They Fight - We Write The More We Write The Better They Fight! Transylvania county now has over 1,000 men in service. These men are scattered all over the world and most of them are a long ways from home and from all of their old friends. Naturally, they are lonesome at times and long to hear from friends and relatives. Nothing else will cheer them up quite so much as a personal letter. Members of the Brevard Chapter Order of IleMolay Urge That You Write Often! That will boost their morale and you’ll enjoy hearing from these men, too. They are our heroes of today. They are making history. They are fighting for our freedom here at home! Resolve To Write More Letters To Men In The Service!! Notice To Parents, Relatives and Friends Of Transylvania County Boys Now In Military Service - - Important! The Brevard Chapter Order of DeMolay has adopted as its major project a letter-writing to men-in-service campaign and in order to keep on file a complete and accurate list of names and addresses of men in service from this county so that this information can be avail able to all interested persons, churches or organizations, you are requested to send the DeMolays the name and address of your son, relative or friend, and to keep them posted of any change in address. This central file of names and addresses will be avail able at all times to the public and its success depends upon your full co-operation. For Transylvania Service Address File Please send by postal card or cut out the coupon be low and mail: Mr. Robert Melton, Roster Manager, Brevard Chapter Order of DeMolay, Brevard, North Carolina Name. Address. Please put in your file the name and address shown above. In our next letter to him, we are asking that in the future he notify you of any change of address so you can pass this information around in the county. (Sign Your Name) Address_ (Additional names and addresses may bfe written on a separate piece of paper.) This Appeal Is Sponsored By The Following Firms And Individuals In Brevard And Vicinity: Brevard Sample Store W. M. Melton Co-Ed and Clemson Theatres Whiteway Dry Cleaners Mitchem’s Seafood Market * McFee’s Jewelry Store and Wolfe Radio Carlton’s Jewelry Winner’s Plummer’s r Canteen Cafe Jerry Jerome Bradley’s Macfie’s Drug Store R» L. Gash Belk’s Dept. Store Cash and Carry Super-Market Murphy’s Barber Shop Blue Bonnet Beauty Shop Farmers Federation B & B Feed and Seed Company Trantham’s Dept. Store Ruth’s Beauty Shop Strollers Inn Compliments of The GRILL ‘‘Everything Good To Eat” 1 Sylvan Valley Florist Patterson's Meet Your Friends At Ford's Corner Austin’s Studio Parsons’ Jewelry Store “Dad” (Signs) Varner’s Drug Store Simpson’s Barber Shop Dixie Home Stores Long’s Drug Store Galloway’s Cafe PETE BIKAS, Prop Ecusta Paper Corporation Harry H. Straus, President BREVARD COLLEGE E. J. COLTRANE, President Summer Term Fall Term June 7—Sept. 18 Sept. 25—May 31