Pisgah Forest —COMMUNITY HAPPENINGS— (By Mrs. C. F. Allison) BIBLE SCHOOL TO CLOSE A very successful two weeks daily Vacation Bible school will come to a close on Friday after noon at the Baptist church. Miss Evelyn Stewart, of Windsor, N. C., a trained worker sent out by the Baptist board, has been in charge of the school, with the following leaders cooperating with her in making this a valuable two weeks of Bible training. Principal, Mrs. C. L. Corn; beginners, Mrs. J. A. Avery, Marguerite McCann; primary, Eugenia Holden, Mrs. Frisco Sentelle; junior boys, Mrs. Belle Corn, Mrs. J. A. Anderson; junior girls, Mrs. C. L. Allison, Mrs. Roy Rackley, Mrs. A. L. Mor gan; intermediates, Mrs. Foy Hol den, Miss Evelyn Stewart. There has been an enrollment of 93 in the school and the public is cordially invited to attend the closing exercises at the church on Sunday night at 8 o’clock. SCOUT TROOP ORGANIZED Rev. E. A. Johnson, of Brevard, met with a group of ten scout-age boys at the Davidson River Pres byterian church last Tuesday eve ning and organized a scout troop. Much interest was shown by the group in becoming a part of this fine organization and weekly meet ings will be held at the church on Wednesday evenings at 7:30 with A. H. Montville, of Brevard, to be scout leader. All young boys between the ages of 12 to 16 are urged to join this new troop. W. M. S. MEETING Mrs. J. P. Cheek was hostess on Thursday evening to the May meeting of the Woman’s Mission ary Society of the Baptist church. For Smartness Choose... j 'yafijoCtfey ofl o&ytctcm, j j Basis of the beauty sponsored by this famous house... lovely English Lavender Soap, 254 a tablet Box of 3... *1J30 English Com plexion Cream to bring fts smooth, ' j fresh namesake to your face. ! And a choice of powders, English Lavender, for nor- ! mal skins, English j Complexion Paw- ! der, for dry skins. 1 Seven tints. j Each H I (Yew 11 need Cleansing Cream and Nlaiif Cream, too, If yoo’ne | dry skinned. I Each ff I Macfie’s Dr"« f*** Phones 5 & 90 Brevard, N. C. Mrs. J. A. Anderson, president, was in charge of the meeting and in the absence of program leader, Mrs. Paul Sitton, the topic “Chris tian Witness through Learning,” and a prayer service were con ducted by Mrs. Fred McCanu. The meeting closed with a social hour enjoyed by the seven members present. CLUB MEETING IS HELD The regular meeting of the home demonstration club was held on Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Lance Carter with ten members present. The demonstra tion, “Milk for Better Meals.” was interestingly presented by Miss Annabel Teague, who gave varied information about milk, and de monstrated the making of cottage cheese which was both interesting and delicious. Plans were made for the home nursing classes, which were organized at the school house on Wednesday eve ning and of which class every club member was urged to join. BOYS PROMOTED Two of the local boys in the U. S. army have been promoted to privates first class. D. S. Orr, son of Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Orr, recently received his promotion at Fort Benning, Ga., after receiving his diploma in the Army Air Corps Technical school. Since his promotion, D. S. has. left Georgia and as yet his destination has not been revealed. Ralph Allison, who is in the infantry at Camp Howze, Texas, received his promotion last week and was also awarded expert on the rifle range. He is the son of Mrs. Charles B. Allison and has been in the army since February. PERSONAL MENTION Sunday guests of Mrs. Junior Hensley and son at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Cody included the former’s father and mother in-law, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Hens ley and family, of Bee Log. Harry and Joyce Sentelle, of the U. S. Navy, who have been taking several months radio train ing New York, arrived here on Saturday to spend five days be fore reporting at Washington, D. C., for a month’s training. Their wives, who have been with them in New York, also returned here where they will make their home for the duration. Joe Curto and son, Henry, left on Saturday for Baltimore, Md,, to visit Edward Curto and family and seek employment for Henry. Miss Delphine Galloway, o f Chilhowie, Va., returned on Mon day after spending the week end here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Galloway. Private Claud Stepp, of the U. S. Army, lndiantown Gap, Penn., returned on Wednesday after a furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Stepp. Week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Cheek were Curtis Cor bin and two sons, of Easley, S. C. Mrs. Paul Sitton returned to her home on Thursday from Aston Park hospital, and is now doing fine. Mr. and Mrs. McGee and son Center Cut PORK CHOPS Pound— 37c Lamb SHOULDER Pound— 31c Round STEAK Pound— 39c Farewell To A Competitor It was with regret that we learned that C. B. Scott | will this week close his grocery store in order to | enter the army. We' have known Mr. Scott for a number of years and esteem him for his integrity f and honest dealings. It is our sincere hope that he | will have d useful career in the army and that when 1 the war is over he will return to Brevard and again | engage in business. J. B. King, who was connected \ with Scott’s Grocery, is now in charge of our market. Pork NECK BONES 2 Pounds— 35c Chuck ROAST Pound— 37c Mitchem’s Seafood Market Now In Training WILLIAM BENTLEY, 18, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Bentley, of Brevard Route 1, enlisted February 16th at Raleigh. Re ceived initial training at Bain bridge, Md., and went from there to Little Creek, Va., where he is taking armed guard train ing to qualify to serve on a merchant ship. Sumptuous Birthday Dinner Is Served (T. C. Henderson) Quebec Correspondent Mrs. Mamie Reid and her daugh ter, Doris, were week-end visitors with the f6rmer’s son and daugh ter, Bruce Reid of Kannapolis and Mrs. Bernice Burton of Concord. Mrs. Lula Owen celebrated her birthday last Sunday. With her from Tryon to enjoy the .occasion and the sumptuous birthday din ner were Mr. and Mrs. Albert Sawyer, Mrs. Earl Porter, Mr. and Mrs Fred Porter, Mrs. J. C. Cole bright and Mrs. Junior Gauslin. Mrs. Virgie Fisher spent Thurs-| day night of last week in Brevard with Mrs. Beatrice Galloway and Mrs. Galloway returned the visit by spending the week-end with Mrs. Fisher. Mrs. Nell McCoy and children spent Saturday night at Rosman with the former’s sister, Mrs. Dru cilla Smith. Eugene King took his son, Eu gene, Jr., to an eye specialist in Charlotte on Wednesday of last week, returning home on Thurs day. Mrs. J. K. Henderson, who has for years been teaching in Scot land Neck, came to Transylvania last week and is to spend the sum mer at her summer home here. Wavmon Thomas, Hillie Fisher, Watha Fisher, Mrs. Paul Fisher and Misses Nellie and Ruth Thom as made a business trip to Ashe ville last Saturday. Visiting Mrs. Mary Ann Miller on Mother’s day were Mrs. Leila Lee and Mrs. Elbert Whitmire of Brevard, Mrs. T. T. Miller of Lake Toxaway, Mrs. Lyle McCoy of Highlands, Mrs. R. T. Fisher, Mrs. Lesa Loving, Mrs. Opal Whitmire and children and Miss Mary Jane Dodgin, Mrs. L. E. Reece, who spent the winter in Brevard with her daugh ter, Mrs. Dora McCrary, has re turned to her home here where she is to spend the summer and make a Victory Garden. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Whitmire and son of Cherryfield and Mr. and Mrs. Claude Owen were vis itors of Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Owen on Mother’s day. Mr. and Mrs. James Henderson and children and Oscar Henderson were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. K. K. Miller of Lake Tox away last Sunday. Rev. Clyde S. McCall preached a Mother’s day sermon at Oak Grove Baptist church last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Anderson Smith spent Mother’s day with Mrs. Mc Gee’s mother, Mrs. Lance at Rock Brook. Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ossie Sentelle were: Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mackey and sons, of Swan nanoa and Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Grey and sons, of Etowah. Jim Allison, who has been ill for several weeks, remains in a serious condition at this writing. Mr. and Mrs. U. G. Corn, of Etowah, spent Mother’s day with the former’s mother, Mrs. Nellie Com. Mr. and Mrs. Claud Ray and family spent Sunday in the Little River section with the former’s sister, Mrs. Ed Smith and family and during the day visited their mother’s grave at Holly Springs. Pvt. Charles McCall, of the U. S. Army, stationed in Penn., vis ited his aunt, Mrs. D. H. Orr, while spending Friday and Saturday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jud McCall, in the Little Mountain section. Jake Parris spent the week end with his brother, Frank Parris and family, at Bent Creek. Mrs. R. Young, of Asheville, who attended the graduation of her step-daughter at Brevard Col lege on Friday was a welcome vis itor at the Baptist Sunday school on Sunday. Mrs. Young will be remembered here as the former Miss Rheba Tipton, and while here was a guest in the home of Mrs. W. C. Morris. NEW STORE HAS A FINE OPENING Cash & Carry Stor^ Did Ex ceptionally Large Busi ness Last Week End Curtis Kelley, owner, yesterday expressed himself as highly grati fied with the volume of business done last week-end, when the new Cash and Carry store opened for business here in the building on East Main street. ‘We had a good, steady business both days,” Mr. Kelley asserted. “We noted people from all parts of Transylvania county as well as Henderson and other areas in this trading territory. I had in mind a certain figure which I hoped we would reach during the two open ing days and we far exceeded that sum. Naturally, I am highly grati fied at the auspicious start we have made.” Continuing, Mr. Kelley said: “From long experience I know that advertising judiciously handled pays and the success of our open ing vindicates this belief. Our ad vertising was confined wholly to The Times and to its power as an advertising medium I ascribe much of the success of our opening. I plan to use space in the paper regularly.” BREVARD GIRL HONORED Twelve students have been in vited to join the Delta Pi chapter of the Phi Theta Kappa at Brevard College, President Coltrane an nounced today. Among the charter members is Miss Frankie Moore, of Brevard. The student merits for member ship were based upon good moral character and they must be within the scholastic upper ten per cent of the student body. of Rosman were visitors of Mr. and Mrs. John Robinson last Sun day. Brevard’s Country Club OPENS SATURDAY May 15th PLAY GOLF AND TENNIS BE SORE TO ATTEND SQUARE DANCE Saturday Night MUSIC BY PATTERSON’S BAND BRING YOUR FRIENDS Square Dance Every Saturday Night. JOIN... Brevard Country Club AND BE A BOOSTER OF BREVARD & TRANSYLVANIA COUNTY! ENJOY.... GOLF The ten hole course is in the best condition ever and will be open the year I round. Members I have access to the course at all times without charge. TENNIS Our two tennis courts are in fine condition and you will en i joy playing on them. Open t o all members) without any cost. Tennis is excellent exer cise. JOIN TODAY MEMBERSHIPS COST ONLY— $12.00 (plus tax) Single, $18.00 (plus tax) Family (A 50c Green Fee per day is charged all non-members) CONTACT E. E. Fraser at the Country Club Or Alex Kizer at the City HalL BE PATRIOTIC Save Tires . . . .Save Gas .... PLAY GOLF AT HOME On The Brevard Country Club Course You are cordially invited to join the Club now .... today .... • ..ill BECOME A MEMBER AND ENJOY THE PRIVILEGES OF THE COUNTRY CLUB