Pisgah Forest —COMMUNITY HAPPENINGS— (By Mrs. C. F. Allison) B. T. U. ORGANIZED A good representation was pres ent at the Baptist church last Sunday evening when Rev. J. A. Anderson organized a Baptist Training Union. Much interest was shown in the work ably discussed by Mr. Anderson and the follow ing officers and leaders were elected: director, Valry Carter; secretary and treasurer, Mar gueriete McCann; choirster, Mrs. W. C. Morris; pianist, Lois Sentell; story hour, Mrs. C. L. Corn; Junior, Foy Holden; intermediate, Mrs. Charlie Roller; young people, W. C. Morris; adult, Mrs. Foy Holden. The meeting will be held each Sunday evening at 7 p. m. at the church, and a cordial invitation is extended to all to take part in this work. BIBLE SCHOOL UNDERWAY A two-week daily vacation Bible school is underway at the Bap-, tist church with a trained worker, Miss Stewart in charge. Classes begin each afternoon at 2 o’clock and every child in the community is urged to attend. W. M. S. TO MEET The May meeting of the Wo men’s Missionary Society of the Baptist church will be held on this Thursday evening at 8:00 o’clock at the home of Mrs. J. P. Cheek. PERSONAL MENTION Pvt. Edwin Cheek, of the U. S. Marines stationed at the Great Lakes Naval Training Station, Great Lakes, 111., spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Cheek. Julian Allison, of Henderson ville, on Saturday visited his brother, Jim Allison, who has been critically ill, but is some what improved at this writing. Guests on Saturday of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Nicholson were Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Morris and fami ly, of Norton, N. C. Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Jones were their sons, Rus sell and family, of Candler. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Johnson and daughter, Mildred, of Savannah, Ga., spent last week with the for mer’s mother, Mrs. Ella Johnson. Mildred remained for a two weeks visit with her grandmother. Mr. and Mrs. Roger Canslerand baby, of Key West, Florida, are now making their home with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Cansler, while Roger is em ployed at Ecusta. Roger, who has been a member of the U. S. army for ten years where he has made a splendid record, has been dis charged from the army due to a minor heart ailment. Mrs. George Barton and daugh ter spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Bur gin, at Greer, South Carolina. Miss Ruth Sentell has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Laxton Cantrell near Hendersonville. Mrs. Glenn Smith and two chil dren left on Wednesday to join Mr. Smith at Alcoa, Tenn., where he is employed. Mrs. Paul Sitton is undergoing treatment in Aston Park hospital, Ashevill*, where she is seriously ill. BLANTYRE NEWS By Mrs. Ada Reed Mr. and Mrs. Tom Couch visit ed the latter’s aunt, Mrs. J. T. Justus, one day last week. Mrs. C. Rogers, of Penrose, visited Mrs. John Reed and Mrs J. T. Justus last Sunday,, Mr. and Mrs. William and son, Burrel and Mr. and Mrs. Wade Webb, of North Brevard, were visitors in the community last week. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Gray and daughter, Louise and little David Kilpatrick visited Mr. and Mrs. John Reid and family Sunday. Mr. J. T. Justus visited his sis ter, Mrs. Richard Hamilton, of Pleasant Grove, Sunday after noon. Mrs. John Reed and grandson, H. L. Setzer. Jr., returned to her home here last week after spend ing two weeks in Charleston, S. C„ with her sons, Raymond and Ralph Reed and their families. Farmers here are very busy planting their crops. TRY TIMES WANT ADS Weekend Specials At Mull’s Grocery I invite you to come and see quality and price. 24 lbs. Flour, guaranteed satisfaction_$1.15 4 lbs. Pure Lard_ 73c 5 lbs. Dixie Crystal Sugar _ 30c Pilot Nob Coffee, lb._ 27c Green Beans, fresh from field, 3 lbs._ 30c Squash, fresh from field, 3 lbs. __ 27c Turnip Salad or Rape, fresh from field, 3 lbs. _ 25c Fresh Tomatoes, lb._ 20c Fresh Pork Chops, lb._ 35c Mull’s Grocery & Market Grade A “Low Prices—High Quality-—Speedy Delivery” We Deliver Phone 201 Purity Products Company has plenty of coal! ★ Skill ★ Knowledge ★ Reliability ★ Accuracy One does not detect their presence of course, but these things are a vital part of every properly filled prescription. They are included in the equipment of every fully qualified druggist. We have filled th-ousands of prescriptions for people in this area and have at all times used only the purest drugs and adhered scrupulously to doctor's direc tions. You can bring your prescriptions to us with assurance that they will be filled exactly as written. * Varner’s Drug Store Walgreen Agency Cpl. Herman R&hn Is Italian Prisoner Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Hahn have just received a telegram from the War department stating that their son, Cpl. Herman Hahn, is a pris oner of the Italians. Recently his parents were advised that he was ; missing in action and the tele gram yesterday brought good news to them and their friends. No other details were given in the wire. AT THE HOSPITAL Patients reported yesterday af ternoon to be in Transylvania Community hospital were: Mrs. Joyce Stevens and infant son, Robert Houston, born April 25; Mrs. C. B. Orr and infant son, James Dwight, born April 30; Mrs. W. W. Cauble and infant son, James DeBord, born April 30; and Houston Pressley. MAKING SURVEY OF FARM LABOR NEED IN COUNTY More Worker* Needed To Thin Corn, Put Up Hay And Harvest Crops The Transylvania county farm labor committee is now making a complete survey to determine how much additional labor will be need ed to cultivate and harvest the crops in the county, Julian Glaze ner announces. The survey will show conditions in every neighborhood in the coun ty. According to present observa tions, extra labor will be needed for thinning corn, putting up hay, t' WANT ADSl 4. RATE: MINIMUM 25c ONE INSERTION NOT MORE THAN 25 WORDS. ADDITIONAL WORDS lc WORD For Sale FOR SALE—386 acres near Pen rose, 40 acres bottom land, i around 40 acres rolling pasture [ land, balance good timber. Nice streams and falls. A real bargain. R. L. Briggs & Co., P. 0. Box 1213, Hendersonville, S. C., phone 455-R. 4-29-4p. FOR SALE — A few fryers, dress- j ed and delivered on Fridays, if orders given by Wednesday, 40c pound. Mrs. Rustin, Penrose Cottage, Penrose, N. C. 5-6-lc ~_____ FOR SALE — 2-horse disc har row. See Joe Poole, 217 Maple street. 5-6-lp FOR SALE—$100 worth of paint spray equipment. Will sacrifice for $60.00. Can be seen fifth house from Orr’s store, Little Mountain, George Newman. 5-6-itp FOR SALE — Tomato plants, Marglobe, Earliannas and other varieties; Puerto Rico sweet po tato plants; pepper plants, sweet and strong. Joe Grooms, Country Club road. 5-6-lp FOR SALE OR RENT—The Har ris house on Country Club road. O. H. Orr, Phone 450. 5-6-lp FOR SALE — College Education for your boy or girl, guaranteed payments whether you live, die, stay well and able to work or be come permanently disabled. C. M. Douglas, Transylvania repre sentative. Phone 99 R-2 or 321. 5-6-ltc FOR SALE — Two 4-room houses, with 2 acres land each, near town; also 20-acre tract land near Rosman. O. H. Orr, Phone 450. 5-6-ltp FOR SALE — Electric cream separator, 3-horse power motor and wood saw; bee hives (new), tables, electric toaster, double roaster, bunk bed, small iron bed, meat grinder, milk cans, floor lamp, and other articles; also garden hose, hot water jacket, milk bottles, 50-chick electric brooder. Mrs. C. F. Baldwin, Blantyre, N. C., Brevard route 2. 5-6-ltc FOR SALE — Six-week-old Po land China pigs, $10.00 each. Richard Sewell, Jeter Mtn., Pen rose, N. C. 5-6-ltc FOR SALE — Choice fryers, also limited supply Rawleigh’s Rote none insect dust. L. A. Farrior, Clayton Neill home, Greenville highway. 5-6-2tp FOR SALE — Steel files, indexed, 3x5. The Times office. FOR SALE — Adding Machine Paper and Typewriter Ribbons at The Times Office. Miscellaneous FREE! If Excess acid causes you pains of Stomach Ulcers, Indiges tion, Heartburn, Belching, Bloat I ing, Nausea, Gas Pains, get free sample, Udga, at Varner’s Drug Store. 3-ll-15p For Rent FOR RENT — Apartment, also 7-room house, furnished or un furnished. M. M. Feaster, Phone 131. 4-22-tfc FOR RENT—Howard Whitmire house, 5-room brick house with bath, electric kitchen and garage. See J. N. Whitmire, Rosman Road, near Brevard. 4-29-4p. FOR RENT — 6-room house, un furnished, close in. See T. E. Reid at Houston Furniture store, or call Phone 179. 5-6-ltp FOR RENT — 3-room apartment, private entrance and bath. Lo cated behind postoffice building, 112 Gaston street. 5-6-lp FOR RENT — 4-room furnished apartment. Inquire Mrs. L. K. Ratchford, 201 Maple Avenue, Phone 83. 5-6-ltc \ For Rent FOR RENT — To reliable party, garden plot on shares; also for sale fat laying hens. Mrs. W. L. Owen, Brevard, on Rosman road. 5-6-1p FOR RENT — Unfurnished apart ment, 3 rooms, private bath and private entrance. Inquire Mrs. Glenn Lookabill, 324 S. Cald well. 5-6-ltp FOR RENT—Two 4-room houses; two 3-room houses, good garden plots, within walking distance Ecusta, reasonable; also for sale white rabbits, valuable for food and fur. Mrs. J. H. Wolfe, Bre vard, Route 2. 5-6-ltp FOR RENT — 3-room apartment, unfurnished, wired for electric stove, private bath and entrance; also furnished 2-room apartment. See Mrs. Fred Grogan, Hinton Lodge, King street, Phone 391. 5-6-ltp FOR RENT — 5-room house on Brevard-Hendersonville h i g h way. Shower, hot and cold water, garden space. Inquire at Penrose post office. 5-6-ltc FOR RENT — One 8-room house, water and lights, near Ecusta; one 4-room apartment, near Ecus ta; one 4-room country house; one suburban 3-room house; some electrically equipped furnished apartments. O. H. Orr, phone 450. 5-6-ltp Wanted WANTED—We want to buy good used Furniture and Pianos. Bring yours to us or phone us and we’ll come look at it. Houston Furniture Co., Brevard, C. 1-7-tfc WANTED — To buy Hewn or Sawn Oak and Pine Crosslies. Will pay cash for them when de livered to our yard in Brevard at the depot. Will be on the yard on Thursday of each week to take them up. Will take ties in carload lots anywhere on R. R. line.—D. B. Frampton and Co., P. T. Kell, Inspector. 4-15-4tp WANTED—White couple for gen eral work on my place at Cedar Mountain, house and salary. Ad dress 1902 Augusta Road, Green ville, S. C. 4-29-4p. WATCHMAKER WANTED—Need at once experienced watchmaker for permanent position. Must own I tools. Top salary and ideal work ing conditions. Auuly to Hamil ton’s Jewelers, 18 S. Main street, Greenville, S. C. 5-6-lc WANTED — To protect you, your car, the other person and his car in case of accident. Up to $10,000 insurance at very nomi nal cost. C. M. Douglas, phone 99-R2 or 321. 5-6tc GOOD ROUTE AVAILABLE of 800 Rawleigh consumers. No ex perience needed to start. Large sales mean big profits. Perma nent. Full time. Write Rawleigh’s, Dept. NCE-24-104, Richmond, Va. 5-6-lp WANTED — Baby stroller. In quire Mrs. R .A. Poe, 10 Oak lawn. 5-6-lp WANTED — 2 or 3 burner oil stove. Mrs. R. A. Payne, Johns ton street. 5-6-lp Lost LOST — Black Poland-China pig, white face and feet, ring in nose, 7-weeks old. Notify Alf Zachary, Selica section, R-l Brevard 5-6-ltp Found FOUND—Two male hounds have strayed to my house on Elm Bend road, near Joe McCrary’s home. Owner may have same from Aston Heath by paying him 25c for this advertisement. 5-6-lp picking beans and harvesting po tatoes. Plans provide for the use of high school students to do some of this work. To harvest beans and potatoes, however, the county may need some outside of the county labor. Tentative plans provide for the establishment of two labor camps in Henderson county and it is ex pected that this county will draw from the proposed camp at Mills River. The abandoned state prison camp in this county may also be used to house some of the labor. A district meeting to determine the labor needs was held at Way nesville yesterday. Woodmen To Stage Amateur Program An amateur program will be given at the W. O. W. hall here Thursday night, May 13, at 8 o’ clock. Prizes will be given to the best performers and all amateurs who have any special program are in vited to participate in the contest, Paul Pipkin announces. This will be an open meeting for Woodmen and their families, members of the Woodmen circle and friends of those taking part on the program. SAY YOU SAW IT IN THE TIMES Scott Will Close Grocery Store Here C. B. Scott announced yester day that he would close the market in his grocery store here Satur day night, but said the place would remain open for another week. He will close after next week and dispose of the residue of the stock in lots or as a whole, if pos sible. Mr. Scott is entering thdl army in June and said he coukT not obtain competent help toj continue the business, which he] has operated successfully for si number of years. TRY TIMES WANT ADS Ideal For Infant Feeding WHITE HOUSE EVAPORATED MILK 3 - 27‘ Not connected with any other company using similar name or brand. Suds K 9c X: Davis Baking Powder .... % Sho Sheen Cake Flour . pkg Palmolive Soap .... 3 Bar* IS Pkg. Octagon Laundry Soap _ 2 Bars Octagon Soap Powder .. 4 pS Suds Octagon Cleanser 2 p*®» Octagon Soap Chips . Octagon Granulated Soap. Soap .... 3 Ivory .... 2 Raleigh Cigarettes, Giant Pkg. Pkg. Pkg. Med. Lge. Bar Ctn. 13c 24c 19c 23c 9c 18c 63c 9c 9c 9c 17c 19c 1.25 Niblets Bran—12-Oz. Can—12 Blue Points CORN Iona—24-Oz. Can—8 Blue Points Tomato Juice . . 15 Red Points Per 3 Lb. Glass Snowdrift . . . Plain Flour Pillsbury . . . Campbell’s—10%-Oz. Can—3 Blue Points Tomato Soup . . 2 ££ 25c 11c SL 67c 76c io%-oz. r\ _ Cap Jane Parker Mother's Cake cer Day X a Each Enriched—Dated—Sliced Marvel Bread Lge. Clapp’s—Gerber’s—Heinz STRAINED FOODS 4^4-Oz. Can—1 Blue Point 3 Cans 20C Clapp’s 6V2 oz. 2 Blue Pts Chop’d Foods 9V2C Heinz 6V2 oz. 2 Blue Pts Junior Foods 91/s>c Clapp's or Gerber’s Dry Oatmeal Pkg 15c Ann Page Mello Wheat 28-oz. 15c Ann Page Peanut Butter. f 31c Point Free—Dried Blackeye Peas . 10c Armour’s—12-Oz. Can—5 Red Points Treet. 35c Aged American—8 Red Points Per Lb. Cheese.^ 37c P. I.—47-Oz. Can—4 Blue Points GRAPEFRUIT JUICE ....4,<£r 28c Coupon No. 23 Vigorous & Wiaej BOKAR Coffee 2 at 51c Rich & Full Bodied RED CIRCLE 2 SS 47c William’s FRESH EGGS 1-Doz. Ctn. A.tui Page Salad DRESSING “ 12c Fruits & Vegetables ASPARAGUS bunch_35c STRING BEANS _ 9*c NEW CABBAGE ib_ 9c CARROTS 7c FLORIDA GRAPEFRUIT 64, & 7o, 6c MUSTARD or TURNIP GREENS ib. _ 10c LEMONS 360 size, doz. 28c FLORIDA ORANGES 2oos, 2i6s, doz.29*c CALIFORNIA PEAS is. .124c NEW RED BLISS POTATOES 4 ib, ... 26c PEPPERS YELLOW SQUASH 4 lbs. lb. __ lb. 17*c 6*c In Our Market NICE LEAN 9 Red Pts. PORK CHOPS .. 39c VEAL 9 Red Pts. CUTLETS ,b_59c PURE * 6 Red Pts. PORK SAUSAGE 29c FEATHER DRESSED HENS AND FRYERS NICE ASSORTMENT OF LUNCH MEATS