THERE ARE BES JM TOWN /SORE MONEY S* SV/E EKT * SATISFACTION JElM'ABtETO MXS, AN' IN THIS A 'o Hear Speaker at t On Jan. 9th insylvanla and seven will hear T. Clarence ng champion of spend !g for highways only Irman of the Roads North Carolina House s, In an address be Meetlng of the North n Industries Commit, 'uesday, January 9. leetlng, which will be tt Springs Hotel, tn les of Transylvania, , Swain, Macon, Clay, •okee. In addition to nts, distributors and >erators, members of s Interested In hlgh 1 will attend and par ogram. meeting for the pur scussions of problems Ion of highway funds Ive matters affecting ill be followed by a Representative Stone _ same period. > reveals that busi state are using only >pen lines of credit" sir use on the books figures are based on im 45 banks in North cent of the 225 com the state, and make e concentration of Winston-Salem and reported that they loans totaling $44. anuary 1 and June wed 63,692 outstand $109,076,506. In ad :ed 1.935 new mort le owners and other totaling $2,669,617. mber of new loans 10. and the average $778. lber of renewals tier nd the average re 113. 139 25,000.00 25,000.000 8,500.00 4,043.75 1,512.77 3,294.18 306.00 6,000.00 106,031.29 479,687.99 PISGAH FOREST NEWS Funeral services were held at Boyls ton Baptist church on Thursday' for Aunt Vince Mullenax who died Tues day night at the home of her nephew. Erwin Mullenax. Aunt Vince, aged 85, had been In 111 health for sometime, and had a host of friends In this sec tion where she had lived for many years. Burial was made In the family plot In the Boylston cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Roller and two daughters have returned to their home here after spending the holidays with Mrs. Roller’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. T. Whitlock In Henderson-1 vllle. Mrs. Julian Allison and daughter Evonne, were guests during the holi days of Raleigh Allison and family In Hickory. Miss Margaret Deaver, who spent the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Deaver, at Fern Crest, re turned on Monday to Harrisonburg, Va., where she Is a commercial teacher. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Orr, who have been making their home with the for mer’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Orr, since their marriage In August, moved last week to one of Jud McCalls’ houses In the Little Mountain section. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Allen and daughter Elizabeth, of Swannanoa spent the week-end with Mrs. Allen’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Mackey. Miss Rose Walfe will leave this week for Cullowhee where she will attend Western Carolina Teachers College. Rev. Judson Corn and Rev. Sum mey conducted the funeral services at Oak Grove on Sunday for Mrs. Melton, aged 69, who died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Harrison Nelson on Friday, after a brief Illness. Mrs. Mel ton, who was a recent newcomer to this section, had many friends here and In adjoining sections. Miss Helen Allison returned on Sat urday from a visit with her sister, Mrs. Oscar Gasperson, In the Avery Creek section. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Cansler visited their son Roger, at Key West, Fla., dur ing the holidays. The latter Is connect ed with the U. S. Array. Mr. and Mrs. John Deaver returned this week to their home In Umatilla, Fla., after spending the holidays with the former’s mother, Mrs. Robert Pat ton. , „ Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Watson and four children have moved here from Oconee, Ga., and are occupying the W. L. Stophel house recently vacated by Mrs. Tim Cowan, who has joined her daugh ter Martha, in Atlanta, Ga. Mr. Wat son is sawfller for Carr Lumber com pany. Mr. and Mrs. Julian Allison, daughter Evonne, and Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Nicholson jmd two children spent Sun day In the Boylston section visiting Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Allison and family. Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Mullenax are moving this week from the Mrs. J. H. Wolfe farm to the Little River sec tion. Miss Cora Willson has returned to her home here after spending the holi days with Miss Daisy Norton In Bre vard. BLACK CARDBOARD . AT THE TIMES OFFICE NYA Will Conduct Classical Music Fast For Good-Will Tour, —V— The National Yofcth Administration for North Carolina plans to conduct a State-wide classical musical contest to aid In the selection of Leopold Stokow ski's all-American youth\ Orchestra, to be organized In the United States this winter for a good-will toi\r of South and Central America, it w^a learned today. \ This Information came from l^Tohn A. Liang, State Youth Administrate-in to F. H. Holden, local NYA supervisor, who was asked to help locate accoin pllshed musicians Interested In trying out for this Orchestra. The National Youth Administration will recruit from throughout the coun try the 109 young musicians who are to make up the orchestra which the famous conductor, Stokowski, plans to take on tour. Only applicants . under the age of 26 years will be eligible: but both NYIA workers and non-NYA young people may apply. In order to help the National organi zation recruit the best talent, the North Carolina NYA Is now making plans to conduct a contest of skilled young musi cians in Raleigh during the early part of February to select those who will be recommended for regional try-outs under the direction of Mr. Stokowski. Mr. Lang said young people should send all applications directly to him, care of the National Youth Administra tion in Raleigh. The try-outs will be open to all young people, Irrespective of sex, color or race. In making ap plications, the young person should state the Instrument he plays, his train, lng and experience, and personal en dorsement of his ability, as well as personal Information concerning hls age, address and present occupation. The applications received will be considered by a board of Judges, ac cording to present plans, and appli cants will be notified of eligibility for try-outs at a later date. All applica tions must be submitted before Feb ruary 1, 1940. according to Mr. Lang. Of this endeavor. Aubrey Williams, National Youth Administrator, said, "This Is a worthy and patriotic enter prise. I am hopeful that selecting these youths through our State NYA of fices will extend this wonderful oppor tunity equally to all of our talented young musicians, and develop a musical group that will represent the very best of its kind that can be assembled.” OUT OF TOWN PRINTERS PAY NO TAXES HERE LET US DO YOUR PRINTING •on at lnp Dock The fl Thursday. M'. and Mrs. Arch and family have been very Mr. and Mrs. Orville son B raxton, were Easley, S. C., visitors •Wednesday. Mrs. jftmmie McCall has been in with the flu, bud 1* Improving. Herbert McCall add Alvold Davis, from Pin Hjook, visited Looney McCall Thursday. 1 Mr. and 'Mrs. Harlow McCall and family vlsltdd Mrs, Della Hall at Mace donia Sunday* I Mrs Wlltfle McCall and Mrs. Sara Owen visited Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie Mc ! Call Tuesday*__ C^rd of Thanks We wish jts thank our friends and neighbors fojr their kindness and sym pathy showfl us at the death cf our mother and j grandmother, and for the j lovely flowed Mrs. jlunes H. Nelson and Family Home! Cooked Food k Best AND i OURS IS NEXT ' BEST I 00010 to our cafe when you afe hungry—always good lunches, or if you want just a bite we fcave the very thing you will like Dr. P. N. DeVERE, Optoinetrist WILL BE IN BREVARD EVERY TUESDAY McMinn Building—Room 19—Hours 10 t0 6 Eyes Examined — Glasses Fitted AH Lenses Ground In My Own LabortttorY A’ COMPLETE EYE SERVICE NEW HOME SPECI We hope all our good friends in Transylvania will come down East Main Street, and visit our New Home, corner of East Main and Gaston. To those who have been kind in calling, and for the complimentary things you have said about us, we thank you, and we hope you will continue your friendship and patronage. _ Friday SPECIAL (One Day, Jan. 5—only) 80-Square, 39-in. wide Unbleached Sheeting Regular 12 l-2c yard value ' 5c y Limit 10 yards to customer Saturday SPEClAll jl Men’s Super Hard-Ware Overalls . • 8-oz. material, triple stitched, interlock ing suspenders, double bib^ocketa, sizes 32 to 46—you’d pay up K> ?l-50 else where—Saturday only, for MONDAY SPECIALS Ladies 80-Square Print DRESSES New shipment, vat dyed materials, and high value. 58c WHkM Children’s 80-Square Print DRESSES With pantiek. Regular 48c value. Sizes1' 1 to 4. Mo day only 25c