Brevard Hi School News B. B. B. STAFF Bale Chamberlain . Editor-in-chief Robert Huggins .Associate Editor Kathleen Wilson - Managing Editor • EDITORIAL STAFF Lois Moore, June Fenwicke, Mary Jane Brown, Fred Glazener, Jack Huggins, Mary Alice Hardin. THE8B DAYS OF MEMORIZING By Mary Alice Hardin Every year there comes a time In the life of a high school student when the thought of poetry and memorizing reigns supreme. It so happens that this year three classes, sophomore, junior and senior, have that blessing (?) at the same time. doing through the halls you may hear mixed quotations as these, “Tell me not in mournful numbers.—Friends, Romans, countrymen—man’s first dis obedience and the fruit of that forbid den tree—So live, that when thy sum mons comes to join that—Sing. Heav enly Muse, that on the secret top— You are my true and honorable wife, as dear to me as the ruddy drops—” A visitor coming into our great halls of learning might mistake them for the chambers of a lunatic asylum. But who knows, there might spring forth from our midst a great poet, orator, or play wright. But at this particular time I see no one who especially relishes be ing a Bryant, a Milton, or a Shake speare. Most students progress in this manner. When the teacher assigns the pas sage, the students fail to mark them or else mark the wrong ones. The pas nm HO Cause Discomfort uULUo ppn For quick relief hjln from the misery V of colds, take 666 Liquid - Tablets . Salve - Nose Drops MAGAZINES PAPERS CANDIES CIGARETTES SUBSCRIPTIONS To All NEWSPAPERS And MAGAZINES TINSLEY’S NEWS STAND TREAT THE FAMILY TO A MEAL HERE! They’ll all enjoy a de licious dinner here fre quently. Mother, especial ly will enjoy a break in the monotony of meal planning. Choose from a large variety of delicious tempting dishes. Galloway’s Cafe . Next To Dixie Store Ralph Galloway, Mgr. BLACK CARDBOARD . AT THE TIMES OFFICE sages are assigned well In advance, but no one takes them seriously. What’s the use of doing all that when you have plenty "of time? At the last minute It always dawns that the teach er really means business, and the mem ory work is due day after to-morrow. Now, of course, all the rest of the les sons go to the “dogs" while every pos sible moment Is used to try to get all those lines without a mlxup. In Prof. Bob Huggins’ recently published thesis on "How to Memorize," he explained how to use the read-and-reread method; but to use this method, it Is necessary to start well In advance of the stated time for recitation. In this case it Is Impossible. Not all of the students use any set method, but most use the line by-line and word-by-word method. (Not counting minor words such as prepositions and conjunctions). Of course, time passes too rapidly, and all a student can do is hope he won’t be called on first. Then the time comes when he gets weak in the knees and hot under the collar. He thinks. “Why does a teacher have to know who wrote that anyhow? How could you help it If you said Longfellow wrote “The Raven?” How could you help It if you started with the “Psalm of Life" and ended with “The Marshes of Glynn." Ah, at last the suffering student can sit down. He Is not sure he has fin ished all the selections, but he hopes so. Was there ever a room so stuffy? Why is everybody staring? Is there a frown on the teacher's face? These are only a few of the ques tions he will ask himself when at last the ordeal is over, and he has prompt ly forgotten all the memorizing he has ever done. (Best unsolicited). —5—B H—5— WALKING AND TALKING Anonymous I wish I could have known what you said before; If I did, I'd have asked you to say some more. You know there’s something more to saying. Than gabbing or just haying. You can say the nicest things; I wish you could know all the joy It brings. Rut you can say a lot better than I can; Sometimes—like yesterday—I ran. I'd like to tell you how much I like you Rut I guess I’ll never be able to. All you have to do is to keep on talking; And as long as you do, I’ll keep on walking. (It Is counter to our ancient an! archaic principle to promulgate poetry basically amorous, but an exception is in order for our forlorn poet who ex presses his integral desire in the above polymetrlc couplets. More power to you. Anonymous). —5—R H— 5— ASSEMBLY PROGRAM "Tim" Crary The assembly program presented last Thursday morning opened with the singing of patriotic songs by the stu dent body in honor of Washington’s birthday. Following this. Miss Alexander’s sec ond year home economics class took charge of the program. The scripture and prayer were read by Ronnie Glaz ener. Ethel Snelson gave a short story of Washington’s life, in which she brought out the real characteristics of this great man. Mary Mae Sizemore discussed the Importance of proper foods. This was followed by a play. "The Kingdom of Health," which il lustrated foods and their importance. _§_R M—5— F. F. A. HOLDS MEETINO Richard Franklin The ninth grade division or the Bre vard Chapter of the Future Farmers held its regular meeting Friday, Feb ruary 16. The program opened with the de votions conducted by Richard Frank lin followed by current events by Jack Crary. Then came the climax of the program, a boxing match between Richard Tinsley and Brule Baynard. After this several bouts were held be tween other club members. A few in structive talks were also given by Rich-1 ard Tinsley, Everett Green, John Brad ley and Richard Franklin. Music was supplied by Robert Jack son and Flave Merrill. _§-B H-§ BYLVA WINS OVER BREVARD By Thelma Daniels Sylva won a double-header on the Brevard court Friday night. The girls’ score was 33 to 6, and the boys lost 36 to 15. Both boys’ and girls’ teams played an exceptionally good game. How To Open A CHECKING ACCOUNT The procedure of opening a checking account here is as simple as it Is short. Bring in the money you want to open the account with: make yourself known to an officer—he will help you fill out a signature form, for your own protection and the bank s records. Then, you make out a deposit slip showing the amount of money you are depositing. You will receive both a check book and a pass book. That completes the transaction. If your initial deposit is made in cash, you can begin drawing against It whenever you wish. A check on another bank, however, takes a short time to clear. When you come in, any of our officers will be glad to assist you and inform you of the regulations concerning checking accounts. COMMERCIAL SAVINGS SAFE DEPOSIT TRANSYLVANIA TRUST COMPANY Organized November 24, 1931 MILLS RIVER WINS DOUBLE-HEADER By Jean Bennett Thursday night the Mills River boys —better known as the "little (?) men who weren’t there"—flashed around the high school court to the tune of 33 to 19. The Blue Devil girls also lost to their scarlet-clad visitors 33 to 5, In their usual rough and tumble fashion. A large crowd attended both games, and the cheering section was in Its glory. —§—B H—5— SENIORS SELECT SUPERLATIVES The senior class met Friday, Feb ruary 23, and selected the following superlatives: most courteous, Jean Ben nett and Hale Chamberlain; most popu lar, Katheleen Wilson and Bob Tins ley; most Intellectual, Hale Chamber lain and Jean Bennett; most versatile. Bob Huggins and Kathleen Wilson; most studious, Hale Chamberlain and Kathleen Wilson; most attractive, Jean Bennett and Few Lyda; most un selfish, Harold Slnlard and Ollle Mae Metcalf; best-all-around. Hale Slnlard and Lois Moore; most musical. Patsy Grimshawe and Bob Tinsley: sweetest, Hale Slnlard and Maxine Michael; neatest Few Lyda and Jean Bennett; most artistic, Bob Huggins and O'Dell McCall; most original, Lois Moore and Hale Chamberlain; most domestic, Lois Moore: most Industrious, Calvin Rax ter; most friendly, Kathleen WUsor. and Bob Tinsley; cutest, Bob Tinsley and Maxine Michael; best sport, David Barton and Lois Moore; handsomest, Few Lyda; prettiest, Gloria Ann Wilson; most athletic, Sarah Hester Fowler and Henry Carland; class baby, Rosalie Martin and Clarence Garren; wittiest, Bob Tinsley and Patsy Grimshawe; Romeo and Juliet, Dot Mlsenhelmer and Herman Rahn. —§ B H § MY nAT By Elinor Chamberlain As I was walking up the street With nothing else to do. The strong March wind took off my hat. And over the fence it flew, I climbed the fence and saw my hat A flying down a hill. I followed as swiftly as I could With many a jouncing spili. That hat and 1 wont on and on 'Twas such a merry chase. At least it was for the hat, but I Did not enjoy the race. Finally into a field It went, And there an old gray mare Picked up my hat and swallowed it And then began to rare. She galloped 'round and pawed the earth, And had a running fit, And to this day, alive 1 say It was the hat that did it. 5 _n n—§_ CONFUCIUS "SAY By Bertie Orr and Paula Smothers Confucius say, "Boy will like girl.” Me not know, but if the great Con fucius say, it must be so. Confucius also say: "Girl who writes notes to another girl's sweet-heart bet ter watch out. Take a warning, Dia lect. Confucius say that boy can not like two girls at same time, but Robert j May has other ideas. He takes Mildred | S. to the movies, while Christine M., wears his watch. Confucius say, "If girl writes note to boy, she better see that boy gets it." Edna N„ remember. Confucius say, “If girl talk too much in history class, teacher change seat.” Irene Doftis, is that you? Confucius say. "If boy like girl, he let her wear class ring.” Proof: Grace Mull wearing Jack Holden's ring. Confucius say, “If teacher draws pictures on board, she better cover pretty dress to protect it from chalk.” Mrs. Wike takes his advice. Confucius say. "Absence makes the heart grow fonder.” Maybe this solves the Jack Hilemon and “Kat" S. prob lem. Confucius say. "If girl dreams in English class, she is thinking of some boy.” M. A, Hardin, were you think ing of P. Banks or Jim W.? Confucius say, “There is something In a name.” I wonder if that is why two Doris W.'s like Bill F. Confucius say, "If boy like girl, he take her to basketball game.” Is that why Wllda and Bob H., Alice and Bob T. , and Juanita and David were there? Confucius say, “If girl Is always talk ing to boy in class, she must like him.” How about it, Thelma B.? Confucius say, “Have something everyone likes." Does the thought of the Junior-senior banquet give you a thrill in the stomach? Confucius certainly say the above. He also say he not like love. NOTICE OF SALE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF TRANSYLVANIA IN THE SUPERIOR COURT Transylvania County vs. Brevard Building & Loan Assn., et al., Under and by virtue of a judgment made and entered in the above entitled cause in the Superior Court of Tran sylvania County, dated the 12th day of February, 1940, the undersigned Commissioner, will, on the 25th day of March, 1940, at twelve o’clock. Noon, at the door of the Transylvania County Courthouse in Brevard, North Carolina, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, subject to the confirma tion of the Court, the property herein after described, located in Brevard Township, Transylvania County, _and more particularly described as follows: Described In that certain deed from Brevard Building & Loan Assn., to Clarence Poole and wife, recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Transylvania County, in Book 70, at page 257, to which reference is hereby made. Also in deed of D. L. English Trus tee, to Brevard Building and Loan As sociation, dated January 23, 1935, and recorded in Book 66, page 492, records of Deeds for Transylvania County. This the 23rd day of February, 1940. RALPH H. RAMSEY, JR. Commissioner PENROSE NEWS The Rev. J. C. Owen will be visiting Transylvania and will preach at the 11:00 o'clock service at Enon Sunday. At 7:00 p. m. Thursday, March 7,' the Balfour Prayer band will give a program at Enon. Special music will feature the program. Enon church folks were snowed under again on Sunday, February 18, and had no Sunday school. The Rev. W. S. Price, who was to preach at Enon on that date will be Invited again to preach on the second Sunday in March. Charley Case who has been an en rollee In camp at Otto, was visiting his folks and friends here last week-end. Some of the Enon folks attended the singing convention at Turkey Creek last Sunday. Singing was very good. The next convention was voted to meet at English Chapel on the fourth Sunday In March. It looks now like the open weather for plowing. Several people have no plowing done on account of snow and rain for the past two months. ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE Having qualified as the Administra tor of the Estate of L. R. Scruggs, deceased, this Is to notify any and all persons Indebted to said estate to please -make Immediate settlement with the undersigned. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present same to the under signed Admr., within twelve months from this date hereof or this notice will be plead In bar of their collection. This the 20th day of February, 1940. C. L. SCRUGGS, Administrator NOTICE OF SALE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF TRANSYLVANIA IN THE SUPERIOR COURT Transylvania County vs. J. H. Pickelsimer, et al.. Under and by virtue of a judgment made and entered in the above entitled cause in the Superior Court of Tran sylvania County, dated the 12th day of February, 1940, the undersigned Commissioner, will, on the 25th day of March, 1940, at twelve o'clock, Noon, at the door of the Transylvania County Courthouse in Rrevnrd, North Carolina, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, subject to the confirma tion of the Court, the property herein after described, located in Rrevard Township, Transylvania County, and more particularly described as follows: Described in that certain deed from S. J. Tinsley and wife to R. J. Pickel simer, recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Transylvania County, in Book 14, at pajte 408, to which reference is hereby made. Also in deed from W. B. Duckworth and wife to R. J. Pickelsimer. record ed in Book 24, |«a(te 276, and in deed from J. C. Tinsley and wife to R. ,T. Pickelsimer, recorded in Book 8, papre 156, Records of Deeds for Transylvania County. This the 23rd day of February. 1940. RALPH H. RAMSEY, JR. Commissioner NOTICE OF SALE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF TRANSYLVANIA IN THE SUPERIOR COURT Transylvania County vs. W. L. Ranson, et al.. Under and by virtue of a Judgment made and entered in the above entitled cause in the Superior Court of Tran sylvania County, dated the 12th day of February, 1910, the undersigned Commissioner, will, on the 25th day of March. 1910, at twelve o’clock. Noon, at the door of the Transylvania County Courthouse in Brevard, North Carolina, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, subject to the confirma tion of .the Court, the property herein after described, located in Brevard Township, Transylvania County, and more particularly described as follows Described in that certain deed from I. S. Silversteen, et al., to Mattie B. Ranson, recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Transylvania County, in Book 55, at page 95, to which reference is hereby made. This the 23rd day of February, 1940. RALPH H. RAMSEY, JR. Commissioner NOTICE OF SALE 8TATE OP NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OP TRANSYLVANIA IN THE SUPERIOR COURT Transylvania County vs. Jack Page, et al„ Under and by virtue of a judgment made and entered In the above entitled cause In the Superior Court of Tran sylvania County, dated the 5th day of February, 1940, the undersigned Commissioner, will, on the 26th day of March, 1940, at twelve o’clock, Noon, at the door of the Transylvania County Courthouse In Brevard, North Carolina, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, subject to the confirma tion of the Court, the property herein after described, located In Brevard Township, Transylvania County, and more particularly described as follows: Described in that certain deed from Forest Hills Corp., to Jack Page, re corded In the office of the Register of Deeds for Transylvania County, In Book 66, at page 366, to which reference is hereby made. This the 23rd day of February, 1940. RALPH H. RAMSEY, JR. Commissioner NOTICE OF SALE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF TRANSYLVANIA IN THE SUPERIOR COURT Transylvania County vs. T. H. Shipman, et al., Under and by virtue of a judgment made and entered In the above entitled cause in the Superior Court of Tran sylvania County, dated the 5th day of February, 1940, the undersigned Commissioner, will, on the 25th day of March, 1940. at twelve o'clock, Noon, at the door of_the Transylvania County Courthouse InBrevard, North Carolina, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, subject to the confirma tion of the Court, the property herein after described, located in Brevard Township, Transylvania County, and more particularly described as follows: Described in that certain deed from Brevard Development Corp., to Thos. H. Shipman, recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Transylvania County, in Book 58, at page 72, to which reference Is hereby made. Being all lands rescribed in deed from Welch Galloway, Comr, to T. H. Shipman, recorded in Book 42, page 67, Records of Deeds for Transylvania County. This the 23rd day of February. 1940. RALPH H. RAMSEY. JR. Commissioner Poor Little SKINNY CHILDREN i look so puny, really can’t tret all tbe 4 fun they should. For those cnlldren who noed the Vitamin B Complete and Iron of Vlnol to stimulate their appe tites, Vinol has been found helpful by mothers everywhere. BREVARD PHARMACY Dr. J. B. Plckelslmer Plumbing — Electric I and HEATING We are acents for Duo-Therm 09 Heater* Complete line of MAZDA LIGHT BULBS D. GUY DEAN Phone 1*7 Pay Your Subscription Today Palmolive . 8 for 20c Small Super Suds . 8 for 26c (Red Box) Super Suds, large . 2 for 16c (Red Box) Super Suds, small . 3 for 26c (Blue Box) Super Suds, large . 2 for 43c (Blue Box) Octagon Soap (giant) .... 6 for 26c Octagon Powder (large) .. 6 for 26c Octagon Cleanser . 2 for 9c B&B Grocery & Feed Company Dr. P. N. DeVERE, Optometrist WILL BE IN BREVARD EVERY TUESDAY McMinn Building—Room 19—Hours 10 to 5 Eye* Examined — Gla»*e» Fitted All Lenses Ground In My Own Laboratory A COMPLETE EYE SERVICE HAVE YOU A BUILDING PROBLEM? We invite you to stop in and talk to us about your building, remodeling and re pair problems. We’ll help you with plans _make suggestions that will save time and money — put you in touch with reliable contractors if you wish. And we’ll list and supply the needed ma terials at real economy prices. Brevard Lumber Co. “Everything to Build Anything” Depot Street DON JENKINS, Mgr. Phone 70 NC REGULAR 80-Plus Octane Bought in Tank Car Lots from Refinery - Direct to you ONE Step-ONE Profit-Refiner to User KEROSENE First Grade 10c Gal_ OILS Save One-Third 10c-2Qc-25c QL Red Diamond FOOT OF HILL N. Caldwell Si.