For The Women News Of Society and Club Activities ALMA TROWBRIDGE, Society Editor — Phones 7 and 189 Two Prominent Families United In Pretty Wedding At Methodist Church Saturday Afternoon At 6 O’clock Miss Annette Huskamp Be came Bride Of Private James Pickelsimer A pretty church wedding, unit ing two prominent local families, was held at the Brevard Methodist church on Saturday afternoon, June 5, at six o’clock, when Miss Annette Caroline Huskamp, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. George F. Huskamp, of Brevard, became the bride of Pfc. James Benjamin Pickelsimer, of Fort Sill, Okla., son of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse B. Pickelsimer, of Brevard. Rev. W. A. Jenkins, pastor, officiated in the presence of a large assembly of relatives and friends. The double ring ceremony was used. Church Decorations Large floor baskets of white gladioli, interspersed with palms, ivy, mountain laurel and three candelabra bearing tail white tap ers formed the attractive back ground for the wedding ceremony in front of the chancel of the church. The altar rail was banked with ivy and laurel buds, encircl ing the top of which were white burning tapers. Wedding Music Mrs. Mary Glass, organist, and Mr. John D. Eversman, violinist, of Brevard, played the nuptial music. Before the ceremony, a program by the two musicians in cluded: “Because,” “Evening Star,” “At Dawning,” “Sweet Mystery of Life,” “O, Promise Me,” and “I Love You Truly.” “Lieberstraum,” by Liszt was played softly during the ceremony. The traditional wedding marches were played as the processional and the reces sional. Bride’s Costume The bride, who was given in marriage by her father, wore a white net high neckline dress, with bertha of Chantilly lace. Her only ornament was a gold cross. The fingertip net veil was adorned with a headdress of lily of the valley and white lilacs. Her arm bouquet was of white carnations, When your doctor asks where you prefer to have your prescription filled, say: VARNER’S, because: Filled only by registered pharma cist; as written and at reasonable prices. (Advt.) 12-18-tfc CATHOLIC CHURCH Mass every Sunday and Holy Bay at 21 West Main St., Second floor left. For time of mass, phone 352. baby’s breath tied with a huge white satin bow. Miss Virginia Huskarnp, sislei of the bride, was maid of honor Her dress was of peach muslin de soir, fashioned in basque effect with sweetheart neckline. She wore a headdress of peach and blue flower bandeaux with shouidei length veil Her arm bouquet waj of roses, baby’s breath and delph inium. The four bridesmaids, Brevard friends of the bride, were Miss Betty Finck, Miss Beth Buckner Miss Ethelyn Pickelsimer, cousir of the bridegroom, and Miss Ethel Tankersley. They wore dresses in harmonizing pastel shades of pink blue, yellow and aqua, with full skirts, basque effect waists, long full sleeves and sweetheart neck lines. Their bonnets were in colors to match the gowns, and each car ried a boquet of sweet peas, baby’s breath and delphinium. Miss Lois Jayne Counsellor cousin of the tyride, of Baldwin Long Island, N. Y., was flowei girl. She wore an aqua dress, and carried a basket of rose petals and old fashioned flowers. Mr. John Rice Pickelsimer, oi Brevard, was his brother’s best man. Ushers, Brevard friends oi the bride and bridegroom, were Mr. Ernest Burch, Mr. Charles Allen, Mr. S. E. Varner, Jr., and Mr. Edwin Wike. Informal Reception Immediately following the cere mony, an informal reception was held at the home of the bride's parents in North Brevai*d. A three tiered wedding cake centei’ed the dining table, which was decorated with an arrangement of snap drag on. baby's breath and delphinium In the receiving line were the bride’s mother, the bridegroom’s mother and the bride and bride groom. The bride’s mother wore a two-toned plum colored crepe gown trimmed with gold. She wore a corsage of yellow roses. The dress of the bridegroom’s mother was of black lace, and her corsage was of red roses. Following a short honeymoon trip, the couple will return to Fort Sill. Okla., to make their home. Mrs. Pickelsimer is a graduate of Brevard high school and attend ed Brevard College, where she was assistant business manager of the college paper. She is a charter member of Alpha Pi Epsilon. Pfc. Pickelsimer is a graduate of Brevard high school and of Christ School, near Asheville, and of Brevard College. He attended Alabama Polytechnical school, Au burn. Alabama. This favorite always pays 2 to 1! a Yes, Arrow Doubler is just la about the best shirt bet & we know of . . . For it’s really 2 shirts in 1. With the collar buttoned, and a tie, it’s a neat, good-looking business shirt. And with the collar flared open, it’s a casual, super-comfortable sport shirt. Doublers have the “Mitoga” figure fit, and are “Sanforized” labeled, won’t shrink even 1%. Why not stop in and get some Doublers today? . . . $2.46 PATTERSON’S “Brevard’s Shopping Center” Tea At Pierce-Moore Honors Bride-Elect Among the social functions last week honoring Miss Annette Hus kamp, bride-elect, whose marriage to Pfc. James B, Pickelsimer, took place last Friday afternoon at the Brevard Methodist church, was a lovely tea given at the Pierce-Moore hotel by Mrs. J. B. Pickelsimer and her daughter, Mrs. Robert Powell, of Wilming ton. In the receiving line were Mrs. Pickelsimer, Mrs. Powell, Miss Annette Huskamp, her mother, Mrs. G. F. Huskamp, and her sis ter, Miss Virginia Huskamp. Greet ing the guests at the door was Mrs. Edwin S. English, Jr. Mrs. Nathan McMinn presided at the punch bowl, and Mrs. John Pickelsimer was in charge of the registration book. Assisting in serving were the four brides maids at the wedding, Miss Beth Buckner, Miss Betty Finck, Miss Ethelyn Pickelsimer and Miss Ethel Tankersley. Pink and green were emphasiz ed prettily in the color scheme, with summer roses and mountain laurel predominating in the dec orations. The refreshments of punch, cake, open faced sand wiches and nuts further carried out the prevailing colors. Around sixty guests were in vited. Former Resident To Be Married Soon Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Morris, of Lexington, Ky., former Brevard residents, have announced the en gagement of their daughter, Miss Lucille Morris, to Cpl. George L. Hachtel, Jr., of Camp Phillips, Kansas. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. George Hachtel, of Seattle, Washington. No date for the wedding has been announced. MEETING OF MUSIC CLUB TO BE SATURDAY THIS WEEK The Music Lovers’ club will meet Saturday at 3 o’clock at the home of Mrs. Julius Sader for the regular June meeting. Mrs. Nat Townsend wall be co-hostess with Mrs. Sader, and Mrs. Sader will be program leader. AUXILIARY AND GUILD IN INTERESTING MEET An interesting program featur ed the June meeting of St. Philip’s Auxiliary and Guild, which was held last Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. H. R. Bobst. Mrs. David Ward, president, con ducted the program on the gen eral theme, ‘’Relief for Those Who Suffer.” Other members who discussed refugees, prison camps and other phases of the subject were Mrs. F. P. Sledge, Mrs. H. V. Smedberg and Mrs. S. A. Bul lock. At the business session, in charge of Mrs. Ward, it was de cided to meet during the summer months at 3:30 instead of 3:00 o’clock. Refreshments and a social per iod concluded the meeting. PRESBYTERIAN AUXILIARY TO MEET THURSDAY 17th The June meeting of the Pres byterian Auxiliary will be held next Thursday afternoon, June 17, at 3:30 at the Hut. A called meet ing of the executive board will be held at 3 o’clock for all officers and chairmen of standing com mittees, who are urged to attend. PRESBYTERIAN CIRCLES HAVE JUNE MEETING June meetings of four circles of the Presbyterian church were held last Thursday afternoon and evening in the different homes. Circle No. 1 met at the home of Mrs. Clarence Allison. Routine business was presided over by Mrs. E. E. Vassey in the absence of the chairman. Mrs. A. H. Mont ville. Miss Louise Brown conducted the Bible lesson, and Mrs. Sam McCullough was program leader. The meeting of Circle No. 2 was held at the home of Mrs. Frank Patton, with Mrs. Walter Hart, chairman, presiding. The program was in charge of Mrs. J. F. Ay cock and the Bible lesson was led by Mrs. Keith Pooser. Mrs. Charles Davis was hostess to the members of Circle No. 3. Mrs. Jerry Jerome, chairman, pre sided, and Miss Cora Willson gave the Bible lesson. The night circle, No. 4, met at the home of Mrs. Boyce Walker. Mrs. M. M. Feaster presided in the absence of the chairman, Mrs. Charles Russell. Miss Julia Wood had the Bible lesson and the pro gram. The Bible lesson at each circle meeting was on “Stephen the Martyr,” and the program was on the subject “Ten Rules for Liv ing,” based on the Ten Com mandments. Refreshments served by the hostess concluded each of the meetings. Winning, Color Scheme Jacket dress of beige with brown. By VERA WINSTON BEIGE with touches ol brown is a winning color combination this season. Light weight beige woolen is used for an attractive jacket dress set off by striped brown and white taffeta collar and cuffs. The jacket has shaped tucks converging towards the waist in front, and three cor nered clips for fastening. The skirt is built on a wide waist band which closes in back with three buttons. Miss Lillian Zachary Graduated At Woman’s College Last Monday Greensboro, June 8—Miss Lillian Zachary, of Brevard, was one of 413 students to be graduated from the Woman's College of the Uni versity of North Carolina in its 51st annual commencement exer cises held Monday morning in Aycoek auditorium. Daughter of Dr. and Mrs. J. F. Zachary, of Brevard, she received a bachelor of arts degree in pri mary education. Miss Zachary at tended Brevard Junior College her freshman and sophomore years. While at the Woman’s College she was a member of Education club, Square Dance club and Adelphian society. INTERESTING PROGRAM AT MEET OF BAPTIST SOCIETY A program of interest was given at the June meeting of the Wo men’s Missionary society of the First Baptist church last Thurs day afternoon in the church par lor. Mrs. J. B. Jones and members of Circle No. 1 were in charge of the program on the topic, “Vic torious Witnessing by Christian Youth.” Others taking part on the program were Mrs. Fleet Galla more, Mrs. Roy Long and Mrs. Bart Charles. The latter, as pres ident, conducted routine business. Arm bands and manuals were awarded to Clara Jean Parrish, Billy Hart, Ruth Gaines for work in the G. A. SELICA NEWS (By Mrs. Ward Breedlove) Freeman Galloway was taken to the Transylvania Community hospital Sunday suffering with a serious throat trouble. Mrs. Hobert Barton, who has been sick for several days, is im proving. Mrs. Rebecca Hollingsworth, of Pisgah Forest, visited relatives here. Mrs. Alvin Fowler is improving after several days illness. L. C. Wilson is spending a few days at home. Alton Eubanks, Greenville, S. C., spent some time with his father, W. M. Eubanks and other relatives here. Frank Eubanks spent the week end with his family here. Rev. J. R. Bowman preached a splendid sermon at the Selica church last Sunday. The quantities of fruits and vegetables that canners must set aside for the 1943 production for Government requirements will be sharply reduced,—about 30 million cases. Celebrates Third Birthday With Party Rosemary Thompson, little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Thompson, celebrated her third birthday last Saturday afternoon, with a party given by her mother at their home. A large birthday cake, topped with three little candles, was cut and served with ice cream. Candy suckers were enjoyed by the chil dren during the afternoon. Mrs. James Cabe and Mrs. Gordon Les lie assisted Mrs. Thompson in serving. Kodak pictures of the group were made. Many nice gifts were received by the little honoree. Those enjoying the happy event with Rosemary were: Tommy and Jerry Cabe, Norma Fay Collins, Eugene Parker, Sara Hunter, Bet ty and Frankie Vaughn, Jimmie Allison, Myrna Fisher, Clarence Allison, Jr., and Phil Leslie. Sev eral mothers were also present. SARAH TAYLOR GUILD TO MEET THURSDAY EVENING The June meeting of the Sarah Taylor Guild of the Methodist church will be held this Thursday evening at 8 o’clock at the home of Mrs. E. H. McMahan, on Pro bart street. METHODIST CIRCLES HAVE JUNE MEETINGS IN HOMES Three circles of the Methodist church held the June meetings last Thursday afternoon in the homes of members. The meeting of Circle No. 1 was held at the home of Mrs. W. M. Melton, with the chairman, Mrs. E. S. English, presiding. Devo tionals were led by Mrs. Burt Loomis. Mrs. J. F. Zachary was hostess to the members of Circle No. 2, and presided over routine busi ness. A devotional period preced ing the business was led by Mrs. Ernest Norwood, spiritual life chairman. Circle No. 3 met at the home of Mrs. Cordia King, who also presided over routine business as chairman. Mrs. W. A. Jenkins led the devotionals. Each hostess served light re freshments during the social per iod. CLEMSON THEATRE THURSDAY CLAUDE CONRAD SYDNEY PETER RAINS-VEIDT-GREENSTREET-LORRE Directed by MICHAEL CURTIZ —Also— '■9 Bugs Bunny Cartoon FRIDAY & SATURDAY en action RULES AS BULLETS TALK! The r/mm VflUl lull unit MO Arttiur(Ariunsas) Hunncutt and ERNEST TUBB with Johnny lather’s Ranch Boys A COLUMBIA PICTU8E —Also— CARTOON-^COMEDY Valley of Vanishing Men TODAY & FRIDAY SHE RISKED EVERYTHING TO GIVE AMERICA THE J JUMP ON THE JAPSiiilli The story that had to be hushed before Pearl Harbor... of a girl's daring flight over forbidden lap islands...and what it cost her! t+*C» * « »» I I "ONLY you CAN DO THIS 1 JOB FOR THE NAVY!" | Flaming adventure that shows 5- what a woman will do for love ..and will give for her country! RUSSILLIMacMURRAY > HERBERT MARSHALL EDWARD CIANNELLI * WALTER KINCSFORD Ptuhutd b OAVtO HEMPSTEAD • Dincltd fa LOTHAR MENOES Latest News From The War Front Ilf IIMIIIIIIIIIII iiniiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiaMii SATURDAY BREAKOUT IN A BLACKOUT. —that leads hunted cons to the lair of enemy spies and their terrorized girl captive! 7 MILES from _wnb_ JAMES CRAIG BONITA GRANVILLE G-MEN The BUCK DRAGON-COMEDY SUNDAY & MONDAY The true adventure of termer U. S Ambassador mm f n,m vm swhser. lo,m VHBS i 11U, fji&dihxl THIS STORY OF ONE AMEMCAITS JOURNEY INTO THE TRUTH! WALTER HUSTON - ANN HARDING* Directed by MICHAEL CURTIZ GEORGE TOBIAS* OSCAR HOMOLKA- GENE LOCKART-HELMUT OANTTVE L-A-T-E-S-T N-E-W-S TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY Half Human-Half Fury-Madd EVELYN ANKERS JOHN CARRADINt MIlSyRK STOW tlOYO CORRISAH MARTHA MctYICAS V1HCE BARNETT ACQUANETTA j Popeye Cartoon & Musical