ROSMAN NEWS MRS. JORDAN WHITMIRE, Correipondent Mr. and Mrs. Leland Thomas and two children, and Mr. and Mrs. Char lie Gant and children were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Crow. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Willis and child ren of Pickens, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Stewart and Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Whitmire. Russell Bentley Jr., Is spending this week visiting Mr. and Mrs. James Con her. Miss Reba Gillespie visited Miss I. V. King, Sunday. Miss Gillespie was accompanied home by Miss King. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Glazener. and sons Edward, Fred and Brace, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Hogsed and sons Austin and Harold, were dinner guests Sun day of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Glazener. and E. C. Glazener. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Aiken, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Rains. Mrs. A. P. Bell and Mrs. It. C. Stewart were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Whitmire. Roger Whitmire, who has been ill for several weeks at the home of his parents. Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Whitmire, is slightly Improved. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Glazener and daughter Paulette, of Brevard, were guests Sunday of .Mrs. Glaxener’s par ents. Mr. and Mrs. T. I*. Galloway, Jr.. | at Calvert. Miss Mario Waldrop, ot tne <■ nerry field section, who has been ill for sev- I eral weeks, is slightly improved. Miss Bessie Blythe, of Selica. spent | Sunday visiting Miss Rosa Gillespie j and Miss Nell Ranee. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Sitton and child-! ren, of Carrs Hill section, were dinner: guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Gillespie. Henry Tritt. of Penrose, spent Sun day visiting his grandmother. Mrs. T. V. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Rarry Simpson of Greenville, S. C.. were Sunday guests of J. R. Mahoney and family. Quay Morrison and son Clyde, of | Travelers Rest, S. C., were Sunday j guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. IX Ran- j dolph and Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Mor rison. Movie Stars Can’t Look Skinny No woman can afford to. If you have unlovely haggard hollows and are thin, you may need the Vitamin B Complex and Iron in Yinol. Yinol has helped thousands. BREVARD PHARMACY Dr. J. B. Pickelsimer Open Again for your patronage C. B. McFEE The Old Reliable Watchmaker-Jeweler Pickelskner Bldg. — W. Main St. READING MATERIALS FOR THE FAMILY Magazines Newspapers Funnies Current Issues of the lat est publications,always on hand. TINSLEY’S NEWS STAND TRY OUR WANT ADS Don't Cough uour Head off» Usf MENTHO-MULVON for Couqhs . . iV*v. DUE TO COLDS. a /HE IS V [RIGHT S VOUR HONOR AND ITS i ONLY ] l75y It s not your fault if you have a cough due to ! a cold. But it is your fault if you continue to suffer from this cough when MENTHO* MULSION can be purchased so cheaply. . Guaranteed by Druggist*. Now only 75c. Recommended, Sold and Guaranteed by Mrs. J. W. Owen la leaving this week to spend several days with her daughter, Mrs. Garf Williamson, at Six Mile, S. C. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Owen were Sun day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Huggins. Ben L. Cunningham and Claud Cun ningham, of Fletcher, were guests Fri day of J. F. Hayes. Misses Sylvia Huggins and Lula Cassell spent Thursday night visiting their aunt Mrs. John Dale. Rev. M. L. Lewis and son Grady of Dana, were dinner guests Sunday of J. F. Hayes. Rev. M. E. Summey and son Edwin, and Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Staton, Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Galloway were called to Greenville, S. C., Sunday due to the death of Mr. and Mrs. Galloway's daughter, Mrs. Jewell Hudson. Mr. and Mrs. Arlin Lance and child ren were Sunday guests of the for mer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Lance. lister Edney, Clarence Crow, anil Grady Alexander spent the week-end at Walhalla visiting relatives. Harlow Mason and daughter Mabel and son Curtis, and Mrs. Oliver Gal loway visited Mr. and Mrs. Coleman Mason in Gloucester Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Holden and cmiu ren. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Murphy and daughter, spent Sunday at Pick ens, visiting Mrs. Jim Stewart. The latter is quite ill. Mrs. Laura Summey and son Henry, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lorean Crow. Mrs. Arthur Wilson and daughter Peggy, and son Theodore, of Canton, are spending a few days visiting the for mer’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Leathers. Mrs. Wm. Brittain, of Poland, Fla., spent a few days last week at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Everette Smith, of Wolf Mountain. Mrs. John Clarke and daughter Ethel Mae were dinner guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Homer Clark near Brevard. Mr. and Mrs. Elmo McCall and daughter Louise, of Brevard, Allen Sisk and son I'aul, of Bosnian, were guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Frank McCall. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Cassell spent the week-end in Piekens visiting rela tives. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Powell and child ren spent Sunday at Shoal Creek visit ing Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Powell. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Rogers, Mrs. L. M. Watkins. Mrs Ethel Rogers and Mrs. Eddie Towns were shopping in Greenville Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Dock Lusk were shop ping in Greenville Monday. Mrs. Sarah Galloway visited Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jarret Sunday Mrs. Charlie Green ard Mrs. Boyd Moore were shopping in Brevard Man day. Rev. and Mrs. A. P. Harris were dinner guests Monday of Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Towns and Mr. and Mrs. A. I). Rogers. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hampton, of Greenville, were dinner guests Wed nesday of Mr. and Mrs. Allen Sisk. Aston Heath and daughter Mary Louise, and son Charles, of Brevard, were visitors Saturday of Mr. and Mrs. Jordan Whitmire. Mr. anil Mrs. E. A. Glazener had as their dinner guests Sunday, their daughter. Miss Faye Glazener, Miss Beatrice Richardson. Woodrow Ward, and Frants Bishop of Saluda. Mr. anil Mrs. Oscar Barrett and daughter Margaret, and son Marion, and Lester Edney spent Sunday near Walhalla visiting relatives. Jim Morgan of Old Toxaway, was a visitor Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Dodson. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Aiken and son Marvin and Efford Chapman spent Sunday at Big Eastatoe visiting Mr. and Mrs. Coleman Aiken. Mr. and Mrs. S. K. Owen and child ren were dinner guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Staton, parents of Mrs. Owen. Miss Geneva Galloway is spending several days at Pisgah Forest visiting her sister Mrs. Arlin Lance. Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Wilson, of Cash iers. visited their daughter, Mrs. Crit tent Galloway, Sunday. Mrs. A. W. Brown and children spent last week in Gloucester visiting the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. War ren Galloway. Mr. and Mrs. Carson Galloway, of Boheney, were week-end guests of Mrs. Sarah Galloway. Miss Cornelia Orr, of Walhalla, is spending a few days visiting her sis ter, Mrs. Tom Mahoney. Evangelist Rev. Robert Apltz, Mrs. Madge Wilkins and Mrs. Flax Law rence, of Brevard, were dinner guests Sunday of Dr. and Mrs. Joe E. Os borne. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Scruggs, of Brevard, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Morgan. Mrs. C. F. Folster and son Dewey, Miss Nora Millsaps and Mrs. Williams of Asheville, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. White. Lee R. Fisher is recovering nicely following a recent illness. Miss Delltha Morrison, and Mr. and Mrs. Curley English, of Brevard, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Morrison. Mack Bell, of Cherryfield, was a business visitor to Rosman Monday. Mrs. S. N. Towns and sons Alfred Fletcher, and A. O. Towns were dinner guests Sunday of the former's son, Eddie Towns, and Mrs. Towns. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Glazener. and grandson Jimmy Glazener spent Friday at Saluda visiting the Rev. and Mrs. Morgan Kizer. and Miss Faye Glazener. Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Parson and daughters Emily and Ruth were dinner guests Saturday of Mr. and Mrs. Jake Lewis near Pickens. Mary Bell Pangle spent Sunday at Lake Toxaway visiting her grand parents Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Rogers. Walter Whitmire, of Frozen Ixike was a Rosman visitor Monday. Mr. and Mrs. .1. B. Woodall and child ren. of Greenville. S. C.. Wright Sloan, of Victoria. C. E.. and Alvin Gillespie were dinner guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Vando Morgan. ATTEND FUNERAL FOR VICTIMS OF A1ITO WRECK Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Staton. Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Galloway and son Cecil, at tended the funeral services In Green ville Monday afternoon for Mrs. Ella Hutchinson, aged 35, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Galloway, of the Old Toxaway section, who was killed in an automobile wreck Saturday night near Greenville. Another victim of the wreck was Robert Benjamin Glazener, aged 45. a native of Transylvania county, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin New ton Glnzener. Mr. Glazener moved to Greenville county 15 years ago. He Is survived by his wife, three daughters and two sons. Mrs. Hutchinson, who made her home in Greenville the past 13 years, was horn at Lake Toxaway. She is survived hy her husband. Claud 1,. Hutchinson and five children of Green ville. her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Galloway, of Rosman. a sister. Mrs. Edwin Staton, and a hrother. Cecil Galloway, both of Rosman. and two other sisters. Officers said the wreck occurred when the car in which the above named occupants and a Mr. Bowling were rid ing, when the car crashed through a filling station, damaging the fronts of two dwellings and finally overturned in the yard of a third dwelling. W.O.W. MEETING C A hi.ED A special meeting of Rosman W. O. \V. Camp is called for Tuesday night, March 19, at the W. O. W. hall. All members arc urged to attend. CALVERT Y. W. A. HAS INTERESTING MEETING Members of Mt. Moriah Calvert Y. \V. A. held their regular meeting at the home of the Rev. and Mrs. J. L. Un derwood Friday night. An interesting program "our Mis sionaries," \was presented by the girls. At conclusion of the program, a soc ial hour followed. Refreshments were served. Members present were as follows: Mrs. Ruth Stroup, Julia Jordan, Mary Underwood, I.ula Cassell, and Mabel Butts. The next regular meeting will be held Friday March 22nd. DISTRICT SINGING MEET IS SUCCESSFUL EVENT The upper district singing convention held at Zion Raptist church Sunday afternoon was very' successful. The meeting was presided over by president, the Rev. W. H. Nicholson. A number of visiting singers from Hen derson county and other sections were present. The next district convention will be held .at Glady Branch church near Brevard, the second Sunday In April. REVIVAL MOVES TO BAPTIST CnURCD The revival In progress here the past two weeks has been moved from the community building to Zion Bap tist church, and will continue through Friday. Taxi Call Us For Ecusta Trips Phone 322 ItCUJ Plymouth lILVI Pontiac Closed Cars WRIGHT TAXI Proprietor, Brock QUEBEC NEWS Ralph Owen spent Tuesday night with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Owen. Mrs. W. C. Fisher and daughter, Miss Louise Fisher, recently visited Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Miller of Sap phire. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Owen and grand daughter, Betty Joe, spent the week end in Brevard. Mrs. M. O. McCall spent several days Jast week at Pisgah Forest with Mr. and Mrs. Leroy McCall. Willard Shook and Doyle Moore or Glenvllle spent Friday night with Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Golden. Miss Jannle Owen and Mrs. Carolyn Powell were recent visitors with Mrs. Henry Chapman. Misses Ethel and Ruby Golden call ed on Mrs. Anderson Smith on Wed nesday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. James B. Henderson and daughter, Eoretta Gall, were din ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Hen derson. Sunday. Jesse Owen visited friends at Kike Toxaway Sunday. Rufus Odell was a visitor with Claude Owen last Saturday. Miss Helen Banther visited Mrs. Paul McCall Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Owen and daughter Freda, spent the week-end with the former's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Coleman Owen. Mrs. Clyde Jones is very ill at her home here. Elbert Whitmire. Jr., of Brevard, spent Saturday here with Meade Fisher. Miss Ida Mae Fisher spent one night last week in Gloucester with her grand mother. Mrs. Simp Fisher. Rev. Clyde McCall wns a visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Gold en Friday. Roland Fisher, who is working at Calvert, spent the week-end here with his family. Misses Mae and Helen Banther visit ed Misses Ethel and Ruby Golden Sat urday. Miss Even Owen spent Thursday nisht at Lake Toxaway with Miss An nie Banther. Looney Banther. a progressive farm er of this community, lost a fine cow last week. Bert Brown of Easley, spent the week-end here with relatives and friends. Quite a number of people from this I community succeeded in getting to Bre vard Saturday. Several expressed the wish that the bus schedule was such as to enable them to go on the bus to Brevard and get back home the same day. Those who have no cars of their own have to get to Brevard and back the best way they can. and sometimes there seems to be no best way. Miss Gertrude Galloway spent Wed nesday night with Miss Bonnie Ban ther. Mrs. Virgil McCall was a visitor with Mrs. Edwin McCall Wednesday. The people of this community are rejoicing because of the fairer and milder weather we are having. All who desire to do so can get out to at tend the church and Sunday school services on Sundays as well as do the necessary chores about the homes dur ing the week days. Prom the announcement In The Times it appears that an overplus of our good citizens want to be Register of Deeds while but few want to be our law makers (or repealers) and no body wants to hold the office of County Commissioner, in some respects de cidedly the most important office In the county. Muonic Leader rjipilw| \ Dunn’s Rock Lodge No. 267 A. F. & A. M< W. D. Wilder, lecturer for the Grand Lodge of Masons In this district, will spend one week In Brevard lecturing to the members of Dunn'a Rock lodge, beginning Monday, March 18th. Mr. Wilder will be at the hall each day and night and Instruct the members In de gree work. All members are urged to make plans to attend theee meetings. A cordial invitation Is extended to alt visiting Masons. At conclusion of the meeting refresh ments will be served. A E. YORK, W. M. HENRY HENDERSON, Sec’y BLACK CARDBOARD . AT THE TIMES OFFICE I UKE MV SMOKING S-L O-W. CAMELS BURN . SLOWER-TASTE MILD L — AND COOL A YOU SAID IT_ AND THERE'S EXTRA FLAVOR AND EXTRA SMOKING INEVERyPACK , . OF CAMELS ^ la recent laboratory testa, CAMELS burned 25% slower than the averageoftbe 1J otberof the largest-selling brands tested —slower than ssoy of them. Thar menu,on the average,a smoking plus equal to !g*mcO : :iu FOR EXTRA MILDNESS, EXTRA COOLNESS, EXTRA FLAVOR CAMELS SLOW'RURNINO COSTLIER TOBACCOS Payments may be made weekly or monthly to suit the pur chaser ... we appreciate your kind reception in Transylvania County, and wish to help you own your own car, and the charges are the same as reg ular service plan. Down Payments low as $20 on GOOD USED CARS 10% DOWN Is being continued in Brevard, because we have found the people appreciate fair treat ment, and treat us fair. IF YOU SEE Ed HERE’S A FEW: 1938 DeSoto Sedan ... $725 A Beauty with New Car Guarantee 1939 Dodge Sedan.$850 Practically a New Automobile 1939 Packard Convert Coupe . . $895 New White Sidewall Tires, low mileage 1933 DeSoto Sedan ..... $195 in Extra Good Condition ’37 Ford Convert. Coupe $545 Unusual Vuy—very few manufactured 2-A-model Ford Coaches $145 You’ll Like the Price N. CALDWELL ST. PHONE 325 BREVARD V

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