PERSONALS Miss Mary Sluder left Monday for Memphis, Tenn., where she will be religious education director and pastor’s helper at the Decatur street Christian church in Mem phis, under the pastor, Rev. T. O. Slaughter. Miss Sluder has done excellent work as junior superin tendent at Oak Grove Methodist Sunday school and other activities at that church and the Brevard Methodist church. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Mott, Mrs. H. L. Riddle and Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Davis, of Morganton, were guests the past week of Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Shiflet. Mrs. Ora Lee Smith, of Char lotte, was guest the past week of her parents, Rev. and Mrs. W. A. Jenkins, and her son, Tommy Smith. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Rufty were called to Reidsville on Saturday to attend the funeral service of Mr. Rufty’s sister, Mrs. Marvin White, who died at her home on Friday after an extended illness. Mrs. Carrie T. Dorsett, of Ashe ville, was a Brevard visitor the past week. Mrs. L. K. Ratchford and two sons, Kenneth and Bobby, of Welch Cove, spent the week end at their home here. Mr. Ratchford, who is with the TVA at Fontana Dam, joined his family here and all re turned to Welch Cove Sunday afternoon. V 2 5,000 Vitamin A § $ Q10 | WaV"1" 'n onc capsu,cl ^ ^ Vy - XHACriE’S DRUG STORE Let our trained opera tors sheathe your legs in Artificial Hosiery ... a war innovation that has gained the favor of smart women the nation over. Properly ap plied this liquid hose has decided advantages over the conventional types now avail able. RUTH’S | BEAUTY SHOP West Main St. Mrs. Mary H. Mills has returned from an extended visit with her son, Mr. J. T. Mills, and family in Tucumcari, New Mexico. Miss Lillian Sorkin, of Boston, Mass., is house guest of Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Jerome. Mrs. Clyde MacDonald and son, Henry, spent the week end in Seneca, S. C., with Mr. MacDonald at the home of his parents. Mr. S. F. Ailison and daughter, Miss Helen Louise, spent Sunday in Asheville, guests of Mr. and Mrs. Plato Allison. Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Head and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Head visited Pvt. Roy Head at Camp Wheeler, Ga., last Sunday. Miss Virginia Mason Daniel, of Fredericksburg, Va., is visiting her cousin, Mrs. J. S. Bromfield, and family. Mrs. Gerald Allison has return ed to the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. M. * Mull, after spending the past four months with her husband, who is stationed at Camp Santa Anita, Calif. Mrs. Donald Jenkins spent the week end in Charlotte, where she met her husband, Pvt. Jenkins, who is at Camp Lee, Va. Rev. and Mrs. Cliff Johnson, of Leesburg, Va., have been guests the past week of the former’s brother. Rev. Ashby Johnson, and Mrs. Johnson here. Pfc. Thomas Walters is visiting his sisters, Mrs. O. Duclos and Mrs. W. M. Heath. Mr. George Bromfield, of At lanta, spent Sunday here with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Brom field. He was accompanied on his return to Atlanta by Bob T. Gash, who reported there for examina tion on Tuesday 9? naval aviator, and from there he was sent to Williams College, Mass, for officer j training. - v - - ] Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Verdery &bd son, John Albert, of Gastonia, spent the week end in Brevard with Mrs. Mamie C. Verdei’y Mrs. Charlie Russell spent the week end in Greensboro, where her husband is in a military camp. Spencer Macfie, chief petty of ficer in the navy, who has been in service in South America, is home on a 10-day furlough with his wife and his mother, Mrs. S. M. Macfie. * Lt. Richard McGehee, instructor in advanced flying at Stuttgart, Ark., air base, while on a business trip to Greenville, S. C., flew on to the Asheville airport and spent the week end in Brevard with his mother, Mrs. J. T. McGehee, and other members of the family. Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Smith, of Orangeburg, S. C., are guests of Mr. S. F. Allison and daughter. Miss Helen Louise. Misses Martha and Ida Walters, ! of Raefv&terday'. Miss Margaret Gc%h; left day for New York City, after spend ing two weeks here with’ Her sister and brothers, Miss Annie Ghsfr and W. D. and R. L. Gash, wfW1 ac companied their sister as a§ Greenville on her return honVr Week-end guests of Mr. an# Mrs. T. W. Phillips were Mrs. Mae Bethel, Miss Olive Patton and Charles Phillips, of Franklin. Pvt. Charlie Clayton, Jr., has returned to Daniel Field Augus ta, Ga., after a 10-day furlough here with Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Guf fee and sister, Mrs. Andrew Alli son, and other relatives and friends. He was accompanied on his return | to camp by his wife. Miss Marian Haight and little adopted son, Bobby, of Brookfield, Conn., are making their home for the winter with Mr. Harry Clarke and two daughters on Rice street. Miss Haight is a cousin of Mr. Clarke and Mrs. H. N. Carrier. Lt. A. W. Tucker, Jr., an in structor in the army air intelli gence school, Harrisburg, Pa., has been promoted recently to the rank of first lieutenant. His wife and two children are in Harris burg with him. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney M. Siniard announce the birth of a daughter, Mary Diane, at Angel Brothers hospital, Franklin, on August 26'. Mrs. Julius Sader and three children left the past week to join Capt. Sader, who is in the medical corps at the evacuation hospital, Elkins, W. Va. Mrs. Sader and children expect to be* away for some time. Mr. H. D. Wyatt and son, Ken neth, are on a 10-day visit with the former’s parents and other rela tives in New Jersey and New York. Little ads bring: gwst retime CIVIC CLUB BOND SALE SATURDAY IS SUCCESS The regular fourth Saturday war bond and stamp sale, spon sored by the Women’s Civic club, netted a total of $748.10 at the sale last Saturday in the business district, it was announced by Mrs. H. L. ’Haswell, chairman. Of the total amount sold, two j>100 bonds were sold each by Mrs. Frank Kerber, Mrs. H. P, Van nah and Barbara Wilber. SINGING POSTPONED The upper district singing con vention, scheduled to meet at Zion Baptist church o n Wednesday night, September 8, has been post poned to the regular third Sun day afternoon, September 19. The change in date was made due to the singing school in session at Turkey Creek Baptist church, it has been announced by Glenn Win chester, president. COLLECTOR ANNOUNCES DATES IN OFFICE HERE S. E. Varner, deputy collector of internal revenue, announced yesterday that he will be in his office here in the post office on Saturdays, Sept. 4 and 11 and then on Monday, Tuesday and Wednes day, Sept. 13, 14 and 15 to assist taxpayers in filing their income tax returns. Details as to who is required to file are given in another story published elsewhere in this issue. GREGG CHERRY TO ADDRESS BOND RALLY Hon. Gregg Cherry, former state senator and prominent attorney of Gastonia, will address the county wide bond rally to be held at the Brevard high school auditorium on Friday, Sept. 24th, in connection with the third war loan drive now being conducted in Transyl vania county Chairman Edward H, McMahan announced today. OAKLAND NEWS BY MRS. LEE NORTON Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Bryson and family, of Knoxville, Tenn., spent the week end with home folks here. Clifford Reid, who was wounded in foreign service, is here for a visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Reid. E. A. Reid has been suffering greatly the past week with rheu matism, and has been unable to walk. Mrs. W. F. McCall was in Hen dersonville Monday to meet her husband, who was returning home after a six weeks’ stay in Miami, Fla. He reported the weather was almost unbearably hot down there. Mrs. Mary Burgess and Mrs. Lee Norton were in Brevard Monday on business and were guests ol the former's sister, Mrs. Mamie Fowler. They report that Mrs. Cora Foster, sister of Mrs- Burgess and Mrs. Fowler, tthb haft been a help less invalid for sevfiftil years is slowly improving. Grady Nicholson, Jr., spent the week end in Clayton, Ga., with his sister and grandparents. Cottage prayer service next Sun day night will be at the home oi Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Cash, in charge of Mrs. Hebert Hall. Rev. S. B. McCall, pastor ol Lake ToxawaV Baptist chufCb, was in the Baptist hospital last week Miss Elizabeth1 Btfrgess and brother, Afvto, and Missies Jewel and Marian Etta Chaf^pdli will leave Saturday to enter the &?Ar.R: >school! at Thomassee, S. C. MisS,.Theo Galloway attended the singing convention in Brevard last Sunday. DINNER HONORS SON j LEAVING FOR SERVICE Vtjv and Mrs. J. E. Morris en teriitped last Sunday night with a fai dwell dinner, honoring their j son, Howard Morris, before he left I the following day to enter the navy. Guests present were: Mr. and Mrs. Howard Morris and infant son, Donald, Mr. and Mrs. B D. Ward, of Penrose, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Aiken and sons, William and Harold, Mr. and Mrs. James Morris and sons, Jimmy and Char les, and Clarence Morris. FIDELIS CLASS HAS ENJOYABLE MEETING An enjoyable meeting of the Fidelis class of the First Baptist Sunday school was held last Friday night at the home of Mrs. Albert Payne, with Mrs. Guy Dean as co-hostess. Devotionais were led by Mrs. Winston Ashworth, and routine business was in charge of the president, Mrs. Lester Martin. It was voted to have a White Ele phant sale at the September meet ing. Contests were in charge of Mrs. J. B. Jones, and the winners were Mrs. Melvin Gillespie and Mrs T E.' Reid. The dime in the cake, baked by Mrs. Glazener, and sold at 10 cents a slice to the members, was found by Mrs. Walter Kay, who in turn will have to bake the cake for the next meeting. Refreshments and a social hour concluded the meeting. FATHERS IN - FROM PAGE ONE - each group will be inducted before men are selected from the next group. These groups are as fol lows: “1—Men with dependents. “2—Men with collateral depend ents, provided such status was ac quired prior to December 9, 1941. “3—Men who have wives with whom they maintain bona fide family relationships in their homes, provided such relationships were acquired prior to December 8, 1941. “4—Men who have children with whom they maintain bona fide fam ily relationships in their homes, provided such relationships were acquired prior to December 8, 1941. (A child born on or before September 14, 1942, should be considered as having been con ceived prior to December 8, 1941, and a child born on or after Sep tember 15, 1942, should be con sidered as having been conceived on or after December 8, 1941, un less there is affirmative evidence of a medical character which clearly established that birth was delayed.) Sub-Groups “Group 4 is divided into two sub-groups. The first sub-group will be exhausted before any men are called from the second sub-1 group. These sub-groups are as follows: “A—Registrants classified in 1-A because they left an agricul tural occupation or because they are engaged in a non-deferrable activity. “B—Other registrants who are ■reclassified from 3-A to 1-A as a result of the current directive. “This means that Pre-Pearl Har bor fathers who continue to engage in non-deferable activities will find themselves subject to induc tion prior to registrants who are engaged in other employment. The list of non-deferable activities contains 118 separate occupations and is on file in every local board office in the state. It is available for inspection by every registrant. It is considered that fair warning has been given to fathers who have dependent children to remove them selves from non-deferable ac tivities Of lace the possibility of early induction.” HOMECOMING ON 12th The Boylston church homecom ing and reunion of the McKinna and Simpson families will meet on Sunday, September 12th. Pic nic dinner will be on the grounds at noon. Farm Reports Should Be Filled Out On Or Before This Saturday All farmers in Transylvania county who have not filled out and filed the AAA farm reports are being urged to stop at the AAA office in the courthouse here on or before Saturday after noon and complete their reports, it was announced this week. About fifty per cent of the farmers in the county attended the community meetings held recently, but there are a number of others who have not submit ted reports and these must be filed in order for them to re ceive benefit credits. “We are trying to finish up SEUCA NEWS BY MRS. WARD BREEDLOVE Rev. J. R. Bowman will preach at Selica church next Sunday morning. Mrs. H. Hooper was taken to the Transylvania hospital on Sun day in a very ill condition. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Greene visited Mrs. Greene’s mother, Mrs. Jones, at Lake Toxaway recently. W. M. Eubanks was in Hender sonville one day last week and bought a load of apples. Noah’s Ark is believed to have been a 20,000-ton ship. this work before Saturday night," P. A. Rahn stated. Square Dance At The COUNTRY CLUB Friday and Saturday Nights, Sept. 3—4 Starting at 9 P. M. Music By ECUSTA STRING BAND Admission: 40c Inc. Tax No Charge For Service Men Week-end Specials AT MULL’S MARKET & GROCERY AA BEEF SIRLOIN STEAK ROUND STEAK T-BONE STEAK CLUB STEAK All at the right prices. Cooking Apples, 2 lbs.-15c Lettuce, lb. -12c Grapefruit Juice, 46 oz. size -30c S. C. Sweet Potatoes, 3 lbs.-25c Mull’s Grocery & Market “Low Prices—High Quality^Speedy Delivery” ^ Grade A ^ We Deliver Phone 201 Purity Products Company has plenty of coal! RIDE THE BUS BREVARD - ROSMAN SCHEDULE (25-Minute Runs) LEAVE BREVARD 6:00 A. M. To Toxaway (Daily, But Not Sunday) A & C—10:10 A. M. 11:30 A. M. 1:00 P. M. 3:15 P. M. B— 5:05 P. M. JLfk ' 5:50 P. M. c— 7:30 P. M. , V 9:45 P, M. LEAVE ROSMAN 7:10 A. M. (Daily, But Not Sunday) C—■, 9:00 A. M. B—10:05 A. M. 12:01 P. M. 1:45 P. M. 4:00 P. M. A & C— 6:40 P. M. 7:05 P. M. 10:10 P. M. A—Through to Atlanta ... ' B—Through to Pickens, Liberty aii* Atlanta C—Through to Franklin __ ^ * C—Denotes One Through and One Connecting BREVARD PISGAH FOREST-ECUSTA-ORr" X STORE SCHEDULE ^ ^ . * (15-Minute Runs) S’OT LEAVE BREVARD 7:30 A. id/ (Daily, Net on Stfmfay) X—9:00 A. IV?. (Daily, Not on Sunday X— 9:20 A. M. X—10:25 A. M. 10:45 A. M. To County Line X—12:01 Noon, Saturday 12:25 P. M. X— 1:30 P. M. 2^10 P. M. To County Line X— 5:00 P. M. (Mon. Thru Fri. 5:10 P. M. X— 7:00 P. M. 9:15 P. M. To County Line LEAVE ORR’S STORE 8:00 A. M. X—8:45 A. M. Mon. Thru Fri. X— 9:55 A. M. 11:20 A. M. From County Line X—ill:30 A. M.—Saturday Only 12:40 P. M. v _ X—12:55 ?. M. % 2.35 P. M. From County Line X^- 3:15 P. M. (Mon. Thru Fri.) X—4:50 P. M. 5:25 P. M. To Toxaway X— 7:15 P. M. 9:25 P. M. From County Line X—ignores Through Buses to Asheville Note—3:15 P. M. run schedule Brevard To Bosnian makes connection in Bos nian to Sylva, Cullowhee and Chattanooga. 1:00 P. M. schedule Brevard to Bosnian makes connection in Bosnian to Pickens, Greenville and Charlotte. SMOKY MOUNTAIN STAGES BREVARD BUS STATION — MACFIE DRUG STORE