I Brevard Hi News HA ST A# Editor-in Chief James Kanlpe Managing Editor - Frances Walter Associate Editors Irma Hahn, Wllioree McGuire, Vivian Smith, Doris Wilson, Den Thomason, Vannoy McAuley, Gene Franklin, Buddy Tankersiey, and Ruel Whitmire. TilEATRE TaRTY GiVfert By Vivian Smith The Junior class of B :evard en tertained the Seniors at a theatre party at the Co-Ed theatre Wed nesday evening. Bob Brannon, president of the Junior class, was master of ceremonies. The welcome to the seniors was given by Frances Walker and Hie response by Buddy Tankersiey, president of the senior class. A patriotic musical program given by a chorus of Junipr boys and girls was presented. The choruses wore red, white and blue costumes and the music was by Alfred Neu mann. The program was djvided into three acts; past, present, and future. In .the past songs of World War I were sung by the chorus and a sold and two duets were sung. The solo was sung by Mary Ann Daniels:, the gong wras “The Bose of No Man's Land.’’ The two duets were by George Simpson and Carolynne Sluder: the songs were: “’Til We Meet Again” and “You Wore A Tulip.” The songs by the chorus were: “Over There.” “k-k-Katy," “There's A Long, Long Trail” and “Pack Up Your Troubles.” The Junior superlatives were introduc ed by Bill Shamblin the Senior class will was given by Ben Thomason. Then the present act was presented. An all girl chorus sang,.“Whiie Cliffs oif Dover” and an all boys chorus sung and acted out “This is The Army." “Johnny Doughboy" \yas siihg by Jimmy Newbury and Dons Ahreiis. Four couples,sang and danced to “Don't I Sit Under The Apple Tree.” “I’m , Getting Tired" was sung, by Lor raine Redden and Jimmy, Newbury, j T ii e cliorus simg “Remember j Pearl Harbor". alnd “When The j Lights Go On Again.” The Senior superlatives were introduced by j Bill Shamblin. The, class prop , hccy was given by Melba Siiiiard. { The screen pla^; was “Let’s Hab'e Fim,” a musicaii comecW. , j Evervone ehjjoyed .me eritire j program. Lignt refreshments Were served after the program. RAT is RLRATLfr A capacity filled house attended the. iTesentaubh of the Brevard high school senior class play. “Plane Crazy,” a thrk-act cofnedy, at the school auditorium last Fri day night. Judging from the frduent out: ’bursts of laughter and applause on the part of the audience, the play was enthusiastically received and was generally pronounced a success. The ease and naturalness of manner of all members of the cast were said to reflect credit upon the performers and their di rector. the three leading char acters, Charles Cantrell, Jim Kanipe and Jean Hardin were es pecially commended for the por trayal of their respective roles, as were also Melba Siniard, the maid, and Bradley Wyatt, stunt flyer. Other members qf the cast were James Charles,, Taylor Norton, Doris Wilson, Rosemary Dunlap, Nelle Gallamore, Hicks Scruggs and Barbara Bpbst, and nine boys and girls of “the gang ” Mrs. W. E. Turned*, teacher of English, was director. HERE AND THERE At this time of the year all that is in the air is the senior play, the junior-senior, and last but not least, graduation. , Tne junior it'dbi, giauuauoii. , senior — party probably causes more gossip than any of the oth ers. Not only have there been plenty of dates flyir.gr around in thin air, but the practices of the chor ous for the party have really help ed some qf these dates along, Hank Me, asked Dottie W. to go to the party, but she hasn’t said the word, yet. Were all just won dering which way Hie wind will blow! Lorraine R. still has all the hopes in the world, but ihe time is drawing near, and the one she is wailmg lor hasn’t broken down, A new, romance has broken at B. H, S. it has been in the making for some time, and everyone be lieves that there is goih" to be something, to it. this romance includes Bill Siniard. add that blonde siren, Lavorine 0. Betty Jo W.’s licarf-tfrrob. Rol and Mull, is back in town once more. Of course, when lie left, die thought he wasn't coming lack, and she striirig a M other hades. along, anil now the poor girl finds herself in a[ pfedieai nent flash: Mrs. Josey (the forrn r Miss Johnson)' ho\y receives ivo letters £ day from her lihs and, biit she wants three! this is indeed the most mysteri us,place in the world, toil ins'.place in the world. You cant ind but anything you ward (to mow. For Instance, what did Jebrge S. say, to Jeahette Me. ih he hole he wtoie neb ihe SiiiM We ah Hut* A Part to ftoi Waf. Let's back the whb m figiiiwg fat- ail m. HAtilst.il U. tMBi; m at Mt. „uil Mh. Mils ttm, at Mt ■tmm; te tditis m bdsit turns at tm <HHte «rtg«a. lit at lefeil the StfWS (fee hist MmhIm. - m: Mm# % mm few summm w mm Trait Co. dfmited flsvmiief Si 1931 in Mfctdi&Ut Marihe N. t. PONfcER, M., is taking special training in transporgtion and supplies in the merchant Sarine. t Alter completion ol is course in another week, he expects, to be assigned to some ship. lie is now at Sheepshead Ray, Brooklyn, N. ilj and has been in service smee December. He is me son of Mr. and Mrs. N. L. Ponder, of Petirose. day in geometry class? t There have been lots of rumors around here, but it so happens to be unpatriotic tq believe them. Even so Bob K. taking “Rosie” D. to tlie junior-senior does sound ciuite logical, doesn’t it? johnny M. asked Stella G. for LU UC UCgKCU .-LUX, Cl VVlAAiy. don’t you break down Stella, and give the boy a chance. 1VC LI1C a Liiaueu. For some time now Jean y. has been very interested in Hawaii, especially Pearl Harbor. It could not have anything to do with a certain person there, could it? QUESTION O'k THE WEEK: Who is that dashing flirtatious, handsome Romeo Buddy T. taking to the j)titty? Judge: Can’t this case lie set tled out of coutt?” Kelly; “Sure. That’s what we were trying to do, your honor, when the jiollcb interfered.” Agnes: “Hoes this lipstick come ^.nita: “Not it yod fatti tip a tight!” “tjon't yod tihd that a hett haliy brighteds dp d hbhiq?” “I do. We, have the lights bn all! tiight do'w. WHIIMIMtSniBfiViaiHMfllltllMIStMimiMHIIISMttfllHSMaa WARTIME tfMs FOR Brevard ahd Transylvania HOMEMAKERS —fey Aunt Sawyer •0 A Modern Version Jack Spratl can eat no lean, Iiis wife eats only ’round the But both for dried beans are keen, And thus they save their ration points. Meatless tookcry Now that wartime meat, ration ing has actually started, it behoov es every housewife to learn and pass along as many different ways as possible of u^ing meat substi tutes that will be palatable and at the same time have the same or edual nutritive value as meat, Many housewives complain that they do not know how to plan meals without meat. 'Phis, how ever, wil after a li e found so difficult e experience and ex erimentirig. it is well to repiem er that, one meat substitute or >.ish high in protein is sufficient for one meal, and if eggs, milk, chegse (also rationed) op nuts are used in one or more dishes, a spe cial meat substitute will not al ways be required. The heretofore lowly dried bean will hereafter come into its own and be used as a good substitute lot iheat oh meatless days when the meat points have been exhausted for that designated period. Itere’s a good substitute recipe for maca roni arid kidney beans, Mticiitohi Ahd feeans Cook i cup macaroni in £ cups boiling salted water until soft. Drain aha, let lit tie cola water run through it. Prepare a cream tomato sauce by melting 2 table spoons butter or margarine in saucepan, stir in 2 tablespooris flour, pinch salt and three-fourths cup milk, aha cook until mixture thickens, then add brie-fourth cup i tjiis to the —acaroni and eated, turn In vegetable disk an serve. 'two Magnets For Mint A class was studying Teacher ‘‘Robert, how ,m«.v tural magnets are there?” Student: “Two, sir.” Teacher (surprised^: “And will you please name them.” Student: “Blondes ana brunettes, magnetism, many na sir.’ Household Minis To cover chicken with crumbs for frying, shake the pieces of chicken with the crumbs in a pa per bag. To give roast duck, tur key or chicken a glossy, brown look, sprinkle with a pinch of sugar after the usual rubbing with butter or other fat, salt and pep per. Crust, in a tea kettle can be oftened by soaking for a few SOftCucu Mjr puaniug Wf a xc w hours with a half-and-half mixture of cider vinegar and water, then bringing to a boil brush for the si ' the crust by ru Use a bottle 8; and remove ubbing with steel wool, or stiff brush. When making toasted cheese sandwiches ti sprinkling with sweet paprika b fore toasting, or if you like cin namon sprinkled a little of that. Wise Sayings Failiifes reveal the secrets of success. Sincerity i^ best man ners. A right example is the best legacy. Yes, money talks, usually i . nn i H i “hd-byp. Rehd pu I apart Cost Mis Mead Once while campaigning in the home state of his opponent, Wil liam Howard Taft found his speech constantly interrupted by heckling from the gallery. Finally a cab bage landed on the stage and came to rest at his feet. Pausing in his address, Mr. Taft peered at the vegetable intently and then remarked, “Ladies and gentlemen, 1 see, that oiig of my adversaries has lost his head.” NOTICE SALE town of Brevard, Mti&elsr^aiti ScoU. tN tHfe supfekibtt COURT Under and by virtue of judg abov^ entitled cause in the Supe rior Court of Transylvania County, dated the 22nd day of February, 1043, trie undersigned Commis sioner, will, on the 5th day of April, 1943, at twelve o’clock, Noon, at the door of the Transyl vania County Courthouse in Bre vard, Nojrth Carolina, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, subject to the confirmation of the Court, the property here after described, located in Bre vard Township, Transylvania Coun ty, and more particularly describ ed as follows: Being all of those lots describ ed in deed from T. U. Shipman and wife to Mildred Bryant Scott, dated August 1, 1925, and record ed in Book 63, page 227, Records of Beeds for Transylvanid County. This the 5th day of March, 1943. RALHi U. RAMSEY, JR., 3-ll-4t Commissioner NdiifcE tit SA.1E ateis town of BrevarA, vs. f S. Silvers teen and wife, Elizabeth lit. Silversteen. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT Under and by virtue of 4 judg ment made and entered la the above entitled cause in the, Super ior Court, of Transylvania County, dated the 8th day of March, 1943, the undersigned Commis sioner will, on the 19th day of April, 1943, at twelve o’clock, Noon, at the door of the Transyl vania County Courthouse in Brev ard, North Carolina, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, subject to the confirmation of the Court, the property herein after described, located in Brevard Township, Transylvania Countv, and more particularly described as follows: Being all of Lots Nos. 5. 6, 1, 8, 9, 53, 54, 67, 68, 69, 70, 73 and 74 of the Siniard Subdivision, as shown by plat thereof recorded in Book 33, page 115, Records of Deeds for Transylvania County. Ralph h. Ramsey, jr., 3-25-4t Commissioner G>' ■•S MONUMENTS You can make no Ijrtter selection than a stone from Palmer Stone AUfcMAftife, t. I tlie South's largest wholesale and retail monumental factory. | E ' tor oiie ot their beautiful stones, see | L F, BECK | i 32fe tfotaft Street thohe 495 Brevard, N. C. | - Z [aJiiiiiiiininiiiiiiiiiimmiiiMiimiiimiMimiiimiiiiHi* i>iimiumnuiinuiuimuuinunimunniiiminiuuniuinf«| For Reducing! Bating Ayd's vitamin and mineral candy is the sensible way to re duce without losing energy. Ayd’s actually tools your appetite with out your knowing it. When you mape Ayd's a pdrt of your daily food intake, your body seems to craw less food and your body sidrts living off your own fat. Ayd's will help keep you supplied with a fujl necessary supplement or valuable vitamiris A, Bl and D as well as Important minerals. 12 b*. sne $hM ±4 bi. Siii #3.2.1 of. pimk’i bbidkk Sftdiiai _ $1.06 Dfc PVektk’i Fa!Write Battle Cheekeri t8Mptete M Mt.OO < filial tiff it* iHSMM 2 fof Hfe |i .29 Criftafi $i.O# Site iiiid Rdiiisrieii elfetfttslttg Ctetttti W told §ma (MM* Yes, m have an abHHMHfcfe 8#— <<III<1ICM #*«#* to m ilstk ite id irntm tod tffldiii; u M 0m mi Mm awm-si • Scteafts fisH e Pritfed hum Bfeli earn; ftasii wiPhaii III <« $5 tdfflifafciwi Oii Shamp8bLf§6 sag .- 4& if; £aldweji’s Sfi-up bi Pt-psMj GQe $5.28 ms_— Sfe fe Listefifte Afititepiib ........ §& M itef Lavefis Meath Wash . ?§€ )€ ^f«h1 Haif feme .. .. til M Peftma ...• §§e !:§§§§§ Jem ::: : $IW k ipfla Teeth paste ;. 396 lb Listefifle teeth paste ........ 346 ie Befph's Heme .... 996 J§ Wahipele's Pfepafatiee . .• $i M 7§e Nm&ma . . 496 asEaS vim m LrtCge $i*fc $£M Small sfce . . B3c FHKE! gflt Sh« V1MMS Wmm dad Miamte Wkhti mJn¥ fits top me — $£.4$ um faf~ #1.00 fim§ pm EA§fi Mtim m m am & mi RrkhllRRk tti kttktct tiitk ktiktifi fcfe’ grlkcH Mu Hit Mis a oust': Ws ftp tte m pim timamk iwt mi it tips m tffflMs sHutitim ftf ptjw. mt* kmig; ik Hit mm mi a

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