GARDENING (From Ffront Page Second Sec.) M. C. Whitmire home has been enhanced by an excellent plant ing of especially fine dahlias, surrounded by gladioli, larkspur and petunias. ' Laurels of the Month go to the ladies of Rosman—to Mrs. Joe E. Osborne for her magnificent dah lias, roses and gladioli ... to Mrs. Frantz Bishop, Mrs. Kay Collins, Mrs. E. H. Davis, Mrs. Paul Stroup, Mrs. Harold Hog sed, Mrs. Corriene Whitmire and many more of the Rosman Gar den club ladies for the breath taking beauty of colorful flower pots at their lots in the town to further the garden clubs project of beautification of Rosman. These ladies are to be commended for the floral beauty they have created, but most of all for such stately, beautiful white lilies . . . Congratulations to Mrs. Dorothy Paxton for the amazing abun dance and loveliness of glorious flowers in so bright warm colors. You certainly possess a “green thumb”, Mrs. Paxton. Something to remember: “Whatsoever time or life may bring, beauty lives on in spite of anything.” So long, gardeners! People South Of Mason-Dixon Line Dislike H. Wallace i _ (Elkin Tribune) One of the mistakes made to date by Henry Wallace in his cam paign to be elected President of the United States on the Progres sive ticket, was his tour of the Southern States. That his visit to North Carolina was greeted with eggs and tomatoes was unfortu nate for the good name of our people, but Wallace, if perchance he should pause and meditate up on it, should realize that he was n’t too wise in the course he took | while in the South land. ; Of course if Wallace desired to | stay in the homes of Negro citizens ■ while in the South, that is all right J by us. But it appears, things be ; ing as they are, that the Progres 1 sive candidate went out of his way | to do things to alienate the South ■ ern people. We cannot help but wonder if he, rather than attempt | ing to befriend the cause of the ; Southern Negro, wasn’t really us | mg them as a tool in his own par ticular brand of politics. He evi dently never heard of the old say ing: “When in Rome do as the Romans do.” 1 The reception Wallace received GROW the BIGGEST in Town... on PURINA HOG F ATEN A Man, oh man! Think of that pile of tasty ham, bacon and sausage you'll have next winter! For there’s lots of pork in each bag of Purina Hog ^ Fatena. And folks tell us A pigs really grow fast... and economical, too! So, if you want to raise the 'biggest hog in town/’ come in today for Hog Fat ena.' It’s a complete feed. WORM PIGS with Purina Pigtab Granules Just mix in the feed .. . pigs grow faster... takes less Hog Fatena, too! ( Give your Kens a laying boost with “top feeding’’ of Layena Checkers. You'll find it usually steps up production and holds it up over a long period of time. About 3 pounds (2 quarts) daily at nooi) and more just before roosting. Come in — let us show you how "top feeding" of Layena Checkers over maintenance requirements supplies the egg-making materials for up to 20 extra egos per dav from 100 hens. YOUR STORE WITH THE CHECKERBOARD SIGN To Conduct Revival Here Pictured above is Dr. F. M. Powell, pastor of the Calvary Baptist church, of Tupelo, Miss., who will conduct revival services at the First Baptist church here from September 26 through October 6. Services will be held daily at 7:45 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. On Sunday ser vices will be held at 11:00 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. I)r. Powell is said to be one of the outstanding ministers in the Baptist denomination in the South. For 20 years he was professor of church history at the Southern Baptist theological seminary at Louisville, Ky. He has served the church at Tupelo for a number of years. Hold Homecoming At Carson’s Creek Church This Sunday Homecoming services will be held at Carson's Creek Baptist church on Sunday, September 19, beginning at 10:00 a.m., it was an nounced today. A special service has been planned that will include singing and talks. The sermon will be preached by Rev. F. B. Clark, missionary for the associa tion. All friends, members and for mer pastors of this church are cor dially invited to attend. A picnic dinner will be served at noon. Morris Completes Basic Training Fort Dix, N. J., Sept. 16—Recruit Ellis H. Morris, son of Mr. and Mi's. O. Morris, P. O. Box 531, has completed Army basic training with the 39th Infantry Regiment of the 9th Infantry Division, Fort Dix, New Jersey, and will visit home before reporting to new as signment. Recruit Morris attended Brevard schools and enlisted on July 6. in the South was no doubt of great aid and comfort to Moscow. For whether he repudiates Communist support or not, the Communists have certainly not repudiated him. The evidenc* would tend to show they love him like a brother. Wallace was misinformed about : the South in more ways than one. I He seemed to be of the opinion j that all Southerners are existing j on a diet of cornbread and peas and are in a deplorable state of poverty. Of course we have our ‘■po’ folks,'’ but we doubt that conditions are any worse than in | the slum infested areas of the ! enlightened North. { Mr. Wallace, we think, would ! have been wise to have stayed i above the Mason-Dixon line and j to have left the South alone. Our ! people may be at odds with one ; another concerning Truman and Thurmond, but as far as Wallace is concerned, they are in complete accord — they want none of him! PORTER’S East Flat Rock Phone 1083-J Everything in electric motor rewinding and washing ma chine repair. Full line of re pair parts and every job guar anteed. k VARNER’S FOR PRESCRIPTIONS DON’T NEED IT A committee of zealous women approached a miserly old gentle man for a contribution to their pet project—fencing the cemetery. “Don’t need no fence,” was his reply. “Them that’s in it can’t get out, and them that’s outside don’t want to get in.” Hold Third Sunday Singing Sunday At Mt. Moriah Calvert The regular Third Sunday Sing ing convention will be held at Mt. Moriah-Calvert Baptist church this Sunday afternoon beginning at 2:00, it was learned here today from the president, Glenn Win chester. Among the outstanding trios that have accepted an invitation to at tend the singing event is the Wil son trio, of Pelzer, S. C. These singers were heard here at the Fifth Sunday convention held last May and were well received. Other trios, quartets and singing leaders have been invited to attend. The Mt. Moriah-Calvert church is located seven miles from Bre vard on the Rosman highway. The president extends an invi tation to all visitors and gospel music lovers to attend. The Fisher Reunion (From Front Page, Seco'io section) spread on the long table. I do not exaggerate when I say that was the most food I have seen on a table since I have been in North Caro lina and I confess I did a pretty good job of making a pig of my self. in fact. 1 helped myself so freely that I did not get around to the excellent barbecue that Sam Allison had prepared for the event. After we had gorged ourselves, j Mrs. Norton came up with what I she called her “register” and ask-1 ed us to put our names in it. She | explained that for weeks and years j afterward she looked over the ros- \ ter and thought about the names i he found entered there. What a sweet and gracious and thoughtful thing to do . . . to live those days over again by remembering those who were there! She told us she had another book completely filled with names. On the way up, we stopped at iW'alt McNeely’s store to ask direc tions. I immediately looked to see if there were any parking meters in front of his as he boasts, and found none. We tried to get him to go along with us, but he allow ed he couldn’t since he was feel i ing somewhat tuckered from hav- j ing spent a good part of the night before cutting wood to cook the barbecue. I think I can speak for all of our group when I say we enjoyed the reunion thoroughly. The »day was ideal, bright and balmy with just a suggestion of fall in the air and as we feasted pn those delect able rations we enjoyed them all the more because we felt we were genuinely welcome. When you think ot prescriptions, think of VARNER’S.—Adv. Does Your Home Have CHILLS AND FEVER? w IF SO ,, -cc A Famous XXSS.'Y Oil Ficor Furnace is a lure Cure Clean, healthful circulating warmth to every nook and cranny at finger-tip control, that's what a Kresky delivers. Floor or dual register models require as little as 30 ' under floor. No basement needed. Listed by Underwriters’ Laboratories, Inc. Best Known Name in Oil Heating SINCE 1910 Ask For a Demonstration ./] BROWN APPLIANCE CO. “Our Business — Service To You” Phone 472 Bromfield Bldg. I Ties that bind I * They’re more than just ties in Southern Railway track! They’re ties that bind neighbor to neighbor... friend to friend... ties that draw the family circle closer. They’re ties that bind the rich resources of the South’s forests, fields and mines to the productive wheels of its industry... ties that bind its ever-growing output to great consuming and distributing centers. i They’re ties that bind community to community throughout the South... making it one of the fastest growing industrial spots on earth ... bringing greater opportunity and a brighter future to all its people. Best of all, they’re ties that bind us to you. President SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM