Mrs. Moore’s Room Has An Outstanding Attendance Record A remarkable record of attend ance was noted in Mrs. Charles Moore’s first and second grade sections of the Brevard elemen tary school for the second month. The enrollment was 40 pupils with about an equal number of boys and girls. There were no absences for girls, giving them a clear 100 percent while the boys had only four absences. Due to colds, sore throats and some other causes, the average attendance of the whole school for the second month was 92.5% for the first month. More care on the part of everybody concerned would make a better showing in attendance, it was stated. -r OUR NEW Schedule —FOR— PICK-UP AND DELIVERIES ZONE 1 Mondays & Fridays Broad street and all west of Broad, including Rosman road, West Main, Green Acres, Asheville highway, Hendersonville highway and Pisgah Forest. ZONE 2 Tuesdays & Saturdays East of Broad street from Rosman road to Asheville and Hendersonville road in tersection, the college, East main, Greenville road, Park avenue, Maple street and the club house section. Under new O.D.T. orders, all dry cleaning and laundry establishments are prohibit ed from returning to or over lapping any one section more than two times in any one week. Please phone us today so that our routeman may stop on his next trip in your vici nity. Under any and all con ditions we will continue to strive to give a better ser vice and a better quality. Without obligation and with confidence consult us about j any of your cleaning prob lems or needs. Phone orders received 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Brevard Phone 69 Abbott Kiilglit Cleaners and Laundry WAVE RECRUITER SPOKE AT MEET Yeoman Dorothy Robinson Talked At B & P Wo men’s Club Meeting Yeoman Dorothy F. Robinson, USNR (WR), WAVES recruiter from Knoxville, Tenn., was guest speaker at the regular meeting of the Business and Professional Wo men’s club, which was held at the Bryant House last Thursday eve ning. Yeoman Robinson spoke inform ally of her experiences as WAVE, and gave information use ful to club members in recruiting WAVE applicants in Brevard. Four of the club members are honorary navy recruiters, includ ing Dr. Dorothy Day, Mrs. W. J. Kirk, Mrs. James J. Parker and Mrs. Dick Carter. Mrs. Clyde McDonald, chairman of the membership committee, welcomed into the club four new members, who are: Mrs. G. H. Farley, Miss Dulcie Hayes, of Bre vard college; Mrs. Clarence Poole, of Whiteway Cleaners; and Mrs. Curtis Kelley, of Cash & Carry store. These members bring the club membership to 32, the. max imum membership being limited to 45. New members are elected into the club as vacancies occur, and every effort is being made to include as many professions and business organizations as possible, it was pointed out. People May Register For Ration Book Four At Board Offices All persons who have not reg istered for their number four ra tion book may do so by applying at the rationing board office here, starting today, Miss Mattie Lewis, clerk, announces. Registration through the school children and in the schools was better than anticipated. Jr. Commando Scrap Drive To End 15th The Junior Commando scrap drive that is being conducted in Transylvania county by the Brev ard junior chamber of commerce will end on November 15, Chair man Paul Pipkin announces and urges all commandos to get busy for a final collection this Satur day and next. The Commandos at Rosman have collected a total of 13,733 pounds of old metal, while Commandos at Brevard have only collected 4, 142 pounds to date, as compared with 60.000 turned in during the last drive. Mr. Pipkin stated. At Rosman Tom Whitmire heads the list with a collection of 1, 057 pounds. Bertha Mullenax is in second place, having collected 935 pounds. Awards will be made by the -Jaycees during the chapel period next Wednesday. “Let’s really turn on the steam for the next two Saturdays,” Mr. Pipkin urged. Not A Single Marriage License Issued In Oct. Not a single marriage license was issued during the month of October by the register of deeds office here, it was learned this week from Mrs. Melvin Gillespie. However, October was a big month for real estate transfers. A total of 50 of them were recorded and the list will be announced in •the next issue of this paper. As advertised in LIFE this week and the December ESQUIRE Great for a date these ARROW TIMBRE TONES If she’s a judge of style—what woman isn’t—Timbre Tones will make you the apple of her fashion eye. The keen looking striped broadcloth shirt has just the tie, handkerchief, even shorts to make it outstanding. There are several colors, the Arrow’s latest collar styles. Get yours today. Shirt, $2.46 • Tie, $1.50 • Shorts, 75# Handkerchief, 50£ PATTERSON’S “Brevard’s Shopping Center” jmJJUlOffsmn with the Transylvania Boys in the Military Service Major E. W. (Pete) Breese, who has been visiting his sister here, Mrs. John R. Hudson, has recently completed an advanced anti-air craft course at Camp Davis, N. C., and will report for duty at Camp Haan, Calif., from which point he expects to be sent again to the Pacific war theatre. Before re turning to the states last July, Major Breese was in charge of anti-aircraft battalion in the Paci fic for 14 months. He was promo ted from captain to major last May. He entered service in June, 1941. Sgt, David Sams, a former Ecu sta employee, visited friends here last week. He is now at the army air base, Salt Lake City, Utah. He took his civilian pilot training at Brevard college before entering the service. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ashworth received word that their son. Chandon K. Ashworth, Seabee sec ond class, has arrived at a hospital in California after being detained in a hospital in Australia for three months, too ill to be moved. David Ashworth, seaman first class, an older brother, is physical instruc tor, stationed at Ocranoke, N. C. A younger brother, Pfc. Harry Ashworth, is in the aviation gun nery school at Keesler Field, Miss. E. C. Mitchem, Jr., who is sta tioned at Worcester, Mass., offi cers naval training unit, visited his parents during the week of Oc tober 19. Robert E. Mitchem, who is sta tioned at Bainbridge, Md., also visited his parents last week after completing boot training. Pvt. John W. Dale, of the med ical detachment, Fort Snelling, Minn., has returned after a 12-day furlough here with his wife, the former Miss Mamie Hayes, and his mother, Mrs. L. A. Dale. He is awaiting assignment at Fort Snel ling after completing the medical course there. Franklin Kerber is on a 9-day leave here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kerber, after a two months’ training at Bain bridge, Md., in the naval reserve. Gordon Leslie, seaman second class, has finished his boot train ing at Bainbridge, Md., and has been on a 9-day leave here with his wife and baby, who accom panied him on Wednesday to visit his parents in Jonesboro for a few days before returning to Bain bridge. Ben Thomason, who has com pleted his naval reserve boot train ing at Bainbridge, Md., is spend ing his leave here with his par ents, Rev. and Mrs. B. W. Thoma son. St. Sgt. G. W. Arrowood, son of Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Arrowood, of Brevard, Route 2, has been pro moted recently to staff sergeant. He is now stationed at Fort Moul trie, S. C. A daughter, Rebecca Arrowood, is a welder in the ship yard in Mobile, Ala. She took her basic training in Charlotte. Mr. and Mrs. Arrowood also have two sons-in-law in the service. Fred D. Center, seaman 2nd class, is in the navy stationed at Bainbridge, Md. He has been on a leave here the past week. Jerry D. Mann is in the army medical corps, now in overseas service. Leonard P. Simpson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Simpson, of Bre vard, is seaman first class, station ed at Brooklyn, N. Y. He is an armed guard on a merchant ship. He has been on a 9-day leave here with his parents. Another son, Sgt. James B. Simpson, is now in Sicily in the army ordnance. He has been on overseas duty a year. Both brothers entered service last February. TO GIVE PIE SUPPER A pie supper for benefit of the war fund drive will be given by the Rosman home demonstration club at the W. O. W. hall in Ros man on Friday night at 7:30, it has been announced by Miss An nabel Teague, home agent. Mrs. E. H. Davis, defense leader, and Mrs. A. P. Bell, club leader, will be in charge. WASTE PAPER - FROM PAGE ONE - seas is shipped in cartons made of waste paper and practically all industries are affected when pa per products cannot be obtained.” The Brevard junior chamber of commerce has agreed to act as sponsoring agency and the Boy Scouts and schools of the county are being asked to co-operate, as well as the public. A storage place will be found here and arrangements will be made to have trucks pick up the paper from in front of homes. In the county, collection centers will be established and trucks secured to haul the paper here. The Sonoco Products company, Harts ville, S. C., has agreed to send trucks here when 10 tons or more are collected. They pay $12 and $14 per ton. The public is urged to save waste paper now, and it is expect ed that full plans will be announc ed next week. Newspapers should be folded flat and tied in 12-inch bundles. Magazines should be tied in 12 inch bundles, and corrugated box es should be cut and flattened out and tied in 12-inch bundles. Howard Wyatt, chairman of the salvage committee, urges full co operation on the part of the pub lic. ed h. McMahan - FROM PAGE ONE -- ed were J. M. Gaines, secretary, T. E. Reid, treasurer and Mrs. Ralph Fisher, executive secretary. Committees were appointed to outline plans for holding an an nual banquet for the entire mem bership. Named on the arrange ments’ committee were Dr. E. J. Coltrane, chairman, Miss Annie Shipman and Alex Kizer. The banquet is to be held at the col lege. Dr. Coltrane spoke briefly of the institution’s plans for expan sion. The directors voted to contri bute $50 to the rat extermination campaign. The transportation committee was asked to continue its work. Regular meetings of the direc tors will be held on the second Tuesday night in each month. ---.-r Pisgah Forest —COMMUNITY HAPPENINGS— »- ... _L By Mrs. C. F. Allison Hallowe’en Parties Given Parties and pranks held sway during the week-end in celebra ting Hallowe’en. The school grade mothers entertained the school children on Friday afternoon with a costume party, after which re freshments of punch, candy and cookies were served, which the 250 children greatly enjoyed. Misses Ruth and Christine Sen telle entertained with a party at their home on Saturday evening with a large group of young peo ple as guests. The intermediate boys and girls Sunday school classes of the Bap tist church were entertained on Saturday evening at the home of Mrs. R. C. Sherrill, where a gala evening was enjoyed. Miss Eugenia Holden was in charge of a Hallowe’en party at the Baptist church on Saturday afternoon for the primary Sunday school class. P-TA TO MEET TUES. The November meeting of the Parent-Teachers Association will be held at the school house on Tuesday afternoon, Nov. 9th. at 3:30. An interesting program has been planned, and everyone inter ested in the school and its relation to the community is urged to at tend. W.M.S. WILL MEET The Woman’s Missionary Socie ty of the Baptist Church will hold the November meeting on Wed nesday, Nov. 10th at 8 p.m., at the home of Mrs. Tom Barnett with Mrs. A. L. Morgan as pro gram leader. PERSONAL MENTION Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Corn and son, Thomas, of Atlanta, Ga., spent the week-end here visiting Mr. and Mrs. Tom Barnett and Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Morgan. They were accompanied here by the former’s mother, Mrs. Belle Corn, who had been visiting them in Atlanta. Mrs. H. 0. Parker and Mrs. Wal ter Grey and daughter, Jackie, were called to Waldon, S. C., on Wednesday to the bedside of Mrs Parker’s brother, W. R. Corn, who is seriously ill. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Wyi t have as their guest the latter’s sister, of Asheville. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Johnson, of Asheville, spent Sunday with the former’s mother, Mrs. Ella John son. Mr. and Mrs R. E. Mackey had as their guests on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mackey and sons and Mr. and^Mrs. Rueben Mackey and daughter, of Swannanoa. Mr. and Mrs. U. G. Corn an nounce the birth of a son on Sun day in Transylvania community hospital. Mrs. Corn is the former Miss Frieda Maroney, of Etowah Carolina Quartet To Give Program Friday At Penrose School By N. L. PONDER The Carolina quartet will ap pear at the Penrose school house Friday night, November 5th, at 8 o’clock. The public is invited to hear these radio artists of WWNC. The program is sponsored by the Penrose community club. The ladies of the Penrose com munity club are asked to meet at the home of Mrs. C. W. Talley on Thursday afternoon, November 4, for a meat canning demonstra tion given by home agent, Miss Annabel Teague. TEAM IN SECOND PLACE The Times bowling team is in second place in the Tri-City Bowl ing league and is only one game behind the Ford Lumber company, for first place. The team defeated Baker Pack ing Tuesday night 2 to 1. Rey nolds scored 475, Dunne 501, Rap pers 484, Straus 540 and Bridges 526. AUXILIARY MEET TODAY The Auxiliary and Guild of St. Philip’s Episcopal church will meet this afternoon at 3:45 o’clock at the home of Mrs. A. P. Nesbit for the regular business and social meeting. Local Jaycees At Charlotte Meeting Curtis Kelley, president, How ard Schmidt, Alan Brittain, George Page and James Jones attended the annual state meeting of the Jaycee organization, which was held at the Hotel Charlotte, Char lotte, last Sunday. Highlight of the program was a speech by the national president, Bruce Palmer, in which he summarized the cur rent activities of the organization, stressing particularly its part in I the war effort. Mr. Kelley gave a report on activities of the local chapter, mentioning its sponsor ship of the scrap metal drive, its contribution to the War Loan drives, plans for the scrap paper drive which will begin forthwith, and other projects. A ACTION RELIEF! SURE. SPESVY, LASTING rttID INDIGESTION No need to suffer th# tortures of acid indigestion and other acid stomach discomforts any longer. Not while you can get Bisma-Rex. Here is a four action product that is helping thousands obtain relief. Bisma-Rex is sold only at Rexall Drug Stores. Try it today. BISMA-REX 50' Macfie DRUG COMPANY Phones 5 & 90 Brevard, N. C. Wait! DON’T WORRY! Daily we have had many inquiries about the opening of Toyland. What may they expect to find for their children? Shall I buy what I can get now, or shall I wait—and similar questions. WE EXPECT TO OPEN TOYLAND Friday, Nov. 19th We can assure you that you will find as large a selection in our store as you have in the past. Of course, many items will be missing, namely, metal toys, wagons, tricycles, etc. However, there will be hundreds of suitable substitutes. Therefore— I Wait! Don’t Worry! PLUMMER’S < $ II 1

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