OD BLESS YOU, merry gen tlemen, let’s get the Yule log burning. Bring on the viands and let the joy be unconfined, for Christina*' comes but once a year. At this holiday time, as in the past, we &'< mindful of our indebtedness to you for your generous patronage, and pledge once more our determination to be still more deserving of your friendship. *--★ MITCHEM’S SEAFOOD MARKET THE MANAGEMENT AND STAFF OF W S P A EXTEND TO ALL THE HEARTIEST SEASON'S GREETINGS ANNOUNCING A NEW TIME FOR AN OLD FAVORITE PROGRAM (EFFECTIVE JANUARY 3RD.) ^evib t* £*&*** *7* A Timely Program of Present Day Problems— Rationing News— Household Hints— Recipes— SPONSORED BY THE BAKERS OF WA IDENSIAN BREAD EVERY MONDAY AND FRIDAY 10:15 A. M. - WSPA ON YOUR RADIO DIAL AT 950 * God's Great Love and His Gift HIGHLIGHTS ON THE SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON By NEWMAN CAMPBELL (The International Uniform Lesson on the above topic for Dec 26 is Matthew 2 112. the Golden Text being John 3 16. “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son. that whosoever helieveth on Him should not per ish. but have eternal life *’) THE STORY of the birth of Christ, as told by St. Matthew, is brief, in one chapter, the second, although the latter part of the previous chapter tells of an angel appearing to Joseph and telling him that a child was to be bom to Mary his wife, and they should name Him Jesus Our lesson is contained in 12 verses, commencing. "Now when Jesus was bom in Bethlehem of Judea, in the days of Herod the king, behold there came wise men from the east to Jerusalem, say ing. Where is He that is bom King of the Jews? for we have seen His star in the east, and are come to worship Him " The phrase "wise men” is a translation of the Greek word magi, this being the reason why we speak of the "visit of the magi.” The word magi is the root word of our word magic. “The wise men or magi were originally the priestly tribe or caste among the Medes . . . being the recog nized teachers of religion an unday. Frank Hunt and friends of »outh Carolina were Sunday J quests of Mr. and Mrs. Will Hunt. I Cantata-Pageant Is Well Attended Here Many expressions of commenda :ion were heard regarding the presentation of the Christmas can ;ata-pageant given at the Presby terian church here last Sunday light, which was attended by a arge audience of members of lifferent denominations of the ;own. The six scenes of the sacred performance, portrayed in music, lostumes, readings and candle ighting settings, combined to pro luce an impressive and timely re ninder of the Christmas story. Mrs. Roland Wilber was director )f the pageant; Mr. Wilber, reader; Mrs. E. B. Matheson, director of nusic. The play, “What Seek Ye,” vas written by the pastor, Rev. \shby Johnson. More than 50 idults, juniors and intermediates participated on the program. The fact that several substitu ;ions in the cast had to be made ilmost at the last moment, due to he flu epidemic prevalent here, letracted in no way from the ex :ellence of the presentation. FOR SALE — Typewriter ribbons, new shipment, for Standard and Portable; also carbon paper and stencils. At The Times office. -1 Fire Hazards Beset Homes At Christmas Your Christmas tree and the decorations on it are fire hazards which you will want to watch most carefully this Christmas. Remember when you bring a tree into your house it is going to dry up. A fresh cut tree will not take fire any more easily during the first day .or two than would the evergreen shrubs growing outside but it becomes a more serious fire hazard every hour. At the end of a week, it will be highly flammable. It is best to bring in a fresh tree as short a time before Christmas as possible, and to remove it as soon afterwards as you can. If you do this, ordinary precautions should prevent it from taking fire. Fami lies, clubs, churches and business men who want to keep their trees from a week or more before Christ mas until after New Year’s day need observe special safeguards to keep it reasonably safe. Place in Pan of Water. The tree can be kept fresh if you set it up in a pan of water. Cut off the base of the tree at an angle at least one inch above the original cut and keep it standing in water • during the entire period that the g tree is in the house, adding water to the jar or tub in which the tree stands at intervals to keep the wa ter level always above the cut. This method when used with fresh trees reduces the flammability as effec tively as any fireproofing chemicals. Chemicals may cause the tree to turn brown or yellow or to lose its needles. The place you select for your tree should be well away from stoves, ra diators, and other sources of heat. The tree should be well secured against falling by inconspicuous wires holding it against the wall. The tree should be so placed that standing or fallen, it cannot block a doorway which might be needed to escape from the room Ecusta Baby Contest Is Announced; $25 War Bond Offered I Ecusta will give a $25 war bond to the first baby born to an Ecusta family in 1944. Either the mother or the father or both must be em ployed at the Pisgah Forest plant to be eligible to enter this Baby Contest. All entries must be submitted to the office of the Echo and the win ner of the contest will be announc ed in January. In producing 13 percent more livestock in the United States dur ing the past year, 28 percent more feed concentrates were used. Live stock specialists plead for a more efficient use of feed. Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men Who can estimate the value of good will, that "priceless ingredient" so conspicuously mentioned in that first glorious Christmas message? Be assured that we highly ap preciate your good will. It has been and will continue to be our most treasured asset. MERRY CHRISTMAS TO YOU! WINNER’S “Brevard’s Only Exclusive Women’s Shop” Yuletide draws people closer together, helps us all towards quiet friendliness and group enjoyment of days like Christmas. A most proper time for us to express our sincere appre ciation for your friendship, and to wish for you an abun dance of Christmas joy. ★-★ B & B FEED AND SEED CO. MPWUretegtgtgiKtgigegigtgtgtgigtgtgtCtHgtWggtttgtgigtgiggigigtgtgiCgtlgtWCtgt The people of the United States have observed 167 Christmases since the Declaration of Independence. And, before that, there were about 175 years of pioneering, during which, amid all sorts of obstacles, the families within this land’s shores celebrated the merry holiday. This wartime Christmas finds us with much to be solemn about—much to fight for, much to hope for. But there have been Christmases before when things seemed even darker for us.. So, with the true American spirit of fortitude, inner gaiety and deeply rootedi faith, we’re going to celebrate this December 25th in the good old-fashioned Christmas spirit. With thanks for their patronage over the closing year, we wish all of our friends and customers a very Merry Christ' .ias. ABERCROMBIE FURNITURE COMPANY