Banks Shot At A Number Of Jap Planes But Failed To Get Credit For Downing Any Enemy Aircraft Local Boy Took Part In Four Major Campaigns In Pacific Area Wearing ribbons denoting ser vice in the American theatre of war, South Pacific and Asiatic the atres, Charlie Banks, AMM 2-c, who has spent ten months on over seas service, is spending an extend ed furlough in this section. The aerial gunner participated in four major campaigns. He has stars on his combat aircrew wings representing participation in the campaigns on the Solomon Islands, Ellis Islands, Gilbert Islands and Marshall Islands. "I shot at a few Jap planes, but never was lucky enough to get any to my credit,” Banks said. Ex plaining the type missions he went on, the former manager of Char lie’s Place across from Ecusta, told how his crew flew low—just above the tree tops—over the objectives to be sure of direct hits. Relating his experiences in fly ing through the midst of anti-air craft fire, the returned gunner added thoughtfully, “I guess I’m plenty lucky to be back here.” Flew Without Escorts In a reminiscent manner Banks, who spent three years here prior to entering the service, told that one of his most thrilling, though dangerous, experiences was the bombing of the Marshall Islands. The planes in his formation flew at low altitudes without fighter escorts. “Our plane was a Vega Ven tura,” the gunner said and explain ed that it was a new type plane which in reality is “an advanced model of the Lockheed Hudson.” Tilting his white sailor cap a little further back on his wavy black hair, the naval gunner who as a member of a land base air craft crew was on Tarawa and has seen many exciting things in the last year, stated without much hesitation that the most exciting thing which has happened to him since being in the service was see ing the Golden Gate bridge as his ship came into San Francisco. Met Asheville Boy “I didn’t see anybody I knew all the time I was on foreign duty,” Banks answered. But he paused a moment to think where it was he met a fellow Tar Heel and added “I did meet a boy from Asheville, though, whom I’d never known be fore. We were both at the Ellis Islands then.” With a contented smile, he ex plained that when his leave is up he will report to Florida where he is to become an instructor at the naval station at Jacksonville. Having been in the navy almost three years, Banks was stationed at Norfolk, Va., Memphis, Tenn., Purcell, Okla., Treasure Island, Calif., and Alameda, Calif., before going into actual combat service. On leave until the twenty-seven th of this month, at which time he is to report to Jacksonville, Bank% is spending his leave with his brother at Horse Shoe. CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank our friends and neighbors for their many acts of kindness and sympathy shown us during the illness and at the death o f our father, J. Frank Hayes, and for the lovely flowers. The Hayes Family. CASH 6- CARRY Self Service Home Owned Fresh String Beans, 2 lbs. 29c Yellow Squash, 2 lbs. 25c Trimmed Cauliflower, 2 lbs. 25c Carrots, 2 bunches. 15c Fresh Turnip Greens or Mustard, lb. 10c Crisp Celery, per stalk .... 10 and 12c Green Cabbage, lb. 4c Irish Potatoes, 10 lbs. 39c SALE OF S. C. SWEET POTATOES 5 Lbs. 10 Lbs. 1 Bushel 33c 65c $2.95 INDIAN RIVER ORANGES AND GRAPEFRUIT Jello and Jello Puddings Maxwell House Luzianne and other high grade coffees Fresh Country Eggs, dozen. 35c Post Toasties, box. 5c Biltmore Grits, pkg. 10c Prunes or Raisins, 14b. pkg.15c Wilson’s Advance Shortening, 4 lbs. 75c Bulk Brown Sugar, 2 lbs. 13c Clorox, qt. bottle. 20c Household Ammonia, qt. bottle ... 15c CANNED PINEAPPLE, PEACHES AND OTHER FRUITS Cotton Seed Meal 100-Lb. Bag $2.90 Onion Set» White, Yellow, Red 25c LB. Grade A Market Pork Chops, lb. 37c Country Style Pork Sausage, lb.. . . 35c Skinless Wieners, lb. 27c Choice Steaks, lb. 41 -49c Nucoa Oleo, lb. 26c FRESH FISH AND OYSTERS BUS HEARING ■-FROM PAGE ONE Greyhound to the City Bus com pany, of Hendersonville. Letters and petitions have been sent to North Carolina Utilities commission, the Interstate Com merce commission at Washington, and the Greyhound offices at Char leston, W. Va., setting forth the fact that a majority of the people here, for many reasons, prefer the Greyhound lines to any indepen dent operator. Arguments Heard Over 400 people who live be ween Brevard ana Hendersonville tiave asked the Utilities commis sion to cause the present operators to continue, and members of the transportation commission and at torneys have appeared before the commission at Raleigh in further ance of the arguments. Notice has been sent to people in various sections of the county telling of the postponed hearing, and further notice will be given through The Times when and if a new hearing is set. However, it is hoped by the committee in charge that the matter will be dropped, and present operations continued under such schedules as may be mutually worked out by the trans WANT ADS RATE: MINIMUM 25c ONE INSERTION NOT MORE THAN 25 WORDS. ADDITIONAL WORDS lc WORD For Sale FOR SALE-High grade milk cows and springing heifers. A. L. Allison, at Wilson bridge, Green ville highway. 2-10-4tp FOR SALE — Adding Machine Paper and Typewritter Ribbons at The Times Office. FOR SALE—SEE US for Trumbull poultry water warmers and Serv all sugar cane litter for poultry houses. B & B Feed and Seed Co. 1-13-tfc FOR SALE—Tall and low growing junipers and arbovitae and other items; also flowering shrubs at a real bargain; red and black raspberry plants at 5 cents each; strawberry plants at $1.00 per hundred. Mrs. John C. Tinsley, Box 108, Maple street extension, Brevard. 2-3-4tp FOR SALE — Two black Nubian does, fresh, registered; also reg istered Nubian buck—one grade doe fresh and one to freshen the last of March. Pedigreed New Zeland white rabbits for breed ers; 9-year-old white stallion, gentle, broke to farm or wood job, works anywhere; also cer tified Sequoia potato seed. W. H. Sutton, Lake Toxaway, N. C. 2-17-2tc FOR SALE—Very choice Holstein, Guernsey and Ayrshire heifers, $25 each and up. Shipped COD. Bull free with five heifers. Homestead Farms, McGraw, N. Y. 2-17-5 tc FOR SALE—Good 5-room house, modern, large lot, out of city limits; also 5-room house and lot inside limits; also nice business building. See these. Wilson’s Agency. 2-24-ltc FOR SALE OR FOR RENT—Good farm near Lake Toxaway, with 6-room house, spring water near house, orchard, firewood and pastures. See or write J. Wesley Jones, Route 1, Horse Shoe, N. C. 2 24-ltp FOR SALE—Good work horse, 8 years old, 1,000 pounds; also good No. 1 one-horse wagon. Price $225.00 for outfit, Will sell separately or together. James Hawkins, Maple Street Exten sion. 2-24-ltp FOR SALE — A better insurance j policy for you in a first-class North Carolina company. Doug las, Phones 13 and 99 R-2 2-24-1 tc FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE- -OIC shoat. Will take New Hampshire chickens, or what have you? Vic toria Byrd, Rosman Road, Bre vard. 2-24-ltp FOR SALE—See Avon representa tive for Avon products. Have full line of cosmetics and Perfection flavoring. Mrs. W. W. Cooper, 303 Whitmire Street. 2-24-4tp FOR SALE—Delco Frigidaire, $75, 8-foot, in good condition. E. O. McCall, Brevard, Route 2. 2-24-ltp FOR SALE — Wood and coal ranges, full size, 16 cast iron, $47.50. Abercrombie Furniture Co. 2-24-8tc Lost LOST — Lady’s red wool sweater somewhere between courthouse and Park avenue or Gallamore Hill. Reward for return to The Times office. 2-24-ltp LOST—Pair fur lined brown leath er men’s gloves somewhere in business section. Reward for re turn to Times Office. 2-24-ltp LOST OR STRAYED—Small black Poland-China pig, two or three weeks ago. Reward. Return to Mattie Pierce, Pierce-Moore ho tel. 2-24-ltc LOST—Bunch small keys on chain, somewhere in business district. Reward for return to The Times office. 2-24-ltp Boy U. S. Government Bonds and Stamps npdarh. For Rent' FOR RENT—Upstairs steamheated furnished apartment on Frank lin avenue, suitable for 2 people. For further information call Phone 232. 12-10-tfc FOR RENT—3-room garage apart ment, furnished, electrically equipped, close in. Mrs. E. S. English, 229 Jordan street. Phone 126. 2-24-1tc FOR RENT — Three-room fur nished, steam heated apartment, electrically equipped and hot water furnished. Also fur nished cottage, 3 rooms and bath, very comfortable and con venient. Mrs. J. C. Wike, 555 E. Main Street, Phone 255. 2-24-ltc FOR RENT — 7-room house, two baths, good garden; also 8-room house, clean, close in, big gar den. See Wilson’s Agency. _ 2-24-ltc FOR RENT — 6-room house with bath, breakfast nook and three porches. Available March 1; al so laying hens for sale. Mrs. W. L. Owen, Rosman Highway. _ 2-24-1 tp Wanted WANTED TO BUY — Good and bad furniture, also stoves of any kind. Murphy’s Furniture Store. _ 10-21-tfc WANTED — Applications for Gov ernment crop and feed loans are now available at 4 percent in terest Apply Mrs. Mary Jane McCrary’s office, Brevard. R. F. Hemphill, Field Supervisor, Franklin, N. C. 2-24-2tp WANTED—Income tax work. We will maintain office hours from 6 p. m. until 10 p. m. every eve ning beginning March 1 through March 15 in Dr. Goodwin’s wait ing room; also open Saturday, March 4 and 11, from 1 p. m. on. Telephone for appointment and save waiting or call at office during the above hours. Charles Cook, telephone 425, or Larry Bryant, telephone 515. 2-24-3tc WANTED — To have your head aches for you on your income tax problems. Charges are nomi nal, and the savings to you may be several times over the cost. Not an “expert” but claim to be fairly decent. Douglas. Phones 13 and 99 R-2. 2-24-ltc WANTED — Water Birch blocks, 8 to 9 inches in diameter, 20 inches long, 10-inch diameter up to 13 inches long. Will pay 20c per block delivered to our yard in Brevard. We also buy stand ing hickory timber. If you have any for sale, write us how much you have for sale, where it is located. Contact W. H. Long, Agent Piedmont Wagon Mfg. Co., Route 2, Box 349, Canton, N. C. 2-24-2tp WANTED—Light weight airplane luggage in good condition. Write “T” Care The Times, Brevard. 2-24-ltc WANTED—Boy for dish washing and other house chores, also room maid. Inquire Pieree-Moore hotel. 2-24-ltp Miscellaneous MISCELLANEOUS — Skill tells in barber work. We have three experienced journeymen to serve you. Send the children here. Ward’s Barber Shop. 2-10-tfc FREE—If excess acid causes you pains of Stomach, Ulcers, Indi gestion, Heartburn, Belching, Bloating, Nausea, Gas Pains, get free sample, Udga, at Varner’s Drug Store. l-6-15tp NOTICE TO WORKERS” The War Manpower Commis sion’s Stabilization Program re stricts changing jobs locally and traveling to other areas for new jobs. Workers in essential activities should not apply for jobs adver tised here. Chech with the U. S. Employment Service office in your area before changing jobs. 2-17-4tx Brevard Boy Elected President Freshman Class At The College Bob Brannon, son of Mr. and Mrs. M. O. Brannon, of Brevard, has been elected president of the freshman class at Brevard college, it was announced today. Brannon succeeds Jerry Murray, of Charlotte, who recently became a sophomore. Brannon attended Brevard high school and entered the pre-college division at Brevard portation committee and the bus owners. college in September. He became a freshman at the end of the first semester. Already Brannon has be come a popular member of the student body. He was president of the pre-college division, and is out standing in athletics on the cam pus. Joseph Petree, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Petree, of Greensboro, was elected representative of the freshman class to the student coun cil. Petree succeeds Robert Melton, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Melton, of Brevard, who became a sopho more recently. These officers will take over their duties immediately. EVENT TO STRESS -FROM PAGE TWO “Our surgical dressings rooms are doing splendid work and those in charge, as well as the many volunteer workers, are to be highly commended for the wonderful con tribution they are making to the war,” Mr. Jerome said. The public is invited to attend the flag raising. Mrs. Blanche Sims is in charge of the work for the county. Mrs. Henry Carrier has charge at Rock brook and Mrs. W. E. Wyant is now in charge of the room here. Green K-L-M Now Valid Expire March so Brown V-W-X Now Valid Expire Feb. 20th Brown Y-Z Now Valid Expire March 90 5 Brown Points Per Lb. dexo 3-Lb. an. FOR THRIFTY LENTEN MEALS TURN TO ANN PAGE FOODS Wondering what to serve during Lent7 Nourishing, unrationed ANN PAGE MACARONI PRODUCTS are the answer! You can serve them countless ways . . . ANN PAGE MACARONI AND SPA GHETTI are made of Fancy Semolina Tender ANN PAGE EGG NOODLES are made with egg yolks to make them extra nutritious, extra-del iciousl eSSi MACARONI .8Pg 5c an-e SPAGHETTI . 8P& 5c T-E-EGG NOODLES .(jc For Lenten Meals That Satisfy FRUITS & VEGETABLES | String Beans, 2 lbs. 29c { Bunch Beets, 2 lbs. 15c } Broccoli, 2 Lbs. 29c I New Cabbage, 2 lbs. 7c \ Cauliflower, trimmed, 2 lbs. 25c i Florida Grapefruit, 64s, each. 5c | Lemons, 360s, dozen. 28c | Lettuce, 4s, 2 heads. 17c i Lettuce, 5s, 2 heads. 13c | Mustard Greens, lb. 10c | Turnip Greens, Lb. 10c { Florida Oranges, 216 size, 2 dozen . 49c j White or Yellow Onion Sets, lb. ... 25c § Texas Pink Meat Grapefruit, 70s, eh. 7c j White Potatoes, 10 lbs. 37c | Spinach, 2 lbs. 15c LUX FLAKES 2 20c 23c Lge. Pkg. RINSO 2 20c Lge. Pkg. 23c LIFEBUOY SOAP 21c Bars LUX TOILET SOAP 21c 0 Brown Points Per Lb. SPRY t-Lb. Ctn. 69c ] GRADE A LARGE LOCAL FRESH EGGS l-Doz 1IV Ctn, 4llC Enriched Daily Dated MARVEL BREAD Lge. 1 Vi-Lb Loaf £ Ann Page PEANUT BUTTER 1-Lb Jar XPERT DEVILS FOOD CAKE MIX 20c 14^-Oz. Pkg. XPERT GINGER BREAD CAKE MIX 14-01 OA Pkg. 2UC White House—1 Broxrn Point Per Tall Evap. MILK Standard—19-Oz. Can—K) Green PoMi tomatoes . Ann Page—17^4-Oz. Glass—6 Green Po BEANS *,ie ■ A&P—19-Oz. Can—10 Green Points CORN . . . . A&P or Bordo Grapefruit JUICE 4 35c . . ■a.111c i . . •a? 10c . '£.* 13t . *£?29c IN OUR MARKET § Fresh 6 Point Per Lb. i | BEEF LIVER, Lb. 37c | i Fresh 1 Point Per Lb. I { PIG LIVER, Lb. 22c j ■ Fresh 7 Points Per Lb. i j GROUND BEEF, Lb. 27c j i Cured 2 Points Per Lb. § j PICNIC SHOULDERS, Lb.30c j ! Butt Ends S Paints Per Lb. I I CURED HAMS, Lb. 34c | J PORK NECK BONES, Lb. 8c j BREAKFAST BACON (4 Points Per Lb.) Grade A Grade B 37c Lb. 35c Lb. i i Fresh Fish And Oysters Ittlf SIIHIMMIHM IMM*do1 ASP COFFEE Mild & Mellow 8 O’CLOCK 3 £ 59c 2 tie Bfcfa * Full Bodtod RED CIRCLE 2 47c IbokaT 2 SS 51c

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