f j - ■" ——"» Blue Ridge . BREEZES By A MOUNTAINEER 1 ■■ i n- ni r -- - - -« 1 CEDAR CRICK CRONICLES:— {As related by Uncle Josh) Jim an Janey Cribencom ain’t finished ther separatin yit, accordin to the reports that air bein circleated by the Ladies Aid of Cedar Crick Church. Janey still insists that j she’s a-goin to have half the tater crap afore she leaves, an Jim has bin so bizzy a-huntin that the tat ers ain’t been dug. So hit mought be sommers after New Years be foar they’uns finally part company with one another. 1 The last past Sunday were re ver-rant Samuel Goforth’s ragler ’pintment down to Cedar Crick church, an he preached to the usual small congregation. He taken his text against them what weren’t thar, an believe me, he shore got ’em tole sumpthin. He sed they's some folks what seem* ed to be a-waitin fer to be toted to church feet first Rever-rant Samuel wuz accom panied by his bootiful an good looking darter, miss Sammy Go forth, who sunged a solo all by herself, endurin the meetin. Hit is the hones opinion of yore cor ryspondent thet ef miss Sammy wud come with her paw ragler, he’d have a heap bigger crowd fer to talk to. Squirrel hunting ain’t been much in these parts lately, becaze so many of our men an boys air over yander a-huntin Japs, an Uncle Sam is a-sending of the ammerni tion over thar. Hit’ll be plumb awful if one of our Cedar Crick boys ever gits a bead on one o them slant-eyed Japaneazers, be caze they’uns never fail to shoot a squirrel’s eye out at ever pop. The Ladies Aid Sasity met en during the last past week at the home of Miz. Tom Teller, an a gineral round of nayborhood gos sip wuz enjoyed by all present. This wuz follered by a refreshing period, enduring which Miz. Teller wus desisted by miss Nona Lottts, the effective Cedar Crick school marm, in serving t’other gests with peaches an whopped cream, foller ed by miz. Teller’s famous ginger cake. All the ones which wuz pres ent an tended this meetin per nounced hit a real success. The next ragler meetin of this Sasity will be hell enduring the next incoming week at the home of yore correyspondent, who won’t be thar, but jines with Salley, his wife, in passing the word aroun, an axing all the members of the Ladies Aid to be shore an come. This is going to be a powerful important meet ing, as the Ladies air going to discuss how to raise money fer to buy the rever-rant Samuel Goforth a new suit of clothes fer Christmas. All members air When yrur doctor csks where you prefer to have your prescription filled, say: VARNER’S, because: Filled only by registered pharma cist; as written and at reasonable prices. (Advt) CATHOLIC CHURCH Mass every Sunday and Holy Day at N Y A Hut on Broad street For time of mass, phone 352. E.M. DINGS, M.D. BREVARD, N. C. Medical Bldg.—Asheville IN BREVARD Tinsley Bldg. Next to Bank Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat GLASSES FITTED AMERICA'S TALLEST HOTEL 5%e MORRISON HOTEL CHICAGO UONAtO NICKS urged to fetch a liberal donation from ther husbands fer this pur pose. They wuz a big com shuckin hell over to Johnny Timms t’othr night, an everbody fer two miles up an down the crick were thar. As a surprise fer his naybors, Johnny had hid a pint of com what never had no shuck on hit, at ever sech a distance in the pile what did have shucks. An ever when somebody shucked inter one o them thar shuckless pints he’d let a yell, an atter samplin his self he’d pass hit down the line as fer as hit wud go. In this way everbody had a leetle nip ‘thout enybody gittin tight. Atter the shucking wuz all over, Johnny wuz rid on a rail all over the place, an then all hands went inside whar the wimmen had fix ed sech a supper as ye never seed in all yore lifes. Thar wuz turkey, an’ coon, an’ backbones, an’ ribs, an leather britches, an lye hom iney, an rice and gravey, an hull stacks of punkin pies an cakes, an all the good stout coffee a-body cud drink. The funny part about hit wuz that Johnny tole us atter everbody had et, that the coffee wuz mostly parched rye, with jus enuff rael coffee to flavor hit jus [rite. An he sed part of the coon wuz groundhog, an part of the turkey wuz dominicker rooster, but hit wuz all powerful good, an enjoyed to the last bite. Post Script: They’ll be more Cedar Crick Chronicles ever when my ritin pardner gits so bizzy with other things that he’ll ax me to rite this column again. Enyhow, I’ll try to let you’uns know next week how the Ladies Aid Sasity come out with ther meetin down to our house. EXECUTRIX’ NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Executrix of the Will of J. R. Bulter, deceas ed, late of Anderson County, South Carolina, this is to notify all per sons having claims against the Estate of the said deceased to ex hibit them to the undersigned at Room No. 5, McMinn Building, Brevard, North Carolina, on or before the 2nd day of December, 1944, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All per sons indebted to said Estate will please make immediate payment. This the 26th. day of November, 1943. LAURA BUTLER, Executrix of J. R. Butler. 12-2-6tc NOTICE An ordinance to prohibit the keeping of live hogs within cer tain limits in the town of Brevard. The Board of Aldermen of the Town of Brevard do ordain: Section 1. That no person, firm or corporation, shall keep any live hog, or hogs, within the following area within the corporate limits of the Town of Brevard, viz: Beginning at a stake in the center of U. S. Highway No. 64, 100 feet East of the center of the bridge over Brushy Creek, and runs thence up and parallel to Brushy Creek and 100 feet East therefrom to English Branch; thence up said English Branch to a point 200 yards south of Probarte Street; thence Westwardly parallel to and 200 yards South of Probarte Street to the city limits; thence, with the city limits, in a North direction to a point 200 yards North of Probarte Street; thence, a direct line to the point of inter section of Kings Mill Road with Whitmire Street; thence from said intersection to the nearest point on Kings Creek; thence down and with the center of Kings Creek to the bridge on U. S. Highway No. 64; thence, with the center line of U. S. Highway No. 64 South wardly to a point 300 feet North of French Broad Avenue; thence parallel to and 300 feet North of French Broad Avenue in an Eas terly direction to a point 300 feet East of Park Avenue; thence par allel to and 300 feet East of Park Avenue in a Southerly direction to a point 300 feet East of Park view Drive; thence parallel to and' 300 feet East of Parkview Drive to the city limits; thence with the city limits to a point 1,300 feet West of the Greenville highway; thence North 600 feet to a point; thence in a Westerly direction to the nearest point on the A. N. Jen kins’ road; thence West along said A. N. Jenkins’ road to a point 100 feet East of Maple Street; thence in a Southerly direction, parallel to and 100 feet East of Maple Street, to the city limits; thence with the city limits to a point 100 feet East of Brushy Creek; thence up Brushy Creek, parallel to and 100 feet East therefrom, to the beginning. Section 2. That all ordinances and clauses of ordinances, in con flict with the provisions of this [Ordinance are hereby repealed. Section 3. That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after March 1, 1944. Adopted this the 6th day of December, 1943. ALEX KIZER, 12-16-lte__ Clerk Buy U. S. Government Bonds and Stamps regularly. AN ADDRESS BY Mr. Harry H. Straus fcJSrSJS