WANT ADS RATE: MINIMUM 25c ONE INSERTION NOT MORE THAN 25 WORDS. ADDITIONAL WORDS lc WORD For Sale FOR SALE—660 acres adjoining Pisgah National Forest, good hunting and fishing. Several rearing pools for fish already built. Much marketable timber. Price, $10 per acre. O. H. Orr, Phone 450. 1-27-ltp FOR SALE—5-room cottage, eight miles out on Highway 64, water, lights, some furniture. Price, $1,100; also T. L. Snelson house, King street. O. H. Orr, Phone 450. 1-27-ltp FOR SALE — Cottonseed meal, Dairy feeds, Bran and Shorts and Poultry Feeds. Cash & Carry Super Market. 1-27-ltc FOR SALE—I have several dozen evening dresses all new, slightly damaged. Only $2.00 each. Every dress I sell before the Birthday Ball I will give half the pro ceeds. Come on, girls, look your prettiest, also help a good cause. Nickel Bargain House. 1-27-ltp FOR SALE — Day bed, complete, good as new. Can be made into double bed. At bargain if sold at once. Mrs. V. H. Galloway, at former D. P. Kilpatrick place. 1-27-ltp FOR SALE—Oil stove; two hand some antique couches; man’s bicycle, 6-light electric chande lier; boy’s Irish Mail scooter; electric milk-shaker; also large corner lot. Call Phone 258 be fore noon or after 8 o’clock at night. 1-27-ltp FOR SALE — Adding Machine Paper and Typewriter Ribbons at The Times Office. FOR SALE—SEE US for Trumbull poultry water warmers and Serv all sugar cane litter for poultry houses. B & B Feed and Seed Co. 1-13-tfc FOR SALE — Team of 3-year-old horses. Well broken. P. J. Ash worth, Maple street. l-20-2tp FOR SALE — Beautiful white American bull pups, fox terriers and collies, $5.00 each; 22 rifle; oil cook range; 5-piece break fast set; electric small radio; sugar cured hams, 50c lb.; home canned preserves, jellies, fruits and vegetables; 12 - gauge shot gun; fresh young Nubian milk goat, $35. W. S. Caraker, Davis Station, Brevard Road, Hender sonville. 1-27-ltp FOR SALE — Rabbits for sale, registered young breeders, New Zealand, Angora and commer cial, reasonable. Roy DeLong, 301 S. Caldwell. l-20-4tp FOR SALE—Setting of eggs. New Hampshire best strain. Roy De Long, 301 S. Caldwell. l-20-4tp FOR SALE—License plates, early and late each day this week except Saturday when the hours of 9:00 to 4:00 will be strictly used. Same hours Monday, 31st. You CAN’T buy a tag after 4:00 P. M. on next Saturday and Monday. NO CHECKS will be accepted on Friday, Saturday or Monday. C. M. Douglas. 1-27-ltc FOR SALE—Income Tax Service. You have to file, but you may not have to pay. Douglas — Phones 13 and 99-R2. 1-27-ltc FOR SALE—New shipment wool, 62 inches wide, colors: navy, wine and brown. Brevard Sample Store. 1-27-ltc FOR SALE — OIC and Poland China pigs. Roy Orr, Country Club road. l-27-2tp FOR SALE — Good used Roman Eagle cook stove, $35.00. W. J. WaUis, Phone 45. 1-27-ltp FOR SALE—New shipment plaid shirting material, also fancy cre tonnes. Brevard Sample Store. 1-27-ltc FOR SALE — Poland-China and OIC shoats weighing from 60 to 75 pounds; also 3 Hampshire and Poland-China cross, reason able. C. E. Cochran, 1 mile be low Penrose on Hendersonville road. l-27-4tp Miscellaneous FREE—If excess acid causes you pains of Stomach, Ulcers, Indi gestion, Heartburn, Belching, Bloating, Nausea, Gas Pains, get free sample, Udga, at Varner’s Drug Store. l-6-15tp NO WAITING—At Ward’s Barber Shop. Three expert barbers to serve you. Conveniently located. 11-18-tfc MISCELLANEOUS — I have bought the Dee Gillespie gro cery store and am now operating same in the Clayton building on West Main street. J. P. Holbert l-20-2tp For Rent FOR RENT — One 3-room cottage with all conveniences, close in; 2 tracts good farm land, near town but no buildings on farm. O. H. Orr, Phone 450. 1-27-ltp FOR RENT — 3-room apartment partly furnished February 1st. For further information, see Mrs. Gus Gillespie, 570 Broad street mornings or 7 to 8 p. m. 1-20-ltp FOR RENT—House and farm, 51 1-2 acres, 18 acres tenable, in Eastatoe township, For further information inquire 356 Broad street, Brevard. 1-27-ltp FOR RENT—3-room garage apart m e n t, furnished, electrically equipped, close in. Mrs. E. S. English, 2 2 9 Jordan Street, Phone 126. 1-27-ltc FOR RENT—6-room unfurnished house, two bedrooms, living room, reception room, sun par lor, bath. Automatic hot water service. North Brevard. Tele phone 258. 1-6-ltp FOR RENT—Upstairs steamheated furnished apartment on Frank lin avenue, suitable for 2 people. For further information call Phone 232. 12-16-tfc FOR RENT — Vacant garage next to Times office. Brevard Sample Store. 1-27-ltc FOR RENT — 5-room house, fur nished. Garage and good garden. Adults only. B. W. Teague, Phone 382. 1-27-ltp Wanted WANTED—Baby play pen. See E. V. (Scott) Dillingham at Ecusta gate or phone 513. 1-27-ltc WANTED—Someone to drive car to Memphis. Transportation fur nished. Call Phone 72. -1-27-ltc WANTED — Baby carriage. Must be in good condition. Mrs. H. G. Young, Phone 522. 1-27-ltp WANTED TO BUY — Good and bad furniture, also stoves of any kind. Murphy’s Furniture Store. 10-21-tfc WANTED -We want to buy good used Furniture and Pianos. Bring yours to us or phone us and we’ll come look at it. Houston Furniture Co., Brevard, N. C. 1-7-tfc ' WANTED—Call Larry for an ap pointment to make out your 1943 income tax returns. Re member, your tax may be paid ■ but you still have to file your ( usual form. Telephone 515 after 6 p. m. for an appointment at j your convenience. Experienced , in individual and business re turns. Larry Bryant. l-20-4tc WANTED—I am prepared to do i your hauling of all kinds, short 1 and long distances. M. O. Bran- J non, foot of Gallamore hill, 1 North Brevard. l-20-4tp < WANTED — A good reliable man ! or woman to supply customers ] with Rawleigh Products. Write Rawleigh’s Dept. N C A-24-127, , Richmond, Va. 1-27-ltp j WANTED — To buy moderately ' priced modern 6-room house in 1 or near Brevard, or one suitable ] for remodeling. Write “B” % ] The Times. 1-27-ltp 1 WANTED—Girl for general house work to go to Florida. Prefer school girl to work for board. Write Mrs. B. E. Nicholson, 1010 25th St., Orlando, Fla. 1-27-ltp WANTED! Country hams, will pay 45c a pound; must be lean. See Pete Galloway’s Cafe Found FOUND — Steel rimmed glasses advertised sometime ago have been found. Owner may have same by calling at The Times office and paying 25c for this adv. DH When your doctor asks where you prefer to have your prescription filled, say: VARNER’S, because: Filled only by registered pharma cist; as written and at reasonable prices. (Advt.) tfc NOTARY PUBLIC SERVICE Henry Henderson THE TRANSYLVANIA TIMES Day Phone 7 Night Phone 43 PLEA ANSWERED BY F.D.R. PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT found it difficult to resist the plea of little Anx Gilcreast. 10, of Stoneham, Mass., when she requested he place a ceilinj price on cocker spaniels so she could afford to buy one. In a few dayi she received a gift in the form of “Bambi,” who watches his young mistress oen a note of thanks to FD.R. (International) In Pacific Area CPL. CHARLES E. WHIT MIRE, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gil bert C. Whitmire, of Lake Tox away, who has been serving overseas in the Southwest Pa cific the past 14 months, is now with the casual outfit at a ma rine base in New River. He joined the marines in 1942. Shir ley Ann, his only daughter was 14 months old when her father first saw her. Mrs. Whitmire was formerly Miss Essie Galloway. HYPNOTIZED BOY - FROM PAGE ONE - Covington explained. After the boy had slept several hours Monday afternoon, he was said to be perfectly normal. Covington said he plans to be come a doctor and that he learned hypnotism because of a keen in terest in it and because it is help ful for a physician to know. He has hypnotized several other boys on the campus, but after the ex perience Monday Dr. Coltrane is said to have issued orders that “it must not happen again.” “I did not want to hypnotize Wyatt, but he insisted for over an hour that I do it,” Covington de clared. “Even before we put him to bed Sunday night he was dis playing exceptional strength and none of the boys could do any thing with him,” Ben stated. I To the People of this Community KILL OR BE KILLED United States Marines paid the stiffest price in human life per square yard for the capture of Tarawa, vital Pacific outpost It was kill or be killed. Your boys did not flinch when they ran into the deadliest fire power along the beaches of this impor tant Gilbert Island strong x ▼ hold. This assault, bloody and cost ly, is one of the many which must be made before Tokyo and Berlin are pounded into dust and ashes. What are you doing to back up the boys? Remember these are boys from this very community, perhaps from your very home. Any home in your neighborhood i which today does not display the Treasury’s red, white and blue 4th War Lean Shield proclaim ing “We bought Extra War Bonds” is not backing the at tack. Every Extra War Bond you buy becomes a direct fighter against Japan and Germany. If you could but see one man die on the battlefield, you would not count the cost of your slight sac rifices to buy Extra War Bonds to make each succeeding assault less costly in the lives of our boys. You can’t afford NOT to buy Extra Bonds in the 4th War Loan if you would help these boys. ^ THE EDITOR. I WE BOUGHT EXTRA WAR BONDS WAR LOAN ONLY 620 PEOPLE NEEDED TO RAISE COUNTY’S CROPS County Agent Glazener As sumes Each Will Work 200 Days During The Year Six hundred and twenty persons working 200 days this year will produce sufficient food and feed crops to reach the 1944 farm goals, figures compiled by County Agent J. A. Glazener show. His estimate was based on the farm business chart for Western' North Carolina. Mr. Glazener said that there were 900 farms in the AAA pro gram in the county. “Therefore,” he pointed out, “the job can be done with an average of three fourths person per farm, but sup pose the figure were raised to one person per farm, would our load be too heavy?” The number of days required to raise the various crops included in the 1944 program as computed by Mr. Glazener are as follows: Corn - 37,230 Hay - 5,574 Commercial Vegetables _ 15,000 Home Gardens _13,500 Irish Potatoes _ 7,700 Sweet Potatoes _ 1,750 Wheat _ 525 Sorghum - 600 Rye - 2,400 Barley _ 280 Oats _ 315 Lespedeza Seed_ 400 Burley Tobacco_ 2,420 Cows - 32,000 Other Cattle _ 1,396 Sows - 1,750 Chickens r_ 1,100 Turkeys _ 60 124,000 CONDITION OF -FROM PAGE ONE near Brevard and work at the tannery, while Wood works at Ecusta. Several years ago a fight occurred in the county jail, al legedly between Virgil and one or more of the Wood brothers. On Saturday night Cecil Hens ley, of Rosman, and Hubert Grave ly, of near Brevard, had a fist fight in The Grill. They were tried in the mayor’s court Monday night and fined $15.00 and cost. AIL FARMERS -FROM PAGE ONE farm goals and related topics. Meetings will be held in the various townships on the dates shown below: Boyd Township Penrose School House, Jan. 31. Clarence Orr’s Store, Jan. 31. Rahn’s Saw Mill, Feb. 1. Brevard Township AAA Office, Jan. 29, 31, and Feb. 1. Dunn’s Rock Powell’s Store, Jan. 29. Connestee School, Jan. 29. Cathey’s Creek E. H. Sorrell’s House, Jan. 31. P. A. Morgan’s House, Jan. 31. Wilkerson’s Store, Feb. 1. Eastatoe Township Burton’s Store, Jan. 31. B. A. Gillespie’s House, Feb. 1. Gloucester Township Silversteen School, Jan. 29. Balsam Grove School, Jan. 29. Hogback Township Lake Toxaway School, Jan. 31. M. O. McCalls’ Store, Feb. 1. L. E. Cash’s Store, Feb. 2. Little River Township B. F. Robinson’s Store, Jan, 29. Merrill’s Store, Jan. 31. WINTER - FROM PAGE ONE - Jean Kelley, Duncan, S. C.; Robert Witcher Melton, Brevard; Robert Eugene Murph, Fayetteville; Ber hard Griffin Petty, Bailey; Freida Alice Prince, Wellford; Charles Randolph Thomas, Milton; Lucy Caroline Warren, Chapel Hill and Kenneth Bell Wyatt, Brevard. Eight of the pre-college grads are from Brevard. The new semester will open on Monday, February 7, and registra tion will be held on that day. Rev. Summey Holds Service On Sunday Rev. M. E. Summey will preach at the Lake Toxaway Baptist church this Sunday at 11 o’clock announcement was made yester day On the first Sunday in February there will be a pastor election at the 11 o’clock service. The church has been without a pastor for some time due to the resignation of Rev. S. B. McCall. All members are urged to at tend both services. TELEGRAMS HAY -FROM PAGE ONE for telephone tolls on wires be cause of the low rates that we charge,” Mr. Slagle stated. “We don’t do that anywhere for any^ body and we simply could not af ford it.” In regard to the number of hours that the Brevard office is open, Mr. Slagle said the Western Union office here remains open longer than in 75 per cent of the towns of similar size in this section of the country. ***** Beans ? boston style—with PORK A hearty main dish full of flavor and nourishment—top quality and K thrifty* tool. Quality A&P Meats Grade A 10 Points Per. Lb VEAL CUTLETS, Lb. 41< NOT RATIONED FRESH NECK BONES, Lb. . . . 8< FRESH PIG FEET, Lb. 8< Fresh 1 Point Per. Lb PORK LIVER, Lb. 22< Center Cut 7 Points Per. Lb LEAN PORK CHOPS, Lb. 37c Sliced E Breakfast Bacon (4 Points Per. Lb.) Grade A Grade B 37c LB. 35c LB. I Fresh Oysters Select Standard 69c PT. 63c PT. Brown R-S-T-U Now Valid Expire Jan. 2»th Brown V Now Valid Expire Feb. 26th Green C-H-J Now Valid Expire Feb. 20th Ann rage Sparkle GELATINE DESSERT .. 5c Ann Page 14 Green Points Per. Can APPLE SAUCE 20 oz. can_14c Forman’s PICCALILLI , Lb. . .18c IONA PINEAPPLE—APPLE PRESERVES 1^-Oz. Jar—8 Green Points Per Lb. *£■ 15c LUX FLAKES 2 20c Med. Pkgs. 23c Lge. Pkg. LUX TOILET SOAP 3 _ 21 Bars LIFEBUOY SOAP 3 _ 21 Bars RINSO 2 20c Med. Pkgs. Lge. Pkg SWAN SOAP 23c ^ Reg. Bars SAVE A LIFE-BY SAVING Every luxury you do without every dollar you savo in War Bonds, may help save the life of a fighting man! For the money invested in War Bonds and Stamps buys vital equipment for our fighting forces . . . guns, planes and tanks that may mean the difference between life and death! So make your choke between luxuries and human life—invest every dollar you can spare in 0. S. War Bonds! Buy at least one extra War Bond, Now! Let’s All BACK The ATTACK! ■ Camay Soap 3 Bars 2lC Enriched Daily Dated MARVEL BREAD ‘Sf1 lie Mild, Mellow Coffee S O’CLOCK 3 si 59c 2 SS 41c No. 2 Can lie Point Free - Standard Pack Green Beans 1 Brown Point Per Tall Can White House Evap. MILK 4 s; 35c Standard Pack—19-Oz. Can—13 Green Points Tomatoes. Ann Page Spaghetti or Macaroni . Sunnyfield Corn Flakes. . . 2 Brown Points Per Lb. Pure Lard . . . No. 2 Can 8-Oz. ■ ■ Pkg i-Oz. ■ B Pkg 1-Lb. Pkg. 11c 5c Sc 19c FRESH FRUITS and PRODUCE YORK APPLES, 2 Lbs._ STRING BEANS, Lb. _ BEETS, Bunch__ NEW CABBAGE, 2 Lbs._ CARROTS, Bunch_ _ 20c 22*c _ 10c _ 10c lie FLORIDA GRAPEFRUIT, 64s, each_ ] LETTUCE, 5s, head_ MUSTARD GREENS, Lb. _ FLORIDA ORANGES, 200s, dozen_ Texas Pink Meat Grapefruit, 70s, each_ YELLOW SQUASH, Lb. _ TANGERINES, j 200s, dozen_ -lie 12*c 23*c . 7c 23c . 16c