(From the file of April, 1906) The residence of Gaston Neill on RFD 2 has been brightened up with a coat of paint and looks enough better to pay all expenses. We are glad to see country people taking pride in their surroundings, and hope the example of Mr. Neill may become epidemic. News came here by telegraph today that San Francisco had been visited by a very destructive earth quake. Many of the finest build ings in the city were destroyed, among which was the city hall building which cost seven million dollars. The water supply was cut off, fires were burning all over the city and buildings were being dynamited to check the ravages of the flames. The loss of life was reported at 2,000. Our local people who have relatives and friends are more than anxious to learn of their safety. Welch Galloway has been in South Carolina this week on busi ness, and was not here to vote in the school election. We learn that the new bank has at last found a building to occupy. It is to be located in the front part of the store room next door south of the Aethelwold hotel en trance. It was rumored for several GRAY HAIR TURNING DEEP BLACK says Mrs. J. B., Chicago “After using Grayvita only a abort time, I noticed my ( gray hair was turning to a A real deep black, exactly as it V used to be. What a differ- 1 ence this mikes in my ap- o Dears nee’’ < Mrs. Bauss' experience X- ^ w may or may not be different than yours. Why not try GRAYVITA? Money back if not satisfactory. This anti-gray hair vitamin discovery when tested by a leading magazine showed 88% of persons tested had positive evidence of some return of hair color. A GRAYVITA tablet is 10 mgm. of Calcium Pantothenate PLUS 450 U. S. P. units of "pep” vitamin Bi.Get GRAYVITA now! 30 day sup ply $1.50,100 day supply $4.00. Phone VARNER’S DRUG STORE days that its promoters had bought a lot from Nat McMinn and would build a home for the bank on Main street, but this rumor is not well founded. Clerk of Court T. T. Loftis has won the medal this spring by catching a 5-pound carp while fish ing for a 5-ounce horny head. General agent J. F. Hays, super intendent Ramsaur and Track master Ramsey, of the Souther railway, visited Selica last Friday. They decided to lengthen the side track 500 feet at once to accom modate the loading of 4 000 cords of chestnut wood now ready for shipment to the Brevard tanning plant. The Dunn’s Rock building com pany are now ready to begin work on their new building on Broad street next to the News office. Over $4,000 are now available, and the books are open for stock sub scriptions. The impossibility of getting good brick on short notice is delaying all of our building, and the importance of a home brick plant is becoming more im perative every day. While every brick machine in this whole moun tain tountry is pushed to its ut most capacity, Brevard is waiting for something to turn up. Why not make our own brick? Squire Henning, who has been helping on the local columns of the News, is too busy in his garden this week to give us a lift. Lumber for building a nice cot tage is being delivered on the lot belonging to Rev. T. F. Marr on South Gaston street, and the con struction work is to begin soon. H. P. Clarke was in town Tues day on a hurry-up visit to Rock brook. W7e are sorry that he and his family will not come to Bre vard until the middle of June. T. B. Crary. in a private letter from Chattanooga, has the follow ing to say about the special tax: “Let us have a graded school, good streets and sidewalks, and if there are some who don’t want to pay the taxes they will find others who will be glad to pay in their places.” Several of the young people had a very enjoyable dance at the Aethelwold Tuseday night and about 15 couples were present. FOR SALE — Steel files, indexed, 3x5. The Times office. THE UNITED STATES SECRET SERVICE TREASURY DEPARTMENT cautions yovTto KNOW TOOK €nd(^iieu / Millions o! Government checks are being sent by the Army and Navy to dependents of soldiers and sailors. The Government sends Social Security and other checks to more millions. When any of these checks are stolen, the people entitled to them may go without food, or fuel, or may suffer other hardships. The U. S. Secret Service wants your help in fighting the check thief and forger. Here's how you can lend a hand: IP YOU ARE ASKED TO CASH A GOVERNMENT CHECK 1. INSIST that a person presenting a Government check properly identify himself as the person entitled to that check. 3. INSIST that all checks be endorsed in your pres ence. II a check is already endorsed, ask that it be en dorsed again, then compare the writing. 2. BEFORE accepting the check ask yourself this question: IF THIS CHECK IS RE 9 I UIU1W DLV/AUOL Ut A FORGED ENDORSE MENT, CAN I LOCATE THE FORGER AND RECOVER MY LOSS? 4. REQUIRE all checks to be initialled by the em ployees who pay out money tor them, or who approve such payment. IT TOU RECEIVE CHECKS FROM THE GOVERNMENT 1. BE SURE some mem ber of the family is at nome when checks are due to be delivered. 3. CASH your checks in the same place each month. Trus wui mane identifi- 4? cation easier. STORE 2. PRINT your .nafte clearly on your mail bolt. tAjULf your mail box with a lofck if you have not done so. 4. DO NOT ENDORSE your chock untU you arc ui me presence of the person ^ you will ask to cash it. For more information on how to guard against forged cheeks, and how to detect counterfeit money, send ten cents in coin or stamps Jo the SUPERINTENDENT OF DOCUMENTS. WASHINGTON, D. C., and ask for a copy of the U. S. Secret Service booklet, “KNOW YOUR MONEY/’ VARNER’S DRUG STORE “Your Walgreen Agency” WARTIME HINTS FOR Brevard and Transylvania HOMEMAKERS —By Aunt Sawyer f Qii»»tiuniinunnmnmnnnnmnmnIHtMI,i(ltltlt,t0 Send In Your Recipes As stated in this column last week, we want your war time reci pes—ones that you have originated yourself or have tried and know to be successful. We will print the recipe, with the name of the contributor, in this column, there by passing along a war time sug gestion that may be used by others. Or, if you know any war time household hint or suggestion of any kind, just send that in also and it will be run in this column, giving your name as the contribu tor, unless otherwise specified. Let's share what we know with others and pass the good word along. This little service is volun tary on your part and will be greatly appreciated by this column. So send in your ideas along any line that pertains to current times. Summer Fashion Trends Among the noticeable fashion trends for the summer, you will observe that flared skirts are gone and that soft fullness is in eviden ce, usually in small pleats, un pressed. In regard to color and design, there appears to be no limitation. Prints are still good, then next in order of popularity are, perhaps, stripes and plaids. Brown, in all its varied shades, is particularly good, as are also mus tard gold, jewel green, brick red, American beauty, deep turquoise and beige with black or white. Blouses have returned in all their former glory,' as has also the two piece suit dress in stripes and plaid washable material. Bag, hat and gloves often match the blouse. Moon vs Romance The moon is credited or blamed for many of the variations of ro mance, when its beams cast a soft radiating light upon a romantic couple nestled comfortably in the cool of the evening on a park I bench or grassy plot and cause a “young man’s fancy to turn to love." But, did it ever occur to you that the moon also has an influence otherwise upon a per son’s life and characteristics? There are some who believe that the age of the moon has decided influence upon a person’s life and that there are many individual personalities that one may derive from the moon. For instance, here are a few illustrations, and you can figure it out for yourself if you believe in such nonsense: The child born before the moon is 24 hours old is exceptionally fortu nate. He will live long and hap pily. Children born on the second day of the new moon will be strong, healthy and persevering. Children born on the third day Attu Commander IN COMMAND of U. S. Army troops on Attu in the Aleutians is Maj Gen. Eugene M. Landrum, accord ing to an announcement by Secre tary of War Stimson. This photo I was taken in the Andreanof Islands when Landrum w&3 a brigadier general. (International) will be progressive and ambitious. Those born on the fourth day of the new moon have a tendency to contract serious ailments. Their intelligent minds, however, will help them avoid serious trouble. Etc., etc., etc. Wise Sayings No hat covers all wisdom. Lives are measured by actions, not years. We carry our greatest enemies within us. A sunny heart makes a sunny world. No poorer music than singing your own praise. The most loving are the most lovable. A lover chases a girl until she catches him. Delay is fatal to good resolutions. She's Even Now Mr. Grouch (bored at party): “This affair is horribly dull. Guess I'll go home.” His Date: “Yes, perhaps that would help matters some.” The United States was produc ing fighting equipment eight times as fast as Japan in the Spring of 1943. In 1942, American railroads car ried 638 billion ton-miles of freight, or a third more than in 1941, with one - quarter fewer freight cars than were in existence in 1918. i_ STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF TRANSYLVANIA. ENTRY OF LAND NO. 2653 TO MELVIN L. GILLESPIE. EN TRY TAKER OF TRANSYLVA NIA COUNTY: The undersigned claimant, be ing a citizen of the State of North Carolina, hereby sets forth and shows that the following tract or parcel of land, containing 60 acres, situate, lying and being in Dunn’s Rock Township, Transylvania County, North Carolina, on the waters of Carson’s Creek, and more particularly described as follows: Being entirely surrounded by lands of Earle A. Thurman. BE GINNING at a Spanish oak on the upper side of the Mill Hill Road, in the line of the Mary C. Henry tract, now owned by Earle A. Thurman, and runs thence with his line, South 55 deg. East 180 poles to a white oak on a ridge; thence still with the line of Earle A. Thurman, North 35 deg. East 70 poles to a black oak in a hol low; thence still with the line of Earle A. Thurman, North 60 deg. West 76 poles to a stone; thence still with the line of Earle A. Thurman, North 7 poles to a lo cust; thence still with the line of Earle A. Thurman, North 80 deg. West 120 poles to a stone; thence still with the line of Earle A. Thurman, South 30 deg. West 19 poles to the BEGINNING, is vacant and unappropriated land belonging to the State of North Carolina and subject to entry. The undersigned hereby makes entry of, lays claim to, and prays for a grant of said land. This the 31st day of May, 1943. R. L. BRIGGS Claimant Witness: M. T. Carroll 6-3-4tc NOTICE IN THE SUPERIOR COURT State of North Carolina, County of Transylvania. Transylvania Trust Co., J. B. Pickelsimer, Assignee, vs. Milon Nicholson Under and by virtue of an exe cution directed to the undersigned Sheriff from the Superior Court of Transylvania County, in the above entitled action, I will on the 21st. day of June, 1943 at 12 o’clock M. at the door of the County Courthouse in Brevard, North Carolina, offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash, to satisfy said execution, all right, title and interest which the de fendant Milon Nicholson now has or at any time at or after the docketing of the judgment in said action had in and to the fol lowing described real estate, lying and being in Brevard Township, Transylvania County, North Caro lina. Beginning on a stake on the east side of a 10 foot alley, opposite Milon Nicholsi n’s south east cor ner, a corner between lots Nos. 15% and 16 as shown on plat made by A. L. Hardin for the N. I»IcMinn estate and runs south 47 deg. east 170 feet to a stake in S. A. Englands line; thence north 43 deg. east 85% feet to a stake; thence north 47 deg. west 163% feet to a stake in the line of a 10 foot alley;thence with east side of the alley, south 47% deg. west 85% feet to the Beginning. This the 21st day of May, 1943. FREEMAN HAYES, Sheriff of Transylvania County. 5-27-4tc What accounts for the amazing performance of American planes today? First, they are superb planes manned by skilled pilots, and in the second place they are properly maintained. No machine of any kind can perform its best unless it is properly maintained. That applies especially to your present car . . . which in all likelihood is a “duration” model. Do not neglect it. BURRELL MOTOR CO. 24-hour Wrecker Service Phone 27 Brevard, N. C. muggs and skeeter By WALLY BISHOP CRAMPS.1! ..YOU KNOW "THOSE CHICKENS WE’VE BEEN RAtSlKUEi OUT fN THE, BACK yAR-D? mZifSS&nvri ...WlEi_l_,I FIGURED YME HAVE Slfc CHICKENS WE ARE ONe/ GETTING FIVE EGGS A CAV!!.- , SOMETHING IS WRONG'.* - BOT ONE OP THOSE CHtCtCENS 13 A. ROOSTER.... HE VMOK/T LAV AN EoGM ^ "l u#wr AN tUafcj oh,i <set rr!» he's r slowin' op oor war s. PROC?OCTlON, EK? r DONALD DUCK “A SUPER DRIP” By WALT DISNEY ARE YOU SURE \ /SURE* V'GOT) YOU CAN FIX \T? ) i A FEW BAD < I HATE PUTTING / > SHINGLES. \ OUT PANSJZZJ,' /> THAT'S ALL! 1 TD CATCH ( I GUARANTEE / THE r L/ZiR NiO MORE / DRlP/y CopTT?**. W*h Dancy Prodortiocw Vorld Rtjthts Rocntd there! th£ old ONES ARE OFF/ NOW ALL WE GOTTA DO IS GET SOME NEW ONES.' „ , v: building SUPPLIES r SWINDLES? ' SURE/SON, _ > WHATS YOUR PRIORITY ’ RATING? D«rihu«i by King F«h»t. SynJ«tt, h^yAWI^*^ '/ar HENRY ir I Cope 1’>-1V Kmp FcaTttrrs Syn<!i«atr. Irv . \\<nM rights rcvmxl “THANKS FOR THE CAN” r? [RUBBISH 1 By CARL ANDERSON WHEW/ BLONDIE MOW, WHC ^ THAT STEP rUPME i LEFT A LAPPER RE? Copr. 1943, King Feature* Syndicate, Inc, World rights reserved j “UNFINISHED BUSINESS” I WISH PEOPLE AROUND HERE WOULD LEARN ID PUT THINGS ) AWAV WHEN THEVRE THRU WITH -.THEM By CHIC YOUNG HAVE YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED AT VARNER'S

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