MRS. SHDFORD WALKER BUILDS SIX -ROOM HOUSE Erected Modem Dwelling With Help Of Children. Other Work Planned “Where there’s a will, there’s a way,” Mrs. Shuford Walker, of the Reid's Siding section says, and a check-up on the progress made by Mrs. Walker and her four children during the past four years proves this philosophy to be true. In 1942 Mrs. Walker, whose hus band is an invalid, was doing ten ant farming in the upper part of the county. At that time a farm and home plan and a small loan were made to her by the FSA here. In less than three years, Mrs. Walker had doubled the financial value of her farm, as well as giv ing demonstrations to her neigh bors on the making of American cheese. Probably the greatest accom plishment of Mrs. Walker during the past years, though, is the building of her six-room house with only the help of her four chil i dren, Sadie, 15; James, 13; Grady, 10; and Willie, 8. The house was built on a 10-acre tract of land which they acquired last year, and When you think of prescriptions, think of VARNER’S—Adv. Builds House With Help Of Children Mrs. Shuford Walker, of the Reids Siding section, pictured above with her four children, has practically completed construc tion on their six-room house in the upper part of the county. This modern-looking house is covered with asbestos siding and Mrs. Walker plans to build a front and back porch in the near future as well as to construct a rock storage house. Her husband is an in valid and the children range in age from eight to 15. (Staff Photo) I j Mrs. Walker has had it wired for j electricity. J When materials are available, 1 she plans to add a front and back I porch to her home and to build a 1 rock storage house. Lovely Lamps * TO BEAUTIFY THE HOME Base is made of American china and is handpainted; shades are of silk, hand-sewn. Just the thing to enhance the. beauty of your living room. ELECTRIC HEATERS We have a good stock of electric heaters. If you plan to buy a heater, we advise that you get it now as they may be scarce this winter. $10.30 SLEDGE RADIO SALES AND SERVICE Phone 541 41 N. Caldwell St. Canning Poaches and Tomatoes We have on hanw Peaches and delicious sunn81"^ °f nice- fi™ canning. In view of un'r,Pened tomatoes for the upward trend of priceg"? f°°d ?Carcity and vised to can all they can . ’.housew'ves are ad reduce grocery bills and *S & sure"fire way to meals this winter. SUre "'ell-balanced We also have other fruits canning ... as weI, u‘‘s and vegetables for nerve now. Make it a haWt i Vanety for meals to quently. Daily deliveries bv c/ft °W Place fre‘ McCRARY BROS. NeX‘ T° G!bb»’ Station OAKLAND NEWS By MRS. LEE NORTON One day last week, Vess Chan dler, who is almost helpless, was sitting on his bed, when his cal raised such a fuss, that he callec his wife to come to see what was ihe matter with it. Mrs. Chandlei looked out and saw a big rattle snake near the door. While sh( was killing the rattler, she said sh( heard a flapping noise behind her When she looked around she say a big copperhead snake right a her feet. She made so much noise Lon Revis, who lives nearby, eam( to see what was happening. H( finished killing the snakes, ther conducted funerals for botl snakes. This is the second big rat tlesnake that has been killed ir the yard of the Chandler home re cently. Rev. Paul Rampery, his wife anc daughter and their friend, Mrs Posey, of Cateechee, S. C., and Le( Reid, of Brevard, were dinnei guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. E A. Reid. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Chappell hac as recent visitors their son, Frank and wife of Asheville, and Mrs Nannie Chappell, of Eastatoe, S. C Mrs. Ida Chapman of Quebec was a recent visitor of her daugh ter, Mrs. Frank Fisher and family Mrs. Kester Reeder and familj who have been visiting friends here, left Friday for their home ir Norfolk, Va. Mrs. Walker and grandson. Bob bie Walker, were visitors in Ashe ville, Saturday. Thomas Hamilton visited rela tives at Cullowhee last week. On his return home Sunday, he was accompanied by his cousin, Walter Shelton and family, who spent a few hours with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Whit mire, of Pickens, and Miss Bessie Manely, of Rosman, were here Sun day for a visit with their brother, Riskman Manely. Mrs. Annie Reid is visiting her sister-in-law, Mrs. George Alexan der near Brevard. Mr. and Mrs. Garvin Ducker and sons, Javan and Charles, were din ner guests Sunday of Mrs. Flor ence Winchester, at her home near Brevard. Walesie Reid, of Walhalla, S. C., and Claude Reid, of Brevard, were here last week for a short visit with J. S. Sanders and family. Mrs. Belzie Nicholson had as visitors Sunday, four of her grand sons. These were: John D., Carmel, Bill, and James Parker, of near Brevard. Misses Mildred, Mary and Leila Ann Crunkleton, of Sapphire, were visitors Sunday of Misses Macie and Dicie Redman. Mr. and Mrs. Luna Sanders vis ited friends in S. C., on the week end. Henry Wells, of Bostic, recently visited his aunt, Mrs. Vess Chan dler. Rev. Paul Rampey filled Rev. M. E. Summey’s place at Lake Tox away Baptist church Sunday. Prayer service next Sunday night will be at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Ducker. Five Transylvanians Join Regular Army Five men from Transylvania county have recently enlisted or re-enlisted in the regular army, it is announced by the U. S. army recruiting station at Asheville. George H. Bishop, of Cedar Mountain, Jack Mackey, of Pis gah Forest, and Louie Bert Raines, of Rosman, entered service for the first time. Wilbur C. Tor rance of Brevard, Route 1, re-en listed in the ordnance corps after 57 months of previous service, and Ernest B. Fisher, of Balsam Grove, re-enlisted in the army air corps after serving 39 months. LAKE TOXAWAY i\y MRS. H. D. LEE Funeral service was held in Gas tonia Monday for Garrison Rollins, who died at his home there the previous Saturday, after a long ill ness. Surviving are: the widow, Mrs. Leona Fisher Rollins; seven daugh ters and one son and a number of grandchildren. One son lost his life in service in World War II when his plane failed to land on a car rier and sank in the ocean. Several members of the Fisher family of this place attended the funeral. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mc Kinna, July 27th., a daughter. Mrs. McKinna is the former Miss Ma rie Wilde. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lee and two daughters visited Mr. and Mrs. Chris Rogers, in Bi'evard, Saturday. Fred Hall has returned to his i home in Kelso, Wash., after visit ing his father, C. C. Hall. Mrs. Ira Galloway and daugh ter, Mrs. James Venz, have re turned to their homes in Galli polis, Ohio, after spending several 1 days here with Mrs. Galloway’s j daughter, Mrs. H. G. Rogers and | family. I Mrs. Josie Galloway, of Glouces ter, who has spent several months in Ohio, at the home of her sons, I the late Ransom Galloway and Ira Galloway, has returned to the home of her other son, Willie Galloway, at Calvert. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Hall and two children visited Mr. and Mrs. Haskell Hall in Brevard last Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Johnson and three children have moved from the small Inman house to their home on Long Branch. Patrolman Morrow Captures Deserter Patrolman H. M. Morrow, who apprehended Joshua Pruitt, 21, of Hendersonville, last month driv ing a stolen car at Cashier’s val ley, was informed this week that Pruitt was a navy deserter. FBI officials lauded Patrolman Morrow for co-operating in bring ing this deserter to justice and for locating the stolen car. A good beginning and a good end make a good speech—if they come close enough together. •f-*-4 BUY BONDS EVERY PAY DAY h*— YOUR FAVORITE j PICTURES Are shown here. A good movie j will enable you to relax and will * lighten your postwar anxieties. * +—■■ -.-.+ TODAY and FRIDAY —ALSO— CARTOON & NEWS SATURDAY MURDER, LOVE AND GREAT ADVENTURE! } mm ALSO— CHAPTER NO. 12 Of “PURPLE MONSTER STRIKES” SUNDAY — MONDAY — TUESDAY Into this strange, exotic world pome Anna . Darryl F.Zanuck presents IRENE DUNNE REX HARRISON LINDA DARNELL iSSSS ’cl Directed by Produced t " irrifc JOHN CROMWELL-LOUIS D.LK by .LIGHTON WEDNESDAY A IflIV KIM) Of A Cl/y IV A newKl or StKAHCt OSSISSIOVI LUCILLE BALL - CLIFTON WEBB WILLIAM BENDIX - MARK STEVENS Dark corner | 2ou I C«»TU>T>0* ' —ALSO— CARTOON CLEMSON !LAST TIMES TODAY! ENCHANTED FOREST (In COLOR) Starring Edmund Brenda LOWE JOYCE FRIDAY And SATURDAY TWICE THE WESTERN ACTION! TWICE THE WESTERN FUN V AND MELODY! The Robin Hood of the. Range and Smiley\ Burnette roar into action! CHARLES SMILEY STARRETT * BURN as The Durango Kid . The West's No. 1 Conic w .VENGEANCE r 'i'" MARJEAN NEVILLE • THE BAILSMEN Screenplay by Louise Rousseau and Ed. Earl Repp Produced by COLBERT CLARK • Directed by RAY NAZARRO —ALSO— SERIAL COMEDY NEWS MONDAY GiwKid TUESDAY RADIO'S CRIME DOCTOR meets the "DEATH" DOCTOR! Warner BAXTER GILBERT ROLAND MARTIN GARRALAGA ALSO NEWS A CRIME DOCTOR Picture : «i(HDEHE ROBERTS • MMTM R8SIICX • MONA BAT (tsri it (Ei pipilir radio pnigrja ''(rim tutu" If Mu Mire tri|inl !tri