TRANSYLVANIA IS— An Industrial, Tourist, Educational, Agricul tural and Music Cen ter. Population, 12,241. The Transylvania Times 'A State And National Prize-Winning Newspaper And An A.B.C. Paper TRANSYLVANIA IS— The Land of Waterfalls, Mecca for Summer Camps, Entrance to Pisgah National Forest and Home of Brevard Music Festival. Vol. 57; No. 22 ★ 20 PAGES TODAY ★ BREVARD, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, MAY 29, 1947 SECTION ONE PUBLISHED WEEKLY If if if PUBLIC URGED TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OR THIS OFFER Over 2,000 X-Rays Made On First Two Days. Clinic Continues For Week SCHEDULE IS GIVEN Over 2,000 persons were given chest X-ray examinations here and at Pisgah Forest Tuesday and Wed nesday and it is estimated that at least 6,000 examinations will be made by the time the mass X-ray chest clinic closes next Thurs- j day. These X-rays are free to the pub lic and town and county officials, as well as health officers and phy sicians today issued an urgent re quest for every person in Transyl vania who is over 15 years of age to take advantage of this oppor tunity. “It takes less than a minute for the technicians to make a chest X ray picture and undressing is not necessary,” Mrs. Jessie Mac Lol lis, county nurse, said. “The X-rays will be developed in state laboratories and each per son will be notified as to what the X-rays disclose,” Mrs. Lollis ex plained. One of the major difficulties about lung trouble is that such diseases are often times not de ed out “By having an examination, each person can know whether or not there is anything wrong with the lungs and if so, can start treat ment in the early stages of a dis ease,” Mrs. Lollis stated. Last year 3 persons died in this county from tuberculosis and there are now a number of active cases. —Turn To Page Six ! tected until far. ha vammf sta1 treatment is necessary. HOLD AUDITIONS FOR AMATEURS Contestants In Kiwanis Show Must Apply To Eversman Saturday John Eversman, recreational di rector at the Ecusta Paper corpora tion, will hold auditions Saturday afternoon at 2:00 o’clock for all contestants planning to enter the Kiwanis amateur night to be staged here in the Brevard high school on Saturday night, June 7. Auditions will be held for the various classifications in the high school auditorium and Mr. Evers man, who will act as master of ceremonies for the show on June 7th., will be assisted by Miss Lu cille Heffner and H. T. Casterton. “It will be necessary for all contestants entering the show to have an audition on Saturday,” Mr. Eversman stated. The amateur night is again being staged by the Kiwanians to discover what musical talent that is available in the com —Turn To Page Seven CALENDAR OF | EVENTS - —— , .j. Thursday, May 29—Doublehead er of Transylvania softball league, lighted high school field at 7:30 o’clock. Recital of Miss Sarah Komegay at Brevard college at 8 o’clock. Friday, May 30—Art exhibit at Brevard college 1:30 p. m. to 6:00 p. m. Graduation exercises at Bre vard high school, 8:00 p. m.; at Bos nian high school, 8:15 p. m. Saturday, May 31—Baseball game on Ecusta field at 3:30 p. m. Re cital of Miss Mary Norwood at Bre vard college at 8:00 p. m. Auditions for Kiwanis Amateur night in Bre vard high school at 2:00 p. m. Sunday, June—Attend the church of your choice. Opening of Camp —Turn To Page Twelve Raymond Bennett Is Elected President Of American Pulp And Paper Mill Supt. Ass’n. Given High Honor RAYMOND F. BENNETT, gen eral superintendent of Ecusta, was elected president of the American Pulp and Paper Mill Superintendents’ association in Chicago last week. TO RE-EXAMINE* _ MOTORISTS FOR DRIVING LICENSES Persons With Surnames'Be ginning A And B To Ap ply July-December All Transylvanians, whose sur names begin with the letters A or B must apply for new driver’s licenses during the period July l, 1947 to December 31, 1947 in accordance with the law passed by the 1947 General Assembly of North Carolina, A. B. McCall, state license examiner, announces to day. Persons whose names do not be gin with either of the above letters cannot apply for re-issurance of license in this period, Mr. McCall states. The examiner will be here in the sheriff’s office in the court house each Monday from 9:00 a. m. to 4:30 p. m., it is reported. Everyone will get a complete examination he said. The examina tion is made up of four parts. These parts are: (1) an eye test (2) highway sign test (3) driving rules test (4) road test. WORK AT BOYLSTON CHURCH ON FRIDAY There will be an all-day working at the Boylston Baptist church cemetery cn Friday, May 30, it is announced today. All relatives of any deceased are urged to at tend and assist in the cleaning. Ecusta Superintendent Gets High Honor At Annual Convention Raymond F. Bennett, general su perintendent of Ecusta Paper Cor poration, was unanimously elected president of the American Pulp and Paper Mill Superintendents’ association at the annual conven tion in Chicago, 111., last Thursday. Mr. Bennett succeeds Homer Latimer, of Hamilton, Ohio, direc tor of paper making for the Cham pion Paper and Fibre company, as head of this large national organi zation that has a membership of around 1,150. The new president has served as head of the southeastern division of the association and vice presi dent for the past five years. At the annual convention he presided ov er open forum sessions on indus trial relations and on stock prepara tions. Mrs. Bennett also officiated at the convention as chairman of the ladies' committee. Lee Bauer, production supervi sor and assistant secretary of Ecu sta, and Mrs. Bauer also attended the convention. Mr. Bauer, who is chairman of the tissue committee, %KSfelBF over a session. He is one of the officers of the southeastern division which will hold its fall meeting in Asheville next October. With a good background of knowledge and experience in en gineering, making paper and han dling people, Mr. Bennett went with Ecusta when the plant was being erected and was given the assign ment of starting the power and maintenance departments. When —Turn To Page Twelve ROSS STEVENS TO SPEAK HERE WED. Wildlife Club To Hold Im portant Meeting In Court House Ross O. Stevens, executive sec retary of the North Carolina Wild life federation will be the prin cipal speaker at the regular meet ing of the Transylvania Wild life club next Wednesday night, June 4, at 8:00 o’clock, LeRoy Rackley, the secretary, announces today. All former and present members are requested by Mr. Rackley to be present for this important meet ing and the general public is in vited. The local wildlife club is con tinuing its membership drive and old members are urged to pay their dues to W. B. Head at Simp son’s barber shop, or to the sec retary at Barnett’s Machine shop, Pisgah Forest. “All persons in Transylvania —Turn To Page Seven Total Of 106 Students To Graduate At Brevard College On Friday, June 9 A total of 106 students will re ceive their diplomas from Brevard college at final exercises on Mon day, June 9, Dr. E. J. Coltrane, the president, announces today. This is a record number of grad uates and during the past year, more than 400 students have been enrolled in the college and pre college departments. Last year there were 66 members in the graduating class, it is reported. Sixty-two of the graduates this year will complete the college work and 44 will graduate from the pre college department The 12 Transylvania county stu dents completing two years of col lege work are: Wanda Sherrill Al lison, Pisgah Forest; Patricia Au stin, Brevard; Katherine Auvil, Brevard; Mary Lou Hamilton, Pen rose; Betty Jane Holden, Pisgah Forest; Mary Jane McCall, Pen rose; Josephine McGaha, Brevard; Walker Millner, Brevard; Betty Hill Norton, Brevard; Mary Nor wood, Brevard; Esther Siniard, Bre vard and Fannie Chastain Sisk, Balsam Grove. Four students from Transylvania will complete the pre-college di vision, Dr. Coltrane announces, and they are as follows: Lawrence Edward Brown, Gordon Franklin Canup, Carolyn Geek and Landreth Poor, all of Brevard. Huge Flags Are Presented To Scout Troops In Transylvania In an impressive ceremony at John’s Rock in the Pisgah National forest last Friday evening, F. S. Best presented two large flags to the Scout troops in the Transylvania district of the Daniel Boone council. These flags were a personal gift of Harry H. Straus, president of Ecusta, and will be used at all public meetings of thei Scouts. Mr. Best is pictured above holding the two flags and the scoutmasters receiving them are: reading from left to right, Frank Carr, Jr., Charles Dun lop, Charlie Moore, Elmer Bryant, Bill Wall, field representative, Paul Curlee and Rev. W. C. Clarke. (Staff Photo) FLAGS PRESENTED TO LOCAL SCOUTS AT CAMPOREE Gift Of Harry H. Straus Is Made At District Meeting At John’s Rock Two flags, an American parade size one and a Transylvania dis trict flag bearing the Boy Scout insigna, were presented by F. S. Best in behalf of Harry H. Straus as a personal gift to the local chapter of the Daniel Boone coun cil last Friday night at a com mittee meeting at John’s Rock in the Pisgah National forest. In making the presentation, Mr. Best stated that a good troop was due to the scoutmaster and he praised the phenomenal growth of Scouting in Transylvania county. Scoutmasters who received the two awards in behalf of the troops were: Charles Dunlop, Elmer Bryant, Frank Carr, Jr., Paul Curlee, Charlie Moore, Rev. W. C. Clarke and L. V. Corn. Approximately 50 committee members and scoutmasters attend ed the dinner meeting of the Transylvania district in the forest and the supper was prepared by Senator Verne P. Clement. The affair was in conjunction with the district patrol camporee and Bill Wall, assistant Scout executive of the Daniel Boone council, of Ashe ville, spoke briefly and lauded the success of the event. Bonnell Opens Shop On S. Broad St. L. W. Bonnell, manager, an nounces the opening of the Home Interior Shop at 1 South Broad St. This shop, he says, will carry a complete line of interior decora tions for the home and a wide va riety of things needed by house holders, including Venetian blinds, waxes and polishes, door mats, metal trim, cold water and oil paints, wall and floor covering and wall paper, drapery and upholstery materials. Jack Parsons is joint owner with Mr. Bonnell of the shop. Mr. and Mrs. Gill Thomas were called to Mr. Thomas’ home in Tennessee because of the illness of his mother. Teachers And Principals For Next School Year Announced, Kimzey, Tilson Head Districts MILLION DOLLARS ASKED BY GROUP Congressman Redden Ex pects Museum To Be Built At Mingus Creek A Western North Carolina dele gation this week asked the federal government to spend nearly $1, 000,000 on the Great Smoky Moun tains national park during the year beginning July 1, but because of the economy-minded congress, it is unlikely that anywhere near that amount will be appropriated. The request was made before a senate appropriations subcom mittee by a delegating of the Western North Carolina Associat ed Communities, headed by Fran cis J. Heazel, president of the Asheville chamber of commerce. He asked for $884,923 for opera tion and development of the half of a million acres of the 13-year old park in North Carolina and Tennessee. The Interior Department appro —Turn To Page Six I - Total Of 79 Elected By The Board. Others To Be Named Later A total of 79 principals and teachers were approved for the schools of Brevard and Transyl vania county for 1947-48 at a meeting of the board of education Tuesday night in the court house here. There are a number of vacan cies to be filled, Supt. J. B. Jones stated, and it is hoped that teach ers with standard certificates will be secured in the near future. Several teachers have resigned, but the complete list has not yet been compiled, the superintendent said. R. T. Kimzey was re-elected prin cipal of the Brevard district and the schools in this district include: Brevard high, Brevard elementary, Cedar Mountain, Connestee, Little River, Penrose, Enon, Pisgah For est, Selica, Rosenwald and Glade Creek; E. F. Tilson was re-elected head of the Rosman district and the schools in this district are: Rosman high, Rosman elementary, Lake Toxaway, Balsam Grove, Que —Turn To Page Six Red Cross Aquatic School To Open At Camp Carolina Next Wednesday The twenty-fourth annual Amer ican Red Cross National aquatic school will open next Wednesday, June 4, here at beautiful Camp Carolina with an enrollment in ex cess of 200 from a number of southern and eastern states, it is announced today. The camp will last 10 days and will close on June 14, and plans for a water pageant at the present time are indefinite. Harry Kenning will again di rect camp activities and many in ternationally famous instructors and swimmers are expected to at tend the 10-day session. For the past 14 summers, prior to the opening of the regulai camp season at Camp Carolina, the Southern Section of the American National Red Cross has held a 10 day aquatic school here, and for the past seven years, similar schools have been conducted at the close of the regular camp for boys. The opening day for the second session of the aquatic school is set for August 18, it is report ed. Red Cross courses will be pro vided in swimming, diving, canoe* ing, boating, life-saving, first aid and accident prevention. Training is designed to qualify instructors for Red Cross chapters and for schools, camps and other organi zations which have safety or aquat ic programs. HAVE REVISED BLUEPRINTS ON TWO BUILDINGS All Schools To Close Satur day. Past Year Has Been Historic One PROGRESS MADE Revised blueprints of the Rosen wald school building and the 10 room classroom structure on the new lot at the Brevard elemen tary school have been submitted to board of education by Erie G. Stillwell, architect, of Henderson ville, and the contracts on these two structures, to be erected si multaneously this summer, is ex pected to be let in the immediate future, it is reported today. With the revised specifications, the buildings are expected to cost $140,000 each. The Rosenwald building will be constructed on the lot adjoining the present property, which will be used for a play ground. Most of the real estate and the stone for the outside have been secured and the structure will be similar to the Pisgah For est school building, Supt. J. B, Jones pointed out. As the school year ends on Sat urday, May1. 31, school officials point out that the past year has been the most historic one in the growth of the county school sys tem. Hampered for the past five years by war conditions, the re pair program in the various schools has been greatly curtailed, but during the 1946-47 term every school in the county has been re paired or remodeled to some ex tent. Last winter the school bond issue was passed making possible the beginning of the building pro gram which will effect every school in the county. The building and re pair program, which will be con —Turn To Page Six. CAMP SAPPHIRE TO OPEN SUNDAY Athletic Program Planned. Band Concert To High light Activities Camp Sapphire, popular play ground of the Ecusta Paper cor poration, will officially open for the 1947 summer season Sunday with a big “Family Day” program scheduled for the employees and their families of Ecusta, Cham pagne Paper corporation and End less Belt corporation, it is an nounced today. Two softball games, a tennis match and a band concert will highlight the opening day’s activi ties. The tennis matches, with the Lawn Tennis club, of Asheville, will begin at 1:30 o’clock, and the girls’ softball team, of Ecusta, will face Canton at 2:30 o’clock. Imme diately following the girls’ encoun ter, there will be a game between the Ecusta boys and the Champion “Y”, of Canton. —Turn To Page Twelve Transylvania To Be Represented At HD-Club Meeting A total of 40 home demonstra tion club women from Transyl vania county are expected to at tend the district meeting of Fed eration of Home Demonstration clubs which will be held at the Burnsville high school in Burns ville, next Tuesday, June 3, Miss Mary Margaret Robinson, home agent of Transylvania, announces today. The theme of the program will be “Better Health in North Car olina” with emphasis being placed on what the various home demon stration clubs can do to aid in the campaign, Miss Robinson stated* Mrs. Robert Cansler, Mrs. W. C. Morris and Mrs. Roy McCall will give a short skit on “Dairying in Relation to Health.”'

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