Pisgah Forest —COMMUNITY HAPPENINGS— By Mrs. C. F. Allison BINGO PARTY TONIGHT Everyone is cordially invited to join in the fun at the Bingo party given by the local Parent-Teacher association at the school house on Thursday (tonight) evening, Aug ust 19th. Several entertaining fea tures besides bingo have been planned which includes a fish pond for the little children and a cake walk. An admission of twenty-five cents will be charged for all over nine years of age and refreshments of cookies and drinks will be served. BAPTIST WORKER HERE Miss Louise Bashford, state worker of the Baptist church, Raleigh, spent three days here last week where she met with the G. A’s, Y. W. A’s and Women’s Missionary Society at the local Baptist church. Miss Bashford gave the G. %A’s. some very help ful information in their work and for three evenings she taught a study course using the book, “Bap tist Building in Brazil,” with 14 W. M. S. members and 8 Y. W. A. members attending. SINGING CONVENTION SUNDAY All singers are invited to at tend the lower district fourth Sun day afternoon singing convention which will meet at the Pisgah For est Baptist church on Sunday af ternoon, August 22nd at 2:30 p.m. PERSONAL MENTION Mrs. Sam Barnett and son, of Savannah, Ga., are visiting Mrs. Barnett’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Flave Holden. They were ae companied here by Mr. Barnett, who spent several days vacation before returning to his defense job. Week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Cheek and family were Mrs. Gedwin Vaughn and daugh ter Ruth, of Asheville, and Jack Morgan, of Greenville, S. C. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Capps have as their guest their grandaughter, Faye Blythe, of Atlanta, Ga. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Barton have been the latter’s mother and niece, Mrs. J. M. Bur gin and Dorothy Jean Taylor, of Greer, South Carolina. Pvt. Edwin Cheek, of the Marines, stationed at Cherry Point, N. C., spent Wednesday with his parents Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Cheek. Recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Claud Ray were Miss Elsie Ray and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Odom and daughter, of Campobello, S. C. A. L. Morgan, John Parker and Mrs. H. O. Parker and family at tended the Corn reunion at the Moffitt home in Flat Rock on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Hedrick, of Chicago, 111., returned on Tues day, after a 10-day Visit with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hedrick. Bob T. Gash returned on Tues day to his home here after spend ing the past month at Kanuga, the Episcopal church grounds. Mrs. T. E. Patton, of Charlotte, is spending some time at her sum mer home, Ivy Hill. She will be joined here this week by her daughter, Miss Rebecca Patton, of Charlotte. Week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Gasperson were: Mr. and Mrs. Allen Gasperson and son and Mrs. W. O. Gasperson and granddaughter, of Avery Creek. Mrs. D. H. Orr on Saturday visited Aunt Della Sitton who is ill and confined to her bed at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Leo Moody at Avery’s Creek. Several members of the 4-H club from this section enjoyed the camping trip to the Pink Beds camping ground on Friday and Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Laxton Cantrell, of Hendersonville, spent Sunday with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Sentelle. Home L\_.nonstration Women Report Much Canning This Year The home demonstration club women of Transylvania county have canned over 1,800 quarts of fruits and vegetables during July, according to recent report from Miss E. Annabel Teague, home agent. In addition to the canning they have also made 135 clothing artic les, purchased $1426.80 worth of war stamps and bonds, and re modeled a number of rooms in their homes. The club women made sand wiches which were sold at a recent Farmers Federation picnic, and turned thp proceeds, $25.07, over to the local Red Cross chapter. The 4-H club girls are also do ing good work according to Miss Teague. They have helped with the canning of 694 quarts of pro duce, put $82 into war stamps, prepared 268 meals, and spent 398 hours in their Victory gardens. TRY TIMES WANT ADS THEY BRING RESULTS ...... Mrs. Junior Hall underwent an appendectomy at Transylvania Community hospital on Thursday. OPA Price Ceiling Enforcement Officer Checked Stores Here An OPA enforcement officer was here a few days ago check ing on various stores to see if they are complying with price ceiling regulations. He is also expected to return from time to time, it is stated. DIET OFTEN CAUSE OF THIN SHELLED EGGS The production of thin shelled eggs during the summer can not be corrected by causing hens to consume more oyster shell or some other form of lime, says Roy S. Dearstyne, head of the poultry department at N. C. State College. He points out that, in most cases, the birds have been laying for a long period of time and have exhausted their body reserves. Thin shelled eggs may usually be regarded as an index that the bird is about to complete her laying period and this fact should be valuable as a culling guide. Dearstyne says that egg shells are chiefly calcium but are formed when calcium, phosphorous and possibly other minerals are broken down in the process of digestion. Research study also reveals that certain levels of vitamin D are necessary in preparing the min erals for bone and egg shell forma tion. Stockmen are warned to be on the watch for screwworm flies since several outbreaks occured in the Southeast during July. TWIGGS KILLS LARGE RATTLE SNAKE MON. On the Mill hill road near Rock brook Earl Twiggs ran over and killed a large rattlesnake Monday night that had 14 rattlers, and a short distance away he also killed a copperhead snake. “That was the largest rattler I ever saw,” he declared. BACK TO GOD, AMERICA! > - issued in ~Ncw York *jftjly 1776 The Genejal iS Sotty to be informed that the foolish arid wicked practice of profane cursing and swearing", d vice heretofore little known an an Aniencen army is growing into fashion. He hopes tne officers will,by example as well as influence endeavor to check it, and that both they and the men will reflect that we can have little hope of the blessing of Heavenon our aims, if we insult it by crar nnptety and folly Added to this.lt w a vice so mean and low.without any temptation,that every man of sense and character detests and despises n - ' ^- fe £* , ~ , ‘ " •' 7.- te & ■ < *' e A _?feTc*,'- m . r < 7 fja f V’ B i | 11 r~K/*d nrWm ml F Jm J ■ m , V MM W PL HAVE FAITH IN COD "THAT IF THOU SHALT CONFESS WITH THY MOUTH THE LORD JESUS, AND SHALT BELIEVE |N THINE HEART THAT GOD HATH RAISED HIM FROM THE JJEAD* THOU SHALT BE SAVED ROfUUGHI, 1542. UUCIOCS fOSTCB ASStU % VICTORY IS OF GOD God alone can give us victory over our enemies, bring our boys home, and give us a righteous enduring peace. Let us, as a nation turn back to the God of our fathers and seek His forgiveness for profaning the Name of God, for our neglect of the Word of God, the House of God, and the Day of God; and for our failure to be lieve in and receive the Son of God, the Lord Jesus Christ, as our own personal Savior and Lord, and for not telling others who do not know Him. God has said: “Seek ye the Lord while He may be found, call ye upon Him while He is near.” Isaiah 55:6. An exact reproduction of the picture and copy— Washington’s General Order—has been printed in a large 17x24 four color poster on heavy durable paper. The prayer and hope of the sponsors are that this and other such posters may be placed in all army and navy barracks, mess halls, canteens, in factories, industrial plants, stores, offices, school rooms, and in EVERY HOME IN AMERICA. Army chaplains who have seen these posters want them and will put them up, but no money has been ap propriated for this purpose. Help us get this and other such posters in our Army and Navy camps and Air fields. All Contributions and Profits will be used for this pur pose. Have your Church, Bible Class, Club, Lodge, As sociation or business sponsor at least one poster for each one of its boys in the service. Price $1.00 each, $9 per dozen, $50 per hundred. Post Cards in four colors, the exact reproduction of the poster, price 2 for 5c, $2.00 per hundred, plus postage. Address RELIGIOUS POSTER ASSOCIATION, 208V2 W. 4th St., Charlotte, N. C., or buy them at the office of this, paper. Order by Mail! Religious Poster Association, 208% W. 4th St., Charlotte, N. C. Please ship at once -Washington’s General Order Posters $. $1,00 each, $9.00 dozen, $50.00 per hundred -Washington’s General Order Postal Cards $. 2 for 5c, $2.00 per hundred Postage Amount enclosed $ Name _ Street or R.F.D. _ City- State_ This Spiritual Defense Message Is Sponsored By: Pisgah Mills, Inc. - A. W. Wheeler 6-Son - Smathers Mfg. Co. Carr Lumber Co. - Sid Barnett's Machine Shop