COMMITTEE IS -FROM PAGE ONE ture growth .of the town and coun ty, it was stated. Named on the committee are Mr. Fisher, Mr. Shiflet and Mr. Gaines. President C. M. Douglas called attention to the fact that member ship dues are now due and pay able and the secretary was autho rized to send out statements, urg ing payment by May 24. WEEKLY BINGO PARTY SUSPENDED HERE NOW Jaycee officials announced yes terday that since C. W. Pickelsimer has rented the building here on West Main street that they have been using, the weekly bingo part ies held on Friday nights will be suspended for the time being un til another location can be found. In making the announcement, the officials stated that they de sired to express publically their appreciation to Mr. Pickelsimer for the free use of his building. Besides providing entertainment Junior Commandos Turned In 45,000 Pounds Of Scrap Brevard and Pisgah Forest jun ior commandos are continuing to advance in rank by bringing in the scrap, Fred Taylor, chairman of the Jaycees’ unique scrap drive, states. To date over 45,000 pounds of scrap metal have been collected by these commandos. Collection is made every Satur day afternoon at the Brevard ele mentary and Pisgah Forest schools. Mr. Taylor stated that a new shipment of caps and sweaters is expected to arrive within the next few days. “When they are received, we plan to have a large parade,” he said. All boys are invited to become junior commandos. for the community, the parties have greatly nromoted the sale of war bonds and stamps. To date around $1000 worth have been sold. DON’T TAKE CHANCES! TAKE CARE! CONSULT QUALIFIED TIRE EXPERTS EVERY WEEK! GET EVERY LAST MILE LEFT IN YOUR TIRES. • Come in today. Let us 2nd and fix small tire cuts and breaks before serious trouble starts ... correct air pres sure every week . . . “cross-switch" your tires at intervals ... do all the things that add months of safe driving. -and DON’T WAIT until your old tires are worn too thin for recapping. Only a sound tire casing can be recapped. Let us tell you when to act Come here for a job you can trust. You pay no more for GOODYEAR EXTRA-MILEAGE RECAPPING No ration permit needed All work done by experts, using Goodyear methods and mate rials. Y ou get thousands more miles of sale driving. (Recappable carcass furnished by you) per tire Size 6.00-16 Well rub out your BATTERY LUCKY YOU! If you are eligible for new inner tubes, you are eligible for WORRIES • Get our FREE battery service today. We check the charge, clean and grease cables and ter minals, add distilled water if needed — give you good advice on battery care. We carry complete stocks of factory-fresh, full-power GOODYEAR Batteries. LIFEGUARDS! The best tubes money can buy • A pre-war product — LiieGuards hold air better, wear two to three times longer. You can’t get better protection to save your life! Lim ited stock -buy NOW, with your regular tube certificate. McCrary Auto Service WRECKER SERVICE Day Phone~—290 —§—■ Brevard, N. C. Large Number Of Registrants Are Placed In l-A By Service Board Group Will Be Subject To Early Call. Other Clas sifications Given Fifty-three men have been class ed in 1-A by the local draft board at meetings held the past week, it was announced yesterday by Mrs. Allie B. Harllee, clerk. Twen ty-six were placed in other class ifications, making a total of 79 selectees that will be called in the near future, or have been placed on the deferred list. The following are in 1-A: Claud Lusk, Floyd Callahan, Wal ter Clubb, Harvey Harris, William King, Arthur Dishman, Allison Moore, Benjamin Russell, Everett Patillo, Oscar Gash, Wells Kil gore, Ralph Galloway, Lloyd Ray, Walter Hamlin, Howard Morris, Mack Collins, Roy Smith, Joe Mc Junkin, George Liverette, Dwight Moffitt, Burder Teague, Clarence Bowen, Bennett Stansell, Few Ly da, Mills Mooney, Jess D. Young, James O. Scott, Ward McCall, Law rence Holt, Jr., Alfred Galloway, David Hollingsworth, Ernest Orr, Curtis Chapman, Grover Wiley, Jr., Dover Hudson, Ray Hooper, Dewey Mitchell, Charles Mull, Wil V— liam Jones, Earl Powell, Gilbert Coan, George Dyer, Earl Groves, J. P. Reece, Lawrence Ray, Lloyd McCall, Clarence Summey, Willie Murr, Jr, Stokley Wilde, Jr., Paul Miller, Harold McCrary, Albert Reid, Arthur Lynch. Those placed in other classi fications are: 2-A, S. Edward Var ner, Jr., Augustus Lusk, Sid Bar nett, Jr., Walter Clayton; 2-B, Howard Whitmire, Woodfin Gos nell, James B. Young, Estle Briggs, Luke Harrison, Haskell Luker, Fritz Waldrop, Richard Cassada, Luther Callander, Ad rian C. Bradley; 3-C, Frank Cair nes, Homer Anders, Avery Whit mire; 2-C, Tarry Powell, Lovic Galloway, Harry Stiles; 1-C, Geo. Wrigley, Jr.; 4-F, Donald L. Moore, Frank Norris, Richard Dodson, James McCall, Glenn Emerson, Samuel Howell. SILVERSTEENS RETURN Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Silversteen returned the first of the week from New York City, where Mr. Silversteen had been on a busi ness and both were visiting their daughters, Mrs. T. A. Bjerg and Mr. and Mrs. Robert N. Hill. f WANT ADS i RATE: MINIMUM 25c ONE INSERTION NOT MORE ! THAN 25 WORDS. ADDITIONAL WORDS lc WORD I For Saie FOR SALE—386 acres near Pen rose, 40 acres bottom land, around 40 acres rolling pasture land, balance good timber, Nice streams and falls. A real bargain. R. L. Briggs & Co., P. O. Box 1213, Hendersonville. S. C., phone 455-R. 4-29-4p. FOR SALE — College Education for your boy or girl, guaranteed payments whether you live, die, stay well and able to work or be come permanently disabled. C. M. Douglas, Transylvania repre sentative. Phone 99 R-2 or 321. 5-6-ltc FOR SALE — Choice fryers, also limited supply Rawleigh’s Rote none insect dust. L. A. Farrior, Clayton Neill home, Greenville highway. 5-6-2tp FOR SALE — Male bird dogi Leonard Brown, Phone 359. 5-13-ltp FOR SALE — Several fine milk goats and kids from heavy milk ers; pair beagle hounds, Mexican Chihuahuas, rat terriers; also good cook range; good 3 - burner oil stove with oven. W. S. Caraker, Davis Station, Brevard Road near Hendersonville. 5-13-ltp FOR SALE — Milk cow, gives around 3 gallons; also 1934 Chevrolet Coupe, good condition, good tires. I. S. Sanders, Oak land, N. C. 5-13-2tp FOR SALE — 1100-lb. mule and harness. See Will McKelvey, Greenville Highway. 5-13-ltp FOR SALE — JUST OUT OF CITY LIMITS, NICE FOUR ROOM HOME, BATH, APPROXI MATELY TWO ACRES OF GOOD LAND, SMALL BARN, FINE PLACE TO GROW FOOD, KEEP YOUR OWN COW AND PIGS. A REAL BUY ON TERMS, TOO. WILSON’S AGENCY. 5-13-ltp FOR SALE — ’37 Ford deluxe se dan. In good condition and has good tires and radio. See Curtis Walker near Orr’s store. 6-13-ltp FOR SALE — No. 11 Underwood typewriter. Edwin Norton, 627 Probart street. 5-13-ltp FOR SALE — House for sale or rent, 3 bedrooms, living room, dining room, bath and breakfast room. 48 Park Avenue, Phone 428. 5-13-2tp _ FOR SALE — Electric kitchen mixer and attachments for $10. CaU Phone 428. 5-13-2tp FOR SALE — Burpees varied as sortment of tomato plants, Inquire 346 W. Main St., or call Phone 424. 5-13-ltp FOR SALE — Adding Machine Paper and Typewriter Ribbons at The Times Office. Lost LOST—Billfold containing $10.00 in bills, also Social Security and gas cards. Can keep money for re turn of papers to the sheriff’s office in Brevard. M. F. Searcey, Box 481, Brevard. 5-12-ltp LOST — Green and black silk umbrella with green handle. Re ward for return to Mrs. K. L. Barkley, 135 Maple street. 5-13-ltp LOST — Pig lost or strayed from my home. Black with white spots on shoulder and feet. Reward for return to W. C. Fisher, just off Probart street. 5-13-ltp For Rent FOR RENT — 3-room apartment, unfurnished, wired for electric stove, private bath and entrance; also furnished 2-room apartment. See Mrs. Fred Grogan, Hinton Lodge, King street, Phone 391. 5-6»ltp FOR RENT — UNFURNISHED APARTMENT, THREE ROOMS AND PRIVATE BATH, PRIVATE ENTRANCE, WIRED FOR ELEC TRIC STOVE, JUST REDECOR ATED, ON ECUSTA BUS LINE, PAVED STREET, QUIET RESI DENTIAL SECTION, GOOD NEIGHBORS, RENT $18.00 PER MONTH. SEE WILSON’S AGENCY 5-13-ltp FOR RENT — Rooms, newly fur nished, two blocks from town. See Mrs. George Page, Blue Bon net Beauty Shop. 5-13-ltp FOR RENT — Six room apart ment and private bath, close in, very desirable, being redecorat ed, unfurnished, $30.00. Wilson’s Agency. 5-13-ltp FOR RENT—Howard Whitmire house, 5-room brick house with bath, electric kitchen and garage. See J. N, Whitmire, Rosman Road, near Brevard. 4-29-4p. GIVING AWAY — Three rooms, private bath, wired for electric stove, steam heat, for the upkeep of premises to right party. In quire in person at Wilson’s Agency. If you don’t believe it. 5-13-ltp FOR RENT — Apartment, also 7-room house, furnished or un furnished. M. M. Feaster, Phone 131. 4-22-tfc FOR RENT OR SALE—Six room modern home, good location. You will be saving to own your home. Wilson's Agency. 5-13-ltp Wanted WANTED—We want to buy good used Furniture and Pianos. Bring yours to us or phone us and we’ll come look at it. Houston Furniture Co., Brevard, N. C. 1-7-tfc WANTED—White couple for gen eral work on my place at Cedar Mountain, house and salary. Ad dress 1902 Augusta Road, Green ville, S. C. 4-29-4p. WANTED — To protect you, your car, the other person and his car in case of accident. Up to $10,000 insurance at very nomi nal cost. C. M. Douglas, phone 99-R2 or 321. 5-6tc OPENING FOR WOMAN 3 to 5% days per week on Rawleigh Route. Tell us about yourself first letter. Rawleigh’s, Dept. NCE-24 138, Richmond, Va. 5-13-ltp WANTED — Good baby stroller. Write Post Office Box, 103, Rosman, N. C. 5-13-ltp WANTED — Electric washing machine, practically new, rea sonable. Will pay cash. Write J. Hedden, Horse Shoe, N. C. 5-13-ltc WANTED — Small iron safe and used cash register. Write Box K, Care of The Times. 5-13-ltc Miscellaneous FREEl If Excess acid causes you pains of Stomach Ulcers, Indiges tion, Heartburn, Belching, Bloat ing, Nausea, Gas Pains, get free sample, Udga, at Varner’s Drug Store. 3-U-15p CHURCHILL IS -—FROM PAGE ONE and at least indirectly, to answer peace feelers emanating from Spain, which thus far have been firmly rejected. It is not known definitely whether Joseph Stalin and Gener alissimo Chiang Kai-shek will at tend the parleys, but, if not, it is assumed they will be informed of developments. Except for sporadic fighting on the part of isolated units, the cam paign in Africa has been brought to a close with the capture by Allied troops of the Axis strong holds at Tunis and Bizerte. This triumph opens the way for an Allied invasion of Europe, which, it has been conjectured, may be preceded by thrusts at one or more points in the Mediterranean area. The campaign in Tunisia was marked by the fiercest kind of fighting and Axis troops, cut off from their European bases of sup ply by Allied aerial and naval action, fought until they were overwhelmed by repeated blows of the British, American and French armies. It was estimated that 100, 000 prisoners were taken in the final phase of the fighting in Tu nisia while no dependable esti mate of the booty seized has been made. NOTICE SERVING SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION North Carolina, Transylvania County. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT W. L. Morris vs. Ora Adeline Singleton Morris The defendant, Ora Adeline Singleton Morris, will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Supe rior Court of Transylvania County, North Carolina, to secure an abso lute divorce on grounds of two years’ separation; and the said de fendant will further take notice that she is required to, appear at the office of the Clerk of Superior Court of said county, in the court house in Brevard, N. C., within 30 days after June 13th, 1943, and answer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in the complaint. This the 12th day of May, 1943. N. A. MILLER, Clerk Superior Court. 5-13-4t FOR SALE — Steel files, indexed, 3x5. The Times office. AN AMATEUR PROGRAM TO BE GIVEN HERE TONIGHT An amateur program will be presented in the Woodman hall tonight at 8 o’clock and war stamps will be given as prizes for the entertainers. Odell Scott will be featured on the program and refreshments will be by the Wood men Circle. Consul Commander Paul Pipkin said that all Wood men are urged to attend. PUBLIC IS URGED -FROM PAGE ONE “If the trash is not ready for trucks on the days given above, the responsibility of getting it moved will be left up to indi viduals,’’ it is stated. All persons who own vacant lots are urged to see that they are cleaned up. CANNING SUGAR -FROM PAGE ONE been increased from one to five pounds of sugar of the 25 pounds granted, according to the OPA. This was done so that jams, jel lies and preserves can be used more extensively as a spread to stretch the butter and margarine ration. At the top limit of 25 pounds, Mrs. Davis said, the housewife can plan to can 100 quarts. How ever, she stated, this is the maxi mum to be granted in only a few cases where this large amount of fruit will be canned and preserv ed. Last year there was not top limit set on the amount of sugar obtainable for canning, and some housewives got as much as 45 pounds. TRY TIMES WANT ADS MULL’S Specials For the Weekend Stressing quality and price, as always, we offer this weekend the following gen uine money saving specials: FLOUR guaranteed to satisfy, 24 lbs._^1«1S PURE LARD 4 ib.. 69c SUGAR. ,b.. 30c S 4 D SPECIAL COFFEE, I.,.31c Kinghan’s Reliable BREAKFAST BACON,,.. 41c Fresh PORK CHOPS ,b. .35c Fresh GREEN BEANS . 25c Fresh SQUASH,,.... 15c IRISH POTATOES ,„ ,b...75c Mull’s Grocery & Market We Deliver Phone 201 Purity Products Company has plenty of coal! ADVERTISING NOTICE FOR 1942 TAXES PREPARATIONS ARE NOW BEING MADE TO ADVERTISE AND SELL REAL PROPERTY ON WHICH 1942 TAXES HAVE NOT BEEN PAID PAY NOW SAVE PENALTY & ADVERTISING COSTS This Is Not A Move Of The Local Officials, But It Is In Compliance With The Provisions Of The Machinery Act of The State of North Carolina, And Must Be Done! Edwin A. Morgan TAX COLLECTOR OF TRANSYLVANIA COUNTY