Rosman News MRS. JORDAN WHITMIRE, Correspondent GIVE BIRTHDAY PARTY Mr. and Mrs, Victor Sigmon en tertained with a turkey dinner at their home near Rosman Sunday night, honoring the birthday an niversary of L. V. Sigmon. Guests present were as follows: L. V. Sigmon, Mrs. L. V. Sigmon, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Harmon and son, Wayne, Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Collins and W. L. Sigmon. PERSONAL NEWS Howard Lance left the first of the week for Ypsilanti, Mich., where he has employment. Mrs. Ida Burrell and Mrs. Nina Allison and children, of Brevard, were Sunday guests of Mrs. H. P. Whitmire. They were accompanied home by Mrs. S. E. Whitmire. Miss Irene Aiken, Bill Williams and Mrs. P. A. Aiken, of Green ville, were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Moore. Mrs. Aiken remained for several weeks visit to her daughter, Mrs. Moore. Mr. and Mrs. Hannah McCall, of Easley and Cornelius McCall, of Penderlea, were guests last week of Mr. and Mrs. Jimmey Mc Call in Gloucester. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Moore and daughter, Mary Lou and Dennis Moore were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Moore at Pisgah Forest. Mrs. Alfred Galloway and Mrs. Arthur Dishman left Monday for Ypsilanti, Mich., where they have employment. Mrs. E. H. Davis returned home the latter part of the week, hav ing spent several days visiting relatives in Virginia and Mary land. Mrs. John Chapman and sons, Allen and J. D., of Upper East Fork, spent the week-end visiting the former’s daughter, Mrs. W. B. Jones and Mr. Jones. Miss Opalee Chapman is spend ing this week visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ed Jones. Mrs. Arthur Wilson and chil dren left last week to join the former’s husband in Cincinnati, Ohio, where they will make their home. Mrs. Wilson is the former, Miss Pauline Leathers. St. Sgt. Junior Currie, of Pan ama Canal Zone, visited Mr. and Mrs. Tom Wood last week. Mr. and Mrs. James Cunning ham and children, of Fletcher, visited Mr. and Mrs. E. Carl Al lison and other relatives Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Rains and son, Austin, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rains and sons, Johnie and Joe, spent Sunday at Greenville, S. C., visiting Mr. and Mrs. John Simp son. Mrs. Joe Galloway and children spent the week-end in Gloucester visiting the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Spurgeon Owen. Sgt. J. C. Cassell, Jr., left Tues day for Mississippi, having spent a week, visiting his wife and par ents here and Cherryfield. Mrs. Archie Whitmire and son, It’s Milk For Energy Plus It’s nature’s most nearly perfect food, and Transylvania Dairies milk contains a surplus of butterfat. To help us maintain a de pendable supply of this food-beverage to our customers, please return all bottles PROMPTLY. The deposit covers only one eighth of the cost. Transylvania Dairies RALPH PARRISH, Manager James Fred and Mrs. Walter Reece, of Greenville, S. C., are spending several days visiting Mrs. H. P. Whitmire. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Lewis and daughters, Ruth and Velma, of Easley, S. C., were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Harmon. Mrs. Bessie W. Dutton who un derwent an operation at St. Fran cis hospital in Greenville, has re turned to her home here. Rev. Tom Trotter, of Dixie, Ga., spent Friday night as guest of Mr. and Mrs. Johnie Whitmire. The Rev. Trotter is a former resident of this county. Talmadge Brooks and daughter, Zelda, were dinner guests Sunday of the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Brooks near Rosman. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Moore and Mrs. Winifred Nations spent the week-end at Hendersonville, visit ing Mr. and Mrs. Louie Fisher. Mr. and Mrs. Clemmons Garren, Earl, Carolyn, Chloe Garren, and Joe Anne White were Sunday guests of Ralph Gillespie. Pvt. Ransler King returned to Camp Adair, Oregon, last week, having spent a 16-day furlough visiting relatives here. Mrs. Jack Brackens, of Green ville, S. C., spent the week-end, visiting her aunt Mrs. H. G. Stop hel. Miss Gertrude Galloway, Betty and Martha Anne Galloway, of Little Mountain, were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Gal loway. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer McLean and two children, of Little Moun tain, visited the former’s mother, Mrs. N. E. McLean Sunday. Sgt. Craig Snipes, of Camp For est, Tenn,. spent a few days here last week, visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Snipes. Rev. and Mrs. J. R. Bowman were guests last Sunday of Rev. and Mrs. D. L. Earnhardt at the Methodist parsonage in Etowah. Rev. J. R. Bowman attended a missionary institute of the Ashe ville district at Central Methodist Church in Asheville Tuesday of this week. QUEBEC NEWS By T. C. HENDERSON Pfc. Joseph P. Sitton, who is stationed at Camp Forest, Tenn., recently spent his 10 days furlough with his wife and baby at the home of Mrs. Sitton’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hillie Fisher. Corp. Charles Whitmire, of the United States Marines, is now in the naval hospital at Oakland, California. His wife, Mrs. Essie G. Whitmire and their little 14 months old daughter, Shirley Ann, whom he has never seen, left here last Monday to visit him. Corp. Fred Chapman, who has been stationed at Panama for about two years, has been trans ferred to California. He recently spent his furlough here with his mother, Mrs. Ida Chapman. Pvt. Meade C. Fisher, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Fisher, who enlisted in the armed service about three and a half years ago, has served in the hospital corps in the south Pacific for nineteen CONGRATULATIONS ! to the Newspapers of America ONCI more the free press of America has shown its ability to aid In overcoming the shortage of an essential war material. This country faced an acute shortage of pulpwood. We users of pulpwood, faced with increasing wartime de mands for our products, realized the disastrous effect on our war and home front economics if the shortage of our raw materials continued. This problem, so vast in scope, so threat ening in nature, had to be brought to the attention of every man, woman and child in pulpwood-producing areas. The' job had to be done quickly If the downward trend of pro auction was to be reversed in time. To help turn the tide, the Newspapers of America have responded as only the Free Press of a Free People could. They have given their time, effort and space to make people under stand how much we needed pulp wood—and why. This whole campaign is an inspiring example of Initiative and imagina tion. It Is beginning to work, and we In this industry are glad to acknowl edge the help It has been to us in meeting the nation's need for pulp wood products. We are happy to carry on with the newspapers, and to do everything we can to make their drive a success. Carr Lumber Co. Pisgah Forest — North Carolina (t^wUHinwwnmiiMMM.nmmummu ! ! VICTORY * ON THE HOME FRONT News From Home Demonstration Clubs And Women’s Activities § 0».....-.■■•••...................,43 SCHEDULE OF MEETINGS Monday, November 8th.—Con nestee 4-H club will meet at Con nestee school house at 9:30 a.m. Cedar Mountain 4-H club will meet at Cedar Mountain school house at 11:00 a.m. Pisgah Forest 4-H club will meet at Pisgah Forest school house at 2:00 p.m. Tuesday, November 9th.—Selica 4-H club will meet at the Selica school house at 2:00 p.m. Calvert Cherryfield 4-H club will meet at the Calvert Church at 8:00 p.m. Wednesday, November 10th. _ Enon 4-H club will meet at Enon school house at 2 p.m. Little River 4-H club will meet at Little River school house at 3:00 p.m. Thursday, November llth. _ Quebec 4-H club will meet at Quebec school house at 2:00 p.m. Lake Toxaway 4-H club will meet at Lake Toxaway school house at 3:30 p.m. Friday, November 12th.—Bal sam Grove 4 H club will meet at Balsam Grove school house at 3:30 p.m. Silvertsteen 4-H club will meet at Sliversteen school house at 2:00 p.m. Charlotte Boy Is Elected President Jerry Murray son of Rev. and Mrs. C. E. Murray, of Charlotte, has been elected president of the freshman class at Brevard college, it was announced today. Other officers of the freshman class are Millicent Stafford, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Stafford, Spencer, N. C., vice president and Dorothy Peed, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Peed, Creedmoor, N. C., secretary and treasurer. Murray is also first vice presi det of the Christian Student Move ment council. He graduated from Central high in Charlotte last spring and played on the football team there in 1940. muiuns. Me nas recently been transferred back to the IT. 9. and is now in O’Reilly general hospital at Springfield, Mo. Mrs. Ford Reid, of Sapphire, en tertained with a sumptuous din ner last Sunday, honoring the birthday anniversary of her aunt, Mrs. Eugene King, of this com munity. Those to enjoy the happy occasion were: Mr. and Mrs. J. W. (Raines and Miss Freda Jean Hall, of Lake Toxaway; Kenneth Fowler and Carter Reid of Brevard; Mr. and Mrs. Ford Reid, Farry Sue, J. T., F. C., and Lessie Ann Reid, Mrs. T. W. Reid and Mrs. Herman Rogers all of Sapphire; and Mr. and Mrs. Eugene King and their two children, Eugene Jr. and Nor ma Lanelle, of the Quebec com munity. Cad Whitmire, who has been working in a war plant at Detroit, Michigan, was recently caught in one of the belts of the machinery and had his elbow and shoulder joints of one arm dislocated. He was released from duty three weeks and is spending his vacation at his home here. Miss Edna Thomas, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Thomas of this community, and Dewey Reece, son of Mr. and Mrs. Waiter Reece of Horse Shoe, were married at Greenville, S. C., on October 16. After they returned to their home, their friends gave them a bridal shower and a large number of valuable presents were presented. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Porter, of Tryon, were week-end visitors with Mrs. Porter’s mother, Mrs. Lula Owen. Mr. Porter has passed his examination and will be in ducted into the United States army on Monday, November 8. Burt Brown and children and Miss Ruth Thomas of Easley, S, C., and Mrs. Beatrice Galloway, of Brevard, were visitors Sunday in the home of Waymon Thomas. Mrs. Lila Reece, of Asheville, was a visitor with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Thomas, from Thursday to Saturday of last week. Don Fisher, son of Mr. and Mrs. Chris Fisher, had the misfortune of cutting his leg very badly the first of last week. It is now suf ficiently healed to enable him to walk without crutches. Edwin C. McCall, of the U. S. navy, spent a few days during the past week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jason P. McCall, and other relatives in this community. Mr. and Mrs. Looney Banther, Mrs. Ray Owen and Misses Bonnie and Mildred Banther spent Sun day with Mrs. Ernest Mitchell of Cherryfield. Cpl. Fred W. Chapman and his brother, J. B. Chapman, were din ner guests of their aunt, Mrs. Eu gene King, on Wednesday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Obie Rose, of High Point, spent the week-end here with Mrs. Rose’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. L. McCall. A STRAY BEAR CREATED LOT OF EXCITEMENT SON. Number of Persons In Pis gah Forest Area In Search For Animal “The bear went over the moun tain ...” The particular bear in question was one that caused more excite ment in the Pisgah Forest section Sunday just about church time than a three-ring circus would have caused. Seems that a large black bear was seen along the edge of the woods near the Davis place in rear of the new school house, and soon every man around who had a sin gle-shot .22 or a .306, double-barrel shotgun, and in a few exceptions pistols, turned out to get a shot at the bruin that had evidently left his habitat in Pisgah National For est and came down to see how people on the “other side of the mountain” were getting along. There were dogs a-barking and a-trailing, young men along the Boylston road, older ones along the east side of the Davis woods, and a sprinkling of all ages along the Wave Morris road. However, the bear evidently knew just what he was doing and just how to get away from the small army, because he is said to have (judging by tracks found later in the afternoon) walked right by the new Buck McCall res idence up the steep highway bank, and back into his haven in the forest, leaving those chaps who felt certain he would come along via lower ground still wait ing and hungry for bear meat that is probably feasting today on acorns and grubs which are said to be plentiful just inside the government boundary line. Which is the most fattening food—a big, juicy apple, a large orange, a medium sized baking powder biscuit, or a medium sized baked potato? The home econo mists say “they are all the same.” KEEP ’EM FIRING — WITH JUNK! Whan your doctor asks where you [prefer to have your prescription filled, say: VARNER’S, because: Filled only by registered pharma cist; as written and at reasonable prices. (Advt.) tfc Treasured Forever! DIAMOND RING WHEN romance calls . . . respond with the graceful loveliness and lasting satisfaction of a Genuine Regis tered Keepsake Diamond Ring. Ask for your FREE copy of the Keepsake book, "The Etiquette of the Engagement and Wedding.” PARSONS' Jewelry and Gifts ON THE SQUARE BREVARD, N. C. Just Received A New Shipment of PRESSURE COOKERS First come, first served. Be sure to bring your certificate. These are outstanding and are the fam ous Purpee Pressure Cookers. Rl SC QA P,„. Only Tax Farmers Supply Co. BREVARD, N. C. THE BUS BREVARD - ROSMAN SCHEDULE (25-Minute Runs) LEAVE BREVARD 6:00 A. M. To Toxaway (Daily, But Not Sunday) 8:00 A. M.—(Mon. through Friday) A & C—10:10 A. M. 11:30 A. M. 1:00 P. M. 3:15 P. M. B— 5:05 P. M. 5:50 P. M. C— 7:30 P. M. 9:45 P. M. (Daily Except Sunday) LEAVE ROSMAN 7:10 A. M. (Daily, But Not Sunday) 8:30 A. M.— (Mon. through Friday) C—. 9:00 A. M. B—10:05 A. M. 12:01 P. M. 1:45 P. M. 4:00 P. M. A & C— 6:40 P. M. 7:05 P. M. 10:10 P. M. (Daily Except Sunday) A—Through to Atlanta B—Through to Pickens, Liberty and Atlanta C—Through to Franklin A & C—Denotes One Through and One Connecting BREVARD-PISGAH FOREST ECUSTA ORR’S STORE SCHEDULE (15-Minute Runs) LtAVt DKLVAKU 7:30 A. M. (Daily, Not on Sunday) X—9:00 A. M. (Daily, Not on Sunday) X— 9:20 A. M. X—10:25 A. M. 10:45 A. M. To County Line X—12:01 Noon, Saturday only 12:25 P. M. X— 1:30 P. M. 2:10 P. M. To County Line X— 5:00 P. M. (Mon. Thru Fri. 5:10 P. M. X—. 7:00 P. M. 9:15 P. M. To County Line (Except Sunday) LfcAVfc. UKKa 5IUKE 8:00 A. M.—(Daily Except Sunday). X—8:45 A. M. Mon. Thru Fri. X— 9:55 A. M. 11:20 A. M. From County Line X—11:30 A. M.—(Sat. Only). 12:40 P. M. X—12:55 P. M. 2.35 P. M. From County Line X— 3:15 P. M. (Mon. Thru Fri.) X—4:50 P. M. 5:25 P. M. To Toxaway X— 7:15 P. M. 9:25 P. M. From County Line (Except Sunday) X—Denotes Through Buses to Asheville Note—3:15 P. M. run schedule Brevard To Rosman makes connection in Ros man to Sylva, Cullowhee and Chattanooga. 1:00 P. M. schedule Brevard to Rosman makes connection in Rosman to Pickens, Greenville and Charlotte. SMOKY MOUNTAIN STAGES BREVARD BUS STATION — MACFIE DRUG STORE

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