■* PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Excell Lothery and Barbara Sue spent the week end in Cornelius with Mr. Lothery’s par ents. Lt. and Mrs. A. F. Domer and the former’s mother, Mrs. Lessley, of Montgomery, Ala., are visiting Mr. Banks Nicholson. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Con nette, of Albany, N. Y., are visit ing Mrs. Thomas’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Waters. Mrs. Thomas was formerly Almeda Waters. Mrs. Branc Paxton, of Miami, Fla., is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dowd, of Greenville, and Mrs. Cos Paxton, of Brevard. Her husband, B. E. Paxton, of Miami, will join her here for Christmas. A. L. Allison returned yester day from a business trip to At lanta, Ga. Misses Agnes and Josephine Clayton, who have been in gov ernment work in Florida, are here to spend the holidays with their sister, Mrs. Alfred Allison. Miss Ethel Tankersley spent Saturday in Asheville. Mrs. O. Duclos and daughter, Mrs. Bell Nicholson, spent the week end at Sunset, S. C„ with friends. Mrs. Chaffee, of Morganton, who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Dick Carter, returned home last week. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Leon Eng lish, Tuesday night, December 10, a son, Raymond Alexander, weigh ing IVz pounds. Miss Gypsy Kyre is recovering in Transylvania community hospi tal after having an operation for appendicitis Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Huggins an nounce the birth of a son, Robert Louis, on Sunday, December 8. Little Miss Sarah Ethel McCann, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred McCann, of Pisgah Forest is re ported to be recovering nicely in Transylvania Community hospital here following an attack of men ingitis. Lucien Deavor is a patient at Transylvania community hospital. Little Miss Judy Goodwin, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. C. J. Goodwin, is reported to be recov ering nicely in the hospital here. Miss Georgia Allen Massey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Massey, has returned to her home from the hospital here following an attack of pneumonia. Mrs. Rachael McCullock, moth er of Mrs. George Massey, last week had her leg amputated in the Mountain sanitorium at Fletch er and is reported recovering sat isfactorily. Mr. and Mrs. K. L. Barclay vis ited their families in Charlotte and Marshville last week end.! They attended the Shrine game in Charlotte Saturday. Miss Lela Petit and Mrs. Flora Barclay spent Tuesday in Ashe ville. Lt. Pauline Alexander, on term inal leave from the Army nurse corps, visited her sister, Mrs. Paul Lollis here this week. Lieutenant Alexander has spent the past year in Africa and Germany, and will receive her discharge in January, Mrs. Herbert Finck and daugh ter, Betty, returned this week from a month’s visit in New Jer sey. Fidelia Henderson, Jr., visited relatives and friends in Brevard for several days this week and has gone to Murphy, where he will visit his sister. He is chief radio technician in the Coast Guard, and is stationed at New London, Conn. Miss Dorothy Poole returned to Washington, D. C., Sunday after spending a week at her home here. E. C. Glazener has returned to his home in the Calvert-Cherry field section after spending sev eral days in Mission hospital in Asheville. His condition is report ed to be improved. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Patton and son, William, have returned from a vacation in Florida. Mrs. C. F. Poole and daughter, Jo Anne, spent Tuesday in Green ville, S. C., Mrs. Fred Monteith is in a Win ston-Salem hospital. Burrell-Whitmire Marriage Announced Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Whitmire, of Brevard, announce the marriage of their daughter, Vera, to Charles Burrell, son of Mrs. Ida Burrell, on November 16. The ceremony took place in Clayton, Ga. The bride is a graduate of West ern Carolina Teachers college at Cullowhee, and has been teaching at Connestee school for four years. Mr. Burrell is a veteran of World War II. Eugenia Mock Circle Elects New Officers Mrs. Jack Huggins was elected president of the Eugenia Mock cir cle of the Methodist church at the regular meeting held at the home of Mrs. Nathan McMinn, Thurs day evening. Mrs. Carl Hendrix was co-hostess with Mrs. McMinn. Other officers named at the an nual election were: Mrs. Edith Harrison, vice-president; Marjorie Ezzelle, secretary; Mrs. Frank Bridges, treasurer. Chairmen of the circle committees are: Mrs. Nathan McMinn, flower commit tee; Mrs. John Pickelsimer, re freshments; Mrs. John Reese Sledge, visiting: Mrs. A. J. Mon SPECIAL Our new $15.00 Machine Permanent Wave From Now Until December 24, for $10.00 Complete With Any Style Haircut, Shampoo And Set. Other Permanents— $5.00 To $20.00 Complete line Revlon Nail Polish, Lipstick, Hand Cream, Face Powder. Gift Sets From— 75c To $5.50 MODERN BEAUTY SHOP Mrs. Edith Mull York Phone 69 FORTUNE WRITERS TOUR FOREST HERE Magazine To Carry Article Next Spring On Nation al Forest Service Two Fortune magazine feature writers, Mrs. Selma Wolff and Payson Loomis, spent Tuesday touring the Pisgah National Forest and other scenic attractions of Transylvania county. Accompanied by Ranger Bill Huber, J. Herbert Stone, regional forester, of Atlanta, Ga., R. M. Conarro, regional chief of In formation and Education, and Carl G. Kruger, forest supervisor, the writers had luncheon at the Ecusta Paper corporation and toured the plant there. The March or April issue of Fortune will carry the article that is now being prepared by Mrs. Wolff and Mr. Loomis on the Na tional Forest service, it is report ed. “We are using this particular section of the Pisgah range for color,’’ Mrs. Wolff said. Pictures of the local National forest, which were taken by staff photographers, are being submitted to Fortune to be used in collaboration with the article of Mrs. Wolff and Mr. Loomis. It was explained that several years ago Fortune magazine car ried a series of articles on the various National forests, but that particular emphasis was placed on those in Western America. “This is not the case this time,” Mrs. Wolff stated, “for we’re find ing the information we want and need and the outstanding forests right here in Eastern America, and in Transylvania county, for that matter.” JAYCEES NAME (Continued From Page One) safer driving in Brevard and Tran sylvania county. Mr. Hill, who is serving as the secretary of the special hous ing committee, announced that more than a dozen GI's here have received their prefabricated houses and that some 16 more are expect ! ed in the near future. “These will tend to somewhat relieve the crit ical housing shortage here for the time being, and we only wish we could get several dozen more,” he added. Kiwanis Club To (Continued From Page One) pastor of Brevard Methodist church, was guest of S. E. Varner; the Rev. Ray Swink, of Brevard college, attended the meeting with E. J. Coltrane. Following the general meeting, newly elected directors met and named C. M. Douglas to succeed himself as secretary of the club, and T. E. Reid, as treasurer. — tanari and Mrs. Robert Andrews, ! program; and Mrs. Ray Hooper, gift committee. Mrs. Hooper and Mrs. Ralph Clayton were welcomed as new members. Mrs. Ashe Macfie Hostess To Circle Mrs. Ashe Macfie entertained Circle Four of the Presbyterian Women’s Auxiliary last Thursday evening. 18 members were pres ent for this, the last meeting of the year. During the business session plans were discussed for the Christmas play, “The Story of j Bethlehem” which will be pre- j sented at the church Sunday, De- ! cember 22, sponsored by the cir- \ cle. Mrs. Ashby Johnson led the S program on the theme, “A Sure f Way to Peace.” The circle presented Mrs. John- $ son a brooch in appreciation of her \ work in forming the circle and > working as its leader this year. $ The hostess served cake and 5 coffee. s HOMEMAKERS CLASS TO | HOLD CHRISTMAS PARTY _ ! The Homemakers class of the ! First Baptist church will meet at ] the home of Mrs. W. S. Price Tues- | day evening at 7:30 o’clock, with i Mrs. Excell Lothery as hostess, j The meeting is to be a combination 1 Christmas program and party, it j is announced. - I BISHOP TO PREACH AT ST. PHILIP’S S The Right Rev. Robert Gribben, D. D., bishop of the diocese of Western North Carolina, will preach at the 11 o’clock service Sunday morning at St. Philip’s Episcopal church, Rev. Harry Per ry announces. When you think of prescriptions, think of VARNER’S—Adv. WILL BE MOST MERRY FOR HER WITH THESE LOVELY GIFTS FROM— Make this an extra special Christmas for her with lovely, feminine gifts so dear to her heart. You’ll find best selections at Slack’s . . . in the style and color she will like best. : 'g (g 'g ’€ « •« ’€ ’« ■€ «S ’€ ’€ '■€ ’S '€ '€>€’€ S« *«1 Robes Robes are a No. 1 gift for her. We have lovely flan nels in many lovely colors. Luxurious Slips » Please her most with pretty slips. Tailored and lace trimmed styles in luxurious crepes and satin to thrill her Christmas morning. $2.98 To $8.95 See Our Window Displays For Helpful Gift Suggestion Gowns Luxurious gowns will make a thoughtful gift for her. Lovely styles await your here. $5.98 to $8.98 o > Pajamas Pajamas? Of course! Lovely styles and colors in a choice of materials. A practical yet glamorous gift. $7.95 And $8.95 Costume Jewelry We have an elaborate display of costume jewelry. It is so large and varied that selection will be easy and the modest cost makes this a very popular gift. | Handbags -- So Pretty & Useful Handbags are among the most popular gift for women and we have all the most appealing styles. Patent leathers and other materials, crafted to look smart and retain their shape. These bags are selling fast, so see them with out delay. Priced from— $3.98 T. $12.00 Gloves Smart gloves, in fabric and leathers, smartly styled, very thoughtful and useful gift she will surely love. $1.98 t. $10.21 Rain And All-Weather Coats One of the smart rain and all weather coats will make such a useful gift. Belted and boxy styles. Sizes 10 to 20 and 38 to 44. $8.95 TO $27.95 Handkerchiefs Scarfs Jeweled Combs Perfumes Sweaters X I Umbrellas i | Of course she will appreciate one of these smart umbrellas. | Choice of styles and colors in our grand selection. $5.95 T. $14.24 Slack’s