TRANSYLVANIA IS— An Industrial, Tourist, Educational, Agricul tural and Music Cen ter Population 12,241 The Transylvania Times A State And National Prize-Winning Newspaper And An A.B.C. Paper TRANSYLVANIA IS— The Land of Waterfalls, Mecca for Summer Camps, Entrance to Pisgah National Forest and Home of Brevard Music Festival Vol. 58; No. 51 ★ SECTION ONE ★ BREVARD. NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1948 * 20 PAGES TODAY ★ PUBLISHED WEEKLY C. OF C. HOLDS IMPORTANT MEET *★★★★★★★★★★★★★* ★ ★★*★★*★* ★ * BOB BOLT NAMED JAYCEE PREXY Work Of Civic Group Dur ing. Past Year Is High lighted At Meeting Bob Bolt was elected president of the Brevard Jaycees at the meet ing Tuesday night in Gaither’s cafeteria. He succeeds Charlie Himes. President Bolt is superin tendent of grounds at Ecusta Pa per corporation. As a Jaycee, the new president has an outstanding record. He is a charter member of the local or ganization, served as vice presi dent in 1947 and secretary in 1943. Lloyd Burhans was elected first vice president, and Ray Swink, second vice president. Russ Poole was named secretary, and treas urer is George Perkins, Jr. The members of the board of directors are J. F. Cox, Doyle Wells, John Ford, David Sams and Charles Himes. New officers will be installed on January 11 at Gaither’s cafeteria. The new president announces that Jaycees will continue their civic projects in 1949, participat —Turn To Page Eight Times Will Publish Christmas Edition On Next Wednesday Next week The Transylvania Times will publish its annual “Christmas Greetings Edition,” and will feature appropriate messages from business firms, industries and individuals. All advertisers are urged to cooperate with The Times in preparing and getting their copy in early. The paper will go on the news stands at the usual time on Wednesday evening, Publisher Ed M. Anderson states. He also states that it is not too late to send The Times to friends as a Christmas gift. An attractive card, telling by whom the subscription is sent, will accompany the issue next week.