1 Pisgah Forest —COMMUNITY HAPPENINGS— BY MRS. C. F. ALLISON ANDERSON IS RE ELECTED PASTOR OF BAPTIST CHURCH In the absence of the pastor, Rev. J. A. Anderson, the Sunday morning worship period at the Baptist church was in charge of Associational Sunday schcool Sup erintendent, Fred Monteith, of Brevard, who gave an interesting talk on Sunday school work. At conclusion of Mr. Monteith’s talk election of pastor for the coming year was held with Rev. Anderson, who has been the popular pastor for several years, unanimously re elected. Decision was* made to buy a $200 war bond and various other church problems were discussed at the meeting. W. M. S. TO MEET WED. The August meeting of the Wo men’s Missionary Society of the Baptist church will be held on Y/ednesday evening, August 4th, at the home of Mrs. George Moore, with Mrs. D. H. Orr as program leader. JUNIOR HENSLEY PROMOTED Mrs. Junior^ Hensley and son, Gerald, who are making their home with Mrs. Hensley's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Cody, while Junior is in the army, have re ceived word that he has been pro moted to private first class, at Camp Santa Anita, Calif., where he is stationed in the Ordnance division. Pfc. Hensley has been in the army since February. PARRIS REUNION SUNDAY Mr. Jake Parris reminds friends and relatives that the Parris re union will be held at his home on this Sunday, August 1st, and a large number are expected to at tend the family get-to-gether and picnic lunch. REBA BURCH HAS BIRTHDAY Mrs. Wayne Burch entertained at her home on Sunday afternoon with a children's party in honor of her daughter, Reba's thirteenth birthday, a large number was pres ent to enjoy t' e event with Reba. SUNDAY SCHOOL PICNIC The Junior boys Sunday school class of the Baptist church enjoy ed a picnic and swimming party at White Pine Camp on Sunday. They were accompanied by their teach er, Valry Carter. PERSONAL MENTION Mrs. Emma Tinsley Conley and daughter have made their home in Florida for the past several years. Since the daughter’s recent marri age in Florida, Mrs. Conley has returned to this section to reside. C. L. Corn, who is employed as a flooring grader in a planing mill in Atlanta, spent the week end here with Mrs. Corn and son, Tho mas, who accompanied C. L. on his return to Atlanta, where they will make their home. Roy Holden^ of the U. S. Army, Miss., is spending a 10-day fur lough with his wife and family and his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Holden. Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Burns an nounce the birth of a son, Clarence Dewey, at their home on July 19. Mrs. Burns is the former Miss Corine Sentelle. James, young son of Lee Bene field, has returned from a six weeks’ visit with his sister, Mrs. Don Sortin, in Marion, his grand mother Patton and aunts, Mrs. Anna Hollingsworth, of Roberts town, Ga., and Mrs. Sally Roselle in Baltimore. Maryland. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Wyatt have as their house guests their son. David, of the U. S. Navy, Norfolk, Va., and his wife, of Spartanburg, S. C. Mrs. Joe Nichblson and son, Danny, of Flat Rock and Wilming ton, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Nicholson. Ralph Sentelle, of the army air corps, has been transferred from Keesler Field, Miss., to Morgan town, W. Va. George Barton is taking his va cation from Ecusta thi^ week, and accompanied by Mrs. Barton and daughter, Carolyn, are visiting relatives in Greer. S. C. Pfc. Ralph Allison, of Camp Howze, Texas, will leave on Satur day after spending a 11-day fur lough with his mother, Mrs. Char lie Allison. Frazier Sentelle, U. S. Navy, Bainbridge, Md., has been visiting relatives here while spending a leave with his mother, Mrs. Jethro Sentelle. Mrs. C. L. Waddell and daugh ter, Linda, accompanied by Mr, Waddell, of Wilmington, have been visiting the latter’s relatives in Armiston, Ala. Mr. Wiley Bradley, of Inman, S. C., and Mrs. Bill Humphrey and daughter, Mrs. Lawrence Sparks, of Spartanburg, S. C., who spent Wednesday here visiting Mrs. Jim Allison and family, were accom panied home by Miss Shirley Al lison for a week’s visit. Corp. Henry Tritt, of the U. S. Army, Fort Bragg, is spending a 10 day furlough with hi§ wife and son at the home of Mrs. Tritt’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Kin sey. JERRY JEROME IS -FROM PAGE ONE and briefly outlined the health and welfare program that is being carried on in the county at this time. “From time to time we need additional money that is not earmarked to take care of health and welfare needs,” Mrs. Patton said. “In the past when conditions of this kind arose, I have gone to a number of local citizens with specific requests and they have contributed generously, but I know this is a nuisance to them and that it is not the best way to handle the situation,” she ex plained. “I think the Community Chest proposal would be fine and I would like to see it carried out,” she said. Financial campaigns that may be merged into one drive include Boy and Girl Scouts, Red Cross roll call, P-Tj¥ needs, T. B. cam paigns, Salvation Army, etc. A com mittee will be appointed to make a study of budget requirements. Under the constitution and by laws adopted at the meeting Tues day night, all agencies that par ticipate in the Chest will agree not to make other solicitation dur ing the year among contributors to the Chest. Mrs. Patton stated that the county welfare department now has 40 families on the aid to de pendent children program, 200 on the old age assistance program, 10 aid to the blind, 12 to 18 that get general relief and 10 families that receive other financial assistance, 25 crippled children and a num ber of tuberculosis cases. The federal state and county governments are doing all they can, but there are still a number of families who need assistance and we do not have such assistance to give, Mrs. Patton stated. In the future, all persons who contribute money or volunteer service will be members of the Community Chest and all institu tions that contribute will be mem bers. Charter members will be repre sentatives of all organizations and churches who have co-operated in the formation of the Chest and all other organizations and churches are eligible to become members. The Chest will not have any paid workers. Organization of the Community Chest was proposed editorially by this newspaper a short time ago and the Lions club here sponsor ed the movement, with Ed McMa han as chairman. TRIAL OF BOYD - FROM PAGE ONE - defendant assaulted and raped her. She told officers that she knew Owen, but had never had a date with him. Owen was arrested late Thurs day night and placed in jail here. The youth is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Eli Owen, who moved to Rosman from Jackson county two years ago. The boy has been working for the Gloucester Lum ber company. RESOLUTION PASSED BY THE MONORE WILSON POST OF THE AMERICAN LEGION Whereas, we have learned with deep sorrow of the death of Alvin Rockwood, a member of this Post; and, Whereas, the said Alvin Rock wood was a loyal and enthusiastic member of long standing and a friend to all his comrades in this Post and his passing has left us with a deep feeling of loss and, Whereas, we wish to extend to the members of his family our deep and heartfelt sympathy in their bereavement. Now, therefore, be it resolved that we do hereby express our deep sorrow and loss at the death of our comrade, Alvin Rockwood, and, Be it further resolved, that we do hereby extend to his family our deep and heartfelt sympathy and, Be it further resolved, that these resolutions be spread upon the minutes of this Post and that a copy be transmitted to the fam ily of Alvin Rockwood and that a copy be delivered to The Tran sylvania Times for publication. W. J. WALLIS, Commander. J. M. GAINES, Adjutant. JURY DESCRIBES --FROM PAGE ONE condition, except it needs a gutter on the outside. The jail is clean, inmates well fed and well cared for. “We recommend that the toilets in the upstairs department of the courthouse be so fixed that water will be carried to them by pipe line so that they may be flushed and eliminate what is now an un healthy, unsanitary and unsightly condition . . . “The entire jury body visited the men’s toilet in the rear of the courthouse and found it to be one of the most unsightly and offen sive places in the entire county. We recommend that this toilet be closed to the public and not be reopened until such time as proper replacements have been made to take care of the sewage disposal and eliminate the terrible stench which premeates the entire court building from this unsanitary toi let. We believe that public toilet is necessary for the convenience of the public, but we also believe that the present equipment is be yond repair and recommend that modern facilities be provided. If these recommendations relative to toilets both upstairs and down stairs are not carried out immedi ately, we fear that an epidemic of typhoid fever may result from this source.” IMPROVED BUS -FROM PAGE ONE chamber of commerce committee stated. This section is enjoying a rush ing tourist business and this ser vice will be of much value. Phenothiazine is especially ef fective against worms in sheep. See your county agent, if a sheep grower. ..•••mm.,lllll.,llmi(l(,|M|.M|mg WANT ADS I RATE: MINIMUM 25c ONE INSERTION NOT MORE THAN 25 WORDS. ADDITIONAL WORDS lc WORD For Sale FOR SALE—On Greenville high way, one mile from city limits, house, five bedrooms, two baths, 13 acrej of land. Will accept smaller house in Brevard as part payment. Shown by appoint ment. Duncan MacDougald, Route 1, Phone 333. 7-29-4tc FOR SALE — Rich, healthful, nourishing Swiss Goat Milk. Priced reasonable. Call Phone 284 or 347, Brevard. 7-1-tfc FOR SALE—A material saving in life insurance if application is placed before August 1st. A. E. Hampton, Brevard, Phone 270. __7-15-3tc FOR SALE — Pair young work horses. See D. P. Kilpatrick, 215 Whitmire street. 7-22-2tp FOR SALE — USED PLUMBING. We have a good supply of bath tubs, lavatories and various sizes kitchen sinks; also new commode sets. Louis Williams & Sons, 7th Avenue E. Hender sonville, N. C. 7-22-tfc FOR SALE — Just received 2 60-tooth drag harrows, and also one big outdoor clothes drier. Farmers Supply Co. 7-29-ltc FOR SALE — House trailer, like new. 22 ft, sleeps four, good tires. Write Box 89, Greenville, S. C. 7-29-ltp FOR SALE — Shoats weighing 90 and 100 pounds. Price $15 each. Dallas K. McCall, Brevard, Rt. 2. • 7-29-ltp FOR SALE — 4-room dwelling house, 11 acres land on Boylston highway. Have $500 insurance on house. Price $500. Dallas K. McCall, Brevard, Route 2. 7-29-ltp FOR SALE — Baby bathinette, new. Price $5.50. Telephone 443. 7-29-ltp FOR SALE — Guaranteed College Education for your child through Occidental Life Exclusive plan. If you die or should become dis abled the day after the policy is taken, your child would still be guaranteed its college educa tion .... and the cost is very nominal each year. See Doug las or call Phone 99-R2 or 321. 7-29-ltc FOR SALE — Good young Jersey milk cow, two and one-half years old. See M. C. Com, West Whitmire street. 7-29-ltc FOR SALE — Lipsey Mill proper ty, just outside town, 2 houses, mill, water power right & 30 acres; also some good homes, farms, town lots and mountain farm land. O. H. Orr, Phone 450. 7-29-ltp Miscellaneous FREE—If Excess acid causes you pain or Stomach Ulcers, Indi gestion, Heartburn, Belching, Bloating, Nausea, Gas Pains, get free sample, Udga, at Varner’s Drug Store. 7-l-10tp MISCELLANEOUS—Face the Fu ture with security. All policies registered. Security Life and Trust Company. A. E. Hampton, Representative, Phone 270. 7-8-4C FOR EXCHANGE — For country property on highway near Bre vard 20 acres near Wauqjiula, Fla. 10 acres of this is an orange grove of 7 years growth and 5 acres of 1 year growth, good 6 room house with conveniences. O. H. Orr, Phone 450. 7-29-ltp MISCELLANEOUS — LET ME REPAIR your sewing machine, washing machine, typewriter, adding Machine or any house hold appliance. Drop me a card. Bryant Machine Shop, 72 Oak dale street, Brevard. 7-29-4tp ......""CJ For Rent FOR RENT — Small apartment, rent free to responsible couple to look after place. See Ed Morgan, Rosman Road. 7-29-ltp FOR RENT — 6-room house near Enon church; 6-room house in North Brevard; 3-room place, North Brevard; apartment near depot; partly furnished apart ment, Deer Park Home. O. H. Orr, Phone 450. 7-29-ltp FOR RENT — Nice, clean, com fortable bedroom, bath on same floor. Plenty hot water. Rent reasonable. Mrs. Pat Poor, 346 Whitmire street. 7-29-ltp FOR RENT — 7-room modem house, 3 or 4 bedrooms, com pletely furnished for season. Large front and back porch, screened in, telephone service. Call phone 376. 7-29-ltp Wanted WANTED—We want to buy good used Furniture and Pianos. Bring yours to us or phone us and we’ll come look at it. Houston Furniture Co., Brevard, N. C._ 1-7-tfc WANTED — To clean your white shoes at Smith’s Barber Shop. 7-22-2tp WANTED—A small cottage close in, furnished or unfurnished. Reasonable rent. Call Phone 53. 7-29-1 tc WANTED — Late model electric refrigerator, 7 or 9 ft. Will pay cash. What have you? Write Box 89, Greenville, S. C. 7-29-ltp WANTED — We have opened a cross tie yard at Brevard, be low depot at oil track. Our representative, E. A. Addis, will be on the yard Monday through Friday each week. He will pay you for ties when delivered to yard. Taylor-Colquitt Company, Spartanburg, S. C. 7-29-4tc WANTED — Man to cut a few small trees. Will pay for the job or exchange work for wood and hauling away. Inquire 671 Probart street. 7-29-ltp WANTED — A fresh Jersey or Gurnsey cow, heavy milker. Must be good and sound in ev ery way. J. S. Nicholson, W. Probart Road. 7-29-ltp WANTED — Will pay cash for late model electric range and 6 or 7 ft. refrigerator. Ray Hoop er, Box 454, Brevard, phone 73. 7-29-ltp WANTED — Day or night hands at the Carolina Laundry, North Brevard. Mrs. Joe Corbett, pro prietor. 7-29-ltp WANTED — Oil cook stove, with oven preferred. Mrs. Mary Jane McCrary, Phone 67. 7-29-ltp WANTED — Electric kitchen range. Write Charles Sieber, Brevard, Route 2. 7-29-ltp When your doctor asks where you prefer to have your prescription filled, say: VARNER’S, because: Filled only by registered pharma cist; as written and at reasonable prices. (Advt.) tfc Lost LOST — Black billfold at swim ming pool. Finder keep money and return folder to J. Sum mey, phone 353. 7-29-ltp LOST — Boy’s bicycle taken from rack on Caldwell street Tues day night. Please return to Troy Wilkie, Franklin Park. 7-29-ltp LOST — Ladies’ horn rimmed glasses lost Tuesday night on Main street. Reward for return to Mrs. J. H. Wolfe, Brevard, Rt. 2. 7-29-ltp Mrs. Pansy Parker, County’s First Lady Mail Carrier, Is Busy Person Mrs. Pansy Parker, of Wolf Mountain, should be an inspira tion for the Transylvania “work or fight” committee recently ap pointed by the governor, and too she should be a model for some of the “don’t care” people who seemingly don’t give a whoop whether Uncle Sam and his chil dren win the war or not. Mrs. Parker, wife of Aaron Parker, who is a logger and woods man by trade, looks after her hus band and three children in their attractive home at Wolf Moun tain, and in addition carries the mail six round trips each week from Wolf Mountain to Balsam Grove, a distance of 12 miles. Transylvania has many women doing their part and more in the effort to keep as many men avail able for the fighting forces as possible, but to Mrs. Parker goes the distinction of being the first lady mail carrier, and patrons along the star route over which she delivers mail each day are highly pleased with the type of service Mrs. Parker gives. Work to Mrs. Parker is noth ing new. She is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Luther Owen, of Wolf Mountain, and the family is noted for being thrifty and good Tighten Regulation* On Gas Supplements Unless an occupational need is considerably changed, the expira tion date is now the earliest date at which B and C ration supple ments can be renewed, it was learned today from the rationing board. Persons who run out of coupons prior to the date of the expiration are in danger of going without gas oline. Holders of these coupons may continue using stamps until they are exhausted. They are not re quired to apply for renewal of their ration at the date specified on the cover of the coupon cover. neighbors. Mrs. Parker was taught to work when she was a young ster, and she told a Times report er this week that she was happiest when busy. Mrs. Parker said she started the 12-mile (24 round trip) daily de livery on June 21, and while neighbors and friends were adam ant in their assertion that she would be tired of the job in a week, she purchased a car this week for the mail route, and says she intends to stick with her work. CASH & CARRY S Courteous Service Quality Merchandise Fair Prices Ample Parking Space Near Our Store FRUITS AND PRODUCE l We carry a good stock of fresh South Carolina Watermelons and cantaloupes, at very resonable prices. California Lettuce, large size, 2 for 25c Home Grown Tomatoes, 2 lbs.25c String Beans, 2 lbs. 15c Fresh Corn, dozen. 39c California Carrots, 2 bunches. 17c New Sweet Potatoes, 2 lbs. 25c Irish Potatoes, good quality, 10 lbs. 35c Fine Quality S. C. Eating Peaches TRY— O. & C. FROZEN FRUITS AND VEGETABLES 1 lb. Sliced Peaches. 27c 1 lb. Red Raspberries. 35c 12 oz. size Garden Peas. 27c Other Varieties English Peas, 2 No. 2 cans. 29c Happy Vale Asparagus, No. 2 can . . 21c Gordon’s Fish Roe, small can. 14c Maine Sardines in oil, can. 10c Combed or Strained Honey, 5 lb. jar, fine quality .... $1.29 Pure Lard, 4 lb. carton. 73c Wigwam Flour, 24 lb. bag.$1.15 JAR RINGS 6 25c BULK VINEGAR „„„_35c TEA AND TEA BALLS 10c and Up KOOL-AID Asstd. Flavors 5c Pkg. Junket Powder For Custards Asstd. Flavors 10c Clinton’s Pudding Asstd. Flavors 6c Bran Shorts, 75 lb. bag.$2.25 Dairy Feed, ,16 per cent, 100 lbs. . .$2.99 FULL LINE OF POULTRY FEED IN OUR GRADE ‘A’ MARKET Shop in our Grade ‘A’ Market for a good variety of quality meats. A. F. JUSTUS, Market Manager.