1 °SF! E TRANSYLYAN ~WM :: County :: Forest :> 1 - r-nmi A Newspaper Devoted to the Best Interest of the People of Transylvania County wmnm*w V^TsqTno. 15 BREVARD, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, APRIL 11, 1940 $1.00 PER YEAR IN TRANSYLVANIA COUNTY ION OFFICIALS ) FOR COUNTY Judges and Registrars For Each Precinct Named By Board Saturday Judges and registrars for the June 26 primary were named last Saturday morning by the Transylvania board of elections comprised of Fred Johnson, C. Y. Patton, and D. L. English, as follows: First two named are Democrats, third name Republican: Rovd—Mrs. M. H. Holliday, registrar; W. T. Whitmire, T. S. Williams, judges. Brevard 1—Edwin Wlkc, registrar; Robert Gravely. O. H. Orr. judges. Brevard 2—J. E. Rufty. registrar; C. L. Osborne, Y. J. McCrary, Judges. Brevard 3—John Morris, registrar; Joe P. McLeod, D. E. Orr. judges. Cathey Creek—Joe Bryson. Jr., regis trar: Ed Gillespie. R. I* Hogsed, Judges. Cedar Mtn.—Paul Roberts, registrar; Mrs. Paul Roberts. J. R. Bishop, Judges. Dunns Rock—M. W. Whitmire, regis trar; Sam Allison, Clifford Raxter, Judges. Eastatoe—J. Frank Morgan, regis trar: Perry Gravely. Jack Fisher, Judges. East Fork—W. C. Gravely, registrar; Leon Hubbard. S. T. McCall, Judges Gloucester 1—Allen McCall, registrar; Obie Fisher, Archie McCall. Judges. Gloucester 2—Walter Fisher, regis trar; Arvllle Long, Richard McCall. Judges. Hogback 1—T. C. McCall, registrar: Watha Fisher, Jason McCall. Judges. Hogback 2—L. C. Case. Jr., regis trar: Granville Fisher, Posey Owen, Judges. Hogback 3—L. E. Cash, registrar; Edgar Reid. Harry Bryson, judges. Little River—Hal Hart, registrar; Ed Mackey. Roscoe McCall. Judges. Old Toxaway—Ellis Galloway, regis trar; Walter Whitmire, Lewis Morgan. Judges. Rosman—Lee Nicholson, registrar: Jim Nelson. T. P. Galloway, judges. The registration books are to open on Saturday. April 27. at 9 A. M. at the various polling places In the county, and will be open each Saturday through May 11. May 18 will be challenge day, and the primary will be held on 25th. All candidates who expect to file for office must do so by Saturday night at 6 o’clock, April 13. Dr. Dickerson To Preach Dr. Roy Dickerson, noted author and lecturer, will preach at the Meth odist church Sunday morning at 11 o’clock, announcement has been made by the pastor, the Rev. E. P. Billups. The speaker’s topic will be, “Personality and Religion." Dr. Dickerson Is giv ing a series of lectures at Brevard Col lege this week. Teachers Meet Saturday There will be a meeting of principals and teachers Saturday morning, April 12, at 10 o’clock. In addition to routine business Miss Edna Nanney and Mrs. F. P. Sledge will discuss classroom equipment and supplies. Ernest Til son will give a talk on modern Ideas of physical training programs In high schools. Dahlia Club Meeting The Dahlia club will meet Tuesday evening at 7:30 o’clock In Dr. Lynch's office, announcement has been made. Clean-Up Committees Named For Brevard Working with our city council, as we have In years past, our clean-up drive will be held the first of May. We, the civic club of your town, ask the cooperation of every one In this work to make Brevard a clean town. The committee of this drive asks each woman on this list to please do her part as a citizen. It will be almost Impossible to contact each one Indi vidually, therefore, through our paper, we ask this favor. Each zone will be notified through the paper and other wise the day the town truck will be in your zone. Thanks, Mrs. j. w. amitn, unairman Mrs. D. L. English Miss Rose Shipman ZONE I — From Broad to Main street, East: Mrs. George Shuford, Mrs. R. F. Tharp, Mrs. Wallace Short, Mrs. J. E. Waters, Mrs. Harry Sel lers, Mrs. Jerry Jerome. Mrs. Frank Jenkins, Mrs. Burt Loomis. Mrs. Dewey Gravely, Mrs. John Hudson and Mrs. Luther Aiken. ZONE IT — Main to Broad streets— Mrs. Haswell. Mrs. J. C. Wlke, Mrs. Allle C. Wilson, Mrs. Coleman Gal loway, Mrs. Anthony Trantham, Mrs. Ashe Macfie, Mrs. H. J. Bradley, Mrs. Hugh Hollifield, Mrs. Artellus Tinsley. (Maple Extension), Mrs. Wil liam Jordan, Mrs. O. Duclos, Mrs. S. P. Vemer, Mrs. Claude Henderson, Mrs. Roy I^ing, Mrs. C. N. Erwin. ZONE in — West Broad to Main— Mrs. A. R. Gillespie. Mrs. A. H. Harris, Mrs. O. L. Erwin, Mrs. B. D. Franklin, Mrs. Mabel Kellar, Mrs. Carl Hardin. Mrs. Harry Perry. Mrs. Perry Full bright. Mrs. A. B. Galloway. Mrs. Jesse Ptrkelslmer, Miss Grace Piercy, Mrs. Branch Tinsley, Mrs. J. H. Tinsley, Mrs. R. A. Poe. ZONE TV — North Main to Broad— Mrs. Freeman Hayes. Mrs. Walter Duckworth. Mrs. Harrison Case. Mrs. E. R. Pendleton. Mrs. J. 8. Green wood. Mrs. Luther Saltz, Mrs. Joe Hamlin. Mrs. Leverette, Mrs. John Ashworth. Mrs. Wolfe. Mrs. Lula Mil ler, Mrs. Will Price. Mrs. Everett Huggins, Mrs. Bessie Ward, Miss Alma Trowbridee. COLORED section In Zone HI and IV—Mattie Killian, Sallle Gaston and • Wilkie Johnson. To Present Play at Rosman Thursday Evening Members of the senior class of Kosman high school will present the annua] play Thursday evening of this week in the high school auditorium there. Cast as above, front row reading left to right Lucy Hall, Louise 4 Osteen, Lurleene Lusk. Ruth Rice, Elizabeth Sisk; back row, left to right, Lawrence Fisher, Rastus Smith, Robert Whitmire, Sylvia Huggins, Powell Bailey. Gladys Clark is also a member of the cast, but is not shown in the above picture. Miss LaVerne Whitmire is directing the play. PRESBYTERIAN UNIT MEETS HERE APRIL 18 Woman’s Auxiliary Coming To Brevard For Annual Ses sion Two Days The Brevard-Davldson River Pres byterian church will be hoet to the S6th annual meeting of the Woman’s Auxiliary of the Asheville Preebtery, of the Synod of Appalachia, in a two day session Thursday and Friday, April 18 and 19. Around 76 delegates from the 23 auxiliaries and five dis tricts of the Presbyterial are expected to attend. Miss Kittle Sue McElroy, of Stocks ville, president, will preside over the sessions. Mrs. D. R. Beeson, synod ical president, will give the message at the opening meeting Thursday morning. Mrs. T. K Chamberlain, president of the Brevard - Davidson River auxiliary, will give the greet ings, with response by Mrs. Carl Saw yer, of Asheville, chairman of District No. 1. The< program theme is "The Lord (Continued on Back Page) Mrs. Newland Named President Brevard Parent-Teacher Group Annual election of officers of the Brevard Parent-Teacher association was a feature of the last meeting of this organization for the current school year, which was held Tuesday after noon in the elementary school aud itorium. The following officers were elected for the ensuing year: Mrs. Charles L. Newland. president; Mrs. Wallace Conover, vice-president; Mrs. Walter W. Duckworth, secretary; Mrs. Hugh Holllfleld, treasurer. C. H. Trowbridge, vice president of Brevard College, was the speaker of the program, on the topic, "The House That Jack Built," which dealt with the proper preparation of young people for future activities of life. Special emphasis was made on the cooperation of the home and the school in guid ance from childhood to useful maturity. Other features of the program was the singing of vocal solos by Mrs. H. P. Flnck, rendering a group of six se lections pertaining to spring. Mrs. C. E. Buckner, retiring pres ident, conducted routine business, In cluded In which was the making of plans for a pre-school clinic to be held the first week in May. Mrs. Buck ner thanked the parents and teachers for their splendid cooperation during the past year of her presidency, and the association in turn gave her a rising vote of thanks for her efficient service as president. Reports from the various committee chairmen showed that all goals for the year hed been attained, placing the association In line for a standard P. T. A. certificate, and that there were In the organization 144 paid memberships. New Arrival Born to Mr. and Mrs. David Price on Saturday, April 6, a bop. New Cafe Will Open Here Saturday Morn "The Grill," new Brevard cafe, will open its doors for business Saturday morning of this week, on Broad street. Name, "The Grill,” was submitted by Mrs. Melvin Gillespie of Brevard, and was selected by three local judges, who would not allow their names to be published, due to the fact that there were more than 250 names sub mitted, and the Judges stated that so many good names were submitted that they spent several hours going over the list before final selection was made. J. C. Gaither, manager of the new cafe, announces that he will also op erate a delicatessen, stating that a number of local people have requested the installation of this additional bus iness with the cafe. New equipment has been placed, and the entire building renovated, to make a nice civic improvement to the street. Republican Convention In Charlotte April 17 A number of Republicans from this county are planning to attend the state convention which meets In Char lotte on Wednesday of next week, April 17. Ralph R. Fisher, chairman of the, Transylvania executive committe, has been named as a member of the plat form committee to report to the con vention. • County Agent 111 Julian A. Glazener, county agent, is In Oteen hospital, Asheville, for treatment this week. He expects to return home by Saturday or Sunday. Community Hospital Funds Come Slowly In-More Are Needed Community Hospital Funds are con tinuing to trickle In, Treasurer George Wheeler reports, although the full amount of $25,000 has not been at tained. Several people who have made pledges have not been reported as paid in, Mr. Wheeler states, and these will mater ially aid the fund If immediate pay ment may be had. The fund, counting all pledges, Is several thousand dollars short of the goal of $25,000 necessary for this com munity’s share of the building and equipment, and the finance committee urges that others interested In the community project make pledges. DISTRICT BTU MEET IN BREVARD 2 DAYS 200 Young People Will Attend From Associations In Ninth District The annual Baptist Training Union convention of the ninth district will be held at the Brevard Baptist church Friday and Saturday, beginning at 8 o’clock Friday afternoon. Around 200 representatives from the eight associations In the district are expected to attend the two-day meet ing here. The delegates who are plan ning to remain In Brevard over-night will be entertained In the different homes. The Rev. Olln J. Owen, of Marshall, district president, will preside over the sessions. A sunrise service will be held at 6:30 o’clock Saturday morn ing, with the regular business session beginning at 9 o’clock. Other prom inent officials of the district and state will appear on the program during the two days. Features of the convention will be the Bible reader's contest for adults; speaker’s contest for young people; sword drill contest for Intermediates; junior memory work contest for jun iors. Winners In these contests will represent the ninth district In the state meeting at Ridgecrest In the summer. Other parts of the program will In clude demonstrations, conferences, In spirational talks and plans for the B. T. U. work. It Is expected that the 27 churches In the Transylvania county associ ation will all send large delegations to the conference here this week. Three Men Announce For Commissioners On Democratic Ticket Announcement la being made by E. Carl Allison, Willis W. Brittain, and John L. Wilson this week that they will be candidates for the board of commissioners. The formal announcement states— “We hereby announce our candidacy for nomination as County Commis sioners, subject to the Democratic pri mary on May 25th. We shall appre ciate your support and vote. E. Carl Allison, W. W. Brittain, John L. Wilson.” Mr. Allison and Mr. Wilson are mem bers of the present board of county commissioners. The former lives at Cherryfleld where he has been engaged In farming for a number of years. Mr. Wilson, a resident of Enon has been In the farming and cattle busi ness for years here. Mr. Brittain is In the feed and seed business In Bre vard. Dr. Owen To Preach D. Jesse C. Owen will preach at the Brevard Baptist church at the Sunday evening service. To Speak Here IWI——F M. EARLE DONNOHOE, Ashe ville attorney, and candidate for congress on the Townsend Re covery Plan, will speak at Bre vard court house Saturday after noon of this week, at 2:80. The Townsend candidate, who has served as Democratic chairman of the board of elections of Bun combe county, was In Brevard Wednesday arranging for hla speak ing date here, and interviewing workers and people interested In promoting the Townsend Plan. William Green Head* College Student Group William Greene, of Ciosanore, was elected president of the Brevard Col lege student council at the annual election held Tuesday. Jack Donnell, of Climax, was elected vice president of the council, and Hiss Clara Brinkley of Charlotte was named secretary and treasurer. Officers elected will serve during the 1940-41 college year. At Lyday Hospital Patients reported at Lyday Memorial hospital on Wednesday were: Mrs. David Price and Infant son, Mrs. Jack Bishop and Infant daughter, Mrs. P. M. Jones, Mrs. T. B. Summey, Mrs. W. W. Cooper, Mrs. C. L. Wood, Miss Elsie Talley, Joseph Preston Galloway, Roy Summey. Congressman Weaver In Town Wednesday Congressman Zeb Weaver was In Brevard for several hours Wednesday, and met a number of his friends and supporters at the Waltermtre Hotel while In town. The congressman said that ha would try to return here before the primary for one or more speeches, but that pressing business In Washington due to the International situation might pre vent his doing so. $5 Prize for Nearest Guess To Transylvania’s 1940 Population The Transylvania Times will pay *5.00 cash to the reader who guesses nearest to the population of Transylvania as officially designated by the 1940 census which Is now being taken. Second closest guess will be given a year’s subscription to The Times, and third, six months’ subscription. All guesses must be entered on the blank carried In this paper, as above. No guess will be counted If telephoned In, or given by person. The number must be written In on the blank space In the above map-coupon, and brought or mailed to The Times office. All entries must be made before 3:00 p. m„ Saturday, April 27. There are no strings attached to the offer, nothing to buy—simply write In number you think the population count will total, sign your name and address on the space provided In the map-coupon. The census takers are now making the rounds, and expect to have their work completed by the end of April. Official county tabulations will be released soon thereafter, and prize winners will be notified of their winning. For Information, population of the county was 9,689 In 1930 ; 9,303 In 1920, and 7,191 In 1910. REPUBLICANS NAME TICKET HERE 13TH . Ralph Fisher Elected Chairman Executive Group—Town ship Nomination Made Republican county convention In ses sion here laat Saturday afternoon sub mitted a large number of names for consideration of the executive commit tee to select a ticket from, and elect ed Ralph R. Fisher as chairman of the executive committee. Two or more names were submit ted by delegates from the various precincts, and from this group the executive committee will make recom mendations to delegates and voters at a meeting called for Saturday morn ing of this week at 10 o'clock. Each precinct member of the execu tive committee will be allowed to make further nominations before final se lection of the nominees are made, and likewise, any delegation from a pre cinct is allowed to suggest candidates, under motion adopted at the meeting last Saturday afternoon. Chairman Fisher and Retiring Chalr (Continued on Back Pago) Miss Raxter Winner Of Big Egg Contest Mias Maude Raxter of Brevard R-l was winner of The Times big egg con test last week. The white leghorn en try sent In by Miss Raxter Upped the scales at four and one-eighth ounces, which is an eighth ahead of entries from the flock or Mrs. E M. Mackey of little River, second heavy. The contest continues for two more weeks, and a dollar cash Is paid each Monday for the heaviest egg sent In during the previous week. Listings In the order of their weight for the post week were: Mrs. C. P. Hogsed, Brevard R-l; Mrs. J. X. Williams, Brevard R-l: Ralph W. Owen, lake Toxaway; Mrs. Joe laugh ter, Etowah; Edwin Tinsley, Brevard R-l—all weighing three and five eighth ounces. Ernest Allison, Brevard R-l: Roy Waldrop, Brevard R-l—three and three-quarter ounces. Mrs. Howard Lange, Oakland; Warren Galloway. Balsam Grove—three and one-half ounces. Claude Ray, Plsgah Forest; Arthur McCrary, Brevard; Mrs. G. C. Sen telle, Brevard R-2—three and one quarter ounces. Allis Marie Sentelle, Brevard R-l—three and one-eighth ounces. J. E Golden, Brevard—three ounces. ___ Trout Season Opens In County April 15th Fishing season opens In Transyl vania county on April 15—Monday of next week, It has been announced by Warden E. R. Galloway. Other fishing season will remain closed until June 10. Twelve rainbow trout eight Inches or over may be legally taken In one day; or 12 brook of six Inches or over. County or state license are required for trout fishing. First open dates in Plsgah National forest will be April 19 In the Sherwood cooperative area; April 20, North Fork French Broad; April II, Upper South Mills River; April 20, Lower South Mills river; June 8, Davidson River and tributaries. Open House Sunday At Park View Home Newly constructed home in Park View Place will be open for public in spection Sunday afternoon, and the owners Invite the public to visit the house. The Park View Place Is one of the attractive sections of Brevard, and six houses are now nearing completion, Civic Music Week The Asheville Civic Music associ ation are having the ninth annual campaign week at headquarters, Room A, George Vanderbilt hotel. Mrs. Her bert P. Plnck, of Boylston Road, has been asked to campaign Brevard, and will be pleased to take care of any new members. The membership dues are five dollars per season. Telephone 180. W. M. Henry Very 111 W. M. Henry Is seriously 111 at his home on Caldwell street HU condition was reported to be somewhat Improved - Wednesday. Camp Jutaculla Ouens This Year at Sapphire Camp Jutaculla for Boys win he opened again this summer at Sap phire by Mr. and Mrs. G. O. Shep herd of Asheville. Preparations are being made to en tertain 75 boys between the ages of 7 and IT, In a "camp that Is NOT a country club nor a hotel but a place for a REAL vacation," the attractive folder states. The camp is unique In that it Is operated on the 'free hand" style, with boys having supervision, but not methodically planned work or play. Horseback riding, swimming, boat ing, and handcrafts are featured, with nature study and activities In the out doors to be stressed. Pood Is to be wholesome and "countrified,” the pros nectus states, with products of the farm and orchard on the property to be utilised. This Is the second year's operation of the camp. Last year between IB and 20 boys were enrolled, due to the Uteneee in getting plans started for the camp’s operation. /