TRANSYLVANIA IS— An Industrial, Tourist, Educational, Agricul tural and Music Cen ter. Population, 12,241. The Transylvania Times A State And National Prize-Winning Newspaper And An A.B.C. Paper TRANSYLVANIA IS— The Land of Waterfalls, Mecca for Summer Camps, Entrance to Pisgah National Forest and Home oi Brevard Music Festival. Vol. 57; No. 39 ★ SECTION ONE ★ BREVARD, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1947* 16 PAGES TODAY A PUBLISHED WEEKLY NEW SCHOOL CONTRACT IS LET Bus Terminal To Be Moved Off City Streets PRESENT SYSTEM TRAFFIC HAZARD, ALDERMEN RULE Deadline Is January 1. Oth er Action Taken At Meet ing Of Town Board BUY GRADER, FLUSHER Buses operating in and out of Brevard will not be permitted to use city streets for loading or un loading purposes after January 1, 1948, the board of aldermen de cided at a special meeting Mon day night. The clerk was instructed by the city fathers to notify all bus com panies operating through Brevard of this action. For some time there has been considerable agitation against the practice of the bus companies us ing the primary street of the town as a terminal on the grounds that it creates a traffic hazard. Last year the chairman of the state utilities commission in formed the board that the bus companies would be required to build a station here when mate rials became available. Other Action The board agreed to purchase a “Trojan" motor grader from the N. C. Equipment company at a cost of $4,182.50. this sum being the lowest of three bids l’eceived. The same company was the lowr bidder at $3,117.10 for a street flusher. It will be necessary, Clerk Barker explained, to purchase a truck to mount the flusher on be fore it can be put into use. Melvin Smith was employed per manently by the board, having been on a tentative status since he became connected with the town a few weeks ago. Permission was granted to the county agent to hold a calf show —Turn To Page Four HOMECOMING AT ROSMAN SUNDAY Program Will Include Sing ing And Talks; Proceeds Will Go To Church The homecoming sponsored by Zion Baptist church, of Rosman, will be held at the Rosman high school auditorium beginning at 10:30 o’clock Sunday morning, with a number of outstanding quartets and directors present to take part on the program, according to W. L. Harmon, chairman of the ar rangements committee. Some of the groups expected to appear are: Hallelujah and Burke mont quartets, of Morganton; Can ton quartet, Cherokee quartet, Cherokee Indian quartet, Ecusta quartet, Stamps-Nelson quartet and Baker family, of Greenville, S. C.; Smith trio, Campobello, S. C., and a number of others from different sections. The morning session will be de voted to singing and a few short —Turn To Page Five +'—--"■■■■■■ ■■ ■■—«■—..—4 CALENDAR OF 1 EVENTS j i' .- — - —. . j. Thursday, Sept. 25 — Masons meet at Masonic hall at 8 p. m. Friday, Sept. 26—Home Demon stration club council meets in the county agent’s office, 10:30. Board of Directors of Kiwanis club, 7:00, in Gaither’s cafeteria. Buck Owen’s circus, high school field, for ma tinee and evening performances. Saturday, Sept. 27 — County teachers meet, high school, 10:00. Buck Owens’ circus, high school field. Sunday, Sept. 28—Attend the church of your choice. Monday, Sept. 29—Registration begins at Brevard college. Wednesday, Oct. 1—Rotary club meets, 7:00, Gaither’s cafeteria. Sam Snares Ocean Beauty SAM F. ALLISON, known in these mountains as one of the best deep sea fishermen in the sport, is pictured above with material proof of the claim. On his most recent trip to YVrightsville Beach, Mr. Allison landed the 12-pound bass, which he is holding, and sev eral of his friends say the fish tasted even better than it looks. (Staff Photo) Legion To Sponsor Buck Owens Circus Here On High School Field On Friday And Saturday Will Offer 26 Acts In Three Ring Event. Special Chil dren’s Matinee Offering 26 big circus acts. Buck Owens and his 3-ring circus and Wild West Revue will appear in Brevard on the high school ath letic field Friday and Saturday. There will be a matinee perform ance at 3 o'clock each day and evening programs beginning at 8 o’clock. A special children’s mati nee will take place Friday after noon at 4 o’clock. The circus and revue are being sponsored locally by Monroe Wil son post of the American Legion for the benefit of the memorial building which the post proposes tc erect here in the near future. Among the star performers be ing brought to Brevard is “Stormy,” world-famous motion picture horse and “Tony,” known as the chimpanzee with the hu man brain. “Tony” had lunch at Galloway’s cafe last Saturday and quickly attracted a crowd of spec tators, who observed the relish with which he ate and the ease with which he manipulated his knife and fork. Altamae Niquette, lady aerial gymnast, and Clifton Chapman, former Ringling Brothers clown, also have conspicuous places on —Turn To Page Four 50TH ANNIVERSARY TO BE CELEBRATED BY THE JONESES Relatives And Friends Are Invited To Open House Sunday Afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Soloman A. Jones widely known residents of Cedar Mountain, will have been married 50 years on September 26, and in celebration of their golden wedding anniversary, the Joneses will hold open house at their residence on Sunday afternoon, Sept. 28, from 2 to 5 o’clock. A large number of friends and the eight children and their fam ilies are expected to attend the oc casion and the Joneses extend a cor dial invitation to all to join in the felicitation Sunday afternoon. Married in 1897 under a spread ing oak tree on the North and South Carolina line near their pres ent residence, Mr. and Mrs. Jones have lived in this section during their entire wedded life, and all of their children, five sons and three daughters are still living. They are: Mrs. Annie Wickliffe, —Turn To Page Eight Second Rat Extermination Campaign To Be Conducted In County, October 14-16 A second campaign to extermin ate rats in Brevard and Transyl vania county will be conducted in October by C. L. Whitehead, Pre dator and Rodent Control Agent of the U. S. Department of the Interior Fish and Wildlife Ser vice, in collaboration with the county agent’s office here, J. A. Glazener announces today. October 14-15-16 are the climax ing days of the drive to push Mr. Rat and his family off the map in Transylvania county, Mr. Glaze ner states. “This can be done by giving him and his ever increas ing family plenty of good, juicy, attractive bait loaded with death in the form of Red Squill, which is non poisonous to persons, cats or dogs,” he said. Mr. Whitehead directed such a program here in the county four years ago when some 500 persons distributed 2000 pounds of bait in all sections of the county, in cluding the town of Brevard. Co operating at that time to make the campaign such a wonderful success were the neighborhood leaders, AAA committeemen, the entire school system, business men, industry and the town of Brevard. "No question but what these groups will give that same fine cooperation in helping to make this drive even more effective than the first one,” Mr. Glazener said. Extra reinforcements this time will be furnished by the fine —Turn To Page Four Tentative Plana For Festival To Be Submitted To Di rectors At Meeting November 21 was adopted as the opening date of the Christmas shopping season here by directors of the Brevard Merchants associa tion at a regular meeting held in the city hall Tuesday evening. President J. E. Trantham presided. C. M. Douglas was named chair man of the committee on arrange ments for the festival and will sub mit tentative plans at a dinner meeting of the board at Gaithers cafeteria on the evening of Oc tober 28 at 7:30 o’clock. Others se lected to serve on the committee with Mr. Douglas are Harold Bangs, J. M. Gaines, R. H. Plum mer and Charlie Disher. Any member of the association who wishes to attend the meeting ajid make suggesitons with reference to the annual yuletide observance will be welcome, Mr. Trantham said. Comment by merchants at the meeting Tuesday night indicated they are anticipating an enormous holiday business and are agreed that a strenuous effort should be made to attract shoppers to Bre vard. The directors veaed a. maximum sum of $50 'o finance a 4-H club calf show here on October 6 and President Trantham named a com —Turn To Page Five SIX LOCAL PEOPLE HURT IN ACCIDENT Taxi Collides With Another Machine From N. C. Near Johnson City, Tenn. Six local people are in a hospi tal at Johnson City, Tenn., with injuries suffered Sunday after noon about 3:45 o’clock when a Martin’s Taxi cab was in collision with another machine driven by Jim Arwood, of Burnsville, N. C., six miles beyond Johnson City on the Kingsport highway. Five oth ers were treated and dismissed. Charles Cox, a foreman at Ecu sta, suffered a broken knee cap and lesser injuries. His two chil dren, Terry and Sandra, were also seriously injured. Ray Buckingham, of Brevard, received a fractured shoulder and injuries to his neck, and Miss Helen Mullenix, of Bre vard, was cut and bruised. Herman Hemphill, who was driv ing the taxi in which these peo ple were riding, suffered a splin ter break of his left leg and se vere cuts about the head. L. D. Martin, owner of the taxi, returned Tuesday afternoon from Johnson City and said all of the victims of the wreck were doing nicely. According to Mr. Martin, Hemp hill was taking Cox and his two children to his wife’s parents’ home 14 miles beyond Johnson City. When he reached a cross roads near Boone’s high school, the car driven by Arwood attempt —Turn To Page Four George Justus To Re-Examine Drivers George M. Justus, of Brevard, has been named to the post of ex aminer for drivers’ licenses, and urges all persons whose last names begin with A or B to take their driving tests when he is at the courthouse each Thursday and Fri day and Saturday morning. Examiner Justus points out that these tests are not difficult, but must be taken by every driver who should not wait until the last min ute to get his license renewed. The deadline for the first two initials of the alphabet is January 1, 1948. Failure to take this re-examina —Turn To Page Fom Delegates Discuss U. N. Session GESTURING AS HE TALKS, Secretary of State George C. Mar shall is caught by the camera in an informal pose as he outlined plans for the United Nations General Assembly sessions to two im portant members of the U. S. Delegation. They are Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt (left) and Warren Austin. The assembly meets at Lake Success, N. Y. (International) Fire Prevention Week To Be Launched At Banquet Next Thursday At Country Club SEVERAL INJURED INTWOWRECKSON GREENVILLE H™ Man Jailed On Drunk And Reckless Driving Charge. Mishaps Last Sunday Several persons were injured and one car was practically de molished in two automobile ac cidents which occurred Sunday on the Greenville highway near Wil son’s bridge. Mrs. William Thomas Hanna, o£ Greenville, S. C., received a brok en arm and a possible fractured skull when the car ran off the road and turned over at the bridge about nine o’clock Sunday night. Her husband, who was driving, was placed in jail here on a drunk and reckless driving charge, according to Patrolman H. M. Morrow. Af ter being treated at the local hos pital, Mrs. Hanna was taken to a Greenville hospital. Arthur Waldrop, who was also —Turn To Page Five Week Of Safety And Pre cautionary Measures To Be Stressed By Firemen The observation of Fire Preven tion week in Brevard will get into full swing as early as Thursday, October 2, when the Lions, Ki j wanis and Rotary clubs give their I annual banquet at the Brevard Country club honoring the Brevard Fire Department. Nearly 150 per sons are expected to attend this annual event held before Fire Pre vention week begins, October 4. The week of safety education and fire prevention will be launched ! with a parade next Saturday after noon, October 4, beginning at the corner of Broad street and Morgan, continuing to the square and down West Main to the City Hall. Rev. B. W. Thomason, chaplain of the local firemen, will deliver a special sermon to the members of the department Sunday morn ing, October 5, when they attend services at the First Baptist church in a body. A demonstration showing the va rious uses of the fire fighting j equipment will be given by the —Turn To Page Four Shrine Club To Present Little Town Series Here This Fall And Winter i Under the sponsorship of the Transylvania Shrine club, the Lit tle Town Series, composed of sev eral of the world’s best speakers aijd entertainers, will be presented in Brevard this fall and winter. Providing that 300 tickets are sold in the immediate future, four programs will be given in the Brevard high school auditorium, one each month beginning in Oc tober and excluding December. According to Edwin L. Happ, who is in charge of ticket sales, addi tional programs will be given with the sale of lots of 75 tickets. The membership will be limited to 525, and tickets for the entire season will be sold at $2.50 each. The Little Town series is strict ly non-profit, officials of the Shrine club report, and the pro grams are being brought to Bre vard purely for entertainment and educational purposes during the winter months. The series is being presented in neighboring towns and the pro grams will be given in Brevard on a Saturday night each month. Carola Bell Williams, famous play wright, actress and producer will appear on the first program here and the other selected artists are: Chief Ho-To-Pi, famed Indian ten or, of Hollywood, Calif.; Sydney R. Montague, noted author and lecturer and former member of the Royal Canadian Mounted police; and Wallace, international ly known magician. FBKE-CARTER HAS LOWEST BID, TO BEGIN WORK SOON Building To Be Located Be tween Gaston And John ston On Ramseur Lot GOST $184,456 Construction on the new Bre vard elementary school building will begin in the near future with the work being done by the Fiske Carter Construction company, of Greenville, S. C., Supt. J. B. Jones announces today. At a joint meeting of the boards of education and county commis sioners Monday night here in the courthouse, bids to do the work were opened and the Fiske-Carter bid of $184,456.00 was the lowest The building will be constructed on a cost plus 10 per cent basis not to exceed the aforementioned figure. To Take Nine Months According to William T. Adams, of the construction company, the building should be completed in nine months, and work will be started immediately so as to com plete as much of it as possible be fore freezing weather. The new school building will be erected on the Ramseur lot be tween Gaston and Johnston av enues, and will be constructed of brick on tile. A two-story struc ture, the new school will have IB classrooms, a huge library, offices* first aid rooms, waiting rooms and toilets. The building will be so constructed that additional class rooms and an auditorium may be added later. The property is now being cleared and a portion of the lot will be used as a playground this fall and winter for the children at tending the Brevard elementary —Turn To Page Five TEACHERS TQ <1 MEET SATURDAY To Vote On NCEA District: Officers. Will Name Dele gates To Meeting At a county-wide teachers meet ing to be held at the Brevard high school Saturday morning at 10:00, Transylvania teachers will cast their ballots for North Carolina Education association officers from this district, Supt. J. B. Jones stat ed today. Delegates to represent Transylvania at the district meet ing in Asheville, in October, will also be named Saturday. In addition to voting on these officers Jones states that teachers will participate in a discussion of “Readiness in Teaching.” The su perintendent points out that this means the teachers must be shown the importance of creating an at mosphere or desire on the part of the student to learn a principle, and it can be done by giving ex amples of applications in everyday living. NCEA nominees for the offices which will be voted on are as fol lows: one nominee for president, —Turn To Pag- b our Stork Makes Many Stops At Hospital Here Since Sept. 16 A record number of babies have been born at the Transyl vania community hospital dur ing the past few days, Mrs. Gyp sy Kyre Perkins, the acting su perintendent, reports today. Since September IS, a total of 15 “bundles from/ heaven” have been delivered to proud mothers at the local institution and the boys have outnumbered the girls by the count of nine to six, it is reported. Mothers and infants are: Mrs. Lawrence Dixon, boy; Mrs. W. O. -Tan To Page Five

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