Ration Tokens Will Be Used By Shoppers Starting On Feb. 27; To Be Used For “Change" Red And Blue Tokens Good For One Point; Stamps Change Value Beginning February 27th, ration book holders will use a new plan for shopping. Tokens will be used to make change for the red and blue stamps in book 4. Under the new plan, red stamps and red tokens will be used for canned fruits and vegetables and other processed foods. Regardless of how the stamps in book 4 are marked, each will be good for ten points and each token is worth one point. Becoming effective on February 27th are five blue stamps worth a total of fifty points. Three red stamps worth thirty points become effective at the same time and for each two weeks thereafter three more become valid. The red and blue stamps will be good for approximately twelve weeks, while the tokens will last indefinitely. The tokens to be used are slightly smaller than a dime and have been made light for the convenience of those holding them. Tokens should be used and not hoarded, say OPA officials. By using the token system and making stamps in book 4 good for more points than had been pre viously planned for, there will be a great saving in paper, transpor-1 tation and man hours. Also the new plan will be easier for book holders because they will deal with only stamps worth ten points. To tie up the new rationing plan with an old saying, it may be re ferred to as “something old, some thing new, something red, some thing blue.” Local merchants will get their supply of tokens from the bankers sometime between February 3 and February 15, and will have them ready to put into circulation on the 27th. BIRTHDAY GIFT - FROM PAGE ONE - Mr. Straus served as chairman of the hospital finance and build ing committees and has been chairman of the board of trustees for the past two years. The beautiful new $100,000 hos pital building was completed in June, 1942, and has been in opera tion since that time. The hospital is debt-free and is filling a great need in this county. Money in the “Harry Straus Fund” is to be used for some hos pital purpose and the donors will designate this use, it is explained. It is also anticipated that the fund will be increased. In the near future another wing to the institution will be needed and a nurses’ home will be erected after the war. FOR SALE — Adding Machine Paper and Typewriter Ribbons at The Times Office, ►-—— Leatherneck Recruit MARINE PVT. WILLIAM M. HEATH, JR., son of Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Heath, of Brevard. Priv ate Heath is taking Marine re cruit training at the San Diego, Calif., Leatherneck basa WORKERS ATTEND -FROM PAGE ONE as follows: Wednesday, January 26, at 8 P. M.—rally for colored people, Brevard courthouse, Roland Wil ber speaker. Monday, January 31, 8 P. M.— Rosman high school, A. B. Gallo way speaker. Wednesday, February 2, 8 P. M. —Little River school, Ralph Fisher speaker. Monday, February 7, 8 P. M.— Lake Toxaw'ay school, L. P. Ham lin speaker. Wednesday, February 9, 8 P. M. — Enon school, Ralph Ramsey speaker. Monday, February 14 — Connes tee school, J. A. Glazener speaker. PARALYSIS FUND -FROM PAGE ONE has been appointed chairman of the county’s women’s activities di vision. Coin boxes will be distributed to the schools and placed in var ious local stores and the public is requested to drop coins into these boxes. This year, as in the past, one half of the funds raised through the celebration of President Roose velt’s birthday will be retained here in the county and one-half will be sent to national infantile paralysis fund headquarters. You Do Not Need A CERTIFICATE Now To Buy New Pressure Cookers WE STILL HAVE A FEW ON HAND! First Come—First Served—Buy Today We Have Just Received. A NEW SHIPMENT OF ★ Chicken wire ★ Hog wire ★ Poultry and Rabbit fence wire Farmers Supply Co. West Main Street Brevard, N. C. Carve Sweet Potatoes Often By BETSY JNEWMA> SWEET POTATOES won’t keep as well as the Irish kind. Therefore, .use them very soon after you get them. The more sweet potatoes you use, the more Irish ones will be saved for later. Today’s Mena ' Pork Chops Quick Candied'Sweet Potatoes Baked Apple Rings Cabbage and Lettuce Salad Lemon Pie Coffee Quick Candied Sweet Potatoes 4 sweet potatoes 1 tbsp. fat % cup brown Salt sugar Water Scrub and slice potatoes; melt fat in frying pan, add brown sugar, add potatoes and brown lightly. Add water to bottom of pan, sprinkle lightly with salt, cover and simmer until potatoes are tender. If you are using the oven you can cook the potatoes in it too. Candied Sweet Potatoes 6 medium sized sugar sweet Vz c. meIted potatoes margarine % c. brown Salt Wash and cook potatoes in boil ing, salted water to cover. Drain Peel potatoes, cut in halves length wise, and arrange in greased dish, sprinkling each layer with the brown sugar (you may use less sugar if you wish). Pour melted margarine over all and sprinkle with salt. Cook in a slow oven for 1 hour. Sweet Potatoes with Apples 6 medium sized % c. brown sweet sugar potatoes 3 tbsps. butter <L apples #r margarine % tsp. salt Scrub and boil sweet potatoes 20 minutes. Drain and peel. While potatoes cook, grease casserole, pare apples, cut in quarters and core. Cut sweet potatoes in slices and in greased casserole alternate layers of sweet potatoes ana ap ples, sprinkling brown sugar over each layer and dotting with butter or margarine. Cover and bake in moderately hot oven, 375 degrees F., 20 minutes. Take off cover and continue baking until potatoes are tender and apples are browned on top. Serves 4. Marshmallows may be placed over top, just long enough to brown before removing from oven. ..Mtf ■■MmnwmiMiMHwim—wmimm»tiimM»Mw»Minnwimwi——m—ti WANT ADS RATE: MINIMUM 25c ONE INSERTION NOT MORE THAN 25 WORDS. ADDITIONAL WORDS lc WORD n[p For Sale FOR SALE — 8-room house mod ern, five acres land, with small lake, very attractive. Will sacri fice for cash. Write Box 303, Brevard, N. C. 12-30-2tp FOR SALE—We can furnish and install glass for any make car or truck. See Louis Williams &i Sons, 7th Ave. East, Hender sonville, N. C. Phone 765—J. 11-11-tfc FOR SALE — 115-acre stock farm adjoining Wilson bridge on the Greenville highway, house and barn, 40 acres in orchard grass. Cheap for cash. Write Box 303, Brevard, N. C. 12-30-2tp FOR SALE — Ladies’ slips, 25c; blouses, 25c; soldier suits for the little boys; army overcoats and pants for the big boys. We will cheat you right. Nickel Bargain House. 1-13-ltp FOR SALE—Coal and wood range, large circulator heater; double barrel shotgun; laundry heater; iron bed with springs; pair and irons. Mrs. Singletary, at Law rence Apartments. 1-13-ltp FOR SALE — Stephens 20 gauge double barrel Hammerless shot gun and 10 boxes shells. Price $60. E. E. Vassey, Park Avenue, Phone 442. 1-13-ltp FOR SALE—I have another lot of OIC pigs for sale. Nice ones, $5.00 each; also sow and pigs, selling at cost. Ward Breedlove, Selica, Brevard, Route 1. 1-13-ltc FOR SALE—Morton’s Sugar Cure Salt, 10-lbs., 75c; Morton’s Meat Pump, $1.50; fine quality home made molasses in gallon jars. Cash & Carry Super Market. 1-13-ltp FOR SALE—Good 6-room house, bath, water and lights, good furnace, Forest Hills; also T. L. Snelson place, King Street. O. H. Orr, Phone 450. 1-13-ltp FOR SALE—SEE US for Trumbull poultry water warmers and Serv all sugar cane litter for poultry houses. B & B Feed and Seed Co. 1-13-tfc FOR SALE — Two good used radios. Inquire 406 Probart Street, or call Phone 409. 1-13-ltc For Rent FOR RENT—Unfurnished 4-room apartment. Inquire at Mull’s FOR RENT—5-room house outside of town with garden and farm ing land. Available soon.. Rea sonable rent. See Mrs. Alvin Rockwood, or address Box 543, Brevard. 1-13-ltp FOR RENT—6-room unfurnished house, two bedrooms, living room, reception room, sun par lor, bath. Automatic hot water service. North Brevard. Tele phone 258. 1-6-ltp FOR RENT—Upstairs steamheated furnished apartment on Frank lin avenue, suitable for 2 people. For further information call Phone 232. 12-16-tfc FOR RENT—Modern home, hard wood floors, 3 bedrooms, in North Brevard section. Mary Jane McCrary, Agent. l-6-2tc FOR RENT—Rooms to girls. Mrs. B. W. Trantham, 231 W. Main St., Phone 458. 1-13-ltp FOR RENT—Newly decorated 2 room furnished apartment, elec trically equipped, private bath. Reasonable. Call Phone 322. 1-13-ltp | Wanted 'VI WANTED—Boy, under draft age, or man, white or colored, pre fer colored, for house jobs. Ap ply Pierce-Moore Hotel. 1-13-ltp WANTED TO BUY — Good and bad furniture, also stoves of any kind. Murphy’s Furniture Store. 10-21-tfc WANTED We want to buy good used Furniture and Pianos. Bring yours to us or phone | us and we’ll come look at it. i Houston Furniture Co., Brevard,1 N. C. 1-7-tfc | WANTED—Used circulator heat er, medium size. Must be rea sonable. Call Phone 88. 1-13-ltp WANTED—Settled woman, either white or colored, to do house work. Phone 338. 1-20-ltc WANTED—To buy for cash small farm, close in, or would buy all or equity in small business in or near Brevard. If you have such a business write fully to “Y”, care of The Times. 1-13-ltc WANTED — RAWLEIGH ROUTE available at once. Good oppor tunity. Write at once. Raw leigh’s Dept. NCA-24-105, Rich mond, Va. 1-13-ltp WANTED — HATCHING EGG j PRODUCERS WANTED NOW For North Carolina’s Largest Certified Baby Chick Hatchery. Start flocks now for 1944 and 1945 production. Can use eggs practically year ’round. Excel lent premiums paid. Baby chicks available now. Communicate by letter or telephone TODAY. FARMERS FEDERATION HATCHERY, Asheville, N. C. Phone 5150, Box 851 l-14-2tc WANTED—Your Headaches! Yes sir, there is no need for worry over your Income Tax. Why? Because very likely your tax is all paid for 1943. Yes, and I’ll bet most of you even have a refund coming! So why wait until the last few days before March 15 and get caught in the rush? As soon as you get your salary and deduction report from your employer CALL LARRY for an appointment and avoid the “jam.” Telephone 515 after 6 p. m. Larry Bryant. 1-13-ltc WANTED! Country hams, will pay 45c a pound; must be lean. See Pete Galloway’s Cafe Miscellaneous MISCELLANEOUS—Auto license bureau of the Carolina Motor club will be closed Monday, Jan. 17, on account of the manager attending a Red Cross meeting in Asheville. Douglas. 1-13-ltc FREE—If excess acid causes you pains of Stomach, Ulcers, Indi gestion, Heartburn, Belching, Bloating, Nausea, Gas Pains, get free sample, Udga, at Varner’s Drug Store. l-6-15tp NO WAITING—At Ward’s Barber Shop. Three expert barbers to serve you. Conveniently located. ll-18=tfc NOTARY PUBLIC SERVICE Henry Henderson THE TRANSYLVANIA TUCKS Day Phone 7 Night Phene 43 RED CROSS PLANS -FROM PAGE ONE home service department. Filing of papers for allotments, checking family status, and seeing that medical care and emergency needs are taken care of in absence of the family service man, with hun dreds of miles driven each month in cars, and two to three days actual time given each week, are some of the things which are done free by the home service depart ment. In addition to the home service work, schools in home nursing I have been conducted, and thous ands of pieces of material have been made up for soldiers and refugees by ladies in the county— materials being furnished through funds of the local chapter and room, lights, and heat furnished by various donors. “The Red Cross is serving in the true sense of the word ‘ser vice’ in Transylvania,” Chapter Chairman Jerry Jerome stated in announcing the forthcoming drive, “and it will continue to serve if the people will back it with their money.” Buy U. S. Government Bonds and Stamps regularly. EIGHT INCHES OF SNOW FELL HERE LAST WEEK King winter really visited Bre vard and this section last week end when about 8 inches of snow fell here. Traffic was interrupted and the opening of schools was again de layed, but town and state highway forces did an excellent job of cleaning off the streets, sidewalks and highways in record time. Strange as it might seem, no serious accidents were reported and traffic was quickly restored to normal. The snowfall was rather general all over the state. Large Grade A LOCAL EGGS one dozen carton_40c Baby Gouda 6 Brown Points Per Pkg. CHEESE 11 oz. pkg_35c American 2 Brown Points Per Pkg. GRATED CHEESE, .....19c Packer’s Label—Poini Free Green Beans . Pacific—19-Oz. Cai —16 Green Point* Peas . . . . , Burry’s Pretzel sticks . . Standard—19-Oz. Can—lr Green Points Tomatoes . . Iona—19-Oz. Can—18 Green Points Corn . . . . . No. < Can lie No, Can 15c 2 pfi 25c No. 2 Can No. 2 ■ Can lie 12c Green D-E-F Valid Now Expire Jan. 20 Green C-H-J Valid Now Expire Feb. 20 Brown R-S-T Valid Now Expire Jan. 29 Suqar Stamp No. 29 Valid Now Expires Jan. 15 Mild & Mellov. Coffee 8 O'CLOCK 3 ft 59c 2 >s 41c RED CIRCLE'S 47c ROKAR V" 51c MINUTE MAN SOUP MIX POINT FREE Palmolive Soap ^ Reg. Bars ^ Bath Size Super Suds Med. 20c Lge. 23c Octagon Soap 3 3 Sm. Bars Giant Bars 8c 14c 10 Green_Points 12-Oz. Can Niblets Brand Corn. 13c Blue Label No. IV2 Can Karo Syrup . 15c 8-Oz. Pkg. Argo Starch. 4|c 12 Green Points 16-Oz. Glass Larsens Veg-All . 16c Sweetheart Soap. 3 Bars 20c Self Rising 10-Lb. Paper Bag Sunny Field Flour. 60c Ann Page 8-Oz. Pkg. Macaroni . 5c Ann Page 1-Lb. Jar Peaunt Butter . 25c 5 Brown Points Per Lb. Wesson Oil 29c Pt. Can 5 Brown Points Per Lb. Dexo Shortening 65c 3-Lb. Pkg. 1 Brown Point Per Tali Can — White House Evaporated MILK 4 “ 35' Enriched Dated MARVEL BREAD Lge. 1%-Lb Loaf FRESH FRUITS and PRODUCE YORK APPLES 2 Lbs. STRING BEANS Lb. _ BEETS bunch _ NEW CABBAGE 2 Lbs._ CARROTS bunch _ COLLARDS Lb. _ FLORIDA GRAPEFRUIT 54s, each_ LEMONS 432s, dozen_ SPINACH Lb. _ 20cc 17c 10c 10c llcl 10c 7c! 23c 10c; 1 LETTUCE 5s, head FLORIDA ORANGES 126s, dozen_ ORANGES 8 Lb. bag GRAPEFRUIT Texas pink meat, 54s, each WHITE POTATOES 10 Lbs._ IDAHO RUSSET POTATOES 10 Lbs._ SWEET POTATOES 3 Lbs._ TOMATOES Lb. carton_ I TANGERINES h 176s, dozen_ lie 39c 40c 9c 37c 50c 25c 25c 19c IX OUR MARKET Fresh Pork 5 Points Per Lb. I SAUSAGE Lk.38c BREAKFAST BACON (4 Points Per Lb.) Grade B Grade A 35c Lb. 37c Lb. Nice Lean 7 Points Per Lb. PORK CHOPS U..37c Fresh Fish And Oysters . ■■■iiuifal 3 Pork Loin END ROAST u,_ Fresh Chicken Salad Lb. __ Loose Sweet Mixed Pickles Lb. _ Loose Sweet Relish Lb. _ Pimento Cream Cheese Spread Lb. _ Relish Cream Cheese Spread Lb. ___ 32c 60c 15c 15c 40c 40c

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