psi THE TRANSYLVANIA TIMES | ® j County * A Nflwsnanfir Devoted to the Best Interest of the People of Transylvania County »♦»<♦♦♦♦ VOL50~~NO 13 ~ BREVARD, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, MARCH 28, 1940 $1.00 PER YEAR IN TRANSYLVANIA COUNTY •—■ “ Most Original Boy ■HCSHHK'MK" ■' wnsmgmaamm OLIVER ORR of Brevard hits been named most original boy of the sophomore class at Brevard College by the student body. Popular at Brevard ! MISS KATHLEEN WILSON has been voted the most popular girl at Brevard high school by the stu dent body. In addition to the above honor the popular girl was alBO voted most friendly, most versatile, and most studious member of the senior class. She is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Wilson of Brevard. Prettiest at Brevard rm i iimr inn—rTrrTiiiiinTiMiiinniniminirn^^ rmTinTnnrnnWTM MISS GLORIA ANN WILSON was selected as prettiest senior at Brevard high school by the student body In the recent election. Miss Wilson Is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sutton Wilson of Penrose. Masonic Play Friday To Feature Meeting A special communication of Dunn’s Rock Masonic lodge A. F. and A. M. has been called for Friday evening of this week at 8 o’clock in the lodge hall. The meeting is for the purpose of witnessing the Masonic play. "Greater Love Hath No Man.” which will be presented by the John A. Nichols play ers of Ashevlllo. The play, written by Carl H. Claudy, deals with the curious raising of Hank Higgins. The action la packed with drama and has proved pleasing and entertaining to all who have seen It. The characters In the play are practically the same as those appearing in the cast, “The Rose Upon the Altar,’’ which was presented last summer. The play will be shown to Master Masons only, who are urged to attend. There will be no charge for admission. Light refreshments will be served. SNI TNDICEMAR EASTER PARADE Cold Weather Reaches Low of 14 Above Zero—Wave Was General Over Nation Transylvania residents, many of them for the first time in their lives, saw snow and sleet fall in plentiful atyle Easter Sunday. The depth was reported from two to four Inches In various sections of the county, and much of the snow was ■till to be seen Wednesday. Low reading of 28 above was record ed for Sunday night, and the thermom eter fell to 14 above Monday night. Wednesday was some warmer and with buds popping forth on trees, spring tried to really .show Itself above the snow. Reports from all over the nation were to the effect that a “white Easteri’ wae witnessed, except southern portions of the country. REPUBLICAN TICKET BE NAMED APRIL 6 County Convention Called To Meet In Brevard Court House at 2 o’clock Official call for the Transylvania county Republican convention for April 6 has been issued by Lewis P. Eamlln, chairman of the executive committee. The convention will be called to order at 2 o'clock, In the county court room. Business to be taken care of will be nomination of a ticket for county of fices, election of a chairman and mem bers of the executive committee. Ticket to be nominated Includes register of deeds, tax collector, survey or, members of the board of commis sioners, legislative member, and recom mendations as to state senator from the Transylvania - Haywood - Jackson district. Delegates to the state and other dis trict conventions were named at a meeting held here on March 11. Unless more than one person files for each of the offices there will be no county candidates for the May 25 pri mary. However, several men are run ning on the state ticket for various of fices which will cause a Republican pri mary vote. Information Tour To Visit Transylvania Friday of Next Week Around 150 business officials, clerks, and Junior Chamber of Commerce members from Asheville, will pass through Brevard on the afternoon of April 5 and stop here for a brief "look see.” The party will be on a tour of West ern North Carolina communities, as part of the Asheville Junior Chamber of Commerce plan for Informing the home people of beauty spots In West ern North Carolina, so that they will be better able to tell visitors about this section. The Junior Chamber has been con ducting regular evening classes for weeks in Asheville, dealing with various sections, and points of Interest. The trip next Friday will Include visits to Canton, Waynesville, Sylva, Cullowhee, Cashiers, Lake Toxaway, and Brevard. Other trips will be made throughout the section, according to officers of the Junior group who were In Brevard Tuesday planning for a stop here. Idea being worked out Is similar to trips conducted here last summer by the Chamber of Commerce through Pls gah Forest. Miss Marguerite Hall Will Direct Cateechee GREENVILLE — Miss Marguerite Hall of Richmond, Va., has been named director of Camp Cateechee, area Girl Scout camp, which opens June 22 for ; an eight-week season ending August 17. The managing committee of the camp will meet with Miss Hall In Charlotte, Monday. April 1 to discuss details of the camp program. Mrs. Margaret Poole is Greenville representative of the committee. The camp is located near Brevard, N. C., and is operated jointly by the Greenville, Columbia, Spartanburg and Charlotte Girl Scout councils. Miss Hall is a former director of the Richmond Girl Scout council. She Is now doing graduate work at William and Mary College in Williamsburg, Va. Last summer she was director of the Washington. D. C., Girl Scout camp. Singing Convention Meets Here Sunday The Transylvania county singing convention will meet at the court house in Brevard, March 81, announcement has been made by E. D. Randolph, president. The request is made that those who want to join in the sing ing make themselves known so they can be given a chance to sing. Fanners Federation Stockholders Elect Directors For Year Annual stockholder* meeting of the Fanners Federation was held here Sat urday. with a large group of farm ers and officials of the co-op In at tendance. Report of the year’s business was made by James G. K. McClure, presi dent, and the local unit was paid a tri bute for Its progress In the past twelve months. 8. C. Clapp, seed expert for the fede ration, advised farmers as to the prop er method of buying seeds of first or der and pointed out the value of buy ing a known product, from known con cerns. Lloyd Cantrell was re-elected direc tor at large, and E. Carl Allison was also named to the post of director, fill ing the post of E. O. Shipman, who has served two years. Mr. Allison was also named to the advisory commit tee for the local unit Advisory committee re-elected for the ensuing year Includes: Tinsley Brown, Lloyd Cantrell, J. L. Gash, 8. A. Jones, Yancey McCrary. R. A. Merrill, 8. R. Owen, E. O. Shipman, Frank Shuford, Arthur Whitmire. During the year ending this month, the federation has moved Into Its own home, erected a feed and com mill, and otherwise improved its business here. Annual meeting of the stockholders will be held in the Buncombe county court house on Saturday, March M. Brevard Lady Killed In Auto Accident Mrs. Inez White of Brevard, died In an automobile crash near Wlnnsboro, S. C., about 6 o’clock Easter Sunday morning, and her daughter, Miss Lucie White, was Injured severely. Mrs. White and her daughter left Brevard about midnight Saturday to drive to Charleston where they plan ned to spend Easter with Mrs. White's daughter, Mrs. Evelyn Parker. Miss Lucie White told hospital at taches at Wlnnsboro where she Is be ing treated, that her mother was driv ing at the time of the accident, and that Just before the car swerved out of the road her mother cried out as If In pain. Doctors who examined the body expressed the opinion that Mrs. White died of a heart attack, and that when she became unconscious the car left the highway on the curve. Mrs. White had lived In Brevard for the past year where she has been manager of the Jennie Bowen Shop. She was popular In the community. Funeral services were held Wednes day afternoon from the Shepherd Fun eral home In Hendersonville Wednes day afternoon, and Interment was made in the Pleasant Hill cemetery. Surviving are two daughters, Miss Lucie White, of Brevard, and Mrs. Evelyn Parker of Charleston: one son. Carol E White of Hendersonville; one sister, and two brothers. Gone With Wind Be Shown In Brevard Four Days In April "Gone With the Wind," in the same style and form as shown at the Atlan ta, Ga,, premiere, will be shown at the Co-Ed Theatre in April, it is announced by Verne Clement, manager of the show. The picture will be shown here four days. Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, April 21, 22, 28, and 21. Only two shows will be held each day, afternoon and evening. The show Is full four hours in length. Recognized as one of the greatest drawing cards in years, Manager Clem ent states that he will have advance sale of tickets within a week for the showing. Several Brevard people who went to other larger cities to see the show pro nounce it one of the best ever seen. The picture has probably received more comment from newspapers and radios than any other show. Bookmobile Schedule For County Is Given Bookmobile schedule for the week of April 8 has been announced by Miss Annie Jean Gash, as follows: Monday, April 8—Powell’s store, 10 a. m.; Connestee school, 10:30: Cedar Mtn. P. O., 11:30: Cedar Mtn. School, noon: Little River School, 1:30 p. m.; Penrose School 3 p. m. Tuesday, April 9—Oakland P. O., 10 a. m.; Monvale School, 11 a. m.; Toxa way School, 12 noon; Sllversteen School, 2 p. m.; Rosman community house, 8:30 p. m. Wednesday, April 10—Selica School. 9:30 a. m.; Quebec School, 11 a. m. Balsam Grove school, 1:30 p. m.; Orr’s store, 3:30 p. m. Thursday, April 11—Pisgah Forest School, 10 a. m.; Pisgah Forest P. O., 11:30 a. m. WARRIOR McCALL IS ‘BIG EGG’ WINNER Basket of Large 'Hen Fruit’ Submitted During Last Week—Contest Continues Warrior McCall of Brevard R-2 owns a brown leghorn hen that laid a dollar egg last week. The large egg laid by the hen that Warrior qwns tipped the scales at three and seven-eights ounces and won first place In The Times big egg contest for last week. Mrs. Marcus Williams sent In the second largest—three and three-quar ters ounces. T^ls egg was laid by a New Hampshire red, and was mighty dose to winning. Other eggs submitted in order of their weight were sent In by the fol lowing: Mary Gulley. Brevard: Jimmy Johnston, Brevard: Mrs. G. M. Drake, Etowah: C. H. Holden, Brevard. R-2; Dixon Lyday, Pisgah Forest; Mrs. J. W. Nicholson. Pisgah Forest. Mrs. W. A. Bracken, Brexard; Mrs. Pearl Jewell, (2), Brevard R-2; Mrs. C. P. Hogsed, Brevard R-l, C. M. Sln lard, Brevard R-2; Gordon Leslie, Pis gah Forest; F. S. Fisher, Lake Tox away; Audrey Luther, Penrose; George E. Merrill, Penrose; Mrs. W. H. Mc Kelvey, Brevard R-l. The largest looking egg dosent win every time. First week’s winner only weighed three and one-third ounces. Any extraordinary large egg Is apt to win. The contest runs from Monday through Saturday of each week, with weighing Saturday afternoon at 6:80 o'clock. Woodmen Meeting Will Be Held April 15th The social get-together meeting of the Woodmen of the World and the Woodmen Circle, which was to have been held Thursday night of this week, has been postponed until Monday night. April 16. Music, % special program with an out of town speaker and refreshments will feature the evening’s entertainment It Is urged that an members of the two organisations attend on the night of April It at tbs Mb* bab. April First Pranks FRED JOHNSON HEADS BOARD OF ELECTIONS Dates For Filing and Primary Given—No New Registration Be Held In County Fred Johnson was named chairman of the Transylvania County board of elections Saturday, and C. Y. Patton was named secretary. The board, comprised of Judge D. L. English and the two above named was sworn in by Clerk of Court Spalding McIntosh. The board voted to call for a re listing of the voters in the county in stead of a re-registration. The gen eral assembly of 1939 had ordered that one of the methods be used. Transyl vania county had set up a registra tion similar to the one the new law calls for four years ago, It was pointed out by Chairman Johnson. The board will meet on April 6 to name registrars and judges for the several precincts. Filing date has been ordered closed by the state board of elections on April 18 for county and township officers. The registration books will open on April 27, and cldse on May 11. May 18 will be challenge day, and first pri mary will be held May 25. If second primary Is called, and It appears now that there will be for several state of fices, It will be held on June 22. Miss Anna Whitmire Buried On March 20 Miss Anna Jay Whitmire, aged 78, died at her home in the Selica section Tuesday morning, March 19, following a lingering Illness. Funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon at the Mt. Moriah Calvert Baptist church, with the Rev. J. L. Underwood offi ciating. Burial was In the church cemetery. Miss Whitmire was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Whitmire, of Henderson county. She was a na tive of Transylvania county, and a member of the Calvert Baptist church. Surviving are two brothers. Harve Whitmire, of Greer, S. C., and Bert Whitmire, of Monarch, Ark. Pallbearers were Lewis Moore, Rev. Richard Moore, Lynch Moore, Gene Whitmire, Dewey Moore and Clyde Jones. Osborne and Simpson funeral directors were In charge of arrange ments. Lord’s Acre Pictures Picture slides will be shown at Mt Moriah Cherryfield church Friday even ing at 8 o’clock by Rev. Dumont Clarke, of the Lord’s Acre movement. The public Is Invited to attend. -- New Arrival Lieut, and Mrs. J. A. Milled Jr., an nounce the birth of a son, J. A. Miller III, on Saturday, March 2S, at^Barks dale Field, La. Census Enumerators Taking Training For Places This Week Census enumerators who will con duct the every-person count In Tran sylvania county during April are to attend a school In Sylva this week at which time classes will, be held, and Instructions given on proper methods of procedure. Out of the group who attend the Sylva school Wednesday and Thursday of this week, the list will be selected by the supervisor of the district to make the count Some of the people who will aid In the census work hers will attend a similar school In Asheville Friday and Saturday of this week, It has been an nounced by Charles Z. Flack of For est City, supervisor for the district Complete list of those who are seek ing places In the census work was not available Wednesday, but win be pub lished next week. The census Is expected to start with in the next ten days In an communi ties of the county, some of the workers probably starting out Monday. Little River Service* Announcement Is made that the Rev. C. E. Blythe will preach at Little River Baptist church Sunday at 7: SO In the evening. Children of the pastor will assist In the service, featuring -The Prodigal Sob* In aong and ecrlpt Pisgah Forest Man Held For Robbery Of Mullinax Money Robert Benefield of Plsgah Forest was bound "over to Superior court Mon day morning on a charge of highway robbery. Benefield is alleged to have struck Buford Mullinax, also of Plsgah For est, in the head with a bottle or some ether weapon late Friday night of last week as the two men were walking along the highway near their home, and took $160 In cash from tils victim. Benefield was arrested In Henderson county Sunday for Sheriff George Shuford who was called on the case early Saturday morning. Tried before Justice of Peace Har rison Case here, probable cause was found, and the defendant bound over. Reserve Officers To Meet Here Tuesday Reserve officers of the district will meet at Camp NC F-28, In Plsgah Na tional Forest on Tuesday night of next weejc, April 2. Subject of the two hour session will be "The Infantry battalion, rifle, with anti-tank platoon attached In attack." George Clyde Morton, 2nd lieutenant 447th Infantry will be director of study. At Lyday Hospital Patients reported at Lyday Memorial hospital on Wednesday were: Mrs. Dan Merrill, J. C. Pace, Mrs. L. F. Cooper, Jean Vassey, Lambert Baker, R. S. Browning, Melvin James, Nace Darnel, and Delmar Melton. CRIMINAL CASES ARE SLATED FOR TRIAL Probable That Superior Court Term Will Be Completed During First Week April terra Superior court convenes here Monday morning with Judge Prank M. Armstrong presiding, and Solicitor Clarence Ridings appearing for the state In criminal cases. Few criminal cases, and none of major nature, are to be heard at this term. It Is likely that the criminal docket will be completed by Wednes day afternoon, and the bar association has scheduled civil cases for Thurs day. Civil calendar Is carried elsewhere in this paper, showing cases for Thursday and Friday of next week. However, Jurors have been summoned for the full two weeks term, as follows: Ftret Week Walter Shipman, J. A. Nelson, Mick ler Lusk, Elmer McLean, M. L. Gil lespie, E. L. T. Eubanks, George W. Wheeler, Berlin Owen, Herman Parker, J. B. Hall, A."B. Owen, A. H. Harris, U. 8. Drake, Otto Alexander, D. Guy Dean, Frank Raines, D. Gillespie, L. C Case, J. A .Johnson, O. H. Bryson, Nelson Bowen, W. W. Pruitt, J. C. McCall, L. F. Osteen, Ralph McCall, S. W. Reid, C H. LaMance, Cad Whit mire, Doyle Manley. J. W. McGuire, J. P. Bowen, Dewey Gravely, J. L. Salts, W. J. Raines, A. M. Bisk, Walter Hinkle. Second Week John C Tinsley, Horace Mason, T. B. Williams, K. K. Miller, W. W. Croushom, B. A. Hogsed, G. R. Mer rill, W .R. Klmzey, C. V. Green, C. 8. Osborne, Lee Baynard, A. M. White, Doyle Hamilton, A. D. Brittain, Frank King, L 8. Kilpatrick, James Jones, E. C. Henderson . Edwin Morgan Seeking Second Term In Office Edwin A. Morgan, who Is rounding out hi* first term as county tax col lector, makes announcement that he will be candidate for re-election. Mr. Morgan Is a graduate of Roeman high school with the class of 1111, and later entered the Anthony Wayne In stitute at Fort Wayne, Indiana, where he completed a business course, and graduated with honors In i#*l. While attending business college In Indiana, Mr. Morgan was connected with a department store there and took a regular position with the firm which he held for two yean. He was named assistant tax collector for the last year of Lem Brook’s term, and was sleeted In lilt far his first Ism. CHARLOTTE CONCERN LOW BIDDER ON P.O. Plana for Building Call for County Agent Office and Revenue Collector Space WASHINGTON. March 27 — The names of the three lowest bidders for > the construction of the proposed Post Office for Brevard, (North Carolina), were reported to Federal Works Ad ministrator John M. Carmody by W. E. Reynolds, Commissioner of PubBo Buildings as follows: Boyd & Goforth, Inc., Charlotte^ North Carolina, $44,900.00 Hurley Company, Pittsburgh, Penn sylvania, $48,864.00. Grover H. Ashbrook, Hyattsvllle, Maryland, $49,976,000. Award of contract will be made In the very near future after due con sideration by the Board of Awards, Mr. Reynolds said. Plans and specifications Issued by the Public Buildings Administration call for a one story building of con temporary design with an expression of the Colonial to be erected on the northeast corner of Broad and Morgan Streets. An allotment of $75,000.00 was made under the Federal Public Buildings Appropriation Act of 1938 to Include the purchase of the site, construction and administrative costs. The design for the new building originated in the Office of the Super vising Architect of the Public Build ings Administration. Exterior walls will be faced with face brick, with stone and wood trim. Cornice, windows, etc., will be of wood. In keeping with the Colonial ele ments In the design, the pitched slate roof covering the front portion of the building will be surmounted with a cupola. A flat composition roof with Inset skylight will cover work room In the rear. The graceful approacn will be marked with stone steps and platform, metal railings and lamp standards. The charm of the entranceway will be enhanced by the use of wood columns and cornice. The ample public lobby will be four teen feet wide and will provide space for five service windows and more than 400 lock boxes. The postmast ers office and work room occupy the balance of the first floor. On the ground floor postal storage •pace la provided, as well as office rooms tentatively assigned to the De partment of Agriculture Extension Ser vice and the Interrial Revenue. In commenting on the design of the Brevard Post Office, Commissioner Reynolds said, "It Is apparent that here Is no casual assembly of walls, windows, doors and roof to accord with someone’s haphazard opinion of what the building should look like. Rather It Is the Inevitable product of many controlling factors, chief among which are the practical requirements of the Post Office Department, the conven ience of the public, the size and shape of the building site, and the character and tastes of the community." New Cafe Locating In Greenwood Building Workmen started Monday renovating the former Mull store on Broad street which will be occupied by a new cafe about April 10th, according to J. C. Oalther, who will operate the business. Mr. Gaither Is offering a $5 cash prize for most suitable name left at The Times office before 12 o’clock noon, on Friday April 5. Owner and operator of the Park Lunch Room In Sylva, Mr. Gaither said Monday that he plans to operate a first class grade-A cafe, and that he would like for local people to have say-so In the naming of his place. Auto License Go On Bargain Rate Sale Bargain rates on North Carolina automobile license plates, selling at three-quarters the annual fee, win go Into effect March SO, It was announced yesterday by Mrs. Mary Jane Mc Crary, manager of the Brevard office of the Carolina Motor club. Registrations In Brevard are now far ahead of last year for the corres ponding period. BASEBALL GAME BE PLAYED SATURDAY High School Nine Meets Farm School Team On Local Diamond at 3 o'clock Coach Cox's high school charges win play their first baseball gome of the season on the high school diamond Sat urday afternoon of this week at I o’clock. Barm School of Swannanoa. will provtae the opposition. The following Arms contributed to buying new uniforms for the team: Plummer’s. Scott’s grocery, Clemson Co-Ed, Brevard Cafe, Freeman Hayes, The Times, Bek Sims, Rose's. White way Cleaners Simpson Barber shop, Olbbs Esso, Tinsley’s newsstand. Probable starting lineup win bo— Carlanrt, pitcher: Barton, catcher; Rahn, 1-b; Tinsley, l-b; Clayton, »-b: Jones, so; F. Morris, If; Jackson, cf; Loa ning, rf; Lloyd Wood, A. J. Parker, Ell Allison, Bin Morris, Wright, Lancs, Pat Hamlin, and Nick Simpson, win