of the D. A. R. of North Car olina, which will be held here Tuesday In an all-day event at the Brevard 1 College auditorium. Around 100 dele gates and visitors are expected to at [ tend the meeting. 1 Mrs. Roy H, Cagle, district director, l of Asheville, will preside. The main address* on the day’s program will be by Mrs. Eugene N. Davis, state regent, of Raleigh. The opening morning ses sion will begin at 10:30 o’clock, follow ed by luncheon at 1 o’clock In the Brevard college dining room. Chapter reports will be given from the following regents in the district: Miss Margaret Lovell Gibson, Edward Buncombe, Asheville; Miss Jessie Huff, Ruth Davidson, Asheville; Mrs. Cole Galloway, Walghtstill Avery, Brevard; Mrs. C. R. Whitaker, Joseph McDowell, Hendersonville; Mrs. J. B. Johnson, Greenlee, Old Port; Mrs. J, M. Iking, Dorcas Bell Love, Waynesvllle; Mrs. C L. Newland, president Brevard chap ter Children of the American Revolu tion. The address of welcome will be given by Mrs, _T. Coleman Galloway, regent of the local chapter, with response by Miss Margaret Lovell Gibson, of Ashe ville. Greetings will be given by Mra. W. H. Belk, vice president general, of Charlotte. Mrs. J. 8. Sllverstsen, state chairman of Ellis island, will be luncheon teastmlstrees. Toasts will be given by Mrs. W. H. Davis and Mrs. Gilbert Morris, of Ashevills, Mrs. J. Hardin Howell, of Waynesville, and Mrs. O. A. Meyers, of Hendersonville. Miss Irene Clay and John Hawkins, of the Brevard College music depart ment, will be In charge of the music. The Rev E. P. Billups, castor of the Brevard Methodist church, win give the Invocation, and Mrs, J. H. West, of the local chapter, will offer grace at the luncheon. Douglas Wyatt of Brevard, will give the opening bugle call. Pages will be: Mrs. Randal Lyday, chairman. Miss Elisabeth Allison, Mis. Thomas Barclay HI and Mrs. A. G. Kyle, all of Brevard, Miss Mildred Tounglner and Mrs. J. C. George, of Asheville, and Miss Klmesla Henry,' ef Old Fort Mrs. J. S. Bllversteen, of the Bre vard chapter, win entertain at her home “Sllvermont” Immediately fel Iowing the close of the afternoon ses sion with an Informal reception and tea, honoring the state and district of ficers. Mrs. Bllversteen will be assist ed In entertaining by her daughters, Mrs. A. G. Kyle, of Brevard, and Mrs. Thorvald Berg, of New York City, u Those assisting Mrs. T. Coleman GaP loway, local regent In the different committees for Tuesday's meeting, in clude: Mrs. T. O. Mopdy, Mm. Alvin Rockwood, Mm. Thomns Barclay, Mm. J. M. Allison and In. C. I* Newhufc. decoration committee; Mrs. Ralph H. Ramsey and Mm. H. V. (haedberg. reg istration: Mm. J. B. Mlvemtsen mat Mrs. C. L, Newiand, luncheon.

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