: ' For The Women and ALMA TROWBRIDGE, Society Editor Phones 7 and 189 Local Girl Marries New Orleans Man In Winston-Salem Dec. 2nd Miss Sylvia Lyday Becomes Bride Of C. A. Giraud In Church Ceremony Miss Sylvia Rose Lyday, daugh ter of Leon F. Lyday and the late Mrs. Lyday, of Brevard, became the bride of Carroll Allen Giraud, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Giraud, of New Orleans, in a ceremony at St.' Leo’s Catholic church Win ston-Salem, Thursday afternoon, December 2, at 4 o’clock. Father Michael J. Begley of ficiated, in the presence of rela tives and friends. The couple was unattended. The bride wore a spectator sports suit in cadet blue. Her brown hat, a calot model, featured a veil and feather trim of matching blue. Other accessories were in brown, and her corsage was an orchid. Mrs. Giraud was graduated from Western Carolina Teachers Col lege, since which time she has been employed in the research laboratory of the Ecusta Paper corporation. She has frequently visited her sister, Mrs. 'Marvin O. Ledford, in WTinston-Salem. Mr. Giraud was educated at St. Stanislaus, Biloxi, Miss., and Tulane University, New Orleans. He is at present connected with the Life Insurance Company of Virginia, in New Orleans, where the couple will make their home. Baptists Make Plans For Year's Work Of Missionary Society Plans for the year’s work of the Women’s Missionary society of the First Baptist church were made at a meeting of the new officers and committee chairmen on Monday night at the home of the new presi dent, Mrs. W. P. Tindall. Duties of the officers and chair men were discussed, and decision was made to hold an executive meeting each month before the regular meeting and for each cir cle chairman to give a quarterly report at each general meeting. The Standard of Excellence charts were studied and plans were dis cussed for attaining the goals dur ing the year. Other changes to be made the coming year, as decided at the ex ecutive meeting, included: to have the Week of Prayer hereafter in a one-day meeting instead of three days and combine the program with the regular missionary day program; suggestion by mission study chairman, Mrs. Thomason, to study at the circle meetings some other mission book besides the regular home and foreign study books; to have the business ses sion first before the program. Announcement was made that the January meeting would be in charge of Mrs. Harold Norwood and Jier group of Y. W. A. girls. NICE SUM REALIZED FROM CHRISTMAS EXCHANGE SALE OF ST. PHILIP’S GUILD A sum of over $25.00 was reali 2ed from the Christmas exchange sale of St. Philip’s Episcopal Guild, which was held in connec tion with the December meeting last Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. H. V. Smedberg. Following the sale, the regular meeting of the Auxiliary was held, presided over by the president, Mrs. David G. Ward. The rector, Rev. Harry Perry, continued his series of talks on the Prayer Book. Plans were made for giving Christ mas cheer to several persons who are ill. After refreshments served by the hostess, the meeting adjourned until the first Thursday in Janu ary, when Mrs. Otis Marshall will be hostess to the organization. LOCAL DEPARTMENT WILL MEET NEXT TUESDAY NIGHT The Local Department of the Methodist church will meet next Tuesday night at 7:30 at the church for the regular December business and social meeting. , During the social period there will be a sale of Christmas articles, which each member is requested to bring for the sale. The proceeds will be used toward the expense fund of the organization. FOR SALE — Adding Machine Paper and Typewriter Ribbons at The Times Office. When your doctor asks where you prefer to have your prescription filled, say: VARNER’S, because: Filled only by registered pharma cist; as written and at reasonable prices. (Advt) tfc Enjoyable Party For Football Players At Hut Last Week An enjoyable party was given at the Hut on Wednesday evening, December 1, honoring the football players. Hostesses of the occasion were Misses Lorraine Redden, Bet ty Jean Duclos and Mary McCrary. The Hut was gaily decorated in the school colors of blue and white. Blue and white paper streamers saspended from the cen ter of the room ended in a foot ball. The colors were further emphasized with blue and white candles burning in the windows, and blue and white crepe paper curtains. Following the playing of games, refreshments were served. Those present, in addition to the hostesses, were: Johnny Summey, Bill Barton, Jim Newbury, Pete Wright, Jasper Ford, Viola John son, James Holden, Bobby Hunter, Frances Martin, Vivian Smith, Ray Rhodes, Ray Cheek, Frances Hend ricks, Paul Patterson, Bruce Tins ley, L. C. Poor, Marguerite Scruggs, Bill Shamblin, Mary Ann Daniels, Earl Sorrells, William Thomason, Spencer Reid, Charles Heath, Marjorie Cantrell, Susan Redden, Hilton Reid, Ty Morris, Dick Fanning, Ray Cheek, Marie Tankersley, Frances Loftis, Kath erine Huggins and Jack Mackey. Mrs. Jimmy Sledge and Miss Powell were chaperones. The two coaches, Mr. Bullock and Mr. Med ford, and their wives were invited guests. METHODIST CIRCLES IN REGULAR MEETINGS Mrs. Lula Miller was hostess to the members of Circle ,No. 1 last Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Ashe Macfie. The chair man, Mrs. E. S. English, conducted routine business, and devotionals were led by Mrs. Burt Loomis. The meeting of Circle No. 2 was held at the home of Mrs. W. L. Aiken. In the absence of the chair man, Mrs. J. F. Zachary, routine business was conducted by Miss Alma Trowbridge. The Bible les son was given by Mrs. Ernest Nor wood. Members of Circle No. 3 met at the home of Mrs. J. C. Hendricks. Routine business was in charge of the chairman, Mrs. J. B. Pickel simer, and devotionals were led by Mrs. W. A. Jenkins. Each hostess served refresh ments at conclusion of the meet ing. D. A. R. MEETING TO BE ON MONDAY AFTERNOON The December meeting of the local chapter of the D. A. R. will be held at the home of Mrs. J. H. West at 4 o'clock next Monday af ternoon. Members will go to the Red Cross work room at 2 o’clock, where they will work until time for the business meeting at Mrs. West’s at 4 o’clock. AUXILIARY TO HAVE MEET AND TEA ON DECEMBER 16 The December meeting of the Auxiliary of the Presbyterian church will be held next Thursday afternoon, the 16th, at the Hut, following which there will be a Christmas tea at the manse. Mem bers are asked to bring articles of clothing and food for the Christ mas boxes, and also to bring their joy gift contributions. A meeting of the executive board will be held at the church at 3 o’clock, one-half hour before the general meeting. JOINT MEETING OF WOW AND WOODMEN CIRCLE TO BE HELD FRIDAY EVENING AT HALL Plans have been completed for the joint social gathering of the Woodmen Circle and Woodmen of the World, which will be held in the W. O. W. hall tomorrow eve ning at 8 o’clock. An invitation is extended to all Woodmen and their wives and members of the Circle to attend this social function on Friday eve ning. It is expected by those in charge of the event that a large number of members of both organizations will be present. HOSPITAL AUXILIARY TO MEET FRIDAY P. M. Regular meeting of the Women’s Hospital Auxiliary will be held at Walnut Inn Friday afternoon at 2:30 o’clock. Chairmen of all committees are asked to come prepared to make their reports, and all members are [urged to attend. / 0MMnMN..»»9HliU«MlmMIII.I|.all.1-E j HOME FRONT j News From Home Demonstration Chibs | And Women's Activities f 0""1".*.iinuiKsimiiHinmuinnmHjl SCHEDULE OF MEETINGS Monday, December 13th.—Con* nestee 4-H club will meet at Con nestee school house at 9:30 a. m. Cedar Mountain 4-H club will meet at Cedar Mountain school house at 11:00 a. m. Pisgah Forest 4-H club will meet at Pisgah. Forest school house at 2:00 p. m. Tuesday, December 14th.—Selica 4-H club will meet at Selica school house at 2:00 p. m. Calvert-Cherry field 4-H club will meet at Calvert church at 8:00 p. m. Wednesday, December 15th. — Calvert-Cherryfield Home Demon stration club will meet with Mrs. Bud White at 2:00 p. m. Thursday, December 16th. — Glady Branch Home Demonstra tion club will meet with Mrs. Ri ley Merrill at 2:00 p. m. Friday, December 17th.—Little River Home Demonstration club will meet with Miss Lorena Mer rill, at 2:30 p. m. MUSIC CLUB TO MEET SATURDAY AFTERNOON The December meeting of the Music Lovers’ club will be held at the home of Mrs. Walter Straus, 35 Park Avenue, Saturday after noon at 3 o’clock. Miss Bill Aiken will be co-hostess with Mrs. Straus. The program of Christmas music will be in charge of Miss Emmi Neuberger. CLEMSON THEATRE FRIDAY & SATURDAY f ROYsROGERS KING O^S THE COWBOYS TRIGGER SMARTEST HORSE IN THE MOVIES AN FROj Music 4 Mountain SOB NOLAN .w THE SONS OF THE PIONEERS with Ruth TERRY PAUL KELLY ANN GILDS GEORGE CLEVELAND J PAT BRADY BATMAN NO. 6 MONDAY ffaVlOfAf&t Never mind what the program listing says, you can hear and see MARY MARTIN, DICK POWELL, RUDY VALUE right now...and all together at their best. iH PorameuBt's Technicolor Hit "HAPPY GO LOCKY BETTY HUTTON * EDDiE BRACKEN' Sportlight - Specialty . " ' " "—- ■■ ■» Brevard Girl Left Monday To Join WAC Mrs. Rosalie M. Combs, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Lester D. Mar tin, of Brevard, left Monday for Asheville, where she was inducted into the WACs. She was sent from Asheville to Fort Oglethorpe, Ga., where she will take her basic training of five weeks. Upon completion of the training course there, she will be ready for more advanced training, which will fit her in line of duty to release a soldier for active com bat service. Mrs. Combs was one of 14 West ern Carolina young women to be sent on Monday from the Asheville recruiting center to a basic train ing center. This group is the last to be sent under the All States WAC recruiting campaign. YOUNG PEOPLE DISCUSS CHRISTIAN RELIGION Fifth in the series of discussions on Presbyterianism was given at the regular meeting of the young people’s Vesper service, held last Sunday evening at the Hut. The topic under discussion was led by Doris Ahrens, followed by group discussions. The meeting opened with the singing of Christmas carols by the young people. f/" ANNOUNCING...... A Change In The Ownership And Management of RUTH’S BEAUTY SHOP I wish to announce to the women of Brevard and Transylvania county that I have recently purchased the good will and equipment of Ruth’s Beauty Shop and have assumed charge of the business, which after this date will be operated under the name of Modern Beauty Shop The same operators who have served the customers of this shop in the past will remain and Miss Virginia Justus has been added. It will be the policy of this shop to offer women of this vicinity expert beauty service adapted to their own preferences. I earnestly solicit a continuance of the generous patronage ac corded this shop in the past and pledge the best efforts of myself and my associates to merit it. (Signed) Mrs. Edith York LET US DO YOUR JOB PRINTING BUY BONDS EVERY PAY DAY I FORGET WARTIME ANXIETIES A good movie will enable you to relax and at the same time lighten the burden of difficult days. TODAY & FRIDAY SUNDAY & MONDAY THE SCREEN'S FIRST GREAT HUMAN STORY TO COME THUNDERING OUT OF THE SMOKE OF VICTORYl RICHARD TRECASKIS’ ^ GUADALCANAL DIARY ..Preston FOSTER • Lloyd N01AN Wiliam BENDDI • Richard CONTE m Directed by UWB SBIB! Fred, ted by MY AN TOY r BUN AUSTHt l Ptey W lltef MM • Adopted** by terry Cody ; .Iso Musical & Latest News SATURDAY TREMBLE** SUSPENSE! SHAKE wi+t> t LAUGHTER.1 i SWOON w/h, M joy / nth ALLYN JOSIYN • EVELYN KEYES EDMUND IQffi • IQHH HUBBARD • ANITA LOUISE • FRANK me —also— Adventures of Flying Cadets No. 2 TUESDAY BASIL NIGEL Rathbone # Bruce —in— Sherlock Holmes Faces Death also — Selected Short Subjects WEDNESDAY TOP TWO, IN THE NEWEST AND SWELLEST OF AU THEIR HEP-TUNED HITS! They’ve got the wedding bells a’swingin’..,ond Cupid hep to the jivel also — Selected Short Subjects