Transylvania County Entrance to Pisgah National Forest The Transylvania Times A Newspaper Devoted to the Best Interest of the People of Transylvania County +—»—-— ■■ ..1 ’ Trade at Home Boost Your Town —and— Your County +--—. • Vol. 51; No. 49 BREVARD, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1941 PUBLISHED WEEKLY Merchants Welcome Buyers Through Shopping Edition Of The Times • «■—— ■■—■ ■ "——■■ “—.—»—■ ■ ■ — ..—•«——»—>"—■■—**—■■—" "—.. u—■*—"—....—■■—” ■■ ” "* "—■■—*4* Jolly “Saint Nick” To Arrive In Brevard Saturday Morning | ! Shown here is an artist’s conception of Santa Claus, the idol of millions of children throughout the ! world, riding fast and furious on his sleigh pulled by his mighty reindeer. Santa, in person, is scheduled j to arrive in this countyseat town on Saturday morning of this week, and the Mayor will officially welcome him on the courthouse lawn at nine o’clock Saturday morning. He will be here all day Saturday to aid in the opening of the Christmas shopping season, and parents are urged to bring their children into town j to see him. He will leave a special treat for them. * '+ ALLEGED GAMBLING DEVICE OPERATORS GET COURT FINES Scheduled To Begin Trial Of Civil Cases Thursday Morning Criminal actions in the Decem ber term of Transylvania superior court which opened here Monday morning were scheduled to be dis posed of by late Wednesday and the civil docket entered Thursday morning. Judge F. Donald Phil lips, of Rockingham, is presiding, and Clarence 0. Ridings, of Forest City, is handling the prosecution for the state. * Highlight of the criminal docket, which was composed of minor act i ions, was the trial of a number of operators of Transylvania county business establishments who were charged with operating alleged gambling devices, the uevices de signated as slot machines md tip boards. Approximately dozen operators of places of business were fined $50 each and the cost, mak ing a total of approximately $75 each. The charges were preferred against the operators of the alleged gambling devices after local offi cers made a raid on business places late last summer in an effort to stamp out the operation of such de vices in the county. The raid or der was written out by the super ior court judge at a previous term of court. Civil actions are expected to be cleared by early next week. V AID GROUP WILL SEND GREETINGS Bundles For Britain Chapter To Greet English Queen, Children The local campaign for a “Christ mas greeting to Britain’s Queen and a Christmas for Britain’s chil dren” was announced today by Mrs. William P. Jordan, chairman of the Bundles for Britain Com mittee here. The campaign will continue un til December Thirteenth. The local drive is part of a na tional effort to secure one million signatures—and contributions — to be delivered to Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth, to bring Christmas cheer to the bombed children of Britain. At the conclusion of the cam paign the sheets of signatures will be sent to national headquarters of Bundles for Britain in New York where they will be bound into leather volumes and forwarded by air—together with a check for the amount of money collected—to the Queen in Buckingham Palace. Queen Elizabeth will dispense the money as she sees fit. Three layettes and one robe were included in this week’s shipment. The seed of the avocado pear yields indelible ink. CHBISTHS1041 (jftsmsnm r III THIS ISSUE I kC ^ * : JUNIOR RED CROSS GIRLS HAVE SEWING PROJECT A group of Junior Red Cross girls, under the direction of Mrs. E. F. Tilson, Junior Red Cross chairman, have recently completed a number of dresses in a sewing project. The girls, of Brevard high school, are shown in this picture displaying some of the dresses they have completed. Mrs. Tilson may be seen at left rear. (Times Staff Photo). ENLARGED COLLEGE EFFORT SUCCEEDING Committee And College Of ficials Report Fine Pros pects In Work The campaign to raise a fund of $425,000 for Brevard college is be ing well received all over Western North Carolina, according to mem bers of the campaign committee and Dr. E. J. Coltrane, president of the college. Much unpublicized work has been done in Asheville and other centers, they said, andj the results so far are very en- j couraging. A number of conferences with small groups, held recently, have resulted in better understanding as to the needs of the college and promises of aid from unexpected sources, they stated. A dinner j meeting at the S and W cafeteria in I Asheville last Thursday evening was well attended by ministers, laymen and some members of the board of trustees of the college, j There was a similar meeting in J High Point last Saturday. Other j such meetings are scheduled, one' at Charlotte on Friday afternoon of this week. President Coltrane, who is at tending all of these conferences, reports increasing interest in the college and that there is a fine prospect for substantial support as the campaign continues. t-■--—* | Fuller Made AAA j I Agent In Brevard j Joh/iny Fuller, formerly with Hayes Motor company, has accepted the manager ship of the Brevard branch of the Carolina Motor club, it was announced here Wednes ,, day, and he will have the 1942 automobile license on sale by Saturday of this week, he stated. His office will be located at Tinsley’s Gulf sta tion on Broad street just across from the post office. In addition to the handling of automobile licenses, Mr. Fuller will be prepared to take care of all official Caro lina Motor club business, in cluding the selling of mem berships for the organization. • *'—**—”—"•—"•—"—”—■"——«■—«*—*• • Eversman To Appear In Violin Concert John Eversman, well known American violinist, will present a concert in the auditorium at Bre vard college on Tuesday evening, December 9, beginning at eight o’clock, according to announcement by college officials. The violinist is being brought here by the col lege, and admission will be free. Mr. Eversman is an honor grad uate of the Cincinnati college of music and has had outstanding suc cess as a concert violinist. Many Firms Here Join Red Cross One-Hundred Per Cent Jerry Jerome, chairman of the Red Cross Roll Call in the business section of Brevard and at Ecusta, announced here Wednesday that a number of business houses in Bre vard have joined the Red Cross this year with a full 100 percent membership. Others, he said, are expected to follow in the near fu ture, and the drive will be com pleted at an early date. Business houses joining 100 per cent to date include Patterson’s, Macfie Drug company, Hayes Motor company, McCrary Auto Service, Varner’s Drug store, Plummer’s, Ford’s Comer, Farmer’s Federa tion, Western Auto store, Transyl vania Trust company, Transylvania Times, Clemson and Cc-Ed thea tres, Houston Furniture company, Duke Power company, The Grill, The Canteen, the A&P stores, Belk’s, B&B Feed and Seed com pany, Long’s and Brevard Drug company. The county wide Roll Call will be completed soon, with only remain ing work to be done in the resi dential section of Brevard, it was announced. SAFETY LECTURES HEARD IN SCHOOLS Walter Y. Hosier, of Char lotte, Speaks On Safety In County Schools Waler Y. Hosier, of Charlotte, a specialist in child safety, lectured to the pupils of Brevard, Rosman, Little River, Pisgah Forest and Enon of this week, J. B. Jones, superintendent of county schools, announced. Mr. Hosier brought out in his lectures that records show that some 18,000 school children are being killed annually by accidents. He urged the cooperation of all in the reduction of this staggering figure, and he distributed booklets setting forth some outstanding facts in regard to safety. The service of the safety expert in the schools here was made pos sible through the generous contri butions of a number of business and industrial concerns in the county, Mr. Jones said. He said that many favorable comments had been made on the lectures by prin cipals, teachers, pupils and par ents. City Aldermen In Meet Here Monday The city board of aldermen of Brevard met in regular session at the City Hall last Monday evening, together with the Mayor Dr. Carl Hardin, and secretary, Alex H. Kizer. Regular business matters were taken up by the municipal group, including details regarding the dis position of industrial waste at cer tain industrial plants.. Quarterly Meet Of Rosman Circuit Set The first quarterly conference of the Rosman Methodist circuit will be held at Oak Grove Methodist j church next Sunday afternoon at three o’clock, it has been announc ed here. The Rev. M. T. Smathers, D. D., superintendent of the Asheville district, will preach. Immediately following the services he will pre side at the business session. Merchants In Brevard To Open The Christmas Shopping Season Saturday Morning; Mayor Will Welcome Santa FIREMEN PUSH TOY GATHERING FOR CHILDREN Clemson Theatre Will Pre sent Movie, “Wyoming,” For The Cause ORGANIZATIONS AID Members of the Brevard fire de partment are fast gathering good used and new toys for distribution to needy children throughout the county at Christmas time this year, and C. F. Misenheimer, chairman, stated Wednesday that much in terest was being shown by groups and individuals in the county and that generous contributions are be ing made in cash and in good used toys. The riangement of the Co-Ed and Clemson theatres is cooperat ing in the movement to obtain toys for needy children by presenting a movie at the Clemson theatre here next Saturday morning at 10:30 o’clock, admission to which will be one good used toy or a new toy. The movie will be “Wyom ing,” starring Wallace Beery, and all children in the county are cor dially invited to attend the show. Last year and in previous years workers at the various industrial plants have contributed generously in cash to help the firemen buy new toys and nuts and candies for children. It is expected that they will contribute to the fund again this year. The Kiwanis club has already voted a cash donation which the firemen will use to purchase toys. Other civic organizations in the town and county may also vote contributions to the worthy cause, it was stated. The firemen will go over all of the used toys received and will put them in good condition for distri bution on the night of the Christ mas party. WILL CONDUCT SAFETY SCHOOL Dr. Walter Cutter, a representa tive of the North Carolina state highway safety division, will con duct a Safety Institute at Brevard College on Friday of this week, ac cording to announcement by J. B. Jones, Transylvania county super intendent of public schools. Mr. Jones said that county super intendents from all Western Caro lina counties have been invited to attend the institute. In addition, principals, teachers, and other in terested citizens from over this section of the state are also wel come to attend. Set Demonstration Meet On Thursday The county home demonstration agent, Miss Annabel Teague, will give a demonstration on inexpen sive Christmas cakes on Thursday, December 4, at 2 o’clock in the af ternoon at the home of Mrs. Perry Cheek in the Pisgah Forest com munity. All interested persons are invit ed to attend the demonstration. '+ Times Is Giving } Theatre Tickets j Today The Times is con- j ducting a novel Christmas j gift plan whereby dozens of j free tickets to the Co-Ed j theatre are being given away j absolutely free. 1 In the advertisements of 1 this issue of The Times will I be found the names of Tran- j sylvania county people. Read j all of the advertisements ! carefully, and when you dis- ! cover your name, bring the j advertisement in which it ap- I pears into the office of The j Times and you will be given j a ticket to the Co-Ed theatre, i Names must be brought in by } noon Saturday of this week, j Names printed in the ad- | vertisements were chosen im- j partially in alphabetical or- I der from the post offices on ] the mailing list of The Times. ] DENTAL CLINICAL * WORK PROGRESSES Total Of 510 Children In Public Schools Have Teeth Examined Dr. W. Y. League, dental clinic ian from the State Board of Health, Raleigh, who is in Transylvania county conducting dental clinics at the public schools, reported yes I terday a total of 510 children had been examined to date in the schools at Pisgah Forest, Silver steen. Balsam Grove, Montvale, Lake Toxaway, and Quebec. Itemized data on the clinics are as follows: total number of chil dren treated, 275; total number of children referred to local dentists for treatment 235; number of fill ings made, 156; teeth extracted, 179; children’s teeth clean, 275; number lectures on oral hygiene, 14. Dr. League will carry out dental work in the schools here for the next five weeks. His work is spon sored by the State Board of Health in conjunction with the county Board of Health. I_ [Welfare Department Receives Good Coats The county welfare department announced Wednesday that Win ner’s store in Brevard had given the department a collection of trade-in coats in excellent condi tion. Members of the welfare depart ment stated that they were glad to receive the coats, due to the in creasing need for coats for distri bution. They announced that all coats taken in at Winner’s as trade ins will be turned over to the wel fare department. During the first 10 months of 1941 the U. S. Navy commissioned two battleships and launched two more; commissioned one aircraft carrier; launched five cruisers; commissioned 13 destroyers and launched 15; commissioned nine submarines and launched 12. Red Army Has Germans On The Run; British Set Back The German rout from Rostov is continuing unabated after five days, with the Red army steadily pursuing the retreating Nazis on that southern front, the Soviet in formation bureau reported yester day in a communique broadcast over the Moscow radio. Other Soviet radio advices said the Germans, falling back towards Mariupol from Rostov, were in a flight so headlong that in most areas the pursuing Russians were unable to keep contact with them. The British imperial army of Northern Libya, its strongest line breached by a junction of German armored forces and its southern anchor of that line at Rezegh fal len, fought furiously with rein forcements being landed by the royal navy to smash the strong axis concentration thus formed. The imperial encirclement of the forces of the Nazi commander Gen eral Erwin Rommel had been brok en by the reckless and repeated tank charges of his 15th tank divis ion which, at last and at great cost, had smashed through at the lower Continued (to Page 10 COMPLETE STOCK HOLIDAY WANTS ARE ON DISPLAY Mayor Hardin To Welcome Santa At Courthouse At Nine Saturday TO TREAT CHILDREN The 1941 Christmas shopping season will officially open in Bre vard next Saturday morning, when the doors of Brevard merchants will be thrown open to Mr. and Mrs. Transylvania with an invitation to do their Yule tide season buying from stocks that are complete in every detail. Early Christmas stock has been supplemented by late purchases in order to insure the latest gifts and holiday wants for the buying pub lic, and the windows and interiors of Brevard establishments have been gayly decorated in the holiday spirit to welcome buyers to the buying center of Transylvania. As a special treat for the chil dren, and grown ups as well, old Saint Nick, or Santa Claus as he is known to millions of children, will be here in person to send the shopping season off with a bang. He will spend most of the day next Saturday on the streets here, pay ing his respects to the adults, talk ing with the kiddies about their Christmas ^’ants and treating them out of his own special holiday bag. He was scheduled to arrive here Friday morning, but owing to other engagements was unable to reach here before Saturday morning at nine o’clock, when he will be of ficially welcomed to the town by Mayor Carl Hardin. The welcome greetings will be extended to San ta on the courthouse lawn, and parents are urged to bring their children in to meet him then. As a part of the Christmas shop ping season program, the streets of Brevard are to be gayly decorated in holiday theme. The decorations are to be erected by a group of stu dents from Brevard colege and will Continued On Page 10 COUNTY REJECTS ALL FARM BIDS Property Placed In Hands Of Real Estate Agents For Disposal In regular meeting here last Monday morning the Transylvania county board of commissioners opened sealed bids received up un til that date on the county farm which has been advertised for sale. The commissioners rejected all bids and voted to place the prop erty in the hands of real estate agents in Brevard in an effort to effect disposal. Average amount offered in the bids was not revealed, but all were considered too low. The county farm is located on the Bosnian highway about three miles from Brevard. Other routine business matters, including approving disbursements for the month, were taken up at the meeting. DRAFT OFFICIAL TO VISIT HERE Major Thomas H. Upton, assist ant to the state director of selective service, Raleigh, will visit the Tran sylvania county draft board on Fri day of this week, according to Mrs. Allie B. Harllee, clerk to the local board. A. H. Harris, O. H. Orr, and D. H. Winchester, board mem bers, and A. F. Mitchell, appeal agent for the board, will meet with Major Upton at the board office on Broad street Friday morning, it was stated. Several official coordinators from the headquarters for selective service have visited the board here at different times, Mrs. Harllee stated, but this will be Major Up ton’s first visit.

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