> i l I' fe] THE TRANSYLVANIA TIMES j ® j ::n.:.,?^:..:.:f A Newspaper Devoted to the Best Interest of the People of Transylvania County < Vol SO- No 19- BREVARD, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, MAY 9, 1940_$1.00 PER YEAR IN TRANSYLVANIA COUNTY Class Salutatorians I MISS JEAN BENNETT, saluta tortan of the Brevard high school senior class of 1940, had an average scholarship record of 94.6. Miss Bennett, aged 16, Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Bennett, of Bre vard. She is a transfer from the Lockland high school, Lockland. Ohio. Having attended the Bre vard school only one year, Miss Bennett has no record here prev ious to her senior year. Among the senior superlatives, she was select ed the most Intellectual, most at tractive, most courteous and neat est. She is a member of the cast of the senior class play; is report er on the high school news staff; a member of the Monogram club. MISS ItEBA GILt.ESPIE is salutatorian of the Rosman high school graduating class of 1940. Her average for the four years is 90.2. She is a member of the glee club and the 4-H club; won the D.A.R history medal In the sev enth grade; was elected most orig inal and most artistic in the senior class superlatives; was marshal for the school in her Junior year; is secretary and treasurer of the Bast Fork Baptist church. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. Elmer Gillespie, of East Fork. New Store Manager EVERETT HUGGINS of Brevard, has been named manager of the large new Belk's Department store at Hen dersonville and assumed his new duties there Monday. Mr. Huggins has been assistant manager of Belk’s Brevard store for the past several years. He is a graduate of Brevard College and a popular young man of the community. Harold Aiken for mer manager at Hendersonville, takes Mr. Huggins’ place at the Brevard store. American Legion Meeting The American Legion will meet Tuesday evening. May 14, and every second and fourth Tuesday evening of each month at the court house, until further notice. All ex-soldlers are Invited to attend. Oak Grove Service* The Rev. Walter MoGulre, of Boyl ston, will preach at the Oak Grove Bap tist church. Quebec, Sunday morning, May 19. at 11 o’clock, announcement bas been made by the pastor, the Rev. N. H. Chapman. ROSMAN EXERCISES START SUNDAY EVE Baccalaureate Sermon By Rev. E. P. Billups—Graduation Wednesday is Closing Graduation exercises for the Rosman high school will begin Sunday, with the baccalaureate sermon to be de livered at the high school auditorium Sunday afternoon at 3 o’clock. The Rev. E. P. Billups, pastor of the Bre vard Methodist church, will deliver the sermon. The following program will be given: Processional, "March of the Noble." Keats; Invocation, the Rev. J. R. Bow man; hymn, “Come Thou Almighty King," audience; announcements, Prin cipal E. P. Tilson; “Viennese Melody," senior girls; introduction of speaker by Superintendent J. B. Jones; sermon, the Rev. E. P. Billups; benediction, the Rev. J. L. Underwood; recessional, "Largo," Handel. The final graduation exercises will be held Wednesday evening, May 15, {Continued on Fourth Page) Bank To Close Friday Transylvania Trust Company will be closed Friday In observance of Mem orial Day, which is observed through out the South In memory of the Con federate Soldiers. Singing Convenbon At Rosman Sunday The upper district singing convention will meet at the Middle Fork Baptist church next Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock. All singers and lovers of music arc especially invited to attend, and bring any song books they would like to use. Rev. W. H. Nicholson is president of the convention. Thomoson To Preach The Rev. B. T. Thomoson. pastor of the Edgefield Baptist church. Edge field. S. C„ will preach at the First Church in Brevard Sunday morning at the 11 o’clock service. Donnahoe To Speak Earle Donnahoe, Democratic candi date for congress, will speak at Bre vard court house Thursday night of this week, May 9, at 8 o’clock. Mr. Donnahoe has been in Brevard for a public speaking date on one previous occasion, and said that he received several requests to return here. Mayor Asks People To Co-Operate With Club In Clean-Up (By A. II. Harris, Mayor) Bast week, by proclamation and news items, the residents of Brevard were advised that this week there would be an Intensive ”Clean-Up Campaign” sponsored by the Civic Club and as sisted by the facilities of the Town garbage trucks. This Is being written as a reminder, and to allow the Mayor the opportun ity of making a few observations as to some further steps that might be taken by our good citizens toward mak ing Brevard something like the "Spot less City” of Western North Carolina. I appreciate the fact that we are all more or less careless, and sometimes not so thoughful as we might be, and I believe that this is true of some of our business houses. May we not hope that they will all cooperate more fully in seeing that the sidewalk in front of their places of business is cleanly swept Into the gutter late in the evening, so that it may all be taken care of in the early morning by the street crew, and, an occasional sweep ing through business hours wouldn’t be a bad thing. Nothing gives one a worse Impression of a town or city than dirty, unkempt sidewalks and streets. There is another bad habit, if you call it that, very prevalent on many of our streets, which will have to be corrected in some way or other, and that is the matter of people throwing rocks and other debris in the streets. I am of the opinion that much of this is due to over-ambition on the part of some of our youngsters; just in play perhaps; perhaps not. Then there is the matter of the park ing of derelict and scrap motor cars on the highest hills and in deepest vales. A considerable move has been made, and is being made to remedy this unsightly condition, and this Is deeply appreciated, and it is hoped that it may be possible to eventually have this condition entirely removed. The conditions of which I have spok en can only be remedied or removed through an enthusiastic display of Civic Pride on the part of all of our people, and I am optimistic enough to believe that we have It. May we not depend on you? Club Will ImproVe Lot On North Caldwell St. An appeal was made at the meeting of the Women’s Civic Club Monday afternoon for donation of plants and shrubs to be planted on the vacant lot on North Caldwell street, which the club has gotten possession of for beau tification, along with other unsightly lots In the town. Those desiring to contribute anything of this nature are asked to contact Mrs. Bess W. May, of the recreation center. Tentative plans were made for Hos pital Day, which will be observed some time the latter part of May. The defi nite date and articles most needed will be published In next week's paper. Chamber of Commerce Plans For Season Be Discussed Friday Eve Plans for operation of the Bureau of Information during the summer months will be discussed at the meet ing of Brevard Chamber of Commerce to be held Friday evening of this week at 8 o’clock In the ctly hall. Mrs. Ralph Fisher, secretary is now making up a list of accommodations which will be available in Brevard dur ing the summer months, and plans to keep this list revised throughout the year, for information of new-comers to Brevard. People who have rooms for rent, either for the summer or for year round, apartments, cottages or houses, or who will keep boarders during the summer or for year round, are re quested to contact Mrs. Fisher im mediately, as booklets are being mailed out of the office every day, and as many as 15 or more requests for information arc received in one day for various types of accommodations. Rosman Elementary Program On Tuesday Seventh grade graduation exercises of the Roeman elementary school will be held In the high school auditorium Tuesday afternoon. May 14, at 2 o’clock. O. H. Orr, of Brevard, will deliver the address to the graduating class. Dalice Gravley will give the valedic tory and Madrle Galloway the saluta tory address. The D.A.R. history med al will be presented by Miss Annie Jean Gash, of the Brevard D.A.R. chap ter. Principal E. L. Ponder will pre sent the certificates to the class of 32 graduates. The following program will be giv en ; Song, "Garden of Roses." elementary chorus; invocation, the Rev. J. R. Bowman; salutatory, Madrle Galloway; Who's Wijo, Jeanette McCall; valedic tory. Dalice Gravley; song. “Where the Daisies Grow," elementary chorus; address, O. H. Orr: presentation of history medal. Miss Annie Jean Gash: presentation of certificates. E. L. Pon der; class song; benediction, the Rev. M. E. Summey. The seventh grade class roll in cludes the following: Jesse Aiken, Virgil Barrett. Carlos Cassell. Doyle Eubanks. Louie Raines. Bobby Lee Rice, Bruce Smith, Russell Snipes, Brandon Sum mey. Oscar Whitmire, Gerald Woodard, Judith Boley. Betty Bryson. Txiulse Cassell. Inez Dodson. Lottie Mac Dod son, Dalice Gravely, Nettie Galloway. Nancy Galloway, Louise Gantt. Madrle Galloway, Lila Mae Galloway. Trls Glazener. Jeanette McCall, Jeanette Owen, Dana Owen, Azlie Patterson. Doris Pangle, Norma Powell, Ix>Ip Raines. Ramey Sisk and Reba Rogers. The seventh grade superlatives are: Best all-around girl student. Dalice Gravley, also best citizen; best all around boy student, Brandon Summey also handsomest boy; prettiest girl, Dana Owen, also most cheerful and best athlete; best boy athlete, Carlos Cassell; neatest girl, Louise Gantt; neatest boy. Bobby Lee Rice; most studious. Inez Dodson; quietest girl Lottie Mae Dodson; quietest boy, Ger ald Woodard, also teacher’s pet; most popular girl, Betty Bryson; most popu lar boy, Russell Snipes; class monkey Jeanette Owen; class baby, Loul< Raines. The class flower is narcissus: clast motto, “To be rather than to seem”; class colors, blue and white. Final Registration Date Saturday, 11th Pinal registration date for the Maj 25 primary will be Saturday of this week, May 11th. All persons who are not registered, 01 those who have moved from one pre cinct to another during the past twe years are required to register before they will be eligible to vote in the Maj 25 primary. Both Republican and Democratk tickets are to be voted on in the pri mary with Republican candidates oui for governor and lieutenant governor and a full slate of state, district, anc county Democrats to be voted for witt exception of senator and tax collectoi in the county. BUSINESS HOUSES FORM ASSOCIATION Organization Meeting Called for Monday Night—Officer! To Be Named Brevard Merchants Association will be organized and perfected at a meet ing of business men called for Monday night of next week at the city hall. Thirty-three business men have been contacted during the past several days, and they have agreed to become mem bers of the association. Others will be contacted during the week, and all people who operate a business in the county are invited to attend the Mon day night meeting which begins at 8 o’clock, and take part In the formation of policies and plans. By-laws are being sketched by a com mittee for submission to the group meet ing Monday night, and other suggest ions will be made by committee which was appointed at a preliminary meet ing held Tuesday night. It Is aim of the Merchants Associa tion, as explained to The Times, to establish better business methods In Brevard, to classify credit, and to render other services to members In keeping with such an organization. Work Started On New Postoffice Building Brevard’s new postoffice work was started Monday morning when Postmaster Coleman Galloway lifted the first shovelful of dirt for the excavation. Shown in the picture are, left to right: C. M. Douglas, president of Brevard Chamber of Commerce and leader of the move ment for securing the new postoffice; Victor J. Oliver, engineer in charge for the federal government; Post master Galloway; and J. L. Beam, superintendent for Boyd & Goforth, contractors. The building is expected to be ready for occupancy by November of this year. Piano Recital Friday By Grammar Students Plano pupils of Alvin Moore and Mrs. Melvin Gillespie, of the Brevard graded schools, will present their sec ond of two commencement recitals, on Friday evening of this week in the high school auditorium. The high school glee club will be heard in several choral numbers for mixed voices. Another feature of in terest will be the presentation by Paul Jones of one of his own compositions. The following students will appear on the program: Kathleen McCrary, Mar garet Fay Dellenger, David Crary, Anne Duckworth, Margaret Ann Boyd. Henry McDonald, Betty Crary, Dor othy Osborne, Wilma Pooser, Jeanette Austin. Wayne Kerber. Janet Jenkins, Evelyn I^ooknblll, Mary Alice Tinsley, Ruth Gaines, Vera Lee Dellenger, Frances Talley, Mary Anne Ramsey, Carolyn Klmzey, Deanne Balcomb and Paul Jones. Marshals will be: Fred Glazoner, chief marshal, David Franklin, Eugene Morris, Mary Alice Hardin. Irene Lof tls, Elizabeth Brown, Bertie Mae Orr. Bob Gash and Larry Wilson. The first recital on Monday even ing was well performed by the pupils, and was attended by a large number of patrons of the school. PEOPLE ARE ASKED TO/ 1ST COUNT LOCJ POPULATION 3,500 Mark Will Be Passed In Brevard If All Persons Are Enumerated Now Efforts of Chamber of Commerce lead ers and census enumerators to reach the total population count of 3,500 foi the town of Brevard will be realized It was believed here Wednesday. Mrs. N. A. Miller, enumerator foi western section of the town has com pleted her work, and Sam Barnette enumerator for eastern section, expecu to be through Friday night of this week However, any person who lives lr Brevard and has not been "counted’ Is requested to telephone Mr. Bamettf at No. 161, or The Times office. No. 7 and report their being left off. Ar enumerator will call at once, so that every person may be counted. Preliminary check - up Wednesday showed that the count of 3.500 Is short around 100, but with proper co-opera tion of all citizens, it is believed thal the wanted number of 3,600 will be passed. Mr. Barnette expects to have hli work completed Friday night, and re quest is made that any person not con tacted by that time, call No. 161 oi No. 7. Matter of pride In size of the town Is reason for the close check-up and civic leaders feel that more recognition will be realized in the next 10 years 11 the total count can be shown above 3,600 Instead of under. F. S. Peschl Funeral Rites Held On Monday HENDERSONVILLE — Funeral Ser vices for Franz Seraphus Peschl, 78, who died here early Sunday morning were held at the Shepherd funeral home Monday morning at 10:80 o’clock.. The Rev. Jas. P. Burke, pastor of St. James Episcopal church conducted the services and Interment was In Oakdale cemetery. Mr. Peschl was the father of Frank A. Peschl, general manager of the Ecuata Paper Corporation. A native of Berne, Switzerland, Mr. Pescliel came to this country to make his home here on March 23. Surviving are his widow, Mrs. Bertha Albertina Peschl, a son and daughter, Frank A Peschl and Miss Verena Peschl of Hendersonville, and a daugh ter, Mrs. Bertha Meadows of Berne, Switzerland. Two grandsons, Adrian Taylor and Frank Carl Peschl are stu dents at Blue Ridge school here and another, Enna F. Camenzlnd, resides in Brevard. New Arrival Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Chappell an nounce the birth of a son. Lucky, on Sunday. April 28. Democratic Convention Called For Saturday Afternoon, 2 o’clock Democratic county convention will be held In the Brevard Court House Sat urday afternoon, May 11, at 2 o’clock. The convention will be called to order by Otto Alexander, present chair man. and main order of business will be election of delegates to the state con vention which meets in Raleigh on May 17 at 12 o’clock. Following the general convention, chairmen of the various precinct com mittees will meet in executive session and elect a county chairman, vice chairman, and secretary. No outside speaker had been an nounced Wednesday by Chairman Alex ander for the convention. However, the chairman stated that the public was invited to attend the general convention at 2 o'clock. Brevard Elementary Program Tuesday Eve Graduation exercises of the Brevard seventh grade elementary school will be held in the high school auditorium Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock. Sixty three boys and girls will receive theii promotion certificates at this time. The program will be in the nature of an Indian council, with costumes and stage setting appropriate to the theme. There will be no formal ad dress. Frances Walker is valedictor ian of the class, and Gene Frankllr is salutatorian. Promotion certlflcatei will be presented by Principal J. E Rufty. The D. A. R. history meda will be presented by Mrs. Coleman Gal loway, regent of the local chapter. The following program will be given: "The Sun Worshippers,” song by class: welcome, "The Peace Pipe,” Gem Franklin, salutatory; tales and legends history, George Simpson, Vivian Smitl and Spalding McIntosh; lamentations grumbles, Laraine Redden, Nan Alii son and Lottie McGaha; '"Pale Moon,' song, class; "The Larch,” poem, Mar guerite Scruggs, Dorothy Booker an< Doris Aherens; "Good Medicines,” pro phecy, Bruce Glazener, William Leon ard and Henry McDonald; farewell Frances Walker, valedictory; “By th< Waters of Minnetonka,” song, class "On the Lagoon," song, chorus of boyi and girls; invocation, the Rev. E. P Billups; presentation of history medal Mrs. Coleman Galloway; presentatloi of certificates, J. E. Rufty; schoo song, class. The following comprise the seventl grade graduating class: Nan Allison Ruth Brown, Betty Jean Duclos, Fran ces Hendricks, Dorothy Alice Hubbard Mary Jane Jones, Mary Frances Jones Dorothy Jean Loftls, Ernestine Parker Lorraine Redden, Susan Redden, Blan che Ray, Vivian Smith, Margueriti Scruggs, Betty Ann Thompson, Moll; Tinsley, Wilma Morrison, Frances Wal ker, Doris Aherens, Joyce Montleth Douglas Brown, Delbert Burgess, Rich ard Fenwicke, Herbert Finck, Gem Franklin, Bruce Glazener, Bobby Nor wood, Kay McCrary, Henry McDonald George Simpson, Harold Smith, Lloyd Trent, Kenneth Wyatt, Dewey McCall Ralph Lee, Carroll Batson, Van Bry son, Frank Canup, R. L. Coren, Roben Dermid, Gerald Fisher, Robert Gaddy Lloyd Gillespie, Franklin Kerber, Spald ing McIntosh, Sam McJunkin, Pau Meece, Melvin Ward, Thomas IJpsey Charles Heath, Robert Booker, Wil liam Leonard, Hazel Arrowood, Dor othy Booker, Lucy Cooper, Beatrice Ball, Roberta Head, Betty Hogsed, Willie Mae Kensey, Louise Lanning, Lottie McGaha, Maude Raxter and Marie Bishop. risgan r orest rune Enters 8-Team Loop Carr Lumber company at Plsgah Forest has entered a team in the Blue Ridge Industrial league composed ol eight teams. First game of the schedule will be played Saturday, when the Carr nine goes to Hendersonville, and will play on the high school field there. The game starts at 3:30. Other teams in the league are: Hen dersonville, Elk Mountain, Wing Paper Box factory, Green River, East Flat Rock, Saluda, and Fletcher. The schedule continues through the summer with games each Saturday and the Fourth of July, and ends after IS games. JONES WILL PREACH BREVARD HI SERMON First of Commencement Events Scheduled Sunday Evening —Graduation Wednesday Commencement exercises of the Bre vard high school will begin Sunday evening at 8 o’clock at the high school auditorium, at which time the bac calaureate sermon will be delivered by the Rev. C. M. Jones, pastor of the Brevard-Davidson River Presbyterian church. Other features on the evening’s pro gram will include: Processional, "Marche Romaine,’’ Gounod; Invoca tion, the Rev. E. P. Billups, pastor of the Brevard Methodist church; “The Spacious Firmament on High,’’ Hay dn, high school glee club; announce ments, Principal R, T. Klmzey; “G, Let Me Hear Thy Loving Kindness,” Cs.1 ver, solo by Alvin Moore, accompanied by Mrs., Melvin Gillespie; sermon, the Rev. C. M. Jones; benediction, the Rev. Harry Perry, rector of St Philip’s Episcopal church; recessional, '“Coro nation March,’’ Meyerbeer. The graduation exercises will be held Wednesday evening, May 16, in the high school auditorium at 8 o’clock. The commencement address will be delivered by T. C. Roberson, superin tendent of education of Buncombe county, Asheville. Kathleen Wilson will give the valedictory address, and Joan Bennett, the salutatory. Superinten dent R. T. Klmzey will award the di plomas to the 66 graduates. The following commencement pro gram will be given: Processional, "Pomp and Circumstance,’’ Elgar; in vocation, the Rev. C. M. Jones; salu tatory, Jean Arline Bennett; gradua tion song, adapted from Finlandia, Sibelius, senior class; valedictory, Kath leen DeLoris Wilson; introduction of speaker, Superintendent J. B. Jones; address. T. C. Roberson; awarding of (Continued. on Fourth Page) Dog Owners Warned That Vaccination Is Required By NC Law Dog-owners over the county are fail ing to respond to the decree made sev eral months ago by the board of health relative to having all dogs vaccinated against rabies, Dr. G. B. Lynch said Wednesday. The health department head said that In different sections of the county people were refusing in some Instances to have their dogs vaccinated, and In other sections the owners were negli gent in having the required treatment. Dr. Lynoh said that refusal to have a dog vaccinated or failure to co operate with the inspectors of the var ious townships, constitutes a mis demeanor and is punishable by a fine of not less than $10 nor ntore than $60, or imprisonment of not less than 10 nor more than 30 days. Fee of 50 cents paid by the dog own er will be rebated when the owner pays his tax, the doctor pointed out, so that there Is no actual cost to the dog own er for the vaccination. Wade Bagwell, Inspector for Brevard, said that he would give the vaccine to all dogs brought to him in Brevard during the next few days. His sched ule calls for being at the Southern depot I Thursday afternoon of this week, from 1 o’clock to 6; Pisgah Forest, Friday; Farmers Federation Saturday; and “Greasy Corner” in West Brevard, i Monday, each date to be between the hours of 1 and 6 in the afternoon. Two Ball Games Be Played On Saturday Two ball games will be played In i Brevard Saturday afternoon, when , Ecusta meets Tryon on the high school field, and Brevard Tanners meet Beacon - on the College diamond. Pisgah Forest, new member of the ; Blue Ridge loop, will play In Hender sonville. i Brevard and Ecusta met two weeks ago in the first game of the WNC In dustrial league, and showed local fans a good brand of snappy baseball. The Ecusta team was Idle last week account of cold weather prevailing In Canton. The Tanners visited at Sayles and lost 6-0. EPISCOPAL DISTRICT MEET OE ON 15111 Woman’s Auxiliary Delegates From Over Western Caro lina To Be Visitors Around sixty delegates and visitors are expected in Brevard on Wednes day, May 16, to attend the Woman's Auxiliary meeting of district No. 2 of the diocese of Western North Carolina, which will be held at the St. Philip’s Episcopal church In a one-day session The session will open at 10 o’clock Wednesday morning with the com munion service conducted by Bishop Robert E. Gribbln, of Asheville. Mrs. F. W. Eubank, of Henderson ville, district director, will preside. The address of welcome will be given by Mrs. David Ward, of the Brevard Auxiliary, with response hy Miss Han kel, of Hendersonville. The offering of the day will be used toward defraying the expenses of the delegates to the general convention in the fall. The day’s session will conclude with the luncheon to be served the visiting delegates at 1 o’clock at the lodge at Rockbrook camp.

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