f AS WE OPEN OUR HEARTS —OUR HOMES AND OUR PURSES IN BEHALF OF VICTORY — PEACE —AND OUR LOVED ONES’ RETURN OUR homes still stand; our national income is generous. Most of us can buy all the food, shelter and clothing we actually need—and produce enough in addition to make our fighting men the best equipped in the world, and to supply our gallant allies who are less self-sufficient than ourselves. There is ample reason for Thanksgiving in the heart of each one of us. And it is a spirit to share with others: especially with someone far from home and lonely who can take the place at our own dinner table left vacant by a loved one in service. Someone in uniform, whose own folks may be making up for his or her absence by entertain ing yet another lad or lass in olive drab or navy blue. And not a word will be said about not being able to get all of the Thanksgiving-dinner standbys! Even if we can’t have plates full of turkey—any palate or appetite can be satisfied with crisp-skinned roast duck; the sweet meat of goose, or chicken browned to a glaze! Actually, there’ll be more Thanksgiving in our hearts, knowing that our small “doing without” makes it possible for our men at war around the world to at least be warmed by the home-y spirit of Thanksgiving: the important thing is that each of them has a heaping portion of turkey! Of course, you’ll make it a wonderful Thanksgiving—for others as well as yourself. Because Thanksgiving is as American as the spirit of freedom 4e are now engaged in keeping alive at any cost! And the observance of this Thanksgiving is for each of us a rededication to the most liberty-insuring precepts by which vie live. S. E. Varner Above all, it’s the day to make sure there will always be Thanksgiving—by deciding to give War Bonds for Christmas! Ecusta Paper Corp. HARRY H. STRAUS, President PISGAH FOREST, N. C.