ROSMAN NEWS MRS. JORDAN WHITMIRE, Corregpondent Mrs. John Held, of Quebec, spent last week visiting her daughter, Mrs. Grover Woodard. Mr. and Mrs. Grover Woodard and children were guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Holliday at Penrose. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Watkins and Children, of Black Mtn., were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Watkins and Mr. and Mrs J. B. Rogers. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Morrison, of Travelers Rest, S. C., spent the week end here visiting relatives. They were accompanied home by Miss Bessie Manly. Mrs. Sarah Galloway is spending sev eral days in Brevard visiting her sons, J. C„ Welch and Jesse Galloway. Mr. and Mrs. Tinsley Brown spent Sunday visiting Mr. and Mrs. Warren Galloway. Charlie Morrison, of Travelers Rest. S. C. Miss Delltha Morrison, of Bre vard, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Morrison. Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Garren, Mrs. Eliza Garren, Miss Dora Garren and Miss Bobbie Garren, of Asheville, were guests Friday of Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Paxton. Cleaning Laundry Truck in Brevard T uesdays-F ridays Phone 69 Abbott-Knight, Inc. (Plant, Asheville, N. OJ READING MATERIALS FOR THE FAMILY Magazines Newspapers Funnies Current Issues of the lat est publications, always on hand. Supply of Golf Balls TINSLEY’S NEWS STAND Mrs. A. F. Powell, of Pickens, li spending several days visiting her son R. K. Powell, and Mrs. Powell. Mrs. Kate Davis, Mrs. Tom Claytor and daughter, Reba, Miss Frances Moore, Obie Patterson and Ed Davii attended funeral services for Buddlt Patterson at Holley Springs, S. C Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Blrchfleld anc sons Johnnie, Leslie and Ervin, ol Georgia, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Lane* and Miss Lila Mae Galloway and Elford Chapman were guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Thurman Galloway. Mrs. Walter Petit and daughtei Thelma and son T. J. were Sunday guests of the former’s sister Mrs. Wll Uard McCall. Mrs. Clarence Crow and children were dinner guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Gant. Mr. and Mrs. Elvln Edney, of Enka were dinner guests Monday night ol Mr. and Mrs. Cfiarlie Gant. Mr. and Mrs. Leland Thomas and children were called to Walhalla Wed nesday duo to the critical Illness ol Mrs. Thomas] mother, Mrs. John Bell. Mr. and Mrs. tiaroia aircu a»u own Harold Jr., of Brevard, Hazel and Louise Summey, Mrs. Lee Nicholson and children. Mr. and Mrs. Perry Gravely were guests Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. J- Moore. W. C. Miles, of Easley, S. C. is spending a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Masters. Mildred. Ruth, and Fred Green and Edward Bryson spent Sunday in Gloucester visiting Mrs. Wilkie McCall and Mrs. Walter Fisher. Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe McCall and children, Rev. Hobert Broom, and chil dren, Miss Rosa Broom, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Brown and children, Wiley Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Tinsley Brown, Roy McCall, were guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Arch Galloway. Jesse Galloway was removed to Oteen hospital at Asheville Monday to undergo treatment. Mr. Galloway has been 111 for several weeks. Ed Jones, who has been ill for sev eral days, is improving nicely. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Allison and daughters Helen, Blanche, Edna and Grace, visited Mrs. James Cunningham and infant daughter at Mountain Home Sanltorium at Fletcher Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Ponder and daughter Louise, were visitore to Hen dersonville Saturday. Miss Laura Pharr and Mrs. Everette Whitmire were shopping in Greenville Saturday. Mrs. Jack Warren and daughter Betty Jean, and son David Edward, of Enka, are spending several days visit ing Mrs. Warren’s sister. Mrs. Jack Fisher. Mrs. Lula Fullbrlght of Brevard, Mrs. Paul Stroup, Mrs. T. P. Galloway Jr.. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Glazener, Mrs. Spen cer Welbourne, and daughter Rhoda Anne, of Cycle, were dinner guests Friday of Mr. and Mrs. Lee R. Fisher. Mrs. S. E. Whitmire spent Sunday visiting her daughter, Mrs. R. F. Glaz ener. _ $5.00 FOR NAME —for— New Cafe —and— Delicatessen Broad St.-Brevard TO OPEN APRIL 10 NOTHING TO BUY— Just write the name you wish to suggest on a white sheet of notepaper, put in envelope and mail or leave at The Transylvania Times office. The names will be judged at 12 o’clock, noon, on Friday, April 6, and three Brevard people will make the selection. Your $5 cash award will me mailed you. —In case of tie, the prize will be divided. Watch For Opening Announcement J. C. Gaither, Owner-Operator Judges will make the awards on the names submitted not later than 12 noon, Friday, April 5—send in your suggestion today. O. W. Glazener left Monday for Washington, D. C. Mr. Glazener has re-enllBted In U. S. II., he formerly served four years, and was stationed the greater part of the time In the Panama Canal Zone. Miss Christine Morgan spent the week-end In Brevard visiting her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Morgan. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Patterson and children, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Alex ander and children, were Sunday gueBts of Mr. and Mrs. Fillmore Galloway In Gloucester. Howard Galloway and Charles Miller of Cleveland S. C., were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fillmore Galloway In Gloucester. Howard Galloway and Charles Miller of Cleveland, S. C., were week-end guests of Miss Lillie Mae Green and Miss Lorena Galloway. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Galloway and children, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Galloway and children, of Cedar Mountain, were dinner guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Galloway. Bob Trltt, of Penrose, was a Sunday visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. V. Smith and children. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Smith and daughter Shelby Jean, Mrs. T. V. Smith, Miss Lenore Smith, Dona Mae Smith, Joe Smith and Henry Trltt, were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Smith at Quebec. Mr. ana Mrs. u. w. aocock ana son, of Blantyre were dinner guests Sun day of Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Chapman. C. C. Garren and son Ear], and Rus sell Owen were visitors to Pickens Sun day. Misses Helen and Ora Owen, Caro lyn and Jewell Garren, Sylva Huggins and Hall Owen were visitors to Caesar’s Head Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Thad Newman and son Jackie, Mrs. Spencer Wilbourne and daughter Rhoda Ann. Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Galloway Jr., Mrs. Lee R. Fisher, Mrs. Jack Warren and two children of Enka were dinner guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Fisher. Charles Orr of Little River, spent the week-end visiting his grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Owen. Lester Edney, Clarence Crow. Leon Lusk, and Jimmy Crow spent Sunday at Salem. S. C., visiting relatives. Bom to Mr. and Mrs. James Cun ningham, at Mountain Home Sanitor ium a daughter, Clara Rheumma, | Thursday, March 28. Mrs. Cunningham is the former Miss Millie Allison of Cherryfield. Miss Lois Keener, who is teaching at Highlands, spent the week-end visit ing Miss LaVerne Whitmire. Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Lunsford, Mrs. Laura Hamed and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Callaham were visitors to Asheville Sunday. Mrs. C. H. Merrill, of Little River, spent Sunday visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Owen. Mrs. Elmer McLean Is spending this week at Cashiers, visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Harmon and son Wayne, attended a singing at Union and Spartanburg, S. C.. Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Bryson returned home Thursday, having spent several days at Bell. W. Va.. visiting relatives Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Winchester and son Stanley, were visitors to Cascade Lake Sunday. POPULAR COUPLE MARRIES IN SOUTH CAROLINA Miss Beatrice Woodard and Henry Holliday were married at Greenville, South Carolina, Tuesday March 12, probate Judge J. Guy Gulllck officiat ing. Mrs. Holliday is the daughter of Mr. Mrs. G. H. Woodard, of Rosman, a graduate of Rosman high school with the class of 19S6, and a popular young lady. She is employed by Ecusta Pap er Company at Ptsgah Forest. Mr. Holliday is the son of Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Holliday, of the Penrose section. He attended Brevard high school and Is employed by Ecusta Paper Company at Pisgah Forest. Mr. and Mrs. Holliday have an apart ment at Enon, where they will reside. 8INOING CONVENTION WELL ATTENDED The fifth Sunday County Singing Convention met at the court house In Brevard Sunday, with president, E. D. Randolph in charge. The meeting opened at 10 o'clock: singers from Buncombe, Henderson and Transyl-1 vania were present. Special music was by Wood and | Shelton quartet, of Wolf Mtn., Jones | trio. Flat Rock, Ponder Quartet, Enon; | Anders Quartet, Henderson Co.; Drake sisters, Henderson Co.: Blythe trio, Hendersonville. The next fifth Sunday convention will be held In June, at which time the election of officers for the con vention will be held. REVIVAL TO BEGIN NEXT SUNDAY NIGHT Revival services will begin at The Church of God here Sunday night, with Rev. George Webb, of Highlands, In charge of the services. He will be assisted by the Rev. Jesse Willard Shook, of Wolf Mountain, and the local pastor, the Rev. A. P. Harris. Services will be held each evening. The public is cordially invited to at tend. Open Again for your patronage C. B. McFEE The Old Reliable Wa tchmaker- J eweler Pickelslmer Bldg. — W. Main St. OAKLAND NEWS Mrs. Belzle Nicholson, who Is nearly 75 years old and has never had the measles, was recently exposed to a case. She has left her home here for the time being to be with her daughter, Mrs. N. S. Galloway, at Rosman, to be near a doctor in case she should need one. Grady Nicholson, Jr. Is now In bed with measles at the home of his aunt, Mrs. Roxie Dunn, at Sellca. Lee and Fred Nicholson, of Rosman, were here Saturday night for a visit with their mother, Mrs. Maggie Nichol son. Mrs. Lee R, Fisher, of Rosman, and Mrs. Spencer Welborn and daughter, Rhoda Ann, spent Friday night here with the former's son, Frank, and family. Mrs. Charlotte Rlgdon has returned home after spending some time at Wolf Mountain with her son,’ Ralph, and visiting other relatives in that section. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Noland, of Asheville, were recent visitors of the latter’s mother, Mrs. S. E. Alexander, Other recent visitors of Mrs. Alexan der were Mrs. Lee R. Fisher, of Ros man, Mrs. Spencer Welborn, of Cycle, and Mrs. Lee Norton. Neill Burgess was In Rosman Friday on business. Miss Alberta Burgess was a Brevard visitor Friday afternoon. Recent visitors of Mrs. Lee Norton were Mr. and Mrs. D. Grimshawe, of Brevard, Mrs. Spencer Welborn and daughter, Miss Rhoda Ann, of Cycle, Mrs. T. P. Galloway Jr„ of Calvert, and Mrs. Jack Fisher, of Rosman. Rev. and Mrs. Roland Robinson had as guests Sunday their son. Berry Robinson, and family, of Tryon. Mr. and Mrs. Weaver Taylor and daughters, Sybil Jo and Nannie Sue, of Enka, spent the week-end here with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. S. San ders. Ray Sanders had the misfortune of getting a fingernail mashed last week while handling steel on his Job. Erskine Ruff visited friends here Sunday. Miss Velma Wilson spent Sunday af ternoon at Boheney with her parents,! Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wilson. Mrs. I. S. Sanders and sons, Lane and Cecil, and Mr. and Mrs. Weaver Taylor and daughters visited Mrs. S. L. Sanders and son Lensey at Lake Toxaway Sunday. . Charles McNeeiy was here last ween for a visit with his father, Fred Mc Neeiy, and family. Rev. and Mrs. Roland Robinson and granddaughter. Miss Cleo Galloway, were supper guests Sunday night of Mr. and Mrs. I. S. Sanders. Mrs. E. D. Reid visited Mrs. Maggie Nicholson Monday. Mrs. Floyd King and son Max spent Monday at Lake Toxaway with rela tives. Mrs. Fred Nicholson, of Rosman, Is here for a few days visit with her mother-in-law, Mrs. Maggie Nichol son. Grady Nicholson was able to be out on his Job Monday for the first time since his illness with measles. The crew of WPA workers are doing some nice work on the banks of the highway in this section. They are so smooth it is almost equal to frozen snow and makes a nice place for little boys to slide down, though it is rather hard on the seat of their overalls. Girl—I maintain that love-making is Just the same as it always was. Her Sweetheart — How do you know? Girl—T Just read about a Greek maiden who sat and listened to a lyre all evening.__ Emma Aiken Laid To Rest Near Brevard GREENVILLE, S. C.—Mr*. Emma Henderson Aiken, 79, died Wednesday night of last week at 9:30 o'clock at the home of her sister, Mrs. Jimmie Harkins, near Easley where she was visiting. She died suddenly although she had been In falling health fbr some time. Mrs. Aiken was born and reared in Transylvania county, N. C„ a daugh ter of the late Ben Henderson and Jane Patton Henderson. She had spent the greater part of her life In Brevard, where she was well known. For the past five years she had been living with her children. Her husband was William H. Aiken, a Confederate veteran, who died In 1938. ' She was a member of the Brevard Baptist church. Survivors include two daughters, Mrs. E. C. Cooper and Mrs. P. W. Atkin son of Greenville: three sons. N. R, Aiken and W. W. Aiken, of Greenville, and H. P. Aiken of Greensboro, N. C„ in addition to 20 grandchildren and 15 great-grandchildren. She is also survived by one sister, Mrs. Harkins: four brothers, Willie Henderson, Asheville, N. C.; R. L. Hen derson, Pickens; F. Henderson, Bre vard, and W. B. Henderson, Greenville. Funeral services were held from the chapel of the Thomas McAfee Fun eral home Friday morning at 10 o’clock, the Rev. L. H. Miller officiating. In terment was made In Cathey's Creek Baptist church cemetery at Brevard. ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE Having qualified as Administrator of the estate .of J. H. West, deceased, late of Transylvania County, North Caro lina, this Is to notify all persons hav ing claims against said estate to ex hibit them to the undersigned at Hick ory, North Carolina, within twelve (12) months from this date or this notice will be plead In bar of recovery there on! All persons Indebted to said estate will please make Immediate settlement. This the 11th day of March, 1940. A. M. West, Administrator Estate J. H. West Mar. 14-6t Deceased. Send In Your Renewal To-Day Drug Store The Rexill Store — Phono • xi Call Us For I Ecusta Trips Phone 322 1TPIH Plymouth nfiff Pontiac Closed Cars WRIGHT TAXI I Proprietor, Brock Dr. P. N. DeVERE, Optometrist WILL BE IN BREVARD EVERY TUESDAY McMlnn Building—Room 19—Hours 10 to t Eyes Examined —- Glasses Fitted All Lenses Ground In My Own Laboratory A COMPLETE EYE SERVICE CONDENSED STATEMENT OF CONDITION OF I Transylvania Trust Co. j BREVARD, NORTH CAROLINA At the Close of Business March 26th, 1940 Condensed from Statement to State Banking Department s _- — -„ -nin -,-4 = ASSETS Loans $147,941.39 U. S. Bonds 64,753.69 N. C. Bonds 3,956.17 Other State, County & Municipal Bonds 59,471.36 Accrued Interest on Bonds 811.94 Bank Building Funiture & Fixtures (Net) 10,293.81 Cash & Due from Banks 222,402.86 TOTAL $609,631.21 ■*--— LIABILITIES [ Capital Stock Common $ 26,000.00 S Capital Stock Preferred ' 24,000.00 | Surplus 9,600.00 E Undivided Profits 3.097.10 | Unearned Interest 1,883.19 Reserves 3,430.80 § Retirement Acc't. Preferred Stock 6,000.00 S Deposits436,720.12 | TOTAL 8509,631.21 OFFICERS J. fa. Plckelsimer, Pres. R. J, Duckworth, V-Pres. & Cashier Karl Boese, Asst. Cashier DIRECTORS P. D. Clement, Chmn. R. J. Duckworth Lewis P. Hamlin C. R. McNeely W. L. Mull c. W. Plckelsimer J. H. Pickelslmer Jos. S. Silversteen W. R. Smith * DEPOSITORY FOR State of North Carolina. County of Transylvania, Town of Brevard Organized November 24, 1931 ■ asBseesBBeBBeeaaa»azaatflBaaaaaeaaiaaaaiiiMiaai.ierr