— — Ifii—I IW>— n wi m m a -inr nr—r- ■■■—tr if-'if nr a r rr unn wrw .mi n m i mm mi ■■ —— — ,i—rfr PwThjWwMB Society News and Club Activities * AMMA 'TBGWBilfJm 8§tMf 1 »n4 m Brevard Girt To Wed Navy Man Sun. P, M. Miss P/dfmi# Bounding Grm chawe, daughter nf Mr and Mrs. T p Gntmkftw, of Brevard, will became the bride of William Rob #H kawsen, iff.., aviation machinist mate, first class, sen of Hr and Mrs. William Robert Mwson of Sleigh in a ceremony ai St, Phillip's Episcopal church, Bre vard, on Sunday afternoon, Feb ruary go, at 4 o'clock The rector, Rev. Harry Perry, will officiate. The couple will leave for a honeymoon trip immediately fol lowing the ceremony, after which they will go to Rhode Island, where Navyman Pawson will be stationed at Qnonset Point, Prov idence, Rhode Island Fortnightly Club Has Nutrition Talk A talk on “Blueprinting Nutri tion” was the main feature of the meeting of the Fortnightly club, which was held last Thursday af ternoon at the home of Mrs. W M. Melton Miss Madge Rhyne was program leader and gave an interesting and informative discussion on various phases of nutrition and the im portance of observing its rules and regulations for modern-day living. Mrs G. H. Lyday, president, presided over the business trans actions, included in which were reports from committee chairmen and other matters of business. A social period and refresh ments were enjoyed at conclusion of the meeting. CATHOLIC SODALITY HAS ENJOYABLE MEETING TUES. St. Ann’s Catholic Ladies So dality had an enjoyable meeting on Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. M. A. Sehlosser, with nine members present Following the regular business session, a social hour and refresh ments were enjoyed. Those present, in addition to the hostess, were: Mrs, Fritz Brauer, Mrs. L. Faucher, Mrs. R. J. Kap pers, Mrs. Ida Neuberger, Mrs. James Brennan, Mrs. E. F. Fraser, Miss Emmi Neuberger and Mrs. A. M. Ream. TODAY Direct broadcasts from overseas by CBS foreign correspondents, heard each Monday through ^oturday «* 6:55 p.m. JOSEPH C.HARSCH 0(6 CBS analyst, broadcasts THE MEANING OEM NEWS rMch Monday through Friday i lay! COLUMBIA 8R0A0CASTINC SVSTIM Uniform I* Top* MM ppaw IN A nation-wide Gallup poll, the WAVE uniform was voted tops among the various branches of the military services. Ensign Miriam ! Murray of Boston, Mass., certainly wears hers to advantage, don’t you agree? Navy photo. (International) Nancy Clarke Has 'Valentine Party ! Nancy Clarke was hostess at her home last Saturday afternoon at a Valentine party. Mrs. H. N Carrier gave the social affair for her young niece at the latter’s home on Rice street. Decorations and entertainment in keeping with the Valentine idea were earned out. Little Valentine hats as favors afforded much pleasure for the young folks. Games and contests were played and the prize winners were Pete Shiflet, C. R. McNeely and Bonnie Faye Hawkins. Cake, ice cream and cookies were served. The twenty-three boys and girls on the invited list were: Tommy Smith, Pete Shiflet, Gaynelle Pat terson, Wayne Kerber, Thomas King McCrary, Mikcy Martin, C. R. McNeely, Juddy McCrary, Nancy; Garren, Bonnie Faye Hawkins. Joan Poole, Betty Whitmire, Tom-1 mie Galloway, Doris Jean Morris, I Evelyn Chappell, Charlotte Snel l son, Jean Marie Gravely, Leora j Ann Barnett, Harriet Patterson, i Guyma Stover, Bob Morris and Sarah Mull. Chopin Music Heard At Music Club Meet Mrs. J. M. Allison and Mrs J. E. Loftis were hostesses at the Feb ruary meeting of the Music Lover’s club on Saturday afternoon, at the home of Mrs. Allison on Pro bart street. Mrs. Karl Bosse, president, pre sided at the business session, af ter which Mr. Alvin Moore, pro gram leader, presented the musical program. Mr. Moore chose as his theme, “The Music of Chopin” and pre faced his playing with an interest ing, informative and highly en tertaining discussion of the high lights in Chopin’s life and their relation to his music. The musical numbers played by Mr. Moore, included Preludes, Waltzes, Etudes, Ballads, “Ber ceuse" and “Polonaise” by Chopin. Refreshments and a social hour followed the program after which the club adjourned to meet at the home of Mrs. A. H. Kizer for the March meeting. Mrs. V. E. Barker was a guest at the meet ing. MEETING OF GARDEN CLUB ON FRIDAY AFTERNOON The February meeting of the Brevard Garden club will be held tomorrow afternoon at 3:30 o’clock at the home of Mrs. Julius Sader, with Mrs. Ashe Macfie as co hostess. The program topic will be “How to keep your bird friends all through the year,” with Mrs. Keith Pooser as program leader. Each member is asked to bring a list of birds seen in her garden this month. There will be an exhibit of house plants. TRY TIMES WANT ADS THEY BRING RESULTS HAPTWT MfiifDH STUDY td m meld Monday nihht AT CHURCH NUPPRR MEET A home mission siu4y eisss will be held ai IMe Firs! Baptist church next Monday flight, sponsored My' the Women's Missionary society end the V- W A, Tfw* study class will begin si 7 30 o'cloek, preeeded My a supper st the church at dm, for which each member is asked to Mring sandwiches The study book is entitled, "Christianity, Our Citadel,” My Ro land Q- lyeavett, and the following members will review a chapter in tMe Meek: Mrs Julian Oieaener, Mrs, Bert Charles, Mfs Vance Jackson and Mrs. W. P, Tindall Jt is urged I Mat all mem Men, of the W M 8. Me present. Supper And Movie Honor Birthday Mrs Julius Wader entertained at her home last Friday evening with a supper, honoring Sallie Gravely on the occasion of her fifteenth birthday, Following the informal supper, the honoree and guests went to the Co-Ed theatre where they at tended the picture show for the remainder of the evening, Those enjoying the birthday oc casion with Sallie were Joan Poole, Harriet Patterson, Hetty Jo Par rish, Margaret Aim DeBord and Lillian Ann Gravely, BAPTIKT CIRCLE# WILL MEET THURSDAY AFTERNOON The five circles of the First Baptist church will have the Feb ruary meetings this Thursday af ternoon at 3:30 in the following homes: Circle No. 1, Mrs. Hoy Long; Circle No. 2, Mrs. W. T. Bosse; Circle No. 3, Mrs, John Ford; Circle No. 4, Mrs. C. R. Me Neely; Circle No. f>, Mrs. W S. Price, The 20 million Victory Gardens grown on farms and in the cities and villages of America produced over 0 million tons of excellent food last year and the job must be repeated in 1044. Because of a more intelligent attention to foods, Americans have been on a better diet during the past year than at any time in their history, say nutrition experts with the U. 8. Government, CLEMSON THEATRE Friday & Saturday HI WILD Bill EUIOTT Itti GfO»(,l OJpY HAYfS IMjMfe /-tun iff i CHAPTER NO. 2 Secret Service In DARKEST AFRICA MONDAY Return Engagement Robert Taylor in Billy the Kid With: Brian Donlevy, lan Hunter, Mary Howard, Gene Lockhart and Lon Chaney, Jr. Sportscope—Musical and Disney Cartoon Engagement Local Couple Announced Hey etui Mrs, H T Nanney, of Brevard, hare anwouflaad the en gagement of (Mir daughter, Miss Edna Earle Nanney, to Er#in Sehrana, also of Brevard, The wedding is scheduled to take place in Brevard on Easter Sunday, April 0th METHODIST SOCIETY TO MEET THIS AFTEEWOO# The Women's Society of Christ inn Service of (ho Methodist church will hove the February meeting this Thursday afternoon at 3:34 in the ladies' parlor of the church Important business will be trans acted and an interesting program will be given by the leader and assistants. MRS, KAPI’ HOSTESS AT WEDNESDAY CLUB MEETING Mrs. Lehman Kapp was hos tess at her home on Park View Drive for the regular meeting ol the Wednesday club on the after noon of February 0 Seventeen members were present War bond sales were discussed and all members were urged tc buy as many extra bonds as pos slide. The (Jitl Scout chairman re ported that the Scouts were in need of furnishings for their room An interesting program on "Plays and Playwrights" was given by Miss Lucile Smith. The next meeting on February 23 will be at the home of Mrs E .1 Coltrane, with Miss Smith m hostess, Mrs, Kspp will he pffr grm leader on iti# topic, Uarolm^ ff^r gutter# and Her Resources/' www mf w praykr to Hit (WKHVmt BY MUMMIM IN RBKVABD FRIDAY mk Annuel World Her of frefer witt he observed by four churches in Brevard with a special service to he held el the Presbyterian cbureb on frider, fehrmrf 20, from 8:30 te 4;80 o'clock, The imr churches participating witt 0# the Episcopal, First Bap* list, Presbyterian end Methodist, and the four leaders wttt 0# presto dents of the four women’s Auailb erim, namely, Mrs David Ward, Mrs W P Tindall, Mrs 8, h, Happ and Miss Aims Trowbridge The program lhame witt 0e, “And lb# Mrd wondered (hat there wee no intercessor " MATIIATAhlAN CMTO MKT WITH MR#, MOODY Tilt Hi* The Maihatasian eluh met st the home of Mrs, T Q, Moody test Thursday afternoon for the regu lar business and social meeting, In the absence of the president, Mrs, C: 3, Hoodwin, business trans actions were in charge of Mrs, Moody, vice president. The pro gram committee was appointed as follows; Mrs If. J. Bradley, chair man, Mrs Jack Trantham and Mrs, Fred Holt, Mrs. Jack Trantham gave an in teresting program on Australia and New Zeiand She illustrated her discussion with pictures passed around among the members. The meeting adjourned Until February 24, at which time it will be at the home of Mrs, J. B. Jones, When your doctor asks where you prefer to have your prescription filled, say: VAliNEIt’S, because: Filled only by registered pharma cist, as written and at reasonable prices, (Advt ) tfe I Daring It to 52 Yw» v ofAgi! It yw Vk# m ftm\y wmm be tween the turn fit M «8d si/ffer from Iwt flsslwe, weak, tired, flera*» JrrltftWe feelings, s/e ft Wit blue ftlt times- 4u* to toe funetinnftl middle age period peeuiisr to womentry Lydia J5, Plflkt»w'« Vegetable Compound to relieve suefi symptoms, Tafeen r«guJ«rfjr - Pinkham's Cuj)4 helps bull4 tip resist* tiLiUUt UUtiUhit tiiUlli dititf fififi, It ai&ft “rfTr>y t C' * ***** FfFHrW WWf/ JfW tm wtuti 40eUmf*lt» sUmmchto (onto (rffwU Tnotmnd* uyon ttwwfittiKis imv* reported totwtflto, Potto* tubist 4 tree ttot is Ptnk Ham's Omyound to worth trying, Lydia E, PlnkhanTa VEflCTWU COMPOUND TRY THE TIMES WANT ADS • So that our soUwj, sadon, uiul marines every whir# van get their Camel* Camels ere packed to go round the world, to seal in that lentous Camel flavor and mild* ness anywhere, The Camel peck keeps your Camels fresh, too—pre* serving for you the full flavor W%. or Camel's costlier tobaccos. Wttfi him in ttw Army, Navy, Marin* Carta, and Coast Guard, the favorite cigarette is Camel. (Rased on actual sales records.) BUY BONDS EVERY PAY DAY FORGET WARTIME ANXIETIES A good movie will enable you to relax and at the xame time lighten the burden of difficult day*. TODAY & FRIDAY THE B/GGEsf m/N(r rtf H/f THE SCREEN/ ounuutoonw B * KuiImhimi (OKNfLl MB * wni cowl (9 *GMcitnm fSm * iVNtt fOHtAHHt W ?m*Gm G*r* m i ¥ *«*?£*»*** i J:z:S: A •asS? / 4 story of 10mm /# m*rtmf * FREDDY MARTIN \ ★ COUNT BASK * BENNY GOODMAN ★ XAVIER GUGAT ★GUYLOMBARDO •’iSiSa* +*LAhJZ?*?*H :2*Sg** * Mtu oaigQH ****** *uwneo« * MARTHA SCOTT * Cornelia Otii SKINNER * MED SPARKS * WILLIAM TERRY * rma waters * CHERYL WALKER * ARLEEN WHELAN A lohitny WEISSMULLER * EC WYNN Also: Latest News from the War Front 9 SATURDAY Starring Jammed with all th