Pisgah Forest —COMMUNITY HAPPENINGS— By Mrs. C. F. Allison W. M. S. MEETING WED. 8TH The September meeting of the Woman’s Missionary Society of the Baptist church will be held on Wednesday evening, Sept. 8th, at the home of the president, Mrs. J. A. Anderson, in the Little River section where the group will have a picnic supper. CLUB MEETS ON TUESDAY The local Home Demonstration club will meet on Tuesday after noon, Sept. 7th, at 2 o’clock at the home of Miss Rosa Bishop where the program on “How Safe Is Your Home?” will be given. GETS GREETING FROM INDIA Miss Ruby Lee Allison received birthday greeting by telegram this week from her friend, Sgt. Leon King, who is somewhere in India. Miss Allison also received by mail a lovely birthday gift from Sgt. King. PICNIC IS HELD The primary Sunday school class members of the Baptist church en joyed a picnic at White Pine camp on Sunday. They were accompani ed by Mrs. Paul Sitton and their teacher, Miss Eugenia Holden. SERVICE ROLL OF HONOR Members of the Baptist Sunday school and church have secured a Service Roll of Honor and placed it in their church: The roll con tains the names of forty-five mem bers of this community who are serving in the armed forces. TO ENTER AIR CORPS Bob T. Gash, son of R. L. Gash, who volunteered for the Naval Air Corps eight months ago. has been notified to report to Atlanta. Ga., the first of this week where he will be assigned for his training. PERSONAL MENTION Mr. and Mrs. Frank Patton have as their guests the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. William and granddaughter and Mrs. L. L. Peterson, of Lakeland. Florida. Mrs. Maggie Morgan and daugh ter, Mrs. Ivan Galloway and son, Victor, left on Saturday for Balti more, Md.. where they will spend several weeks with their daughter and sister respectively, Mrs. John Ruckman, who is convalescing irom an operation. Guests last week of Mrs. H. O. Parker and family were Mrs. Park er’s sister, Mrs. Rosa Allison and son, of Portsmouth, Virginia. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Parris spent Sunday in Brevard visiting the latter’s sister, Mrs. Jim McCall, and family. Miss Lucille Marcum, of Spartan burg, S. C., accompanied by her friend. Miss Velma Lyday, spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Milas Marcum. Guests during last week of Mrs. Junior Hensley and son were her father and mother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Hensley, of Bee Log. Bobby Patton, twelve-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Patton, underwent an appendectomy at Transylvania community hospital last Monday and will return to his home this week. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Allison and two children moved on Monday from the Mrs. J. H. Wolfe house at the railroad trestle to the Fred McCann house. Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Orr were visitors in the Boilston section on MVLTAMXNS Vitamins A, B, D, § j and G capsules. ~ ,149f A NfODOCT MACFIE’S DRUG STORE f.