TRANSYLVANIA IS . . . An Industrial, Tourist, Educational, Agricul tural and Music Cen ter. Population 15,321. The Transylvania Times A State And National Prize -V/inning A. B. C. N ewspaper Calling THE TIMES? New Dial No. TU 2-4111 Call in the News Vol. 61, No. 51 ★ SECTION ONE * BREVARD, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1951 ★ 28 PAGES TODAY * PUBLISHED WEEKLY }}MW^nmnnn!niHi),unuf»{iu|^ip !l|!|(l!!U|!|!U!l|jU.L:.Uff1!l!R!«ff m. jjBpH! .. We would like to have a news break come alon& alike in significance unto the first Christmas. Not that the Bible does not narrate the story with clarity, &race and fervor. We just have a pro fessional—and reverent—interest in how the reporter would handle man’s salvation. He mi&ht interview the "voice crying in the wilderness” for background material. Front pa&es would be carrying Augustus’ decree that "all the world should be taxed,” a lead that mi&ht send the newsman to meet Joseph and Mary in Bethlehem. Or he mi&ht accompany the Wise Men, familiar with Herod’s awful command that they discover the Child for him. Civilization, incensed by the massacre of the innocents, would read with relief of their disobedience. Yesterday’s newspaper is dead news, but this "extra” would have lived forever. 145J— Church Membership In Brevard Is Greater Than The National Average MANY CHILDREN TO ATTEND PARTY Legion Sponsoring Event Thursday Night. Square Dance On Friday More than 500 boys and girls of Transylvania are expected to attend the annual Christmas party at the American Legion Memorial build ing Thursday night. Activities of the evening will get underway at 7:30 o'clock, and there will be candy and free refreshments ior all children attending. Santa Claus himself will be present, and highlighting the program will be the reading of the first Christmas story by Rev. J. Julian Holmes, pas tor of the Brevard Methodist church. In urging the children of the community to attend, Commander Charles B. Disher states that all boys and girls, regardless of wheth er their parents are legion or aux iliary members or not, are invited to attend. —Turn To Page Seven CALENDAR OF COMING EVENTS Thursday, Dec. 20 — Two cir cles of First Baptist church meet. Rotary club at Gaither’s club room, 7 p. m. Lions club, 7 p. m., Bryant house. American Legion children’s party at 7:30. Masons meet at 8:00. Friday, Dec. 21 — All county schools close for holidays. Judging for lighting contest, after dusk. Ki wanis meets, Bryant house, 7 p. m. Musical program sponsored by OES, high school, 8 o’clock. Square dance in American Legion building, 8:30. Saturday, Dec. 22 — Skeet’ shoot at Country club range, 10 a. m. American Legion dance 8:30 p. m. Sunday, Dec. 23 — Attend the —Turn to Page Seven Six Protestant Faiths And Catholics Represented. Baptists Largest By FRANCES WALKER As the 3,893 people in Brevard prepare to celebrate Christmas, more than 69 per cent of them will iook to their churches, since a sur vey conducted this week by The Times shows the total church mem bership in the town 2,723. It is comforting to note that the 69.66 percentage in Brevard, based on total population figures, com pares with the national figure of only 54 per cent. There is little way of determin ing how many of these members are active, but it can be assumed that the larger percentage of them are At a time when ministers and evangelists are urging a “Back to God” campaign many of the towns —Turn To Page Six NEW OFFICERS OF WOW ARE ELECTED Clark Is Consul Commander. Installation Set For Jan. 9th C. L. Clark was elected consul commander of the Balsam Camp, No. 116, Woodmen of the World at the last regular meeting here. The new commander and other elected officers will be installed on Wednesday night, Jan. 9, 1952. Others named in the election were: Alfred Galloway, past consul commander; L. A. Thomas, advisor lieutenant; LeRoy Mills, banker; J. Fred Taylor, recording secretary; George J. Newman, escort; Dr. Wil son Lyday, physician; Roy T. Mes ser. sentry; Clyde Sorrells, watch man; and J. I. Ayers, auditor. Masons Named Fullbright To Head Organization During The New Year Vernon P. Fullbright, assistant postmaster at the Brevard post of fice, was elected Worshipful Mas ter of Dunn’s Rock Masonic lodge at a stated communication held last Thursday night in the Masonic temple on East Main street. Mr. Fullbright is a 32-degree Mason and an officer in the Lodge of Perfection of the Scottish Rite bodies at Asheville. He is also vice president of the Transylvania Shrine club and holds his Shrine membership with Oasis Temple in Charlotte. He succeeds T. Ralph Parrish. Other officers elected were: The odore L. McCrary, senior warden; Briscoe Whitmire, junior warden; A. N. Jenkins, re-elected treasurer; and Henry R. Henderson, re-elected secretary. Officers appointed by the newly —Turn To Page Six VERNON P. FULLBRIGHT ! Transylvania Goes "Over The Top" In Hospital Drive, $77,360 Raised Here MERCURY DROPS IN COUNTY, LOW OF 5 IS RECORDED Snow Blanketed Transylva nia Last Friday. Sleet And Ice On Tuesday Transylvanians shivered this past week as the mercury drop ped to five degrees last Satur day and a low of eight was re corded on Sunday. Last Friday morning snow cov ered the entire county, but clear ing skies in the afternoon melted most of the silvery blanket by dark. On Tuesday morning a light lain turned to ice and sleet, al most halting traffic;. Again by noon the shining sun melted the i< e. The prediction by the weather man for the remainder of the week is continued cold. When asked if a white Christmas was in the offing, the weatherman replied: * uThat’s highly possible.” But he wouldn’t say for sure. SAVINGS AND LOAN PAYING DIVIDEND, INTEREST NOW 1% Some $21,000 Being Dis bursed To Total Of 1,043 Investors Semi-annual dividends for the past six months will be paid to stockholders of the Brevard Fed eral Savings and Loan association, and according to Jerry Jerome, the secretary and treasurer, interest is to be figured at the rate of three per cent instead of 2V2 per cent. Checks will go in the mails on Dec. 31st, Mr. Jerome states. Around $21,000 is being dis bursed to 1,043 investors, Mr. Je rome reports, and all savings at the Federal Savings and Loan associa tion are now drawing three per cent. The dividend this week is the 27th consecutive dividend the Bre vard association has paid. In addition to Secretary and Treasurer Jerome, other officers are: Joseph S. Silversteen, presi dent; A. F. Mitchell, vice presi dent; and Mrs. Rowena Summey, assistant secretary and treasurer. Local Woman Wins One Ton Of Flour Mrs. George J. Newman} of South Caldwell street, in Brevard, is winner of one ton of flour for placing third in a slogan con test sponsored by General Mills. In a jingle which began ‘I Like Red Band Flour Because,” Mrs. Newman finished the verse which won her prize. A letter from L. C. Scholer ad vertising manager, informed Mrs. Newman of her prize and stated that a salesman for Red Band flour would call on her at an early date to arrange for the de livery. A ton of flour is supposed to last an average family over a year. Several thousand entries were reported by General MUls in this contest. DR. COREY ENTERS SERVICE Dr. J. Hicks Corey, formerly as sociated with Dr. C. L. Newland, is now in the U. S. Medical Corps, stationed at Lackland Air Force base, San Antonio, Tex. Dr. Corey entered the service last week as a lieutenant and upon entering active service was promot ed to captain. Transylvania Becomes “Land Of Icicles” Transylvania, known of as “Land of Waterfalls” has been trans formed into a “Land of Icicles” by near zero temperatures during the past week. The above photo of JON E. ANDERSON was taken Sun day afternoon on the bank of the highway near Cascade lake as he pulled down a slab of of ice for a baseball bat. The current cold wave here will get worse before it gets better, the weatherman predicts. (Times Staff Photo) Brisk Christmas Business Is Anticipated, Churches Planning Yule Services, Two-Day Holiday Awarding Of Car Slated Monday. Bonuses Now Being Paid With only four more shopping days remaining before Christmas, local merchants are expecting brisk business during that period. The volume of holiday trade in Bre vard thus far compares favorably with that of last year and a num ber of merchants have reported in creases. The Christmas “buy-fest” will be climaxed Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock when a Pontiac Eight auto mobile will be awarded on the high school athletic field. A number of participants in the Holiday Trade —Turn to Page Twelve Much Cheer Work Being Done For Needv. Light ing Contest Underway The Christmas observance in Transylvania will be highlighted with special services at all the churches in the town and county, and Christmas day and also the 26th will be holidays here. Schools will close on Friday and classes will be resumed on Monday, January 7th. Several of the schools are planning special programs on Thursday and Friday, and the pub lic is cordially invited to attend the one here at the high school at 1:00 o’clock Friday. With the goal being to provide a —Turn To Page Twelve WPNF Program Highlights Hoffman And Band To Broadcast From Legion Building This Saturday Night The music of Eddie Hoffman and his orchestra will be carried over the airways of WPNF on Saturday night from 11:00 to 11:30, direct from the American Legion Memo rial building here. A large number of legionnaires and their friends are expected to attend this dance and the thirty minute program on the air will be carried through the remote facili ties of WPNF. On page eight, first section of this week’s Times, there’s a story highlighting the special Christmas programs to be heard over WPNF during the coming week, and all listeners are urged by station offi cials to keep tuned to 1240, for the latest in news, music, and drama. Other Programs The Brevard Kiwanis club is scheduled to present the civic hour on Friday morning at 9:30. On Mon day, the Brevard Lions are in charge of the program, while the American Legion will present the program on Wednesday. Here is the Farm and Home hour schedule for the coming week: Thursday, B. E. Keisler, Rosman FFA; Friday, W. P. Duncan, for estry service; Monday, M. H. Shu ford, Brevard veterans; Tuesday, J. A. Glazener and Wednesday, R. J. Lyday, Brevard FFA. —Turn to Page Seven FINAL DONATION MADE TUESDAY BY OLIN FOUNDATION Chairman Ramsey Issues Statement Of Apprecia> tion To Contributors PLAN EARLY WORK Transylvania is “over the top*” in the drive to raise $77,360, the county’s part of the $200,000.00 needed to build the Harry H. Straus Memorial wing to the Transvlva r.ia Community hospital. This good news was announced at a meeting of the building fund committee and the board of trus tees Tuesday night in the new ban quet hall over Gaither’s restaurant. Chairman Ralph H. Ramsey an nounced at the meeting that with all donations, and pledges turned in at that time a total of $68,860.00 h»d been raised. Ma"lt was at this point that R. <3L H||grton, treasurer of the Ecusta fflper corporation, announced that he had just talked with President John W. Hanes and that Mr. Hanes and the Olin foundation intended to see that the community got the proposed wing. “It is with great delight that I inform this group that a check for the remaining balance of $8,500.00 is on its way from the Olin founda tion,” Mr. Deyton reported He previously reported that the Straus foundation had sent in a check for $5,000.00. C. M. Douglas and Jerry Jerome reported that businesses, individ —Turn To Page Six TIMES TO CARRY 1952 FORECASTS Babson’s “Business And Fi nancial Outlook" Will Be In Next Issue The Transylvania Times wilt publish Roger W. Babson’s “Busi ness And Financial Outlook For 1952” in the next issue on Decem ber 27, Publisher Ed M. Anderson announces today. ‘'We bring this article to your attention because our readers de serve the best. Consequently, be cause of Mr. Babson’s outstanding record for accuracy in his Annual Forecasts—an average of 86 per cent for the past 15 years—we are publishing this feature to give you a preview of business and finance in 1952,” the publisher continued. Mr. Babson’s 1952 Outlook will contain 50 forecasts covering such important topics as: general busi —Turn To Page Twelve Times To Publish Next Week’s Paper Friday Afternoon The New Year’s greetings edi tion of The Transylvania Times will be placed in the mails and on the news stands next Friday afternoon instead of Wednesday evening, Publisher Ed M. Ander son states today. “This is being done in order that the people who produce the Times may have two full days off for the Christmas holi days,” he says. The Times of fice will be closed all day Tues day and Wednesday. “Every member of our staff joins the merchants, industries and individuals who have splen did Christmas greetings in thfe issue in wishing for every one a very Merry, Merry Christmas.** the publisher concluded.