For The Women Society News and Club Activities ALMA TROWBRIDGE, Society Editor — Phones 7 and 189 ► Engagement Of Miss Nancy Blanton To Harold Stallcup Is Announced Popular Director Of Physi cal Education At Bre vard College To Wed Mr. and Mrs. Claud H. Blanton, of Ellenboro, N. C., have an nounced the engagement of their daughter, Nancy Henrietta, to Aviation Cadet Harold K. Stall cup, of Maxwell Field, Alabama. Miss Blanton is director of the physical education and athletic de partments at Brevard College. Mr. Stallcup is the son of Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Stallcup, of Whit tier, N. C., and took air flight training here at the college last year. The wedding will take place in the early fall. FIDELIS CLASS WILL MEET THIS FRIDAY EVENING The April meeting of the Fide lis class of the First Baptist church will be held Friday even ing at 8 o’clock at the home of Mrs. Alvin Rockwood. Mrs. F. M. McCall will be in charge of the program. THERE’S IN THIS MATCHED MAKE-BP ► See how Cara Nome Face Powder, Rouge, and Lipstick give you instant new loveli ness! Choose your own most flattering tints today! CA*A NONE FACE POWDERS S1-®> C A it A NOME ROUGES 75* CAIA NOME UPSTICKS ?5C cm mm A \ WtHME Emismu AT THE RETAIL DBAS )?ORE Macfie DRUG COMPANY Phones 5 & 90 Brevard, N. CL Large Bond Sales By Fortnightly Club It was reported at the regular meeting of the Fortnightly club, held last Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. G. H. Lyday, that an amount of nearly $18,000.00 in war bonds had been bought and sold by club members in the pres ent April bond drive. Mrs. W. M. Melton and Mrs. Lyday are on the club war bond committee, and had much to do with reaching this large quota for the club. Mrs. M. G. Pangle, president, conducted routine business. The report of the program committee was read by the chairman, Mrs. J. S. Nicholson, and was adopted for next year’s program. It will be a miscellaneous program, based on the theme, “Blueprints for To morrow.” Mrs. Melton and Miss Madge Rhyne were voted into full membership, after being sub stitute members the past year The program on the topic, “Af rica and Her Part in the World Conflict,” was conducted by three members, discussing three phases of the subject. Mrs. Pangle told of the geography of Africa and illustrated with displaying a map of the country. Mrs. Goode Loftis told of the war situation and the war leaders, and Mrs. J. S. Nichol son discussed South Africa and its prime minister. Fefreshments served by the hostess concluded the meeting. CONNESTEE NEWS By Jeannette Cison Mrs. Lewis Gravley is on the sick list. Mrs. Charlie Mull and daugh ters, of Brevard, were Sunday visitors at Mrs. Will Hunt. Mr. Glad Whitmire w'as a visi tor at Mr Harrison Cison Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Lambert Baker and chil dren, of Brevard, were week-end guests of her mother, Mrs. War rior Mull. Miss Betty Hogsed of this com munity, was in Brevard, Saturday afternoon visiting Miss Louise Raines. Miss Florida Holden, of Hen dersonville, is visiting friends and relatives in this community. OWEN AND NOT ‘BROWN Under a picture of a Rosman school boy holding a dehydrator, that was used in last week’s pa per, the boy’s name was inadver tently given as “Cecil Brown.” Instead of Brown, the correct name is Cecil Owen. He is one of the many boys and girls ai Rosman who have made inexpen sive dehydrators in the vocational work shop. The War Food Administration has asked, the wheat flour millers to increase their production by 25 per cent this year. Wheat flour is a major source of nutrition. Beginning Thursday, May 6 - we will - CLOSE Each Thursday at 1 P. M. Until Further Notice Wanted: Irish Potatoes at $2.40 Per Bushel Any Amount -ALSO Cattle, Hens and Eggs at Top Market Prices MITCHEM’S SEA FOOD MARKET WARTIME HINTS FOR Brevard and Transylvania HOMEMAKERS —By Aunt Sawyer Enemies, Beware! Hitler and To jo, ’ere comes your last day, You’d better give heed and be ware! War bonds from us are fast com ing your way, In bombs and bullets from the air. Peanut Butter Cookies In case you should remember that we told you last week we’d give you a good recipe for peanut butter cookies in the column this week, here it is the first thing: Sift 1 cup flour with one and one half teaspoons baking powder and half teaspoon salt. Mix well to gether one-fourth cup shortening, one-half cup peanut butter and one-half cup sugar. Add 2 eggs well beaten, and to this mixture add the sifted dry ingredients al ternately with one-third cup milk. Drop from tip of teaspoon onto cookie pan and bake in hot oven about 10 minutes. Did You Know That? Did you know—That in the Egyptian desert an appreciable rain fall occurs only once every few years? That on any one day more than 2,000 allied merchant vessels are at sea with war car goes? That gliders are able to land in fields too small for power ships? That the name Casablanca means “White House” in Africa? That many luxury air liners have been stripped and converted into planes? That early attempts by Europeans to settle on the Solo mon Islands were balked by can nibalism of the natives? (Puzzle, what’s become of the cannibals?) That the thumbs-up sign of the British and many other of the al lies long has been used by Ameri can airmen to signify “every thing’s ready” or “okay.” Household Hints In the event you dislike the odor of cigarette smoke, you might try placing a few saucers of ammonia in the room. Bread crumbs, dry or buttered, keep sweet and fresh for weeks on the pantry shelf, if stored in tightly-covered waxed paper containers. You can save cake crumbs, too. to be used later in various fruit flavored puddings.' Try allspice as a seasoner when you can’t get other spices. Wise Sayings The best doctors in the world are Dr. Diet, Dr. Quiet and Dr. Merryman-Jonthan Swift. I hope I shall always possess firmness and virtue enough to maintain— what I consider the most enviable of all titles—the character of An Honest Man — George Washing ton. To put in the hands of all people the means of a freer, broader and more healthful life. I don’t know of a better purpose in life than that for anyone— Henry Ford. The best thing about obstacles is that they make us prove ourselves to ourselves. Some of life’s keenest satisfaction comes from doing things we thought we couldn’t do—Henry Ford. She Needs To Learn Butcher — “Do you want a roundsteak, Madame? Mrs. Newlywed — “Well, the shape doesn’t matter, so long as it’s tender. Wednesday Club Hears Book Review Reviews of two popular books of fiction were given at the regu lar meeting of the Wednesday club last Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. E. J Coitrane, with Miss Lucile Smith as host ess. Mrs. Lehman Kapp, program leader, reviewed “The Human Comedy,” by William Saroyan, and “The Robe,” by Lloyd Doug las, and read excerpts from both books. Preceding the program, busi ness transactions were conducted by the president, Mrs. R. W. Ever ett. Mrs. S. A. Bullock reported that $4,102.25 worth of war bonds had been bought by the club in the war bond drive. It was voted to pay $5.00 on the Sallie Southall Cotten Loan fund, and to co-op erate with the other clubs in en tertaining the district president here. The meeting opened with the pledge and oath of allegiance led by Mrs. A. H. Kizer. Following the serving of re freshments, the club adjourned to meet on the afternoon of May 5 at the home of Mrs. J. M. Allison. Sixteen members were present and one guest, Miss Annie Smith, of Columbus, Ga, who was here visiting her sister, Miss Lucile Smith. Kitchen Charmer Pretty printed chintz. By VERA WINSTON THE LITTLE number that is right for whipping up supper in the kitchen and yet smart enough in which to appear before guests is a very important member of the wardrobe just now. Here is one such brunch frock fashioned of gay printed chintz with blue and green flowers on a pink ground. It has a classic collar and revers and buttons to the waistline in front. Self ruffling outlines the square yoke and con tinues down either side and winds up around the pockets. A sash ties in back. Mathatasians Have Program On Pern An interesting and informative program on Peru was heard at the regular meeting of the Matha tasian club, which was held at the home of Mrs. J. B. Jones last Thursday afternoon. Mrs. J. M. Gaines, program leader, told of facts concerning the country of Peru, its civilization be fore being taken over by the Spaniards, about the native peo ple, their customs and the coun try's resources and about the fifth columnist activities of the Japs, Germans and Italians in Peru. In the absence of the president, Mrs Harry Sellers, routine busi ness was conducted by Mrs. Jones. The club voted to contribute one dollar for the honor roll board on the court house lawn. Following refreshments served by the hostess, the club adjourned to meet this Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Oliver Orr. Catholic Ladies Sodality Meets The regular meeting of the Catholic Ladies Sodality was held on Friday at the home of Mrs. James Brennan. After discussion of routine bus iness, highlight of the meeting was an interesting talk by Rev. Father Hyland. Delicious refreshments were served to the following: Mrs;. Peter Leyh. Mrs. Fritz Brauer, Mrs. Ida Neuberger, Mrs. Charles Seiber, Mrs. Lorenzo Faucher, Mrs. E. E. Fraser, Miss Emmi Neuberger, Mrs. Robert Kappers and the hostess, Mrs. Brennan. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Fritz Brauer, Park View Drive, on May 21. CIVIC CLUB TO WORK IN SURGICAL ROOM MONDAY AFTER BUSINESS MEETING Following a brief business ses sion of the Women’s Civic club next Monday afternoon at 2 o’clock in the ladies’ parlor of the Methodist church, the club will do away with the program for this meeting, and, instead, will go to the Red Cross surgical dressing work room in the city hall to work there for the remainder of the afternoon. Those who are unable to attend the business meeting, are requested to meet with the members at 2:30 in the work room to help with the bandage making. When your docior asks where you prefer to have your prescription filled, say: VARNER’3, because Filled only by registered pharma cist; as written and at reasonable prices. (Advt.) i2-18-tfc Engagement Is Announced Here Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Arrowood, of Brevard and Greenville, S. C., have announced the engagement of their daughter, Miss Rachel Marie, to Pvt. Jerry DeWitt Mann, son of Mr. and Mrs. John W. Mann, of Brevard. Private Mann is in the medical corps of the U. S. army, stationed in Colorado. The wedding will take place in the early summer. Announce February Marriage In Georgia Mr.\ and Mrs. Jason McCall, of Balsam Grove, have announced the marriage of their daughter, Miss Violet McCall, to John D. Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Smith, of Lakemont, Georgia. The wedding took place on Feb ruary 13 in Clayton, Georgia. The bride wore a navy suit with white accessories. She was a grad uate of Rosman high school in the class of 1940, and is now em ployed at Ecusta. Mr. Smith was formerly em ployed at Fontana Dam. He is now in the armed services, sta tioned at San Diego, California. CARD OF THANKS I wish to express, through the columns of the TIMES, my sin cere thanks to all my friends who so kindly aided me during the sickness and at the death of my husband, Clarence Whitmire. OPAL D. WHITMIRE. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF STATE PRELIMINARY CERTIFICATE OF DISSOLUTION i To All to Whom These Presents May Come—Greeting: Whereas, It appears to my sat isfaction, by duly authenticated record of the proceedings for the voluntary dissolution thereof by the unanimous consent of all the stockholders, deposited in my office, that the Henderson ville Leader, Incorporated, a cor poration of this State, whose prin cipal office is situated at Main Street, in the City of Henderson ville, County of Henderson, State of North Carolina (A. Patterson being the agent therein and in charge thereof, upon whom pro cess may be served,) has complied with the requirements of Chapter 22, Consolidated Statutes, entitled “Corporations,” preliminary to the issuing of this Certificate of Dissolution: Now Therefore, I, Thad Eure, Secretary of State of the State of No r t h Carolina, do hereby certify that the said cor poration did, on the 24th day of April, 1943, file in my office a duly executed and attested con sent in writing to the dissolution of said corporation, executed by all the stockholders thereof, which said consent and the record of the proceedings aforesaid are now on file in my said office as provided by law. In Testimony Whereof, I have hereto set my hand and affixed my official seal at Raleigh, this 24th day of April, A. D. 1943. THAD EURE. Secretary of State. 4-27-4tc. CLEMSON THEATRE_ FRIDAY & SATURDAY ROY AT THE REINS OF ADVENTURE HEADIN’ TOWARD YOU IN HIS GREATEST ACTION HIT! ROY ROGERS ■ KING °:, COWBOYS GEORGE HAYES RIDIN’ DOWN THE CANYON with BOB NOLAN and' ' the. SONS oi ^PIONEERS ' BEE . Buzz , • KTNRY • LINDA HAYES AD pi SDN RJCHAfi OS EBsuni — Last Installment — “Secret Code” - Beginning - “Valley of Vanishing Men” TODAY & FRIDAY "fft //a /9GREAT A SCRWN STARS,» AN UNFORGETTABLE DRAMA...\ ilifeJ c/usc/ d ’rittm by tomirectorP l FAME^yjTHORS Distributed' by RKO RADIO-Pictures, Inc. Also Latest News From the War Front SATURDAY Richard Dix Jane Wyatt — IN — BUCKSKIN FRONTIER — Also — Looney Tune and Chapter No. 7 JR. G-Men of the Air SUNDAY & MONDAY im's hew LAUGH HIT! i Andy's last fling before college... | and do the girls give him a les son in love! All the Hardy s are back with head aches, howls! Andy's new girl friend is Esther Williams, gorgeous swimming champ! - Also - SPORT LIGHT LATEST NEWS TUESDAY - DOUBLE FEATURE Feature No. 1 A REPUBLIC PICTURE1 JOHN ARCHER MARY McLEOD Feature No. 2 HAL ROACH presents AMERICA— forward TO FUNl WILLIAM TRACY* joe SAWYER FALi IIW i Iven ^L,m\ feint *Everysong rings the gong! fry roar Sjormtrti Join adorable Jinx in melod ious hi-jinks! WEDNESDAY with l FAIKMBMg. TOM NEAL CONSTANCE WORTH A COLUMBIA PICTURE Comedy and Musical